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OBJECTIVE average out to yield a very accurate value.

Or, an

incorrectly calibrated device might yield precise but

 The determination of the density of water and inaccurate measurements.
saline solutions
 A comparison of the accuracy and precision Graphing. It is very common for scientific
of a graduated cylinder experiments to result in tables full of data. While it is
sometimes possible to come to meaningful
BACKGROUND conclusions from tables, it is often easier to discern
relationships between variables visually by using
Accuracy and Precision. appropriate graphs. A graph shows how one

The layperson might not distinguish between variable changes as another is varied. A graph
accuracy and precision, but to a scientist, they have should be designed to be easily read and
different meanings. Accuracy is a measure of how interpreted. The guidelines below should help you
close an experimental value is to the actual value. If prepare readable graphs.
Lab #2

you measure the circumference of a circle as 25.00 1. Collect your data. After you have it all in
cm and the diameter as 8.00 cm, the value of π that one place, you should have
results is 25.00/8.000 = 3.125. The value 3.125 has one independent variable (like time) and
a percentage error of: one dependent variable (like something you
[(3.1416-3.125)/ 3.1416] (100%) =0.53% measure as a function of time). Here are
The 0.53% disparity is a measure of the (in)accuracy some points we will use as an example;
of the result. we've measured position of a ball as a
function of time:
Precision is the reproducibility of the measurement time (s) position (cm)
or how closely the measurements agree with each 1 3.0
other. Precision is often indicated by the number of 2 3.4
significant figures. A measurement of 25.0 cm 3 4.8
should be more precise than a measurement of 25 4 5.0
cm as repeated measurements for the former should 5 5.3
fall between 24.9 cm and 25.1 cm whereas
measurements for the latter should fall between 24 2. Select logical scales that utilize as much of
cm and 26 cm. The values between 24.9 cm and the graph paper as possible. For many
25.1 cm are clearly closer together. graphs, the two axes will have different
sclaes. Each devision should represent 1, 2,
Although the most accurate values are usually the 2.5 or 5 units or some power of ten times
most precise and vice versa, there are exceptions. one of these units. Avoid the use of 3
Very imprecise measurements might by coincidence

General Chemistry 1 Lab #2 Page | 1

or 7 units/division or another number that makes it difficult PROCEDURE
to locate points. Be sure the scales are linear unless you
are doing a log or another function type plot. Unless A. Density of water.
extrapolating, the graph should cover only the range of The density of three different volumes of water measured
measurements on each axis. It is not necessary for the with a graduated cylinder will be determined and the
point 0,0 to be on the graph. mass of the water plotted against its volume.
1. Weigh an empty, dry 50 mL graduated cylinder to
3. Label your graph and your axes. THIS IS VERY your balance limits (0.01 or 0.001 g).
IMPORTANT! When presented with your graph, other 2. Add 10.0 mL of water to the cylinder. Remember,
people should be able to figure out what is plotted without the very bottom of the meniscus should just be
asking you. touching the 10.0 mL line. Add water to about the
Titles of graphs are usually "Y versus X"; so in this case, 9.5 mL mark and use a dropper to reach the 10.0
our title is "Position versus Time." (NOT position divided mL mark.
by time, or position minus time.) 3. Weigh the cylinder + 10.0 mL water. You can now
Labels on the axes must have units! So, in this case, the calculate the density of the water.
label on the x axis (the one on the bottom) should be
"Time (seconds)" and the label on the y axis (the one on
the left) should be "Position (centimeters)."

4. Plot your data. Now, go ahead and place your data points
on the graph. Make them big enough to be seen, but not
big enough to look like you were eating pizza while
making your graph.

5. If the points appear to fall on a straight line, use a straight

edge to draw the line that best fits the data. THIS DOES
NOT MEAN CONNECT THE DOTS! Only rarely will a
graph need to have the data points connected by a
jagged line. Usually, it is best to guess at a (straight) line
that goes as near as possible to as many points as Fig.2.1 Proper teachnique for determining the
possible. volume in a measuring cylinder.

4. Add water up to the 30.0 mL mark and determine

the mass.
5. Add water up to the 50.0 mL mark and determine
the mass.

General Chemistry 1 Lab #2 Page | 2

6. Calculate the densities of the tree total volumes. glass inside the pipet. Drain the pipet out the top.
7. As a beginning exercise in graphing, plot the Repeat the rinsing process twice.
masses of the water on the vertical scale versus 4. Draw water into the pipet until it is a few
the volumes of water on the horizontal scale. centimetres above the fill line in the upper neck.
Replace the bulb with your finger and wipe off the
B. Accuracy and Precision. outside of the pipet with a towel.
Triplicate determinations of the density of water will be 5. Slowly decrease your finger pressure on the pipet
made on 10 mL water samples measured with a opening until the water starts dripping out the tip.
graduated cylinder and also with a 10 mL volumetric Carefully control the dripping until the meniscus
pipet. Each 10 mL water sample will be weighed and the just touches the fill line (Fig 2.2)
density calculated. Average densities and average 6. Touch the tip of to the inside of a glass container
deviations for each measuring device will be calculated to remove the drop or partial drop hanging from
and the accuracy and precision of the graduated cylinder the tip.
and pipet will be compared. 7. Ensure there are no air bubbles in the tip and the
meniscus is still set correctly, drain he pipet into
Beaker the pre-weighed beaker allowing the water to
1. Weigh a 150 mL beaker to the balance limits. drain on its own. Do not use pressure to blow
2. Add 10.0 mL of deionized water to your graduated it out.
cylinder. 8. Touch the pipet tip to the inside of the beaker as
3. Transfer the 10.0 mL of water to the beaker and it completes its draining and hold it there for about
weigh the beaker accurately again. 20 seconds after draining is complete. Do not
4. Add 10.0 mL more of water from the graduated blow out the last half drop as the pipet is
cylinder to the same beaker and weigh again. calibrated to deliver 10.00 mL from the fill line to
Repeat the process a third time. Calculate the the last drop.
mass and density of each 10.0 mL portion. 9. Weigh the beaker again and then pipet 10.00 mL
more water into it.
Volumetric Pipet 10. Repeat the process one more time, totalling three
1. Weigh a 150 mL beaker to the balance limits trials.
2. Using a pipet bulb draw deionized water (not from 11. Calculate the mass and density of each 10.00 mL
the beaker you just weighed) into a 10 mL portion of water.
volumetric pipet until the water reaches the lower
part of the pipet bulge (Fig. 2.2). Average the trials for the graduated cylinder and then the Commented [MP1]:
3. Remove he bulb and quickly replace it with your three trials for the pipet. For the graduated cylinder,
finger. Tip the pipet to a horizontal position and determine the absolute value of the difference between
roll the water around being sure to wet all the each separate graduated cylinder density measurement
and the average value. These three values are the

General Chemistry 1 Lab #2 Page | 3

deviations of each measurements from the average. Now 1. Obtain a salt solution of unknown mass percent
average the three deviations to arrive at the average salt from your instructor. Rinse a 10.00 mL pipet
deviation. As you should be able to surmise, the average three times with the unknown solution and then
deviation is a measure of the precision of the transfer 10.00 mL of the unknown to a pre-
measurement. Mathematically the average deviation is weighed beaker.
not as significant as the standard deviation. While it is not 2. Weigh the beaker again and calculate the density
difficult to calculate standard deviations, we have chosen of the unknown.
to use average deviations here to simplify the treatment. 3. Use the data given in the results sheet to plot the
Find average deviations for the pipet measurements in density of sodium chloride solutions versus the
the same way you found them for the graduated cylinder. mass percent of sodium chloride in your unknown.
Use the graph and your experimental density to
determine the mass percent of sodium chloride in
your unknown.

Note that the densities presented of the salt solutions were

measured at 200C. Although densities are temperature
dependent, the values are accurate to three significant figures
after the decimal between 18 and 240C. If your solution
temperature is not in this range, there will be a slight error.

D. Relative density of liquid and solid phases of a

1. Pour about 5 mL of acetophenone into a 13x100
mm test tube.
2. Place the test tube in an ice bath until the
acetophenone is frozen solid.
3. Warm the test tube with your hand or a room
temperature water bath just sufficiently to be able
to slide the frozen acetophenone into a 18x150
mm test tube.
4. Add about 3 mL of liquid acetophenone, shake,
observe and record your observations and
measure the temperature of the system. Return
the acetophenone to the used acetophenone
Fig 2.2 Technique for filling and pipet
C. Density of a sodium chloride solution.

General Chemistry 1 Lab #2 Page | 4

5. Next, add some ice to water in a test tube and a) Calculate the density of the radiator liquid
shake and observe (if all the ice melts during b) Based on the calculation above, is the density of
shaking, add some more so that the test tube has ethylene glycol greater or less than that of water?
both liquid and solid water). Explain.
c) Use the graphs below to determine the mass
PRE-LAB QUESTIONS percent of ethylene glycol in the mixture and the
freezing temperature of this antifreeze mixture.
1. The mass of a 45.750 g piece of copper is measured
three times on two different balances with the following
Trial Balance 1(g) Balance 2(g)
1 45.747 45.76
2 45.745 45.77
3 45.748 45.74

a) Calculate the average deviation for each set of

measurements on each balance.
b) Which balance is more precise? Explain.
c) Which balance is more accurate? Explain

2. 25.00 mL of heavy water (D2O where D is a hydrogen

with a neutron in its nucleus) at 200C was pipetted into a
37.234 g beaker. The final mass of the beaker was
64.859 g.
a) What is the density of heavy water at 200C?
b) The density of normal water (the hydrogens do
not have neutrons) at 200C is 0.9982 g/mL.
Calculate the density you would expect for heavy
water by assuming that deuterium (2H or 2D) is the
same size as normal hydrogen (1H) when it is part
of the water.
c) Based on your answer to b), was the assumption
in b) justified? Explain your answer.

3. 15.00 mL of radiator liquid (water + ethylene glycol) from

a car has a mass of 15.69 g.

General Chemistry 1 Lab #2 Page | 5

4. A standard bowling ball has a diameter of 8.50 inches.
Ignoring the finger holes, what is the maximum mass in
lbs and kg that a bowling ball can have and still float in
water at 200C.

General Chemistry 1 Lab #2 Page | 6

REPORT SHEET- Density, Accuracy, Precision and Graphing

Name ________________________ ID#: ___________________ Date: __________________

A. Density of water
10.0 mL 30 mL 50.0 ml

1. Mass of graduated cylinder + water ______ ______ _____

2. Mass of empty graduated cylinder ______ ______ _____

3. Mass of water ______ ______ _____

4. Density of 10.0 mL sample of water ______ ______ _____

5. Density of 30.0 mL sample of water ______ ______ _____

6. Density of 50.0 mL sample water ______ ______ _____

7. Graph mass (not density) on the vertical axis vs volume on the horizontal axis.

8. The equation for density=m/v can be rearranged to m=dv

What is the meaning and value of the slope of the line?

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B. Accuracy and Precision

cylinder Pipet
1. Mass of beaker
__________ __________
2. After first addition
__________ __________
3. After second addition
__________ __________
4. After third addition
__________ __________
5. Mass of first 10 mL of water
__________ __________
6. Mass of second 10 mL of water
__________ __________
7. Mass of third 10 mL of water
__________ __________
8. Temperature of water in beaker
__________ __________
9. Density of water
__________ __________
a) Trial 1
__________ __________
b) Trial 2
__________ __________
c) Trial 3
__________ __________
10. Average density
__________ __________
11. Deviations from average
__________ __________
a) Deviation of Trial 1
__________ __________
b) Deviation of Trial 2
__________ __________
c) Deviation of Trial 3
__________ __________
12. Average deviation
__________ __________
13. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics value for the
density of water at the temperature of your __________ __________
14. Percentage error of your average density
measurement __________ __________

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15. Which volume measuring device was more accurate? Explain your answer.

16. Which volume measuring device was more precise? Explain your answer.

C. Density of a salt solution

1. Unknown number _________

2. Mass of beaker _________

3. Mass of beaker + 10.00 mL of unknown _________

4. Mass of 10.00 mL of unknown _________

5. Density of unknown _________

6. The densities of several water-sodium chloride mixtures are reported below. On

the accompanying piece of graph paper plot the density on the vertical axis and %
by mass of sodium chloride on the horizontal axis. Density and mass percent are
not necessarily linearly related. Draw the best appropriate straight line or curve
through the data.

% NaCl (by mass) density (g/mL)

0.0 0.998
5.00 1.034
10.00 1.071
15.00 1.108
20.00 1.148
25.00 1.189

7. According to your results and the graph, what is the mass percent of sodium
chloride in your unknown?

D. Relative density of liquid and solid phases of a substance

1. Report your observations on the liquid-solid acetophenone system.

2. Compare the acetophenone system to a liquid-solid system of water. Does one of

the systems differ from intuitive expectations? Explain your answer.

3. a) Temperature of liquid-solid acetophenone system _________

b) What significance if any, does the temperature of the liquid-solid acetophenone

system have? Explain your answer.

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