Towards Economic Reinforcement and Other Changes. Manifesto.

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Towards economic reinforcement and other

changes. Manifesto.

© # 280.672/2017

"Let people can invest their ideas, teaching people to create, instead of asking
and above all people to invest their dreams and see how the country's economy
will grow in an exponential manner".
Pedro Villanueva
“This is an interesting essay”
Ryan McMaken has degrees in economics and political science from the
University of Colorado and Chief editor Mises Institute. (Austrian economics,
freedom and peace)
“Much of it presently looks to be in note from and ranging very
Peter E. Earl (M.A., Ph.D., Cambridge) Associate Professor of Economics,
School of Economics. University of Queensland.
Interesting! Alessandra Cassar. Dept. of Economics. University of San


I spent years investigating how to improve the economy in low income

countries, countries in economic recession or developed countries in economic
crisis and I was wondering because everything was happening this. Until I
finally had a lighting, started writing and thought to put a name to this work;
the economy of positive reinforcement. A country that would apply the new
economic model of positive reinforcement, I bet that in a few years more is
notary exponentially the economic growth.
In psychology, learning is used for positive reinforcement the realization of
behavior is associated with getting a nice result. This does not have to be an
object, even tangible; food, substances, a smile, a verbal message or the
appearance of a pleasant emotion are liable to be understood as positive
reinforcements in many contexts.
The concept "positive reinforcement" refers to the award following the conduct,
while the positive reinforcement is the process by which the subject learning
performs the association. From a technical point of view we can say that there is
a positive contingency between a concrete response and an appetitive stimulus
in the positive reinforcement. Awareness of this contingency motivates the
subject to perform the behavior in order to get the reward (or reinforcement).
This is a new economic vision that uses positive reinforcement in all areas, and
let flow the economic growth to people with talents or creative.
On the words of positive reinforcement, because every positive reinforcement is
flexible and creative, according to the times, time, according to the market
supply and demand, sector and easing according to new inventions and
technologies would be used disruptive.
Economic and social enhancers will be used. For example reduction of taxes,
grants, awards, preferences, professional and technical assistance, donations,
Management level at the micro and macro of positive reinforcement and its
instruments would be favorable the Government or the country. As a mediator
and accelerator of economic development.
To define the conduct that want to increase in the micro, macro-economic,
social areas and support for the creative capital.
Choose and design amplifiers tailored to each micro and macro, event for each
event that promotes a positive social and cultural environment.

Strengthening continued
In the early stages of economic management is the type of reinforcement that is
more used to establish a strong association between response and stimulus
consistent or enhancer. This association is established, the reinforcement tends
to be more intermittent.


It is called continuous because the individual, identity, enterprise, institution,

etc. runs a desired instrumental response to reinforce behavior.
Variable interval reinforcement.
Obtain reinforce in this procedure will also depend on the time which elapses.
The difference with the previous is that this time is variable, responses are
reinforced if performed after a variable time interval from previous enhancer.
The following positive reinforcers are flexible, continuous and variable.
Depending on the situations, weather, environment, areas, sectors, etc.

Fast and easy steps for entrepreneurs and investors.

Creating effective monetary and fiscal incentives, and also from its solid
corporate environment and trade links. Create tax system that is much easier to
navigate. We must not pay payroll taxes, nor imposed by social security or tax
nor income.
Easy to start a company. Companies must apply for registration with in the
Office of online businesses (to obtain the identity number and the registration in
the general sales tax), for which only need one day.
Dealing with construction permits;
Limit the number of procedures required to obtain construction permits, as well
as also give approval service of health, work, etc. and connect services of
telephone, water, electricity, etc.
Registration of property;
It only takes two days and two steps to register the property, obtaining a land
information memorandum and recording a title via the Internet.
Facilities for obtaining credit and support for the protection of investors.
Payment of taxes;
The fiscal environment would be dominated by taxes on securities, which
significantly streamlines proceedings in businesses and enterprises.
The process of marketing in other countries.
Limit the number and time of documents to be prepared at the time of export
and import, which require an average of a few days to complete.
Contract compliance, procedures are quick and court costs are low, as well as
the time of procedures.
Resolution of insolvency
It takes 1 year to resolve the insolvency of agile and efficient way.


High speed patent.

Patents are expensive, bureaucratic and require much paperwork and lawyers.
It is necessary to eliminate all that. To achieve a positive reinforcement in
the patent economy. You must create a new law, that procedures are rapid is
two to three months maximum, cheap whose cost is affordable to the individual
with low income and access for everyone, including of any nationality, this
requires a supercomputer and Big Data system and even with the support of
Artificial Intelligence and the procedures to automatic and electronic level.
Simplify all tangles which apply for the Patent Office, which provides Data basic
and understandable for everyone.
What is an invention?
Invention is considered all human creation that allows transform matter or
energy that exists in nature, for use by man, and your specific needs. Shall be
patentable inventions which are new (novelty), result of an inventive and
susceptible of industrial application activity or personal applications.
Utility models are technical creations that affect the shape, structure or
Constitution of frequent and usual products attributed to the product forming a
greater utility than had before imposing this new way. It's an invention of lower
entity which are normally provided for and protected in the regulations on
patents in the various countries.
Utility models should not be mixed or confused with those formal amendments
to the object only trying to attract consumers and make more pleasant to the
product, without affecting its utility, because in this case we are within the scope
of the design industrial.
Patents are territorial rights, but the idea that achieving that it may be an
international process to apply for an international driving license. In general,
relevant exclusive rights shall become valid only in the country or region in
which the application has been lodged and has been granted the patent, in
accordance with the regulations of that country or region. However the patent
electronic and high speed allows could lead to an international patent to not
limit the investment of the invention or product created. For example in the
case of a country with low income, this patent can be applicable to other
The juxtaposition of known inventions or mixtures of known products, their
variation of use, form, dimensions or materials, unless actually concerned their
combination or merger in such a way that they cannot function separately or to
the qualities or These roles are modified to obtain an industrial result or a non-
obvious use for a technician in the matter.
The economy of positive reinforcement enables flexible system of mixtures of
patents for commercial purposes, for research and product development.
Avoiding the barriers to new ideas even if they are combined. Permitted as
patents also the development of software that in many cases and in many
countries are limited.


Damages of the patent system

Some of the usual arguments about the patent system social harms are:
Prevents the diffusion of innovations that slow down technological
It means monopoly to competition obstacles.
It makes it difficult to access for the countries impoverished new technologies.
Under incentive in research to establish a period of exclusive use of technology
without the need to improve it.
With the proposal of a high-speed patent, it allows internationalizing,
liberalizing and expediting procedures, and would oblige countries with less
production and income to create, invent, put ideas to develop their economy,
and with this effect, prevents illegal transfers of intellectual property by placing
the free competition of patents and ideas at international level, an effect similar
to the liberalization of prices that a negative price control would lead to disaster.
With the High Speed Patent, prevents all these defects and damages of the
bureaucratic system of patents.

The shortage.
The creation of scarcity considers that the hegemony of economic power over
other powers which reduce it or regulate, requires creating new markets of
scarcity: unemployment to reduce wages which does not solve the economy. The
commodification of public goods such as health education and safety, making
them inaccessible and expensive for a good part of the population
In economics scarcity is caused by several factors which fall into two categories:
The increase in demand.
The reduction or depletion of supplies and/or resources.
Among the increase in demand are overpopulation, population density or a
significant increase of this and the increase of capital power of the average
Between the reduction and depletion of resources, disruption of production is
by natural catastrophes or disasters caused by human beings and the economic
changes that alter the habits of spending and consumption.
Artificial scarcity
It is a type of shortage artificially created from assets that can be replicated
indefinitely. It is the case of those protected by intellectual property laws, which
generate monopolies on the use and exploitation of certain works of the human
intellect, thereby limiting competition.


It is said that an economic system is more efficient than another (in relative
terms) if it provides more goods and services for society using the same
economic resources.
Flexibility of positive reinforcement address the shortage. Lower taxes, lower
rates of interest on short and medium term, rapid elimination of customs tax,
demand the immediate recruitment of technicians and highly qualified experts
to resolve conflicts and address the shortage, subsidies to the public and
private companies that are rewarded for their effectiveness and speed
An incentive is something that encourages people to act and can be a reward or
a punishment. Rational people respond to incentives, since they make their
decisions by purchasing costs and benefits. An economist he even say that the
economy can be simplified in the following sentence: "people respond to
incentives, the rest is irrelevant".

The incentives are essential when discusses how markets operate. For example,
when the price of grapes increases, people decide to consume less grapes; at the
same time, producer resolves to hire more people, in order to grow more grapes.
A high market price encourages buyers to consume less and the producers to
produce more. The influence of prices on the behavior of consumers and
producers is of valuable importance to establish how a market economy
distributes scarce resources.
The authorities should not forget the incentives, because many of the measures
that alter the costs or the benefits faced by individuals and, therefore, their
Flexibility of positive reinforcement before incentives, the Government grant
special preferences to those who manage to produce more, good treatment in
the personnel, customers and those who manage to maintain stable prices, it
can be a small, medium or large company.
Trade can improve the well-being of the world and today we live in a globalized
world in which a country cannot be kept isolated with the rest of the world.
Flexibility of positive reinforcement in the trade. The Government makes more
flexible tax and gives preference to companies who need raw materials to
develop technologies and which are scarce.
Markets don't always move in perfect way (market failures). The State's
intervention can improve the results of the market. Although markets are
usually a good way to organize economic activity, this rule has two important
exceptions: sometimes it is important for the Government to intervene in the
functioning of markets by considerations of efficiency and considerations of
equity. Positive reinforcement is an excellent tool.


Although the markets tend to begin openly the efficient use of resources (a
company which does not, will have higher costs and therefore cannot compete
with those that if properly used its resources)
The market only by chance could produce a fair distribution of prosperity that
helps generate. A market economy will reward people according to their ability
to produce something that other people are willing to pay per use or consume.
Flexibility of positive reinforcement to market labor and social, it is a system
that practically to avoid inequality and not based on a regularization of prices,
nor forced action of wage increase by the dictates of the Government.
Conversely, discretionary increases in wages or the artificial generation of jobs,
only delay the process in the long term, which is doubly negative in an
environment of growing globalization characterized by persistent competition,
where this delay would represent a relative worsening compared to other
countries, which can determine gaps irreversible in the long term. When
enterprises increase salaries or wages and the Government notes that its
production and service is efficient. Grants preferences such as reduction of
taxes, grants, help in debt, reduction of rates of interest, etc.
When the Government is striving to increase the income of people, its policy
must be aimed necessarily at how influence the ability to produce goods and
services: the productivity growth happens by better education of the labor force,
by the resource of those physical and intellectual tools needed to produce goods
and services, as well as access to advanced technologies.
Flexible professional positive reinforcement and educational services: the
Government grants preferences and helps professionals seeking jobs, without
tripping over difficulties to save lost time. Support research and educational
Flexibility of positive reinforcement, to any individual who wishes to
investigate or research a product, service, or new invention with the tax cut,
support tax, rent concessions or lease. Grants facilitation of supplies and
materials. And also as intermediary service to assist individuals willing to
research or studies of their inventions to companies, universities and

Economy of inflation and prices.

An increase of the amount of money in the economy raises the total level of
expenditures, therefore, the demand for goods and services also increased, this
increase in demand is that companies raise their prices, but also encourages
them to produce more and this brings with it to hire more workers so that they
can produce enough, so unemployment decreases. That is why this economic
rationale puts us in a dilemma between choose inflation or reduce
unemployment which is what you want society as a whole.
Put us in the other situation, where a Government's economic policy plans to
reduce inflation and so reduces the amount of money in circulation. Is known


that long-term this will produce a fall in the general level of prices, but what will
happen in the short term? As prices are not adjusted immediately, and people
have less money to spend, so people buy less goods and services. This involves
lower sales, and hence lower production, by which firms hire fewer workers,
resulting in a rise in unemployment.
Quick easing of reinforcing positive before inflation and price. Indicates that it
should not be expected to decrees, or long bureaucracy to control inflation and
prices, you opt for rapid easing of positive reinforcement because when there
is inflation reduces the amount of money, but in an action short term and thus
allow that people can buy more goods and services. In this way the control of
inflation and interest rates should not be rigid, but flexible and momentary
action. Always wanted positive reinforcement while avoiding the negative
economic effects.

The standard of living of a country depends on the production of goods and

Would you explain these differences between the standards of living of different
countries and different eras? The answer is simple. Almost all levels of life
transitions can be attributed to differences between the countries productivity
levels; that is, the amount of goods and services produced for each unit of work.
In countries where workers are capable of producing a large amount of goods
and services per unit of time, the majority of people enjoy a high standard of
living. At the same time, in countries where workers are less productive, the
majority of the population leads a precarious existence.
Also, the rate of growth of productivity of a country determines the average
income growth rate. However, is a mistake there are many countries that
produce and get few income. The reason is the lack of opportunity to leave to
workers that can create, innovate and be rewarded or valued. I have seen
experiences of creative workers who work with routine workers and pay them
the same wages and treat them even worse. Talent, creativity, ideas is a taboo
subject for many countries that want to produce a lot and not get anything.

The fundamental relationship between productivity and standard of living is

simple, but its implications are of great importance. If productivity is the main
determinant of the standard of living, other explanations have secondary
The relationship between productivity and the standard of living has also
profound implications on public policy. When we think of a measure will affect
living standards, the key question is how will affect this measure our ability to
produce goods and services. In order to increase living standards, policy makers
should increase productivity, ensuring that workers have a good level of studies,
have the tools needed to produce goods and services, and may have access to the
best existing technology.


In this case nothing serves that you have a good level of study and work much,
its performance is equal to or worse. To increase the level of production must
have good flexibility and work excellent climate, be heard by their bosses, have
mobility and opportunities that can provide, salary increase, delegate other
major tasks, when your level of production and creative contribution helps the
company salary increases, it should not be a salary fixed and rigid, but dynamic
and changing. Hence the easing of positive reinforcement to productivity and
employment, the Government grants preferences, reducing taxes, concessions,
etc. to any productive enterprise and labor quality.
In this way increases the production and work quality. Also develops a
preference in positive reinforcement workers who produce and can create
more, not overtime, but in quality of labor service. To be valued and heard. So
create a flexibility of positive reinforcement in the production business and

Offer and demand business

The offer of the company.
The second constituent element of the pricing is a good offer. The offer is the
quantity of an economic good that producers will put on the market (given the
level of prices and production costs). In the same logic of the demand, it can be
assumed that the producers offered greater or lesser quantity of product based
on its price: at higher price offered more quantity and less at a lower price.
The elasticity of the offer indicates the degree of response of the amount offered
to changes in price. Its most significant determinant factor is the time, which
are set three variants:
• In the short term, the company will not react to increasing their production
before the price rises, since normal will not have the necessary resources.
Flexibility of positive reinforcement to startups or in crisis. The Government
provides relief, such as reducing tax and preferences so that enterprises with
difficulty might react, but under the condition of re-design its internal policy,
the Government grants support technicians and professionals to get the
company of the crisis or that they could not react before the situation, however
this reinforcement only is granted only once.
• In the medium term, maybe not may vary its dimension, but yes to get a more
intensive use of available resources.
• Long term can change its dimension, allowing you to respond with higher
yields to price increases.
Therefore, a longer period of time, the greater the elasticity of the supply.
In addition to the price, there are other factors that influence the quantity
offered: the prices of production factors, production costs, the technological
level, the existence of substitute products, the Organization of the market, etc.


The demand of the company

The concept of demand expressed what quantities of a commodity is willing to
acquire a different prices for the same consumer. In general terms, you can set
that, at retail price, the quantity demanded will increase.
There are two exceptions to this course: the goods of first necessity, whose
demand is very little affected by the price increase, and luxury goods, that
demand regardless of its price. It can be said that you for normal goods, the
demanded amount has a specific relationship with your price: increases when it
decreases, and decreases when the price increases.
Quantity demanded of a good does not always respond equally to changes in
prices. In some cases, a small change in price results in a significant alteration
in the demanded amount, while at other times it barely affects them.
The demanded quantity of a given well not depends only on its price. They will
have to be taken into account other factors that determine it, as the price of
other goods, the income and wealth of consumers, tastes and fashions that affect
its desires, habits of consumption and much other incidental or subjective
factors of different nature.

Bootstrapping high speed.

The bootstrapping is a term from the English that refers to start something
without resources or with very few resources. In the area of business, it means
to exercise any entrepreneurial activity with little or no capital, undertaken only
with media that are within easy reach (a garage, an old phone, etc.).
Lack of funding may limit the growth of the project due to lack of investment.
It reduces the time of maturation in the creation and management of projects,
since it is necessary that these revenue-generating quickly.
Difficult access to certain commercial operations that require having a financial
The project or the company to the swings of the market and the economic
situation makes more permeable.
To avoid this major problem will be money with the creation of a Fund for
support of the bootstrapping. Is divided into two stages
1) With the donation of funds or money to the idea or proposal, service, to create
the product or prototype.
2) Granting of credit at low rate of interest and fees in the long run, when the
idea has been applied as a product, service or prototype.


Only apply for the description of the idea or proposal of product, service, etc. To
eliminate cumbersome applications for business plans, marketing plans, or
bureaucratic projects hindering entrepreneurial ideas.
Also would create the International funds of Bootstrapping, for those persons of
other nationalities who have a great idea but it has no access, no support. In
contrast to the bureaucracy of the applications and forms, paperwork, of
organizations and international foundations or financial identities constitute a
brake on the progress of their ideas.
To create an International Fund of Bootstrapping applied the motto is to
treat well around the world with the mind open to all good ideas coming and
from where it comes and support them or respond in less than 15 working days.

Economic efficiency
Efficiency is maximum (using the maximum of resources and all increase their
well-being) When are the advantages of the free market with the intervention
of the State as regulator of the flexibility of positive reinforcements. Given that
allow you to combine the advantages of the free market with the participation of
the Government (through monetary policy, fiscal policy and other policies) to
counteract the economic cycle and thus increase efficiency economic. - It is
argued this combination is what gives the best result for all members of society
strictly material both in freedom issues.
At the microeconomic level, the debate mentioned among proponents of laissez
faire and regulation or intervention to reduce imperfections and failures of the
market, is expressed at several levels.
Everyone accepts in principle to develop the argument, skills that are
established and/or reflect effort and personal sacrifice. You can even provide
that such competitions lead to an overall improvement. But a competition
allowing traps, etc., would be not only unfair but that could hardly be
questioned. In other words, competitions require an institutional framework to
actually produce results beneficial (much better how fair). From this point of
view, government intervention is not only an acceptable cost for the increase of
freedom and justice, but an indispensable condition for increasing economic
efficiency, to the extent that the Elimination of traps and other injustices
promotes the effectiveness as main route of success. Easing of positive
reinforcement is a modern and effective tool.
Creation of a law or decree pushing the idea. (Push Idea)
Undertaking, institutions, universities etc., who denies a minimal cooperation
or a response and support, orientation to them requesting support by email or
phone call. The applicant can sue the institutions that they ignore your letters or
contact. The institution will have to justify to Government identity because it
does not respond to the request of support from the applicant. This law opens


doors to many new ideas that previously stalled by institutional indifference and
thus allows to give more opportunities and grow the economy. As the basis of
the economic success of a country is to support and push ideas of others that
request them, regardless of title, class, creed or nationality, the important thing
is the Idea.

Tax and efficiency.

A tax system is more efficient than another if you get the same amount of
income to one lower cost for taxpayers. What is the cost of taxes for taxpayers?
More true cost is own payment of taxes. This transfer of money from the
taxpayer to the Government is a necessary fact in any tax system. At the same
time, taxes generated two fees that a policy tax well designed tries to avoid or at
least reduce:
Deadweight losses that result when taxes distort decisions people make.
Administrative burdens that taxpayers tolerate to comply with tax laws.
An efficient tax system is one that generates less deadweight losses and small
administrative burden.
Dead weight losses
Individuals respond to incentives, and that includes those offered by the tax
system. If the Government taxed the pizzas with a tax, people eat less pizza. If
the Government taxes the land, people live in smaller houses and spend more of
their income on other things. If the Government taxed wages, people work less
with little motivation.
The loss of dead weight that causes a tax is the reduction of the economic well-
being of taxpayers that surpasses the amount of revenue obtained by the
Government. Deadweight loss is the inefficiency that created a tax when people
distribute their resources based on the tax incentive instead of taking into
account the true costs and benefits of the goods and services that buy and sell.
This flexibility of the positive fiscal reinforcement will be very modern and will
not be slow or bureaucratic, it will always be renewed in the short term and to
the sectors that need incentives.
The administrative burden.
The administrative burden of any tax system is part of the inefficiency that
creates. Numerous contributors, especially those who pay many taxes, hire tax
lawyers and accountants to help them with their obligations. These experts in
complex tax laws prepared returns for their clients and help them to organize
their affairs so that the amount to be paid is reduced. This behavior is a legal
form of evading taxes, which is very different from illegal tax evasion.


The resources used to enforce the tax laws are a type of dead-weight loss. The
Government receives only the amount of tax paid. In contrast, taxpayers lose
not only that amount, but also the time and money invested in document,
calculate and evade taxes.
The administrative burden of the tax system could be reduced if tax laws are
simplified. The problem is that this simplification is usually politically difficult
to implement. Most of the people willing to eliminate fiscal gaps that contribute
to others, but few are willing to eliminate that benefit them. In the end, the
complexity of tax laws is the result of the political process, since some taxpayers,
each with special interests, they lobby for their cause and that happens in many
Flexibility of positive reinforcement to fiscal policies. Reinforce all preference
Government eliminate all negativity, expedite all fiscal process using
supercomputer and artificial intelligence, simplify and create automatic tax
payments, simplify papers and extensive paragraphs on the declarations and
payments of taxes, a tax system is created by degrees of colors quick and easy
processing via electronic and automatic.

A competitive market
Companies in competitive markets.
A competitive, sometimes called market perfectly competitive, has two features:
There are many buyers and sellers in the market.
The goods offered by different vendors are basically the same.
As a result of these conditions, the actions of a single buyer or seller in the
market have a negligible effect on the market price. Each buyer and seller take
the market as price.
When there is free entry and exit in a competitive market, this is a powerful
force that helps to establish balance in the long term.
The long term: the market with inputs and outputs
Consider what happens if companies can enter and exit the market. Suppose
that all have access to the same technology to produce good and equal access to
the market of inputs for production. Therefore, all current and potential
companies have the same cost curves.
Decisions on entering or leaving the market depend on the incentives facing
owners of existing businesses and entrepreneurs who could establish new
enterprises. If the companies that handle on the market are profitable, new
companies will have incentives to enter the market. This entry will increase the
number of enterprises, develop the offered amount of good and will reduce
prices and benefits. On the contrary, if the companies operating in the market


have losses, some will be market. His departure will reduce the number of
companies, contract the offered amount of good and will increase prices and
profits. At the end of this process of input and output, the companies that
continue to operate in the market will have zero economic profits.
In particular, when businesses are competitive and maximize their profits, the
price of a good is equal to the marginal cost of producing it. In addition, if
companies can enter and leave freely on the market, the price is also equal to the
lowest average total cost of production.
The easing of reinforcing positive that it supports competitive markets,
according to the positive reinforcers that applied to the efficient and
productive companies with good labor system and contribution to the capital
of knowledge and creative.

Pushes Laisez Faire or Push Laisez Faire.

Creation of law that limits all bureaucratic or institutional and financial obstacle
to initiate an idea, you should remove bureaucratic, institutional or financial
obstacles as request for academic or University titles, origin, nationality, etc.
Requirements, paperwork and business plans, marketing plans, projects or
Apply and more apply and fill out complicated forms hindering all thrust
towards the Laisez Faire. The important thing is the originality of the idea and
as a contribution to economic development. Push Laisez Faire, which pushes to
stop flowing and make ideas freely and the development of entrepreneurship in
all areas.
Many people spend years in the University with the intention of having a good
future. There are people who are born with the gift of hitting him to the winning
number and overnight become successful and millions of dollars, people in
some cases without even having higher education, here is a list of some of the
most successful people in the world and as arrived to achieve this without a
university or master's degree.
Tomas Edison had no college degree, Nicolas Tesla did not complete his studies,
Pablo Picasso, not completed or the first year of University. To mention great
figures who have never had university degrees as; Walt Disney, Henry Ford,
Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Woody Allen, Leonardo Di Caprio, Mark
Zuckerberg, James Cameron, Ralph Lauren, Tom Hanks, etc.

Efficient labour market.

One of the essential pillars is the efficiency of the labour market, which
measures, among others, contract and wage flexibility, the dismissal costs, the
effects of taxation on incentives to work, as well as the relationship between
wages and productivity.


I think that the efficiency and flexibility of the labour market are essential to
ensure an increase in productivity in our businesses, which would increase if the
company provides a system of incentives so that all give our best effort on the
jobs, but geared to objectives and policies set by the address. Businesses must
have flexibility to change what we do in our operational processes and at low
cost, in such a way that it allows wage fluctuations without much social
disruption. Similarly, efficient companies also must ensure to have clear
incentives to employees. These factors should have a positive effect on the
performance of workers and therefore in the productivity of the company.
The flexibility of labour positive reinforcement, the Government grants
preferences such as reduction of taxes, some support, awards, etc. Companies
that manage to motivate, encourage employees a good working environment
and the award for the contribution of their ideas. In this way the workers
produce more and companies will benefit.
Although there are no standard solutions applicable to all companies, if there is
improvement tools or methodologies that help to analyze, define, and
implement, increase productivity in processes that seek excellence in the
performance of our services or in the manufacture of our products; in this vision
as the capacity analysis, flexibility, reduction of costs, quality and delivery times,
are that is without a doubt necessary boost to improve productivity and
Flexibility of positive reinforcement to the improvement of the standards of
productivity. All productive and service innovation will be strengthened by the
Government to raise the level of production more quickly and as an incentive
for the company and that can set an example for other companies or
What are the indicators that are considered in this dimension? For example as
cooperative or confrontation nature of labour relations, degree of flexibility in
wage fixing, degree of flexibility to hire and fire workers, dismissal costs, effects
of taxes on incentives to work, relationship between wages and productivity,
professionalism of management positions, ability to retain talent, ability to
attract talents, and labor force participation of women.
The law requires companies to install "Councils" with business representatives
and workers. While participation in the directories schemes ensure the
involvement of employees in strategic decisions of investment, incorporation of
technology and reorganization plans, these committees seek to ensure a fluid
flow of information and consultation with employees on aspects related to
employment, hours of work and the financial information of the establishment.
Easing towards the positive reinforcement in the technological
implementation, safety and effectiveness of companies. The Government also
offer incentives, preferences to these companies which meet these standards.
Companies that do not meet these standards simply do not have any positive


Monetary System.
The basic monetarist idea lies in analyzing whole total money demand and
money supply. It is assumed that economic authorities have capacity and be
able to set the nominal money supply (without taking into account the effects of
prices) and both control the amount that is printed or coined as well as the
creation of bank money; but individuals and company have the freedom to make
decisions about the amount of actual cash that wish to obtain.
The natural rate is not intact. If banks lend at a lower rate, the savings will fall,
there will be excess demand and prices. Vice versa, if banks require on this
natural rate on their loans, increase savings and there will be a decrease in
investment and demand in general, which will decrease the prices
To the extent that prices remain unchanged, the bank interest rate should last
without change. If prices rise, the bank interest rate must rise and if prices fall,
the interest rate should be decreased and now maintained at the new level until
a new modification of prices demand a new change of interest in a direction or
the other.
It is based on the proposal that the monetary authorities must have a proactive
attitude, intervening to prevent the occurrence of situations which can
degenerate into crisis: is much better regulate the credit constantly to avoid the
two circles vicious (inflation or deflation) could be seriously. In practice an
active monetary policy means that the central bank (or monetary authority)
should participate in financial markets (for example, buying or selling
currency); varying interest rates and requirements of Bank reserves, etc. with
the intention to change both the amount of circulating as to end interest rates to
maintain the steady national income.
That the rate of profit (or real interest rate) depends on two factors: the will of
saving or "postpone consumption" of society and the "rate of investment
opportunity" (which depends on the technological levels and available natural
resources). At one end, all resources are used to consume at present. On the
other hand, are all used to invest (consume in the future) the balance is set to
that point in which both trends are equal. Be conceived then the real interest
rate (or rate of profit) as the prize that individuals demand to postpone their
Although the central bank, independent banks and financial identities and
Government are separate identities, the Government can influence the
monetary system with the flexibility of positive reinforcement, when monetary
behaviors are optimal. To ease interest rates in time is short or medium term,
avoid excesses of confidence, or interest rates that are not suitable for the
consumer or adversely affect monetary circulation or excess of debt. The
Government creates a policy of easing of positive reinforcement, and reduction
of tax preferences to the central bank or banking and financial identities that
operate with transparency and efficiency that do not affect the monetary
system or the consumer.


Any fiscal policy or monetary policy should only be attributed in relation to the
effects to the main function of the State: promote economic growth. In relation
to this objective, the search for balance is, the more secondary. Because the
State has the power to issue money. In addition, expenditures of the
Government generate income for the private sector, while taxes reduce the
disposable income of private.
When government spending exceeds tax revenues (there are budget deficit),
there is a net addition to the disposable income of households and businesses.
Part of that extra wealth is deposited in banks, in the form of savings accounts
that become interest at a rate that fluctuates between the profit rate and the
State, or basic interest rate as banks use those both deposits to finance
investment to keep deposits in the central bank or to buy State bonds, which pay
interest. Thus, the private sector becomes to be richest in an amount at least
equal to the deficit of the Government.
I doubt that the policy of flexibility of positive reinforcement, can create a
fiscal deficit, due to tax cuts, however, is very different from the common fiscal
policy, for example in the United States, because it is very flexible, fast-acting
and according to each sector, institution, company, area and it happens that
not everyone will have the same benefit. The aim is to multiply the level of
production, investment, inventions, patents, creativity, research and
development and improvements in the system of labour both small business,
entrepreneurs, and companies. The flexibilities of positive reinforcement is a
new and modern vision.

Financial markets.
Financial assets are those titles or accounting entries issued by the economic
units, which are a way of keeping wealth for those who have them and a liability
for those who generate it. Financial assets, as opposed to real assets, not
contribute to increasing the general a country's wealth, since they are not
counted in the GDP of a country, but yes to contribute and facilitate the
mobilization of the real resources of the economy contributing to the real
growth of wealth. The characteristics of the financial assets are three:
Financial markets are the mechanism or place through which an exchange of
financial assets occurs and their prices are determined. The system does not
require, in principle, the existence of a particular physical space where
exchanges are made. Contact between players operating in these markets can be
set different telematics forms, by telephone, through auction or online. Nor is it
relevant if the price is determined as a result of an offer or demand known and
specific for each type of asset. Functions are:
Put in contact to economic agents that intervene or participate in the market, as
for example savers or investors, with financial intermediaries, achieving that
both benefit.
Fixing and regulation of prices.


They provide liquidity to the assets.

Reduce the time and cost of intermediation.
Regulators of the financial system
Bodies or institutions supervise compliance with laws by parliaments, as well as
the regulations issued by the financial system's own regulators. These rules are
purpose ensure the proper functioning of financial markets, and the whole of
them is called financial regulation. For the performance of its objectives can
impose sanctions (for example, a stock market regulatory Commission can
suspend the quote of a stock market value if you make acts not permitted in
exchange of that value).
Financial intermediaries
Financial intermediaries are all institutions specialized in the mediation
between lenders and borrowers of the economy, transforming a portion of the
primary assets in indirect or secondary assets that are most suitable to the
demand of the last of the economy savers. Financial assets are issued by the
economic units in order to cover its deficit, these assets may be acquired directly
by savers last of an economy. However, as developed financial systems, financial
intermediaries, a series of institutions or companies that mediate between
agents with surplus and deficit, in order to reduce costs which have appear in
the obtaining funding and facilitate the transformation of assets elsewhere.
Intermediaries come into contact individuals or identities that have resources,
with those companies that need them. You have to balance willingness to invest
with the need of the companies. Financial intermediaries (credit institutions -
such as banks, savings and credit cooperatives, leasing entities, entities of
official credit, etc.) receive money from surplus spending units, while these
intermediaries They offer companies more long-term and resources of an
amount superior to the one received by a single unit of expenditure surplus, so
that it performs a transformation of the resources received by individuals or
Financial intermediaries may be classified in non-banking and banking, the
latter are characterized by any of its liabilities are liabilities monetary i.e.
banknotes and demand deposits, accepted generically by the public as a means
of payment. These institutions can generate financial resources, not restricting
to perform a simple function of mediation
The performance of the financial intermediaries allows you to reduce the risk of
different financial assets through diversification of investment portfolios, and
can also get a performance of their portfolios long-term superior to that
obtained by any individual agent leveraging the economies of scale arising from
the management of the same.
The volume of financial resources that handle makes possible the acquisition of
assets of any face value that may be unattainable for individual savers.


Financial intermediaries may have more information, more complete, fast and
reliable on the evolution of the markets than individual investors.
They allow to take advantage of economies of scale in the transaction costs.
Brokers allow to adapt the needs of lenders and borrowers, the transformation
of the terms of operations. They gather resources to more short-term.
On financial education for a proper financial system
A proper financial education depends not only on the citizens of a country, but it
also depends on the interest generated in people and Government institutions to
improve and clean up their finances.
Flexibility of positive reinforcement to all market and financial intermediary
that meets these standards, different positive reinforcers that increase the
financial quality can be designed. In addition to these measures although they
exist in many countries, but adding the policy of reinforcing positive expedites
the financial quality of the institutions.
Rules and standards of financial discipline.
New obligations for debt responsible for recruitment.
Creation of a single public record more transparent financial obligations.
Establishing a system of alerts of public debt for States and municipalities.

Cognitive economy and intellectual property.

This has an impact on the cost of production of knowledge becomes uncertain.
Use of this value is not already fixed point on which to base the mercantile
value. One of the ways in which the control is conducted in this area is linked to
the practical capacity limit its free diffusion, or is limited by legal means -
whether patents, copyrights, licenses, contracts - or monopolists, the possibility
of copying mimic, ' reinvent ', learn knowledge from others.
Human capital. Its capabilities, attitudes, skills and knowledge that every
Member of the company contributes to this, i.e., form individual assets, and
non-transferable. This capital cannot be owned by the company
Organizational capital. Include all the elements of internal organizational type
that puts into practice the company to perform its functions in the most optimal
manner possible. Among these can be mentioned databases, tables of
organization, process manuals, individual property (patents, trademarks or any
intangible element that may be protected by intellectual property rights), and all
those things whose value for the company is more than the material value.
The management technique of the present, as a result of previous has developed
interest in intellectual capital, creativity, innovation and organizational


The value of a business is moving more and more of the intangible fixed assets:
brands, franchises, patents, research programs, software ideas, experience.
Until now it begins to awaken interest in companies in measuring this active,
which helps create an increasingly large gap between the book value and market
value; this change is most dramatic in the wide technological companies
(internet, software, biotechnology etc.).

We can say that the factor that makes the difference is the intellectual capital.
For this purpose we make a description of the elements that make up the
intellectual capital.

The management of knowledge and intellectual capital.

Knowledge management is an almost indispensable element in the task of
innovation and creation of added value in companies, given that such
management is the fundamental value on which are structured the competitive
advantages of the organizations. In this small work is intended to address
general aspects of the knowledge management and its relationship with the
Intellectual Capital as a key link to raise the corporate development of any
By which knowledge management?
At the beginning of the 1990s, the advance of the knowledge management in
enterprises was not always entirely satisfactory, however, despite tools available
the information was considerably multiplying and putting at our disposal on the
Technology, information and communication (technology ICT) because
according to preliminary studies available information already in our world
doubles every two months.
Today, those concepts will have approximate very visibly each other in the
business world, to enter into synergy with the emerging figures of the new
Executive and the new worker, also very specifically with the idea of lifelong
learning, and of course with the need to innovate and, ultimately, with the
evolution of the economy.
But can also talk about other changes in course, and closely related to the
previous ones. For example we can mention:
· Learning and development (lifelong learning movement).
· Informational skills (information literacy movement).
· The need for innovation (innovation movement).
· Critical thinking (critical thinking movement).
· The economy of knowledge (knowledge management movement).
In this way, contemporary capitalism presents a knowledge economy where the
activities of creation, adaptation, dissemination and depreciation of knowledge
they have grown at a very fast pace. In this knowledge economy is structured a
new industrial development pattern where emerging new industries (software


and telecommunications) and the traditional are rejuvenated by the productive

application of new technologies.
At the political level, employers-salaries relations have been forced to change
according to the demands of these new conditions. The economic policies of the
countries--mostly the developed countries--have been aimed at investment in
research and technological development, education, health care and the
establishment of national systems of innovation as a key element for the
development of the country.
The profitability of knowledge is possible only when this has been encoded,
transformed into codified knowledge (model, general rules, etc.) and being
available to ensure that any agent work, in its individual or collective benefit.
The creative economy.
The creative economy and creative industry is the sector of the economy that
involves the generation of ideas and knowledge. The concept covers essentially
the culture industry (art, design, architecture, advertising, entertainment food)
and the knowledge economy (education, research and development, high
technology, information technology, telecommunications, robotics,
Nanotechnology, aerospace).
It is an economy or society in which people cares and reflects on your ability to
generate ideas, which is not limited to go to the office from 9 to 5 to make a
work routine and repetitive, as it has been doing for years either in the field or
in the factories. It is an economy in which people, wherever you are, talking with
friends, having a drink, waking up at four in the morning, think that you can get
an idea that works really, and not just an idea for the mere pleasure of
Howkins is considered the father of the creative economy and it can be said that
by "creative economy"
The creative economy has characteristics that distinguish it
• Products are distinguished by their unique qualities, and not only for its
functionality and price.
• Possesses a great uncertainty about which products work and which want
• The rapid progress of knowledge and society make the factor time is crucial.
• Creative workers value strongly the reason and meaning of his effort, beyond
economic and social credit.
• The creative economy requires a multidisciplinary approach.
To give a creative economy workers, it requires a system of effective education
and a context of cultural diversity.
The creative economy is an economic development tool that is based on the
generation of new ideas. They promote the development and economic growth,


mainly the generation of employment, exports, social inclusion and cultural

diversity, among others.
For many years have been generated economic goods from innovative ideas. But
the end of creative economy, is fairly recent, since only in 2001 it was exposed
by the author John Howkins in his book the creative economy: transforming an
idea into profits.
One of the most important features of the creative economy, is the livelihood of
its development in the general culture, since it creates a fusion between the
same and the economy, thus exploiting the values and principles that both have
to offer.
The creative economy, opens a very range of possibilities; since meetings of the
technological objectives of the creative economy sectors, as well as the
procurement of resources, by means of ideas and proposals with products
created in favour of the consumer.
A way in which creativity is defined is that process which generates an idea after
being generated and turns into concepts of value, the use of already existing
ideas to create new.
The value currently given to ideas related to the creative economy allows to
have a larger picture of understanding global growth and dissemination. Hand
are trade in goods and creative services.
Flexibility of positive reinforcement to the knowledge economy and creative
economy. Every company, institution, and even associations, groups,
individuals working towards a knowledge economy, towards a creative
economy and towards the development of the innovation, research
technological, cultural and creative products for both private and public.
Positive reinforcement is granted as loans with low rate of interest, donations,
tax rebate, and concession of land, goods, supplies, support and technical


Bibliographic inquiries:
1-The Knowledge Economy (Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy)
December 3, 1997 by Dale Neef.
2-Brilliant Economics: Making sense of the big ideas (Brilliant Business)– 11 Jul
2013. by Phil Thornton (Author). Amazon. Com
3-The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas – 7 Nov 2013
John Howkins.
4-Principles of International Investment Law – 13 Feb 2013
By Rudolf Dolzer (Author), Christoph Schreuer (Author).
5-Patents and Cartographic Inventions. A New perspective for Map History
Authors: Monmonier, Mark. Palgrave Macmillian publisher. 2017.
6-Bootstrapping Your Business: Start and Grow a Successful Company with
Almost No Money. – June 7, 2007 by Greg Gianforte.
7-Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System, Second
Edition. – October 5, 2008. by Barry Eichengreen.
8-Science and Human Behavior– 1 Mar 1965 by B. F. Skinner. Amazon. Com
9-The Economist: Economics 4th edition: Making sense of the Modern
17 Sep 2015 by Richard Davies (Author).
10-Labour Economics and Public Policy. Managing the Labour Markets for
By (author): Soon Beng Chew (NTU, Singapore) ISBN: 978-981-3202-24-5


Pedro Villanueva was born in Havana, 1974. He graduated from the San
Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts. Then he exhibited his works of art in Europe,
Belgium, France and Romania.
He comes to settle in Chile and was nationalized. He works in the city of Punta
Arenas as manager of cultural projects and art educator for the community.
In Chilean Patagonia, he studied economics and contemporary philosophy for
five years, with online libraries from the University of Paris, London, Madrid
and Santiago de Chile.
In his research on modern society and analyzes the dialectical philosophy of
Hegel and Karl Marx, but with technological development, from his point of
view, dialectical philosophy is obsolete. Write an innovative thought known as
the Pluslectic philosophy, which is in line with today's world and vision
towards the future. Published in the Institute of Emerging Ethics and
Technology IEET. Boston. USA.
Attached article about Pluslectic philosophy published in January 2016 by


Pluslectic - the Dialectic of Positive Feedback

What is the pluslectic? From Latin plus (“more”), added and positive.
A philosophical method that differs from the classical dialectic of
Hegel and Marx. Pluslectic philosophy values the input of the positive
facts of growth throughout the world.
First think what happens with society and history. Our world over
time since the beginning of civilization has been almost dystopian,
as said Slajov Zizek; […]” The real thing is a grain of sand that
prevents us from a functioning unimpeded; a shock traumatic that
disrupts the balance of the symbolic universe of the subject.’ [1]
With the development of capitalism, develops also nihilism; It refers
to a “belief” or faith that all values are meaningless or useless and
that nothing can be really known or communicated, since that
humans can never know the truth and should leave social deception.
Nihilists believe in these 3 things:
1. There is not reasonable proof of the existence of a “Supreme ruler”
or a “creator”.
2. The “moral truth” is unknown.
3. The ethics universal is impossible.
Nietzsche says the following: “what matter to me others? others are
only human, be superior to humanity by the force, by the temple, for
contempt… ” [2]
This vision of society poses a neoindividualism of type narcissistic
and, moreover, what Lipovetsky called; The second individualist
revolution. The post-Structuralists of with the deconstruction
of Derrida and Paul Virilio with his thought of the aesthetics of
disappearance where speed rules in the political, economic and
cultural of human existence.
I’ll explain the evolution of the concept of modern dialectic in the
main figures of the philosophers Fitche, Hegel and Marx.
For Johann Gottlieb Fichte: I, the subject is derived from all and the
principles logical of the identity and denial, to assert themselves
self-begets opposition “not me” and both are subordinated to a
principle of total unity. As well as the self comes into contradiction
with himself and positioned the not me, eliminates this opposition by
limiting both flows an endless process and which is formulated in the
dialectic triad : thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. [3]
The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel applies the
term dialectic to his philosophical system and its logic focused on
the future, contradiction and change, which replaces the principles of
identity and non-contradiction, by the incessant transformation of


things and the unity of opposites. Hegel thought that the

evolution of the Idea occurs through a dialectical process, i.e., a
concept confronts its opposite and as a result of this conflict, rises a
third synthesis. The synthesis is more loaded with truth than the
previous two opposites. The work of Hegel is based on idealistic
conception of a universal mind that, through evolution, aims to reach
the highest limit of self-consciousness and freedom. [4]
The German philosopher Karl Marx applied the concept of dialectic to
the social and economic processes. The so-called
dialectical materialism of Marx is often considered as a revision of the
Hegelian system. This proposed a solution to a widespread problem of
economic ends through three concepts: thesis, antithesis, and
synthesis. The first was the source of the problem in this property
of the capital concentrated in the class bourgeois. The second class
proletarian creator of the Value with your work and stripped of all
means of production. These two will give as a synthesis the
communism, social ownership of the means of production. [5]
Let’s meet the general systems theory and its importance, with the
advance of technology exposes its complexity when compared to
the modern dialectic.
The General systems theory was conceived by Ludwig von Bertalanffy
in the 1940’s, in order to form a practical model for conceptualizing
the phenomena that the
mechanistic reduction of the classical science could not explain.
In particular, general systems theory seems to provide a unifying
theoretical framework for the natural sciences and the social, needing
to employ concepts such as “organization”, “whole”, globalization
and “dynamic interaction; the linear is replaced by the circular, none
which was easily understandable by the analytical methods of the
pure sciences. Individual lost importance to the interdisciplinary
approach. [6]
During the 1930s, Wiener works with doctors and engineers and
examines the parallels between human beings and electrical systems.
As a result of such research, they
begin to have important concepts of feedback, studying more closely
those systems that incorporated them.
These concepts of feedback, by which information was introduced to
machines, led to the emergence of Cybernetics as the adaptation
different from the mechanistic
theory. The circularity and feedback processes are passed to the
common elements of entire system, and Wiener called them “anti
entropic local phenomena”.
The behavior of a driver’s car on a road would be a clear example of
negative feedback, since driver would receive information from the


limits of the road that could produce correcting deviations with the
steering wheel. The thermostat would be another example of
negative feed-back, to which we referred to above.
Any feedback would take into account the information on past
actions, and with them would decide further actions to follow,
creating a structure more complex than
the linear circular causality.
About Feedback:
In this type of chain, each link is modified and changes its interaction,
and this modification occurs in a circular process known as feed-back
loop (feedback loop). Graphically, we can represent you in the
following way:
We can find a similar to the previous example. Thus, a spider that
paralyzes a fly with his Stinger is involved in a process of spending a
fixed amount of power from “a” to “b”; a jellyfish stinging a human
hand can participate in a feed-back loop from “a” to “b” and “b”
(hand minced) back to “a” (in the form of circle). In the first model
the effect of “a” on “b” not returned to the system (a + b); in the
second, the message part of the affected “b” (production) and
returned to the system (a + b) as feed-back (received power). The
General systems theory believes that transactions are circular and
create spirals of Exchange progressively more complex.
Feedback can be positive or negative.
FEEDBACK (feedback) positive: growth of differences - “snowball”...
left to her same leads to the destruction of the system.
NEGATIVE feedback: (thermostat) leads to an adaptive behavior or
having a purpose, a purpose.
In both cases, there is an anointing of transfer by means of which the
received energy is converted into result, which in turn, is
reintroduced into the system as information about the result.
In the case of negative feedback, the system uses this information to
activate their homeostatic mechanisms and to reduce the deviation of
the production system and thus maintain their “steady state”.
In the case of positive feedback, the information is used to activate
the mechanisms of growth (morphogenic) that lead to a disruption of
homeostasis and a movement toward change. I.e., the positive
feedback serves to increase the deviation of the production.
Therefore, when a system uses negative feedback, the system is
auto-corrects and returns to the initial state. (do not change). When
a system uses positive feedback, the system goes to another State


Andréi Korotáyev (Андрей Витальевич Коротаев, born in 1961) is an

anthropologist, economist, historian, and sociologist, with important
contributions to the world system theory and mathematical
models of social and economic macrodinamic.
Andrey Korotayev’s major contributions belong to four areas:
Mathematical models of the dynamics of social, economic and
historical (cliodynamics)
In the field of the Clio dynamics proposed one of the most convincing
explanations for the doomsday argument of Heinz von Foerster
In collaboration with his colleagues Artemi Malkov and Daria
Khaltourina showed that, until the 1970s, the hyperbolic growth of
the world population was accompanied by a hyperbolic growth of
second degree of the GDP world, from which developed a series of
mathematical models who both described this phenomenon as the
Theory of world system, the correlation between the hyperbolic
growth of the world population and the hyperbolic of second degree
of global GDP growth, observed until the early 1970’s, corresponds to
a positive feedback (positive feedback or positive feedback is one of
the mechanisms of feedback by which outcomes or outputs of a
system cause cumulative effects at the entrance, in contrast with
the negative feedback where the output causes subtractive effects at
the entrance.) Contrary to what you may believe, positive feedback,
is not always desirable, since the positive adjective, refers to the
mechanism, rather than the result.) Non-linear second-order between
demographic growth and technological development that can be
explained according to the sequence:
•→ increase technological growth of the load capacity the planet
→ population growth → more people → more potential inventors →
acceleration of technological growth → acceleration of the increase of
the carrying capacity of the planet → faster population growth →
acceleration of the increase of potential inventors → faster
technological growth → increasing the capacity of the Earth to
support people… and so on. On the other hand, his research
has shown that since 1970 the world system never develops
hyperbolic its development diverges more and more than the “regime
of inflation” and currently is moving “from singularity”, rather than
“toward singularity.”

Marshall Goldsmith (March 20, 1949) is an American leadership coach

and author of management-related literature.Pioneered the
personalized use of the Feedforward as a leadership development
tool. FeedForward assessment tool was created by Marshall
Goldsmith with the intention of providing to individuals, teams, and
organization of suggestions that help them, in the future, to make a


positive change in their behavior. There is a fundamental problem

with all types and forms of feedback: focus on the past, on what has
already happened not in the infinite variety of opportunities that
could happen in the future. As such, the feedback can be limited and
static, rather than dynamic and expansive. The FeedForward of
Marshall Goldsmith helps you to predict and to focus on a positive
future, not in a frustrated past. Trained athletes using ‘feedforward’
(future feedback). The basketball players are taught to see the ball
going into the ring and imagine the perfect shot. To give your ideas
on how you can be even more successful, the FeedForward evaluative
tool from Marshall Goldsmith can increase their chances of success in
the future.
Marshall Goldsmith
The pluslectic method is converted input, on the theory of the
system, such as a positive as the feedforward and feedback positive
Korotayev front loading. The dialectical process evolves through
concepts, hypotheses, ideas and where the entrance is always
positive (Feedforward) accompanied with growth feedback positive
system, where the outcome of a positive feedback is one greater
amplification which makes a small-signal a major change in the
status of the system. Amplification grows in exponential systems
general first-order or second order hyperbolic way.
So evolution creates breaks in a positive and fast. From one system
to another system and are open to differences are not controlled by
negative feedback and closed and negative feedback. Where is the
entropy of the system common.
The pluslectic is a philosophical view of how to operate a model of
thinking of high civilizations of aliens or humans in the future, which
would tell you as plus humans if occurs with huge advances in
engineering biogenetics, to reduce all the emotions and negative
thoughts, where even before any negative eventare capable of pre -
feed positively, with a vision of feedforward.
The pluslectic is a concept that is defined with the post humans highly
developed, as opposed to the concept of dialectic, of the 19th
century, and 20, still in the generation of the great tales of
humankind. Post modernism and modernity late, of the 21st century,
are in crisis of change as a stage for the birth of new
concepts according to the future.


[1] The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) Slajov Zizek.
[2] The Antichrist. F. Nietzsche
[3]. Basement of all the doctrine of Science (1784) Johann Gottlieb
[4] The phenomenology of spirit 1807. G. W. Friedrich Hegel
[5] Capital 1867. Karl Marx
[6] General System theory: Foundations, Development, Applications.
1968. By George Braziller

Korotayev A., Malkov A., Khaltourina D. Introduction to Social
Macrodynamics. Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends. Moscú, Russia
Publishers, 2006
Korotayev A., Malkov A., Khaltourina D. Introduction to Social
Macrodynamics: Compact Macromodels of the World System Growth.
Moscow: Russia Publishers, 2006;
Korotayev A. V. A Compact Macromodel of World System Evolution //
Journal of
World-Systems Research 11/1 (2005): 79–93.
Markov A., Korotayev A.Phanerozoic marine biodiversity follows a
hyperbolic trend // Palaeoworld. Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2007,
Pages 311-318;
Markov A., Korotayev A. Hyperbolic growth of marine and continental
biodiversity through the Phanerozoic and community evolution //
Journal of General Biology. Volume 69, 2008. N 3, pp. 175–194


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