Nearest Vector Modulation Strategies With Minimum Amplitude of Low-Frequency Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillations For The Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter

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10, OCTOBER 2013 4485

Nearest-Vector Modulation Strategies With Minimum

Amplitude of Low-Frequency Neutral-Point Voltage
Oscillations for the Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter
Georgios I. Orfanoudakis, Student Member, IEEE, Michael A. Yuratich, and Suleiman M. Sharkh

Abstract—This paper investigates the problem of low-frequency

voltage oscillations that appear at the neutral point (NP) of a three-
level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter. Starting with a de-
tailed analysis of their origin, the paper derives the minimum am-
plitude of these oscillations that can be achieved by nearest-vector
(NV) modulation strategies. It then proves that the criterion of
the direction of dc-link capacitor imbalance, which is commonly
adopted by NV strategies for performing the task of capacitor bal-
ancing, poses a barrier in achieving this minimum. A new criterion
is proposed instead, together with an algorithm that incorporates
it into existing NV strategies. For the case of NPC inverters oper-
ating as motor drives, the resulting reduction in the amplitude of
NP voltage oscillations ranges from 30% to 50%. The approach
has the advantage of avoiding the significant increment in switch-
ing losses and output voltage harmonic distortion, caused by other
methods. Simulations in MATLAB-Simulink are used to illustrate Fig. 1. Three-level NPC converter.
its operation and verify that it offers the claimed benefit.
Index Terms—Capacitor balancing, nearest-vector (NV) modu-
lation strategies, neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter, neutral frequencies and achieve an increased efficiency, while generat-
point (NP) voltage ripple. ing a lower total harmonic distortion (THD) (three-level) pulse-
width-modulated (PWM) phase voltage waveform. On the other
hand, the NPC topology has the disadvantages of higher switch
I. INTRODUCTION and driver count, as well as having to cope with dc-link capacitor
HE three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter imbalance [6].
T (see Fig. 1), invented three decades ago [1], is currently
the most widely used topology in industrial medium-voltage
The dc link of the NPC converter consists of two capacitors,
C1 and C2 , connected at the converter neutral point (NP), shown
applications [2]. Its advantages over the traditional two-level in Fig. 1. The design and operation of the converter are based on
converter are expanding its range of application to low-voltage the assumption that the voltages of the two dc-link capacitors,
systems, such as photovoltaics (PV inverters) and low-voltage vC 1 and vC 2 , respectively, are kept approximately balanced,
motor drives [3]. Major power module manufacturers have re- that is, equal to Vdc /2, each. Equivalently, the NP voltage vNP
cently started producing three-level NPC modules to meet the defined as
increasing demand [4], [5]. Compared to the two-level topology, vNP = vC 1 − Vdc /2 (1)
the NPC converter is built using modules with half the voltage
rating, which decreases the total amount of switching losses in this study (see Fig. 1), is assumed to be kept approximately
[3]. The converter can therefore operate at higher switching equal to zero. Capacitor balancing is an essential requirement
for the NPC converter, since voltage imbalance beyond a certain
extent causes voltage stress on the overcharged capacitor, as well
as on the converter modules that switch across it. In addition, the
Manuscript received June 6, 2012; revised October 24, 2012; accepted
December 9, 2012. Date of current version March 15, 2013. This work was imbalance distorts the output PWM voltage waveform, unless it
supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K., is compensated by the converter modulation strategy [7], [8].
and TSL Technology Ltd., Ropley, U.K. Recommended for publication by As- Voltage imbalance can appear in two forms during the oper-
sociate Editor J. R. Rodriguez.
G. I. Orfanoudakis is with the Electro-Mechanical Research Group, Faculty ation of the NPC converter: 1) as a voltage deviation, typically
of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton, appearing during a transient (see [9]); and 2) as a low-frequency
SO17 1BJ, U.K. (e-mail: voltage oscillation during the converter’s steady-state opera-
M. A. Yuratich is with TSL Technology Ltd., Ropley, SO24 0BG, U.K.
(e-mail: tion. The first type of imbalance will be referred to as transient
S. M. Sharkh is with the Electro-Mechanical Research Group, Faculty of imbalance, while the low-frequency dc-link capacitor voltage
Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton, oscillation is widely known as the NP voltage ripple. A system
SO17 1BJ, U.K., and also with HiT Systems Ltd., Southampton, SO17 1PX,
U.K. (e-mail: front end providing two separate dc sources of Vdc /2, each, con-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2012.2236686 nected at the NP, can be a solution to the balancing problem.

0885-8993/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


triangles defined by the dashed lines. The vectors at the vertices

of this triangle form a set that can be used according to (2), to
create VREF . For a given VREF , these are also the “nearest
vectors” (NVs) on the SV plane. In Fig. 2, for example, VREF
falls in the shaded triangle, so the NVs are 210, 221, 110, 211,
and 100.
The modulation strategies for the NPC converter can then be
divided into two categories. A strategy can be characterized as
an NV strategy if, in order to form the reference vector, it is only
allowed to select among the respective NVs [26]. Otherwise, if
it has the freedom to use additional vectors, it can be char-
acterized as non-NV strategy. Examples of NV strategies are
the nearest-three-vector (NTV) and the Symmetric modulation
strategies, described in [10], as well as the strategies described
in [17]–[21], whereas examples of non-NV strategies are the
NTV2 modulation [14] and others [15], [16], [23]. At this point,
Fig. 2. SV diagram for a three-level NPC converter. The NP current corre- it can be noted that the well-known NTV strategy is simply a
sponding to each vector is shown in parentheses.
member of the family of NV strategies, which has the additional
restriction of using only three of the NVs during each switching
However, in the typical case, when the NPC converter is sup- cycle [10].
plied by a single dc source, such as a 12- or 18-pulse rectifier, As shown in [6], NV strategies can only eliminate the NP
the task of dc-link capacitor balancing, or simply NP balancing, voltage ripple for a certain range of values of load power angle
has to be solely carried out by the converter modulation strategy. ϕ and converter modulation index m. These values define a zero-
This paper proposes a new concept for the modulation of ripple region on the ϕ–m plane. When the converter operates
the NPC converter, according to which a family of modulation outside this region, a low-frequency voltage ripple appears at
strategies can be created. These strategies offer the advantage the NP. Non-NV strategies have the advantage of achieving NP
of generating the minimum possible NP voltage ripple, without voltage ripple elimination throughout the converter operating
affecting the converter’s rated switching frequency or spectral range (i.e., for all values of ϕ and m). Nevertheless, the use
performance. The following section places the proposed strate- of non-NVs introduces additional switching steps to the NPC
gies in the context of the state-of-the-art modulation strategies converter, which increase its effective switching frequency. The
for the NPC converter, providing further details for the contri- effective switching frequency fs,eff can be defined in addition
bution of this study. to the converter’s switching frequency fs (which determines the
duration Ts of the switching cycle), and be used in relation to
A modulation strategy for the NPC converter should be capa- average number of switching steps per Ts
ble of bringing the capacitors back to balance after a transient fs,eff = fs · . (3)
imbalance, and minimizing the NP voltage ripple during steady-
state operation. Several strategies have been proposed to fulfill Conventionally, when the converter is modulated by a con-
these requirements, using either a space vector (SV) [10]–[16] tinuous carrier-based strategy, each of its three legs switches
or a carrier-based [17]–[23] implementation. The analysis pre- exactly twice (rising–falling or vice versa) during every switch-
sented in this study uses the terms of space vector modulation ing period. Hence, six switching steps take place in total during
(SVM). However, it encompasses carrier-based strategies, since Ts , and therefore fs,eff = fs . By appropriately defining their
there is a well-known equivalence between the two ways of switching sequences, NV strategies can also operate with an
implementation [21], [24], [25]. average of six switching steps per switching cycle, and thus
The SV diagram for a three-level NPC converter with bal- achieve this value of fs,eff . Furthermore, less steps per cycle, and
anced dc-link capacitors is illustrated in Fig. 2. The triplets used thus lower effective switching frequencies can be achieved by
as vector names denote the states (0 for −Vdc /2, 1 for vNP , or NV (SVM) strategies that correspond to discontinuous carrier-
2 for +Vdc /2) of phase voltages a, b, and c, respectively. An based strategies, which, however, produce lower quality out-
SVM strategy selects a number of vectors, V1 , V2 , . . . , Vn and put voltage waveforms [10], [21]. In non-NV strategies, on
adjusts their duty cycles d1 , d2 , . . . , dn , respectively, to create the other hand, two more switching steps are added per cy-
the reference vector VREF cle; therefore, fs,eff rises to 4fs /3 [14], [15]. This 33.3% in-
crease has a notable effect on the converter switching losses,
VREF = d1 V1 + d2 V2 + · · · + dn Vn which is the main drawback of non-NV strategies. Addition-
ally, during each switching period, non-NVs cause one of the
with d1 + d2 + · · · + dn = 1. (2)
converter legs to switch between +Vdc /2, (possibly) vNP , and
Assuming that the converter does not operate in the overmod- −Vdc /2. This generates phase voltage pulses similar to those of a
ulation region, then the reference vector falls in one of the small two-level converter, therefore distorting the standard three-level

2) Step 2—Calculation of duty cycles: The duty cycles of the

NVs are derived from (2). However, since the two small
vectors of each pair share the same position on the SV
plane, solution of (2) gives the duty cycles dS0 and dS1 as
totals that can be distributed among S01 –S02 , and S11 –
S12 , respectively (see Step 3 in the following paragraph).
Similarly, the duty cycle for zero vectors dZ is calculated
as a total that can be distributed among vectors Z1 , Z2 ,
and Z3 [6].
Fig. 3. SVs and triangles tr1 –tr4 , in one sextant of a three-level converter. By 3) Step 3—Distribution of duty cycles: dS0 and dS1 are dis-
convention, S01 and S11 will stand for positive (i.e., corresponding to ia , ib ,
or ic ), whereas S02 and S12 for negative small vectors in Fig. 2.
tributed among the two vectors of the respective pairs,
according to a criterion that aims to minimize the NP volt-
age ripple. Additionally, NV strategies commonly impose
a number of constraints on this distribution (switching
PWM phase voltage waveform and increasing its weighted THD constraints) to reduce the converter effective switching
(WTHD) [11], [14]–[16], [23]. frequency. Switching constraints also determine the dis-
Both NV and non-NV strategies are used in practice for the tribution of dZ among the three zero vectors.
modulation of the three-level NPC converter, at the expense of 4) Step 4—Selection of switching sequence: Each NV strat-
the NP voltage ripple, or increased switching losses and output egy has a predefined set of switching sequences, formed
voltage WTHD, respectively. This tradeoff has also lead to the in accordance with the strategy’s switching constraints.
creation of hybrid strategies, which operate as combinations Depending on the results from the previous steps, one of
of NV and non-NV strategies. Hybrid strategies mitigate the these sequences is selected to successively activate the
drawbacks of non-NV strategies, while limiting the NP voltage vectors according to the assigned duty cycles.
ripple to a value that can be tolerated by the converter [11], [27], The following analysis is based on these four steps, to derive
[28]. Nevertheless, increased cooling and filtering requirements, a lower boundary for the NP voltage ripple that can be achieved
as well as decreased converter efficiency still arise from the use by an NV strategy.
of hybrid (due to the participation of non-NV) strategies. NV
strategies that avoid these disadvantages while abiding by the
A. Locally Averaged NP Current
tolerable voltage limits would therefore be desirable.
This study continues in Section III with an analytical deriva- Let us assume a three-level NPC converter operating at a
tion of a lower boundary (approximately equivalent to a min- steady state, having a balanced set of sinusoidal output currents
imum) for the NP voltage ripple that can be achieved by an with rms value Io , which lead the phase voltages by the power
NV strategy. In Section IV, it describes the proposed concept angle ϕ. The converter is modulated with an NV strategy at a
for the operation of NV strategies, which provides the capabil- modulation index m. The reference frequency is f , while the
ity of achieving this minimum. Then, in Section V, it examines switching frequency is fs . The dc-link voltage is Vdc and the
the performance of the NV strategies created according to this capacitors C1 and C2 have a capacitance C, each.
concept, showing that they can decrease the NP voltage ripple The NP voltage ripple that appears at the dc link is generated
of existing NV strategies by up to 50%, depending on the NPC by the NP current i1 , shown in Fig. 1. Each of the SVs in
converter’s operating point on the ϕ–m plane. Section VI verifies Fig. 2 results in a specific NP current, shown in parentheses.
the results by simulations in MATLAB-Simulink, focusing on This current is equal to the sum of the currents of the phases
the operating region of motor drives. The practical significance that are at state “1,” since these phases are connected to the
and applicability of the whole approach are finally discussed in NP. For example, the NP current corresponding to vector 110 is
Section VII. Section VIII concludes this paper. −ic , because ia + ib = −ic . The function INP (V) will be used
further on to denote the value of the NP current that corresponds
to vector V.
III. MINIMUM NP RIPPLE ACHIEVABLE BY NV STRATEGIES It can be observed from Fig. 2 that only medium and small
The SV diagram for a three-level converter can be divided vectors produce a nonzero NP current. If iM is the locally aver-
into six 60◦ sextants, for voltage reference angle, θ = [0, 60)◦ , aged (i.e., the average during a switching period) current that is
[60, 120)◦ , etc. In each sextant, there are two long vectors (L0 taken from the NP due to a medium vector M (see Fig. 3), then
and L1), one medium vector (M), four small vectors (S01 , S02 , iM = dM INP (M) (4)
S11 , and S12 ) and three zero vectors (Z1 , Z2 , and Z3 ), which
are arranged as shown in Fig. 3. where dM is the duty cycle of the medium vector [6]. The value
The operation of an NV modulation strategy is summarized of iM is a function of angle θ. Since the selection and duty cycles
in the following steps, which are repeated in each switching of medium vectors are solely determined by (2), the waveform
cycle: of iM is the same for any NV modulation strategy.
1) Step 1—Determination of NVs: According to VREF (see On the other hand, if iS is the locally averaged NP current that
Fig. 2). can be taken from the NP due to small vectors, then iS depends

on the distribution of dS0 and dS1 among the small vectors of TABLE I
the respective pairs. This is because the two small vectors of FOR THE NTV STRATEGY [10]
each pair produce opposite values of NP current (see Fig. 2).
Two distribution factors xS0 and xS1 (xS0 , xS1 ∈ [−1, 1]) can
be defined for the duty cycles of small vectors. The duty cycles
of small vectors S01 , S02 , S11 , and S12 (see Fig. 3) are then
given by

1 + xS0
dS0,1 = dS0 (5)
1 − xS0
dS0,2 = dS0 (6)
1 + xS1
dS1,1 = dS1 (7)
1 − xS1
dS1,2 = dS1 (8)
NTV strategy. In triangles tr2 and tr4 , however, there are also se-
while iS is given by quences that incorporate eight switching steps. These are avail-
able so that iNP can always attain the values iNP,lo and iNP,hi ,
iS = xS0 dS0 INP (S01 ) + xS1 dS1 INP (S11 ) [6]. (9) by selecting xS0 and xS1 according to (10) and (11).
Other NV strategies can forbid the eight-step sequences by
For each value of θ, iS can reach a certain highest (maximum) imposing additional switching constraints in triangles tr2 and
value iS,hi , as a result of setting tr4 . Then, iNP,lo and iNP,hi become unattainable for certain val-
ues of θ (which depend on ϕ and m). Given the set of switching
xS0 := sign (INP (S01 )) xS1 := sign (INP (S11 ))
and constraints, SC, of such a strategy, then iNP,hi|SC and iNP,lo|SC
(10) can be defined as the highest and lowest values, respectively, of
(“:=” is used as an assignment operator). Setting iNP , that can be achieved while abiding by SC. It is noted here
that the switching constraints of SC for triangles tr1 and tr3 are
xS0 := −sign (INP (S01 )) and xS1 := −sign (INP (S11 ))
assumed to allow the values of ±1 for xS0 and xS1 , as it happens
in the case of the NTV strategy. This is an essential requirement
results in iS taking a respective lowest (minimum) value iS,lo .
if the strategy that uses SC wishes to have a control over the NP
In both of (10) and (11), (xS0 , xS1 ) becomes equal to (−1, −1),
voltage. NV strategies that do not fulfill it, such as the sinusoidal
(1, −1), (−1, 1), or (1, 1), assigning the whole dS0 and dS1 to a
PWM (SPWM) or the SVM with equal duty cycle distribution
certain small vector from the respective pair.
among the two small vectors of each pair, have increased values
The locally averaged NP current iNP is the sum of iM and iS
of NP voltage ripple [6], [27].
Generally, the following inequality holds:
iNP = iM + iS . (12)
iNP,hi ≥ iNP,hi|SC ≥ iNP,lo|SC ≥ iNP,lo . (13)
Given that iM cannot be controlled by an NV strategy, the
However, as the modulation index increases, VREF spends a
highest iNP,hi and lowest iNP,lo values of iNP correspond to
smaller fraction of the fundamental period in tr2 and tr4 , where
iS,hi and iS,lo , respectively.
the additional switching constraints apply. For m = 1, this frac-
tion is zero; thus, iNP,hi|SC and iNP,lo|SC become equal to iNP,hi
B. Effect of Switching Constraints and iNP,lo , respectively, during the entire cycle.
By adjusting the distribution factors of the small vectors, iNP The analysis presented in the following sections assumes no
can take any value between iNP,lo and iNP,hi . It can be shown, switching constraints imposed on the duty cycle distribution
however, that freedom in this adjustment can lead to increased factors, in order to derive the operational limits of the proposed
effective switching frequency. The values of xS0 and xS1 are concept. It can be adapted to a strategy that uses a given SC,
therefore normally restricted using sets of switching constraints, if iNP,hi and iNP,lo are substituted by iNP,hi|SC and iNP,lo|SC ,
which differ among NV strategies. For example, in the case of respectively. It is important to note, however, that since iNP,hi|SC
the NTV strategy, xS0 and xS1 can only take the values of ±1. and iNP,lo|SC approximate iNP,hi and iNP,lo when m approaches
The switching sequences defined according to this restriction 1, the presented results that refer to these values of m can be
are shown in Table I [10]. The sequences are given for the first used irrespective of SC.
sextant, and S01 and S11 correspond to vectors 100 and 221,
C. Zero-Ripple Region
respectively (see Figs. 2 and 3).
Most sequences require four (instead of six) switching steps, The NP voltage in the NPC inverter is determined by the
therefore decreasing the effective switching frequency for the integral of the NP current. Thus, vNP can be controlled to remain

able uncompensated amount of charge. The integral term of (15)

is equal to the area of the shaded region between points A and
B in Fig. 4, if θ is expressed in radians. The absolute value of
ΔQA B ,m in is inversely proportional to the reference frequency,
while its sign is the same as the sign of iM .
Since the two dc-link capacitors, as seen from the NP, are
connected in parallel [10], ΔQA B ,m in causes an NP voltage
variation, ΔVA B ,m in , given by (16). The equation contains a
negative sign, indicating that vNP decreases (or increases) as a
result of a positive (or negative) value of ΔQA B ,m in
ΔQA B ,m in
ΔVA B ,m in = − . (16)
The key fact is that no NV strategy can prevent ΔQA B ,m in
from leaving the NP. Thus, ΔVA B ,m in is a lower limit for the
NP voltage variation that will occur during the interval [θA ,
Fig. 4. iN P , lo , iN P , h i , and iM during a fundamental cycle, for ϕ = −30◦
and m = 0.9 (Io = 1 A). θB ]. However, if ΔVA B ,m in appears during an interval of the
fundamental cycle, then the peak–peak NP voltage variation
during the whole cycle cannot be lower than |ΔVA B ,m in |. Con-
the same (at the end of each switching cycle) throughout the sequently, |ΔVA B ,m in | is a lower boundary, ΔVNP,m in , for the
fundamental cycle, if iNP can become equal to zero for all peak–peak NP voltage ripple that can be generated by an NV
values of θ. Since iNP is restricted between iNP,lo and iNP,hi , modulation strategy.
this is possible when The same analysis can be applied to all intervals of the fun-
(iNP,lo ≤ 0 and iNP,hi ≥ 0) (14) damental cycle in which (14) does not hold (shaded in Fig. 4).
Those will be referred to as uncontrollable intervals (UIs), be-
holds for θ = [0, 360)◦ . Examination of this condition at different cause during them, the NP voltage is unavoidably driven by the
values of ϕ and m gives the zero-ripple region for NV strategies, uncompensated charge of the medium vectors. On the contrary,
first presented in [6] and shown later, in Fig. 7. intervals in which (14) does hold will be referred to as control-
lable intervals (CIs), since during them, the small vectors can
D. A Lower Boundary for the NP Voltage Ripple be used to keep the NP voltage constant, or control it to some
Fig. 4 plots iNP,lo , iNP,hi , and iM , according to (4) and (9)– extent. If n UIs, UI1 , UI2 , . . . , UIn , appear during a fundamen-
(12), during a fundamental cycle. A balanced set of sinusoidal tal cycle, having respective minimum NP voltage variations of
output currents with rms value Io = 1 A is assumed which lag ΔVUI1,m in , ΔVUI2,m in , . . . , ΔVUIn ,m in , then
the phase voltages by 30◦ (ϕ = −30◦ ), while m is set to 0.9. The
ΔVNP,m in = max{|ΔVUIk ,m in |} k = 1, . . . , n. (17)
waveforms of iNP,lo and iNP,hi cross the zero axis; therefore,
(14) does not hold for certain values of θ, and NP voltage ripple As dictated by (15) and (16), ΔVNP,m in is a function of C
is expected to appear. The existence of voltage ripple cannot be and f , as well as Io , ϕ, and m, since the waveforms of iNP,lo
avoided by any NV strategy, but its peak value depends on the and iNP,hi change with these parameters. For given values of
use of xS0 and xS1 . the above, an NV strategy that achieves ΔVNP,m in is optimal
While (14) holds during the fundamental cycle, xS0 and xS1 with respect to the NP voltage ripple. This lower boundary, on
can be adjusted to set iNP to zero (iS = −iM ). In this case, the the other hand, may not be attainable in cases of successive UIs
small vectors fully compensate for the charge taken from the with same-sign NP voltage deviations, which will be discussed
NP by the medium vectors, thus avoiding a change in the NP in Section IV-C.
voltage. As soon as (14) ceases to hold, at an angle θA , iNP
can no longer be set to zero; therefore, charge starts to be taken IV. PROPOSED BAND-NV STRATEGIES
from the NP. This carries on until an angle θB , when (14) begins
This section investigates the effect of the criterion used in
to hold again. Nevertheless, the charge ΔQA B , taken from the
Step 3 (see Section III) for minimizing the NP voltage ripple.
NP during [θA , θB ], can be minimized if iNP is adjusted to
its—in absolute terms—minimum value, which is iNP,hi for
this interval A. Criterion Used by Conventional NV Strategies
 θB The two main objectives of an NPC converter modulation
ΔQA B ,m in = iNP,hi dθ. (15) strategy in relation to the dc link are the ability to bring the ca-
2πf θ A
pacitors back to balance after transient imbalances and the mini-
Since iM < 0 during [θA , θB ], the aforementioned adjust- mization of the NP voltage ripple. The existing NV strategies try
ment (iS = iS,hi ) corresponds to the small vectors providing the to achieve these objectives by decreasing any voltage imbalance
maximum possible degree of compensation against the medium that appears between the two dc-link capacitors. This is obtained
vectors, while ΔQA B ,m in corresponds to the minimum achiev- by measuring the capacitor voltages and adjusting xS0 and xS1

even if iNP was not used for this purpose. Instead, iNP can be
used as follows:
1) During UIs: Provide the maximum possible charge com-
pensation against the medium vectors. Namely, adjust xS0
and xS1 to achieve iNP = iNP,lo if iM > 0, or iNP =
iNP,hi if iM < 0. The resulting NP voltage change will be
−ΔVNP,m in and ΔVNP,m in , respectively.
2) During CIs: Adjust iNP to (drive and) keep vNP equal
to ΔVNP,m in /2, or −ΔVNP,m in /2, if iM was negative, or
positive, respectively, during the last UI.
The above can be achieved by periodically changing the NP
reference voltage vNP,ref as follows:
“Adjust iNP to drive vNP as close as possible to vNP,ref , which
changes to ΔVNP,m in /2, or −ΔVNP,m in /2, at the end of an UI
where iM was negative, or positive, respectively.”
This criterion will be referred to as the band criterion because
it restricts the NP voltage vNP,Band within a band that is centered
around zero and has a width of ΔVNP,m in . The waveforms
of vNP,ref and vNP,Band are illustrated in Fig. 5(a). For this
operating point, the peak–peak value of the NP voltage ripple
is decreased to half. NV strategies that operate according to the
band criterion will be referred to as band-NV strategies.
Fig. 5. (a) v N P , C o nv , v N P , B a n d , and v N P , re f , (b) iN P , C o nv , iN P , lo , and
iN P , h i , and (c) iN P , B a n d , iN P , lo , and iN P , h i during a third of a fundamental
cycle, for ϕ = −30◦ and m = 0.9 (Io = 1 A, f = 1 Hz, and C = 1 F).
C. Regions of Operation
so that iNP in (12) will charge (or discharge) the capacitor having
The formulation of the band criterion relied on the observa-
less (or more) voltage, respectively [10], [12], [21], [27]. Equiv-
tion that the change in NP voltage is opposite for every two
alently, the criterion conventionally used by the NV strategies
successive UIs. As shown in the following, this is true for the
for achieving NP balancing can be stated as follows:
greatest part of the NPC converter’s operating range, but not
“Adjust iNP to drive vNP as close as possible to zero.”
for the entire range (defined by ϕ and m). The ϕ−m plane can
This criterion, which will be referred to as the conventional
be divided in regions, characterized by the number of UIs that
criterion, is suitable for bringing the capacitors back to balance
appear per half-cycle of iM .
after transient imbalances. Furthermore, it intuitively seems to
1) Region 0: There are no UIs. ΔVNP,m in is equal to zero
lead to the minimum NP voltage ripple, too. However, a simple
(zero-ripple region).
example based on the analysis of the previous section can prove
2) Region 1: There is a single UI, UI1 , during each positive
that the latter is not actually true.
half-cycle of iM , with ΔVUI1 = −ΔVNP,m in < 0. The
Continuing the example of Fig. 4, Fig. 5(a) illustrates how
next UI, UI2 , appears in the negative half-cycle of iM ,
the NP voltage vNP,Conv varies during a third of a fundamental
with ΔVUI2 = ΔVNP,m in > 0.
cycle when the conventional criterion is used. The NP voltage
3) Region 2: There are two UIs, UI1 and UI2 , during each
deviates from zero during the two UIs, shown in Figs. 4 and 5(b).
positive half-cycle of iM , with ΔVUI1 < 0 and ΔVUI2 <
The locally averaged NP current iNP,Conv provides maximum
compensation during these intervals, resulting in changes in NP
The example in Fig. 4 belongs to Region 1. Fig. 6(a) and
voltage of ΔVNP,m in and −ΔVNP,m in , respectively. Moreover,
(b) illustrates representative examples for Regions 0 and 2, re-
iNP,Conv is adjusted according to the conventional criterion to
spectively, while Fig. 7 depicts the three regions on the ϕ−m
decrease vNP,Conv down to zero during the CIs. As a conse-
quence, the changes of ±ΔVNP,m in begin from vNP,Conv =
In Region 0, vNP,ref remains equal to zero (because ΔVNP,m in
0, giving a peak–peak value of 2ΔVNP,m in to the NP voltage
is zero) and the band criterion takes the form of the conventional
criterion. Thus, in this region, a band-NV strategy operates like
a conventional one. In Region 1, vNP,ref keeps vNP,Band to its
B. Proposed Criterion positive or negative extreme (±ΔVNP,m in /2) during CIs, know-
The aforementioned increase in the value of the NP voltage ing that during the following UIs, the uncompensated charge
ripple can be avoided by a different criterion, which relies on will take it to the opposite extreme. This is not the case, how-
the following observation: The voltage deviations have the same ever, in Region 2, where there are pairs of successive UIs with
amplitude, but their sign changes successively from positive the same sign of uncompensated charge. The two intervals cause
to negative and vice versa (ΔVUI1 = −ΔVUI2 = ΔVNP,m in ). NP voltage deviations toward the same direction, and as a con-
Therefore, the NP voltage could periodically be driven to zero, sequence, a modified approach is required.

Fig. 8. Region 1 (White), part of Region 2 (Gray) where ΔV N P , m in can be

achieved, and part of Region 2 (Black) where ΔV N P , m in cannot be achieved.

In this way, after the end of UI2 , vNP,Band will be equal

to ±ΔVNP,m in /2, similar to what happens in Region 1. The
following, modified version of the band criterion can be formed,
to be used when the converter operates in Region 2:
“Adjust iNP to drive vNP as close as possible to vNP,ref ,
which changes to VCI1−2 or −VCI1−2 at the end of UI1 , and to
ΔVNP,m in /2 or −ΔVNP,m in /2 at the end of UI2 , if iM during
UI1 and UI2 was negative or positive, respectively.”
Fig. 6. iN P , lo , iN P , h i , and iM during a fundamental cycle, for (a) ϕ = −30◦ , A simulation example illustrating the operation of the mod-
m = 0.7 (Region 0), and (b) ϕ = −3◦ , m = 1 (Region 2). ified band criterion is presented in Section VI. The modified
criterion can achieve an NP voltage ripple of ΔVNP,m in for the
greatest part of Region 2, shown in Fig. 8. In this part, iNP can
meet the implied requirement of being able to drive vNP,Band to
±VCI1−2 during CI1−2 (before UI2 begins). In the rest of Region
2, ΔVNP,m in cannot be attained by any NV strategy (see the end
of Section III-D).

D. Algorithm
The proposed algorithm performs the four-step operation (see
Section III), for band-NV strategies. A flowchart of the algo-
rithm is illustrated in Fig. 9. Steps 1, 2, and 4 are the same as in
conventional NV strategies, while in Step 3, vNP,ref is adjusted
according to the original/modified band criterion, depending on
the operating region.
The algorithm makes use of a set of registers to keep certain
Fig. 7. Regions of NPC converter operation: Region 0 (White), Region 1 results from the previous half-cycle of iM . The registers are
(Gray), Region 2 (Black). reinitialized at the zero crossings of iM (once every T /6), ac-
cording to the pseudocode in Fig. 10, and perform the following
According to (17), a lower boundary for the peak–peak NP operations, prior to the adjustment of vNP,ref :
voltage ripple in Region 2 is given by 1) Detection of operating region: The UIs that appear during
a half-cycle of iM are counted using register (counter) R. At the
ΔVNP,m in = max{|ΔVUI1,m in |, |ΔVUI2,m in |}. (18) end of this half-cycle, the value of R is stored in register Rprev
To achieve this value, the effect of ΔVUI1,m in on the NP voltage (see Fig. 10). Rprev is used as an estimate for the operating
should be partially (if ΔVUI1,m in > ΔVUI2,m in ) or totally (if region in the new half-cycle of iM .
ΔVUI1,m in ≤ ΔVUI2,m in ) canceled during the CI CI1−2 , found 2) Calculation of VCI1−2 (for Region 2): The algorithm makes
between UI1 and UI2 . More precisely, during CI1−2 , vNP,Band use of the actual (minimized) NP voltage variation, ΔVNP (1)
should be driven to ±VCI1−2 , where and ΔVNP (2) during the UIs UI1 and UI2 , respectively, in-
stead of ΔVNP,m in . Namely, ΔVNP (1) and ΔVNP (2) are derived
VCI1−2 = ΔVNP,m in /2 − |ΔVUI2,m in | . (19) from measurements of vNP , thus incorporating the values of the

Fig. 10. Pseudocode for the algorithm’s initialization block.

−VCI1−2,prev as an estimate for VCI1−2 in the new half-cycle of

iM .
3) Detection of transient imbalance: The reference NP volt-
age should be set to zero in the case of a transient imbalance. If
the converter operates in Region 0, vNP,ref is already zero, and
therefore a band-NV strategy performs balancing identically to
a conventional one. In Regions 1 and 2, the NP voltage is ex-
pected to change sign during every half-cycle of iM . A register
(flag), Balflag, which denotes that a sign change of vNP was
encountered, is incorporated to the algorithm. If Balflag is not
found set following a sign change of iM , register Bal is set to
0, indicating that a transient imbalance appeared during the last
half-cycle of iM . The algorithm then keeps vNP,ref to zero, until
a zero crossing of vNP is detected.
The values of Rprev and VCI1−2,prev are available at the be-
ginning of each half-cycle of iM . Unless a transient imbalance
has occurred, the algorithm continues with detecting the UIs us-
ing (14). The NP voltage is sampled at the beginning and the end
of each interval as vNP,b eg and vNP,end , respectively, and the NP
voltage variation is stored in ΔVNP (R) = vNP,end − vNP,b eg .
At the end of UIs, vNP,ref is updated as follows:
1) If Rprev is 0, vNP,ref is set to zero by the initialization
block. However, if an UI appears during the new half-
cycle of iM , vNP,ref is set to ΔVNP (1)/2 at the end of it.
2) If Rprev is 1, at the end of UI1 , vNP,ref is set to ΔVNP (1)/2.
3) If Rprev is 2, at the end of UI1 , vNP,ref is set to
−VCI1−2,prev . It remains there until the end of UI2 , when
it is set to max{ΔVNP (1), ΔVNP (2)}/2.
It is worth pointing out that all register values are derived
directly from the waveforms of iM , iNP,lo , iNP,hi , and vNP , and
determine vNP,ref . It can be shown that the use of results from
the previous half-cycle of iM gives a maximum response time to
a change in region or peak–peak NP voltage ripple, of less than
T /3 (=6.67 ms for a 50-Hz operation). A transient imbalance
will also be detected, at the worst case, after T /3 from the
Fig. 9. Flowchart of the proposed algorithm for the operation of band-NV time of its occurrence, depending on the direction of imbalance
and its position in the cycle of iM . If further reduction in this
response time is needed, a threshold for |vNP | can be added to
parameters required for the calculation of ΔVNP,m in and avoid- the algorithm to set Bal to 0.
ing the integration of (15). Due to this, the value of ΔVNP (2) The implementation of the algorithm requires measurement
[ΔVUI2,m in in (18) and (19)] is not yet known during CI1−2 , of the dc-link capacitor voltages, as well as of (two of) the three-
and therefore, VCI1−2 cannot be calculated. VCI1−2,prev is cal- phase converter output currents. Its computational requirements
culated instead, based on the values of ΔVNP (1) and ΔVNP (2) are increased compared to algorithms that implement the con-
from the previous half-cycle of iM . The algorithm then uses ventional criterion, due to a more elaborate Step 3 (in Fig. 9).

However, this increase is expected to be tolerable, since, apart

from the multiplications required for the calculation of iNP,lo
and iNP,hi , the operations introduced in Step 3 are merely addi-
tions/subtractions and comparisons.

E. Switching Sequences—Conversion to Band-NV

The adoption of the band criterion does not modify the switch-
ing sequences followed by a given NV strategy (Step 4); it
only affects the duty cycle distribution factors of small vectors.
A band-NV strategy can therefore be fully defined using the
switching sequences (together with the switching constraints)
of a conventional NV strategy. Stated differently, any conven-
tional NV strategy can be converted to operate as a band-NV
strategy, in order to achieve a lower value of NP voltage ripple.


A. NP Voltage Ripple
The previous section showed how the adoption of a criterion,
different from the dc-link capacitor imbalance (i.e., vNP,ref =
0), for the duty cycle distribution of small vectors, creates the
potential for decreasing the NP voltage ripple to its minimum
possible value. In fact, it also proved that an NV strategy cannot
obtain this minimum, unless the NP voltage at the beginning of
the UIs is equal to its appropriate, positive or negative, extreme.
The conventional NV strategies do not fulfill this constraint,
as they constantly drive the NP voltage toward zero. Hence, a
conventional NV strategy cannot obtain the minimum value of Fig. 11. Minimum normalized amplitude of the NP voltage ripple (ΔV N P n /2)
the NP voltage ripple, in contrast to a band-NV strategy which for (a) conventional NV, and (b) band-NV strategies.
potentially can.
Fig. 11 plots the minimum amplitude of the NP voltage rip-
ple that can be achieved by conventional (ΔVNP,Conv /2) and
band-NV strategies (ΔVNP,Band /2), as a function of ϕ and m.
The presented values were derived similarly to [10] and are
normalized according to

= . (20)
2 Io 2

The plots are shown only for ϕ = [–180, 0]◦ , because they
are repeated for ϕ = [0, 180] ◦ [ΔVNP (180 + ϕ) = ΔVNP (ϕ)].
Their values are the minimum achievable by each strategy type
because they were derived assuming no switching constraints.
Applying a set of switching constraints, SC, may have an ef-
fect on them. However, as shown in Section III-B, when m
approaches 1, ΔVNP|SC approaches ΔVNP for any imposed SC.
Fig. 12. Value of decr as a function of ϕ and m.
Thus, ΔVNP,Conv and ΔVNP,Band for the critical value of m = 1
can provide the information required for dc-link capacitor sizing
for any conventional and band-NV strategy, respectively. This ΔVNP,m in , and can be rederived using (15) and (16). For the
argument is also supported by the equality of the NP voltage rest of the plane, ΔVNP,m in is unattainable by NV strategies.
ripple at m = 1, shown in [10] for the conventional NTV and In Fig. 12, the values in Fig. 11(a) and (b) are used to plot the
Symmetric strategies. percentage decrement, decr, of the minimum NP voltage ripple
Moreover, the minimum NP voltage ripple achievable by in Regions 1 and 2 as
band-NV strategies is equal to ΔVNP,m in in Regions 0 and  
1, as well as in most of Region 2 (see Section IV-C). Thus, for ΔVNP,Band
decr = 1 − · 100%. (21)
these parts of the ϕ−m plane, Fig. 11(b) shows also a plot of ΔVNP,Conv

Based on this figure, it is worth identifying the range of loads corresponding switching sequence being selected for a num-
in terms of ϕ, where the band-NV strategies can offer a remark- ber of successive switching cycles. In zero-iNP intervals, on the
able decrement (decr ≥ 30%) of the NP voltage ripple. Given other hand, this selection changes between successive switching
that the converter should be able to operate at a high modulation cycles, in order to keep the NP voltage constant. For the NTV
index (m = 0.95), this range comprises the values of ϕ from ap- strategy, the transition between different switching sequences
proximately 0 to −50 (and −140 to −180)◦ . These values cover typically requires additional switching steps [10]. For example,
the use of the NPC converter as a motor drive (ϕ ≈ −30◦ ). using the first two switching sequences from Table I, it can be
On the contrary, the achievable decrement of the NP voltage observed that, if xS0 remains equal to +1 (same for −1) for
ripple for low power factor loads (ϕ ≈ ±90◦ ) is smaller than two successive switching cycles, eight switching steps are in-
10%. Thus, band-NV strategies cannot offer a notable benefit in duced in total. If xS0 changes from +1 to −1, nine steps are
applications where the converter mainly has to provide reactive induced, due to the transition from vector 100 to 200. In case
power. that a strategy’s switching constraints allow the use of interme-
Furthermore, it can be observed that decr is exactly equal to diate values (between +1 and −1) for xS0 and xS1 , then during
50% for a large portion of Region 1. This is the region where zero-iNP intervals, such a value is selected, leading to the use of
the conventional NV strategies can hold the NP voltage to (ap- both small vectors from the respective pair according to (5)–(8).
proximately) zero for a part of the fundamental cycle. In this This again induces a higher number of switching steps compared
case, band-NV strategies can decrease the NP voltage ripple to to the extreme-iNP intervals, where a single small vector is used.
half, as shown in the example of Fig. 5. The increased effective switching frequency for band-NV
strategies arises from the fact that they have longer zero-iNP
intervals than the corresponding conventional strategies. This is
B. Effective Switching Frequency—Output Voltage because the band-NV strategies use the whole CIs as zero-iNP
Harmonic Distortion intervals, whereas the conventional ones use parts of them as
According to (3), the converter’s effective switching fre- extreme-iNP intervals to drive the NP voltage toward zero. The
quency is determined by the number of switching steps fol- degree of the increase, as well as its effect on the converter
lowed by the selected modulation strategy. The switching steps, design, will be discussed in Section VII.
in turn, are defined in the strategy’s switching sequences. As ex-
plained in Section IV-E, each conventional NV strategy can be
converted to a respective band-NV strategy having the same set VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
of switching sequences. This conversion affects the duty cycle The previous sections showed that a decrement in the NP
distribution of small vectors, but does not modify the switch- voltage ripple can be achieved by the use of band-NV strategies
ing sequences. Hence, the reduction in the NP voltage ripple for the NPC converter. The results did not refer to a specific
offered by band-NV strategies avoids the significant increase band-NV strategy, since no set of switching sequences was as-
in the effective switching frequency caused by non-NV (or hy- sumed. As an example, this section compares the NTV modu-
brid) strategies. Moreover, in contrast to these strategies, band- lation strategy with the respective band-NV strategy, referred to
NV strategies do not suffer from the output voltage harmonic as band-NTV.
distortion introduced by the use of non-NVs. The two strategies were simulated using a MATLAB-
In comparison to the respective conventional strategies, on Simulink model of an NPC inverter with the following parame-
the other hand, there is an effect that increases the effective ters: Vdc = 1.8 kV, C = 0.5 mF, fs = 10 kHz, and f = 50 Hz.
switching frequency of band-NV strategies when the converter The load is varied between the presented simulations to attain
operates in Region 1. The fundamental cycle can be divided the desired value of ϕ and an output rms current of 200 A. The
into two types of interval, the duration of which is affected current is kept to that value so that the effect of m and ϕ on
by the used criterion: 1) zero-iNP intervals, during which iNP the amplitude of the NP voltage ripple can be observed more
should be kept to zero so that the NP voltage remains constant; clearly and verified against Fig. 11, by means of (20). The simu-
and 2) extreme-iNP intervals during which iNP should take lation figures illustrate the line–line voltage vab , current ia , and
the value iNP,lo or iNP,hi to drive the NP voltage as much as capacitor C1 reference voltage (vC1,ref = 900 + vNP,ref ) when
possible toward a certain direction. For band-NV strategies, the the inverter is modulated by the band-NTV strategy, as well as
zero-iNP and extreme-iNP intervals correspond to the CIs and the voltage vC 1 and the locally averaged currents iNP,hi , iNP,lo ,
UIs, respectively. For conventional NV strategies, the zero-iNP and iNP , for both strategies.
intervals are those during which the NP voltage (neglecting The simulations in Figs. 13 and 14 focus on the operating
the switching-frequency ripple) is kept to zero, in contrast to the range of motor drives, assuming a representative load power
extreme-iNP intervals, during which the NP voltage has deviated angle ϕ of −30◦ (power factor of 0.866). The waveforms in
from zero. Fig. 13(a) and (b) correspond to two operating points, where
The average number of switching steps is higher in zero-iNP decr is exactly equal to 50% and less than 50%, respectively.
than in extreme-iNP intervals. In extreme-iNP intervals, each It can be noticed that in the first case, the NTV strategy can
duty cycle distribution factor takes one of the extreme values drop the NP voltage down to zero during the CIs. As shown
of ±1, and holds it according to (10) and (11). This leads to in Section IV, the band-NTV strategy can then halve the NP
the same, single small vector (from the respective pair) and the voltage ripple. In the second case, the decrement offered by the

Fig. 13. Simulation comparing the band-NTV to the conventional NTV strategy during a fundamental cycle, for ϕ = −30◦ and (a) m = 0.9, (b) m = 1. i) (top)
Line voltage v a b and current 5 × ia , ii) v C 1 , C o nv , v C 1 , B a n d , and v C 1 , re f , iii) iN P , C o nv , iN P , lo , and iN P , h i , and iv) (bottom) iN P , B a n d , iN P , lo , and iN P , h i .

band-NTV strategy is less than 50%, but still significant (ap- Fig. 15 illustrates two simulation examples, where the inverter
proximately 30%). The waveforms of iNP,Conv and iNP,Band , operates with a low- and a high-power-factor load, respectively.
which are responsible for the aforementioned decrements, can In the case presented in Fig. 15(a) (ϕ = −83◦ , m = 0.95),
be studied based on Fig. 5. Fig. 13(a), in particular, uses the it can be observed that the band-NTV strategy does not de-
same values of ϕ and m as Fig. 5, to illustrate the agreement crease the NP voltage ripple significantly. This is because the
between simulation and analytical results. The difference in the inverter operates at the part of Region 1 where decr is lower
simulated waveforms is that, during the zero-iNP intervals, iNP than 10% (see Fig. 12). In Fig. 15(b) (ϕ = −6◦ , m = 1), the
gets the form of a switching-frequency ripple instead of being inverter operates in Region 2. The band-NTV strategy there-
equal to zero. This is because the switching constraints of the fore uses the modified version of the band criterion to readjust
NTV strategy do not allow it to adjust xS0 and xS1 to get a vNP,ref at the end of each of the two UIs. However, due to
zero value for iNP . Thus, the desired zero value is achieved as the fact that ΔVNP (2) > ΔVNP (1) in Fig. 15(b), vNP,ref does
an average over more than one switching cycles, by shifting not change twice during each half-cycle of iM . Namely, vNP,ref
iNP between positive and negative values. Furthermore, as ex- takes the value of ΔVNP (2)/2 at the end of each UI2 , and shifts
plained in Section V-B, the zero-iNP intervals can be observed to −VCI1−2,prev which is again equal to ΔVNP (2)/2, at the end
to be longer for the band-NTV strategy. of the following UI1 . The achieved decrement in the NP voltage
Fig. 14 illustrates the transient response of the proposed al- ripple for this case is 50%.
gorithm for the band-NV strategies to two types of transient. In
Fig. 14(a), the modulation index is changed from 0.7 to 0.95, and
back to 0.7. The operating region changes, respectively, from
Region 0 to 1 and back to 0, as determined by the waveforms VII. DISCUSSION
of iNP,lo and iNP,hi [see Figs. 5 and 6(a)]. It can be noticed Fig. 16(a) summarizes additional simulation results regard-
that it takes less than T /3 for the algorithm to detect each of ing the (normalized) amplitude of the NP voltage ripple gen-
these changes and change vNP,ref . Fig. 14(b) presents a voltage erated by the NTV and band-NTV strategies, for the case of
balancing example after a forced transient imbalance. The im- ϕ = −30◦ . It also includes the cross sections of Fig. 11(a)
balance is detected by the algorithm and is attenuated within the and (b) for this value of ϕ, which provide the minimum
same time interval as in the case of the conventional strategy. ripple achievable by conventional and band-NV strategies,

Fig. 14. Simulation comparing the band-NTV to the conventional NTV strategy, for transient responses. (a) Change of m from 0.7 to 0.95 and back to 0.7, for
ϕ = −30◦ , and (b) balancing after a transient imbalance, while the inverter operates at ϕ = −30◦ and m = 0.95. i) (top) Line voltage v a b and current 5 × ia ,
ii) v C 1 , C o nv , v C 1 , B a n d , and v C 1 , re f , iii) iN P , C o nv , iN P , lo , and iN P , h i , and iv) (bottom) iN P , B a n d , iN P , lo , and iN P , h i .

respectively. The decrement in the NP voltage ripple by the the zero-iNP intervals cover the whole fundamental cycle (for
band-NTV strategy is 50% for up to m = 0.925 and gradually the NTV strategy, this is also because m is lower in Region 0;
reaches a minimum of 31%. It is important to note that, accord- thus, VREF spends a greater part of the cycle in tr2 or tr4 in
ing to Sections III-B and V-A, this value of 31% is expected Fig. 3, where the eight-step switching sequences appear). As
to be the same for all other NV strategies, as it corresponds to m increases, taking the operating point from Region 0 to the
m = 1. For this case of m = 1, simulated in Fig. 13(b), the upper part of Region 1, the portion of zero-iNP intervals, and
peak capacitor voltage is reduced from approximately 1040 to thus the effective switching frequency, drops; it is this drop that
995 V, which provides a significant advantage in terms of mod- is smaller for the band-NTV strategy. However, a converter is
ule voltage stress. The conversion to the band-NTV strategy can commonly designed to be able to operate at a certain (rated)
alternatively be used to reduce the dc-link capacitance, and thus effective switching frequency for the whole range of m. There-
the cost of the converter. A reduction of C by 31%, will still fore, the use of the band-NTV in place of the NTV strategy may
produce the same or lower (for m < 1) NP voltage ripple as the have an effect on the converter switching losses, but, unlike
conventional NTV strategy. non-NV or hybrid strategies, will not affect its rating and design
Fig. 16(b) plots the simulated ratio of fs,eff over fs (i.e., the (modules, heatsink, etc.). Namely, for the simulation value of fs
ratio of the counted switching steps during an extensive sim- = 10 kHz, the converter can be designed for fs,eff = 7.6 kHz,
ulation time interval Δt over 6fs Δt), for the NTV and band- which is the effective switching frequency in Region 0 (see
NTV strategies. Although the two strategies use the same set of Fig. 16(b), for m ≤ 0.8). The use of a non-NV strategy, on the
switching sequences, the effective switching frequency of the other hand, would increase the effective switching frequency to a
band-NTV strategy is increased from 4% to 6% compared to the value (approximately fs,eff = 13.3 kHz) that cannot be reached
NTV strategy. As explained in Section V-B, this difference arises by 1700-V modules which suit the assumed dc-link voltage
from the longer zero-iNP intervals of the band-NTV strategy. level. According to Section V-B, the previously described ef-
Nevertheless, what is important is that the (increased) effective fect is expected to appear in a similar way when converting
switching frequency of the band-NTV strategy is lower than the other NV strategies to band-NV. Apart from the NTV, it has
(common) effective switching frequency of the two strategies also already been verified for the case of the Symmetric (NV)
in Region 0 (m ≤ 0.8). This is due to the fact that in Region 0, strategy [10].

Fig. 15. Simulation comparing the band-NTV to the conventional NTV strategy during a fundamental cycle for (a) ϕ = −83◦ , m = 0.95 (Region 1), and
(b) ϕ = −6◦ , m = 1 (Region 2). i) (top) Line voltage v a b and current 5 × ia , ii) v C 1 , C o nv , v C 1 , B a n d , and v C 1 , re f , iii) iN P , C o nv , iN P , lo , and iN P , h i , and
iv) (bottom) iN P , B a n d , iN P , lo , and iN P , h i .

1) The switching-frequency NP voltage ripple was not con-

sidered during the formulation of band-NV strategies.
However, at low switching frequencies relative to the fun-
damental, which are common for medium-voltage appli-
cations, this becomes important. In such cases, extra care
should be taken when implementing a band-NV strategy,
since the switching-frequency NP voltage ripple will affect
the NP voltage sampling, and therefore the performance
of the proposed algorithm.
2) The calculation of duty cycles for the NVs was based
on [6], which assumes balanced capacitor voltages. When
NP voltage ripple appears, the duty cycles can be modified
to avoid distortion (that is, injection of low-frequency har-
monics) of the output voltage. Feed-forward techniques
have been proposed for this purpose [7], [8], [29]) which
can be adapted for the application on band-NV strategies.
3) Ideal behavior of the switching modules was assumed
Fig. 16. For ϕ = −30◦ and m ≥ 0.7. (a) Normalized amplitude of the NP volt- in this study. Nonideal characteristics (such as on-state
age ripple: ΔV N P n , B a n d /2 (continuous line), ΔV N P n , C o nv /2 (dashed line),
simulation for band-NTV strategy (filled circles), simulation for NTV strategy
voltage drop) that do not practically affect the phase cur-
(empty circles), and (b) ratio of fs , e ff over fs . rents or the duty cycles of the modules will neither affect
the NP voltage ripple generated by the proposed strate-
Finally, the following comments refer to aspects of the pro- gies. On the other hand, the effect of dead-time com-
posed concept that were not included in this study (which is also pensation can be investigated, since this process does
the case in similar studies [6], [10], [11], [17]–[21]): modify the module duty cycles. The proposed approach

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neutral-point-clamped converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, Michael A. Yuratich received the B.Sc. and Ph.D.
no. 2, pp. 294–304, Feb. 2009. degrees in electronics science from the University of
[29] J. I. Leon, S. Vazquez, R. Portillo, L. G. Franquelo, J. M. Carrasco, Southampton, Southampton, U.K., in 1974 and 1977,
P. M. Wheeler, and A. J. Watson, “Three-dimensional feedforward space respectively.
vector modulation applied to multilevel diode-clamped converters,” IEEE He is currently the Managing Director of TSL
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 101–109, Jan. 2009. Technology Ltd. and was formerly a Lecturer at
Southampton University. He has developed a wide
range of commercial products in instruments, electri-
cal machines and drives for the oil and gas, and renew-
ables industries. He has more than a dozen granted
patents. He is a Chartered Physicist.
Dr. Yuratich received the 2008 Energy Innovation Award for commercializa-
tion of rim-driven machines.

Suleiman M. Sharkh received the B.Eng. and Ph.D.

Georgios I. Orfanoudakis (S’10) received the degrees in electrical engineering from the University
M.Eng. degree in electrical engineering and com- of Southampton, Southampton, U.K., in 1990 and
puter science from the National Technical University 1994, respectively.
of Athens, Athens, Greece, in 2007, and the M.Sc. He is currently a Senior Lecturer and the Head of
degree in sustainable energy technologies from the the Electro-Mechanical Research Group, University
University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K., in of Southampton. He is also the Managing Director of
2008, where since October 2008, he has been working HiT Systems Ltd., Southampton. He has published
toward the Ph.D. degree in the Electro-Mechanical more than 130 papers in academic journals and con-
Research Group. ferences. His main research interests include the area
His research is focused on modulation strategies, of control, electrical machines, and power electron-
loss estimation, and dc-link capacitor sizing for two- ics, with applications to electric vehicles.
and three-level inverters. Dr. Sharkh received the 2008 Engineer Energy Innovation Award for his
Mr. Orfanoudakis is a Student Member of the IEEE Power Electronics research on rim-driven thrusters and marine turbine generators. He is a Member
Society. of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and a Chartered Engineer.

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