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Bangladesh Bank

Post Name: Assistant Director (General); Exam Date: 06.07.2018

Exam Taker: Faculty of Arts, DU

1. Shonghoti and Shouhardo Clubs consists of 200 and 270 members respectively. If the total
member of the two clubs is 420, then how many members belong to both clubs? (msnwZ I †mŠnv`©¨
K¬v‡ei m`m¨ msL¨v h_vμ‡g 200 Rb Ges 270 Rb| K¬ve `y‡Uvi †gvU m`m¨ msL¨v 420 Rb n‡j, KZRb m`m¨ Dfq K¬v‡e Av‡Q?)
[Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 60
 Solution:
Total = A + B – Both Shonghoti Shouhardo
Or, 420 = 200 + 270 – Both
Or, 420 = 470 – Both
 Both = 470 – 420 = 50 200–50=150 50 270–50=220

Total = 420
Ans: C

2. The one-third of the complementary angle to 60 is – (60 Gi ú~iK †Kv‡Yi GK-Z…Zxqvsk KZ?) [Bangladesh
Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 150 (b) 100 (c) 40 (d) 10
 Solution:
1 1
 (90  60) =  30 = 10 Ans: D
3 3

3. The area of a rhombus is 96 sq. cm and the length of one of the diagonals is 16 cm. The length of
the other diagonal is – (GKwU i¤^‡mi AvqZb 96 eM© ‡m.wg. Ges Gi GKwU K‡Y©i ˆ`N©¨ 16 †m.wg. n‡j Aci K‡Y©i ˆ`N©¨
KZ?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 18 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 6
 Solution:
Area of rhombus =  d1  d 2
1 96  2
Or, 96 =  16  d 2 Or, d2 =  d2 = 12 cm
2 16
So, the length of the other diagonal is 12 cm. Ans: B
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চাকিরর পি কা, আেবদেনর িনয়ম, আেবদন ফরম সহ িনেয়াগ সং া সকল তথ িনেয় এই আপস।

ɫʕʕʑʓʇʘʑ ʙʟʙʚʋʓ5SQ[K½bQ.M\L.ML[SM?bŁS\OČ\Ō
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/িজ াসা/সমস া/তথ জানার থােক তাহেল আপিন কেম করেল আপনােক আপনার েয়াজনীয় তথ িদেয় সাহায
করার চ া করব।
☞ এছাড়াও মনু বাের আলাদাভােব কেম করার অপশন পােবন, সখােন আপিন িনেয়াগ সং া য কান করেত
✍ Job Age Calculator: চাকিরর বয়স বর করার ক ালকুেলটর। চাকিরর আেবদেনর ে অেনক সময় বয়স বর করেত
হয়। এই Job Age Calculator এর মাধ েম আপিন আপনার কাি ত বয়স বর করেত পারেবন।
≣ জব ক াটাগির: িব ি েলা সহেজ খু েজ পাবার জন ক াটাগির করা আেছ। িনেচ িকছু ক াটাগির উে খ করা হল।

➲ সরকাির চাকির ➲ মােকিটং / সলস ➲ পাট টাইম জব

➲ ব াংক জব ➲ রলওেয় জব ➲ কল স ার / কা মার সািভস
➲ এনিজও ➲ িডেফ এ চাকির ➲ সা ািহক চাকিরর পি কা
➲ িশ ক িনেয়াগ ➲ শার / অনিভ েদর চাকির ➲ অন ন বসরকাির চাকির
✍ িতিদেনর তথ
িবিভ দিনক পি কা থেক পূণ সাধারণ ানমূলক তথ এবং দিনক ইংেরিজ পি কার পূণ Article এর
অনু বাদ ও Daily Star Vocabulary.
✍ সা িতক তথ : িবিভ পি কা ও অন ান উৎস থেক চলমান বাংলােদশ এবং িবে র সা িতক তথ ।
✍ ক ািরয়ার গাইড: চাকিরর পরী া সহায়ক িবিভ তথ এবং Article এবং পরামশ।
✍ ডাউনেলাড জান: চাকিরর িতর জন িবিভ কাশনীর বই এবং অনলাইেন কািশত সকল িবষেয়র তেথ র
PDF। ায় ১০০ GB+ েয়াজনীয় সকল বই িনেয় এর ক াটাগির।
✍ ই ারিভউ িটপস: ই ারিভউ এর জন িকভােব িনেজেক ত করেবন সই সকল িবষেয় অিভ েদর পরামশ।
✍ ভাইভা অিভ তা : চাকিরর ভাইভােত িকধরেণর ে র স ুখীন হেত হয় সই সকল তথ িনেয় এই ক াটাগির।
িবিসএস, ব াংক সহ অন ান িনেয়াগ ভাইভা অিভ তা এখােন পােবন।
✍ ব াংক এবং NTRCA ব াংক: িনেয়াগ পরী ার িবগত সােলর এবং সমাধান। এছাড়াও িতিনয়ত য সকল
িনেয়াগ পরী া অনু ি ত হয় তার -সমাধান।
✍ মেডল ট : িনেজেক িনেয়াগ পরী ার উপেযাগী কের গেড় তালার জন অনু শীলেনর িবক নই। এই ক াটাগিরেত
"ব াখ া সহ ( বিশরভাগ ে )" মেডল ট পােবন। ( With timer এবং Without timer আপনার পছ মত মেডল
ট িদেত পারেবন)
☞ চাকির িবষয়ক পরামশ সহ আেরা অেনক িকছু ...

❤ এই আপস এর বিশ েলা যিদ আপনার ভাল লােগ তাহেল আজই ডাউনেলাড ক ন।

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2 Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018
4. The ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their sum is 630. The smaller one of the two numbers is –
(`y‡Uv msL¨vi AbycvZ 3:4 Ges Zv‡`i mgwó 630 n‡j †QvU msL¨vwU KZ?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director
(a) 360 (b) 270 (c) 180 (d) 120
 Solution:
Let, the two numbers be 3x and 4x respectively.
ATQ, 3x + 4x = 630
Or, 7x = 630
 x = 90
So, the smaller number = 390 = 270 Ans: B

5. If 4 2x 1  32, then x = ? [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]

3 4
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) (d)
4 3
 Solution:
42x+1 = 32
Or, 24x+2 = 25
Or, 4x + 2 = 5
Or, 4x = 3
x = Ans: C

6. What will be the difference in taka between simple and compound interest at 10% on a sum of
Tk. 1000 after 4 years? (evwl©K 10% nvi my‡` 1000 UvKvi mij my` I Pμe„w× my‡`i cv_©K¨ KZ?) [Bangladesh
Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 31.90 (b) 32.10 (c) 44.90 (d) 64.10
 Solution:
1000  4  10
Simple interest = = Tk. 400
Compound interest = {1000(1+0.10)4} – 1000 = 1464.10 – 1000 = 464.10
 Difference = 464.10 – 400 = Tk. 64.10 Ans: D

7. In a series of 6 consecutive odd numbers if 15 is the 6th number, what is the 4th number in the
series? (6wU μwgK we‡Rvo msL¨vi g‡a¨ 6ô msL¨vwU 15 n‡j 4_© msL¨vwU KZ?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director
(a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 13
 Solution:
Let, the numbers are x, x + 2 , x + 4, x + 6, x + 8 and x + 10 respectively.
ATQ, x + 10 = 15
So, 4th number = x + 6 = 5 + 6 = 11 Ans: C
Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018 3
8. If 1 + sin = x cos, then tan is – [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
x2 1 x2 1 x2 1 x2 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x x 2x 2x
 Solution:
Here, sin = xcos – 1
 sin² = x² cos² – 2x cos + 1
 sin² – 1 = x² cos² – 2x cos
 cos² = 2x cos – x² cos² [Since, sin2 + cos2 = 1]
 cos² ( 1 + x² ) = 2x cos
 cos = ………(i)
1  x2
Given , 1 + sin = x cos
 2x 2 
 sin =   1
2 
1 x 
2x 2  1  x 2
 sin =
1  x2
x2 1
 sin = …………..(ii)
1  x2
Dividing (ii) by (i), we get:
x2 1 1  x2  sin  
tan =  Since, cos   tan 
1  x2 2x  
x2 1
=                     Ans: D

9. The difference between two numbers is 5 and the difference between their squares is 65. What is
the larger number? (`y‡Uv msL¨vi cv_©K¨ 5 Ges Zv‡`i e‡M©i cv_©K¨ 65 n‡j eo msL¨vwU KZ?) [Bangladesh Bank
Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 13 (b) 11 (c) 8 (d) 9
 Solution:
Let, the two numbers be x and y respectively.
ATQ, x – y = 5………(i)
And , x² – y² = 65
Or, (x + y)( x – y) = 65
Or, x + y =
 x + y = 13…………(ii)
Adding eq. (i) and (ii), we get:
2x = 18
x=9 Ans: D
4 Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018
a b c
10. If x = y , y = z and z = x then abc is – [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) (d) Infinity
 Solution:
Given, x = ya
Or, x = zab [since y = zb]
Or, x = xabc [since z = xc]
 abc = 1 Ans: A

11. A train 240 m long passed a pole in 24 seconds. How long will it take to pass a platform 650 m
long? (240 wgUvi j¤^v GKwU †Uªb 24 †m‡K‡Û GKwU LyuwU AwZμg K‡i| 650 wgUvi j¤^v GKwU cøvUdg© AwZμg Ki‡Z †UªbwUi
KZ mgq jvM‡e?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 65 s (b) 89 s (c) 100 s (d) 130 s
 Solution:
Speed of the train = = 10 m/sec
240  650 890
 Time taken to pass the platform = = = 89 sec Ans: B
10 10

12. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to the line y = – 5x + 9? (y = – 5x + 9 Gi j¤^ ‡iLvi Xvj
KZ?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018 & Sonali Bank Senior Officer-2018]
1 1
(a) 5 (b) – 5 (c) (d) 
5 5
 Solution:
m~Î n‡jvt `y‡Uv mij‡iLvi GKwU Av‡iKwUi j¤^ nq, hw` Xvj؇qi ¸Ydj 1 nq|
‡`Iqv Av‡Q, y = – 5x + 9
Avgiv Rvwb, mij‡iLvi mvaviY mgxKiYt
y = mx + b [†hLv‡b, m = Xvj (slope)]
ev, y = – 5x + 9
A_©vr GB mij‡iLvi Xvj = – 5
awi, Aci mij‡iLvi Xvj = m2
GLb, m1  m2 = – 1
ev, – 5  m2 = – 1
ev, m2 =
 m2 = Ans: C
Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018 5
y 3
13. If  and x + 2y = 13 then y is – [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
x 7
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 7
 Solution:
Given, y : x = 3 : 7
And, x + 2y = 13
Or, 7 + 23 = 13
So, y = 3 Ans: B

14. If 1 – 3x ≤ 4, then – [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]

(a) x ≤ – 2 (b) x  – 2 (c) x ≤ – 1 (d) x  – 1
 Solution:
1 – 3x ≤ 4
 – 3x ≤ 3
x–1 Ans: D

15. If a pole 6m high casts a shadow 2 3 m long on the ground, then the Sun’s elevation is – (f‚-Z‡j 6
wgUvi j¤^v GKwU LyuwUi Qvqv 2 3 wgUvi n‡j m~‡h©i DbœwZ †KvY KZ?) [[Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director
(General)-2018; Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-2018 & Sonali Bank Senior Officer-2018]
(a) 60 (b) 45 (c) 30 (d) 90
 Solution:
LyuwUi D”PZv AB = 6 wgUvi
Lywu Ui Qvqvi ˆ`N©¨ BC = 2 3 wgUvi
m~‡h©i DbœwZ †KvY (Sun’s elevation angle) ACB = 
Avgiv Rvwb,
j¤ ^
tan  =   A
ev, tan  =
2 3
3 6m
ev, tan  =
ev, tan  = 3  
ev, tan  = tan 60 [Since, tan 60 = 3 ]  
  = 60  B C
myZivs m~‡h©i DbœwZ †KvY 60|
Ans: A
6 Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018
16. If a, b and c are the lengths of the three sides of a triangle, then which of the following is true?
(hw` GKwU wÎfz‡Ri wZbwU evû h_vμ‡g a, b Ges c nq, Zvn‡j wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant
Director (General)-2018 & Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-2018]
(a) a + b < c (b) a – b < c (c) a + b = c (d) a + b  c
 Solution:
Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfz‡Ri †h †Kvb `yB evûi AšÍi Dnvi Z…Zxq evû A‡cÿv ÿz`ªZi|
GB ˆewkó¨ Abymv‡i, a – b < c A_©vr Ackb (b) mwVK| Ans: B

17. The next number of the sequence is – (avivwUi cieZ©x msL¨v †KvbwU?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director
4 3 9 3 19 3 …
(a) 31 (b) 32 (c) 39 (d) 49
 Solution:
cÖ`Ë avivwUi 2q, 4_© Ges 6ô c` GKB A_©vr 3| GLb 7g c` †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j -
3q c` = 4 + 5 = 9
5g c` = 9 + 52 = 19
7g c` = 19 + 102 = 39 Ans: C

18. A football team is to be considered out of 14 boys. In how many ways the team can be chosen so
that the owner of the ball is always in the team? (14 Rb evj‡Ki g‡a¨ †_‡K GKwU dzUej wUg MVb Ki‡Z n‡e|
KZwU Dcv‡q D³ wUg wbe©vPb Kiv hv‡e hv‡Z ejwU hvi ‡m me©`v wU‡g AšÍf©y³ _vK‡e?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant
Director (General)-2018]
(a) 135 (b) 143 (c) 169 (d) 129
 Solution:
dzUej †Ljvq cÖwZwU wU‡g 11 Rb K‡i †L‡jvqvo _v‡K| GLv‡b †gvU evjK 14 Rb| kZ©vbyhvqx, 11 R‡bi wU‡g 1 Rb evjK (ejwU
hvi) me©`v AšÍfz©³ _vK‡e| Zvn‡j (14-1) ev 13 Rb evj‡Ki g‡a¨ †_‡K (11-1) ev 10 Rb evjK evQvB Ki‡Z n‡e| A_©vr D³

wUg wbe©vPb Kiv hv‡e = 13

C10 = 286 Dcv‡q| (Ack‡b mwVK DËi †bB)

19. If 6121135 represents ‘flame’ then 21215120 represents (hw` 6121135 Øviv ‘flame’ †K cÖKvk Kiv nq, Z‡e
21215120 wK cÖKvk K‡i?) – [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018 & Bangladesh Bank
Officer (General)-2018]
(a) voice (b) bald (c) bloat (d) castle
 Solution:
GLv‡b Bs‡iwR eY©gvjvi eY©μg‡K msL¨vq cÖKvk Kiv n‡q‡Q| GUv‡K g~jZ Coding ejv nq hv msL¨v I eY©gvjvi avuav|
Given, 6121135 = flame
Where, 6 = f, 12 = l, 1 = a, 13 = m and 5 = e
Then, 21215120 = ?
Following the given code, 2 = b, 12 = l, 15 = o, 1 = a and 20 = t
So, 21215120 = bloat Ans: C
Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018 7
20. What is the probability that an integer selected at random from those between 10 and 100
inclusive is a multiple of 5 or 9? (10 ‡_‡K 100 Gi g‡a¨ (GB `ywU msL¨vmn) 5 A_ev 9 Gi ¸wYZK Ggb GKwU
c~Y©msL¨v ˆ`efv‡e wbe©vPb Kivi m¤¢ve¨Zv KZ?) [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
27 20 27 23
(a) (b) (c) (d)
89 91 91 89
 Solution:
10 ‡_‡K 100 Gi g‡a¨ 5 Gi ¸wYZK Av‡Q: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90,
95, 100 = 19 wU
10 †_‡K 100 Gi g‡a¨ 9 Gi ¸wYZK Av‡Q: 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99 = 10 wU
Avevi, 5 I 9 Gi¸ 45| 10 †_‡K 100 Gi g‡a¨ 45 Gi ¸wYZK Av‡Q 2wU (45 Ges 90) wU| A_©vr GB 2wU msL¨v 5 I 9
Dfq msL¨v Øviv wefvR¨| Zvn‡j ‡gvU ¸wYZK Av‡Q = (19+102) = 27 wU|
Avevi, 10 †_‡K 100 ch©šÍ ‡gvU msL¨v 91 wU|
 wb‡Y©q m¤¢ve¨Zv = Ans: C

21. The sum of 3 consecutive integers is less than 75. What is the greatest possible value of the smallest
one? (3wU μwgK c~Y© msL¨vi mgwó 75 Gi †P‡q †QvU n‡j me‡P‡q †QvU msL¨vwUi m‡e©v”P m¤¢ve¨ gvb KZ?) [Bangladesh
Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 16 (b) 19 (c) 22 (d) 23
 Solution:
Let, the 3 consecutive integers be x, x+1 and x+2 respectively.
ATQ, x + x + 1 + x + 2 < 75
Or, 3x + 3 < 75
Or, 3x < 72
 x < 24
So, the value of x can be 23, 22, 21, 20…..etc.
Hence, the greatest possible value of the smallest one = 23

`ªæZ mjf Ki‡Z n‡j Gfv‡e fveyb:

μwgK msL¨v 3wUi mgwó 75 n‡j, msL¨v 3wU n‡e 24, 25 Ges 26| wKš‘ 75 Gi †P‡q †QvU n‡j μwgK msL¨v 3wU n‡e 23, 24
Ges 25| hvi mgwó n‡e (23 + 24 + 25) = 72 (hv 75 A‡cÿv †QvU)| Zvn‡j me‡P‡q †QvU msL¨vwUi m‡e©v”P m¤¢ve¨ gvb 23|
Ans: D

Solved by:
Ajgar Ali
Writer of Spotlight Recent Bank Math
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2 2 4
1. If sinA + sin A = 1, then the value of the expression cos A + cos A is – [Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-
2018 & Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) 1 (b) (c) 2 (d) 3
 Solution:
sinA + sin2A = 1
 sinA = 1 – sin2A
 sinA = cos2A
 sin2A = cos4A
 1 – cos2A = cos4A
 cos2A + cos4A = 1 Ans: A

2. The area of a triangle with sides 3 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm is – (3 †m.wg., 5 †m.wg. Ges 6 †m.wg. evûwewkó GKwU
wÎfz‡Ri †ÿÎdj KZ?) [Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-2018 & Sonali Bank Senior Officer-2018]
(a) 2 3 cm2 (b) 2 14 cm2 (c) 5 12 cm2 (d) 4 14 cm2
 Solution:
wÎfz‡Ri wZb evûi ˆ`N©¨ h_vμ‡g a = 3 †m.wg. ; b = 5 †m.wg. Ges c = 6 †m.wg.
abc 356 14
Aa©-cwimxgv (s) = = =  = 7 ‡m.wg.
2 2 2
wÎfz‡Ri †ÿÎdj = s(s  a )(s  b )(s  c)
   = 7 (7  3)(7  5)(7  6)
   = 7  4  2 1
   = 2 14
myZivs wÎfz‡Ri †ÿÎdj 2 14 eM© †m.wg.| Ans: B

3. If a, b and c are the lengths of the three sides of a triangle, then which of the following is true?
(hw` GKwU wÎfz‡Ri wZbwU evû h_vμ‡g a, b Ges c nq, Zvn‡j wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK?) [Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-2018
& Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) a + b < c (b) a – b < c (c) a + b = c (d) a + b  c
 Solution:
wÎfz‡Ri †h †Kvb `yB evûi AšÍi Dnvi Z…Zxq evû A‡cÿv ÿz`ªZi|
GB wbqg Abymv‡i a – b < c A_©vr Ackb (b) mwVK| Ans: B

4. How many integers from 1 to 1000 are divisible by 30 but not by 16? (1 †_‡K 1000 ch©šÍ KZwU msL¨v
30 Øviv wefvR¨ wKš‘ 16 Øviv bq?) [Sonali Bank Senior Officer-2018 & Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-
(a) 29 (b) 31 (c) 32 (d) 38
 Solution:
1 †_‡K 1000 ch©šÍ (1000  30) = 33.33 ev 33wU msL¨v 30 Øviv wefvR¨| GLb 30 I 16 Gi¸ 240| ZvB (1000 
240) = 4.16 ev 4wU msL¨v (240, 480, 720, 960) 30 I 16 Dfq msL¨v Øviv wefvR¨| ZvB 4wU msL¨v ev` w`‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j
ïay 30 Øviv wefvR¨ msL¨v n‡e (33 – 4) ev 29wU|
AsK eyS‡j DËi GK jvB‡b : Multiples of 30 minus multiples of 240 = 33 – 4 = 29 Ans: A
5. The slope of the line perpendicular to the line y = – 5x + 9 is: (y = – 5x + 9 Gi j¤^ ‡iLvi Xvj KZ?)
[Sonali Bank Senior Officer-2018 & Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
1 1
(a) 5 (b) 5 (c) (d) 
5 5
 Solution:
m~Î n‡jvt `y‡Uv mij‡iLvi GKwU Av‡iKwUi j¤^ nq, hw` Xvj؇qi ¸Ydj 1 nq|
‡`Iqv Av‡Q, y = – 5x + 9
Avgiv Rvwb, mij‡iLvi mvaviY mgxKiYt
y = mx + b [†hLv‡b, m = Xvj (slope)]
ev, y = – 5x + 9
A_©vr GB mij‡iLvi Xvj = – 5
awi, Aci mij‡iLvi Xvj = m2
GLb, m1  m2 = – 1
ev, – 5  m2 = – 1
ev, m2 =
 m2 = Ans: C

6. A median of a triangle divides it into two – (wÎfz‡Ri ga¨gv wÎfzR‡K `ywU.........wef³ K‡i) [Rupali Bank Officer
(Cash)-2018 & Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) congruent triangles (b) triangles of equal area
(c) isosceles triangles (d) right triangles
 Solution:
‡Kvb wÎfy‡Ri kxl©we›`y I Zvi wecixZ evûi ga¨we›`yi ms‡hvRK
‡iLvsk‡K H wÎfy‡Ri ga¨gv e‡j|
In ΔABC, AD is the median. A
Hence BD = DC
Draw AE ٣ BC
 Area of ΔABD
=  BD AE
=  DC AE  [Since BD = DC]  B
2 C D E
= Area of ΔADC AD = Median (ga¨gv)
Thus, median of a triangle divides it into two
triangles of equal area.
Ans: B
b b c
7. If x = y , y = z and z = x then the value of abc is – [Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-2018 & Bangladesh
Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 0.5 (d) infinity
 Solution:
Given, x = ya
Or, x = zab [since y = zb]
Or, x = xabc [since z = xc]
 abc = 1 Ans: A

8. The value of k, if (x – 1) is a factor of 4x3 + 3x2 – 4x + k, is – (4x3 + 3x2 – 4x + k ivwkwUi GKwU Drcv`K
(x – 1) n‡j k Gi gvb KZ?) [Sonali Bank Senior Officer-2018 & Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-2018]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 3
 Solution:
cÖ`Ë ivwkwUi GKwU Drcv`K (x – 1)| Zvn‡j-
Or, x = 1
GLb x = 1 emv‡j cÖ`Ë ivwkwUi gvb ïb¨ n‡e|
myZivs f(x) = 4x3 + 3x2 – 4x + k
 f(1) = 4(1)3 + 3(1)2 – 4(1) + k
GLb, k + 3 = 0 [KviY x = 1 emv‡j cÖ`Ë ivwkwUi gvb ïb¨ n‡e|]
k=3 Ans: C

9. If 6121135 represents ‘flame’ then 21215120 represents (hw` 6121135 Øviv ‘flame’ †K cÖKvk Kiv nq, Z‡e
21215120 wK cÖKvk K‡i?) – [Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018 & Bangladesh Bank
Officer (General)-2018]
(a) voice (b) bald (c) bloat (d) castle
 Solution:
GLv‡b Bs‡iwR eY©gvjvi eY©μg‡K msL¨vq cÖKvk Kiv n‡q‡Q| GUv‡K g~jZ Coding ejv nq hv msL¨v I eY©gvjvi avuav|
Given, 6121135 = flame
Where, 6 = f, 12 = l, 1 = a, 13 = m and 5 = e
Then, 21215120 = ?
Following the given code, 2 = b, 12 = l, 15 = o, 1 = a and 20 = t
So, 21215120 = bloat Ans: C
10. A pole 6m high casts a shadow 2 3 m long on the ground, then the Sun’s elevation is – (f‚-Z‡j 6
wgUvi j¤^v GKwU LyuwUi Qvqv 2 3 wgUvi n‡j m~‡h©i DbœwZ †KvY KZ?) [Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-2018; Sonali Bank
Senior Officer-2018 & Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director (General)-2018]
(a) 60 (b) 45 (c) 30 (d) 90
 Solution:
LyuwUi D”PZv AB = 6 wgUvi
LyuwUi Qvqvi ˆ`N©¨ BC = 2 3 wgUvi
m~‡h©i DbœwZ †KvY (Sun’s elevation angle) ACB =  m~h©
Avgiv Rvwb, A
j¤ ^
tan  =  
ev, tan  = 6m
2 3
ev, tan  =

ev, tan  = 3   C
ev, tan  = tan 60 [Since, tan 60 = 3 ] 
  = 60 
myZivs m~‡h©i DbœwZ †KvY 60| Ans: A

Solved by:
Ajgar Ali
Writer of Spotlight Recent Bank Math
DU Arts Faculty Computer Solution

Bank Recruitment Test

DU Arts Faculty Computer Question


Senior Officer Recruitment Test (BHBFC) - 2017
9. Which is not a type of sorting algorithm?
Ans. C
a) Bubble b) Selection
c) Split d) Merge
10. NLP is a type of Language Processing, where ‘N’ stands for-
a) Natural b) Neutral
Ans. A
c) Normal d) Nano
11. Which is not an Object-Oriented Programming Language?
a) C# b) C Ans. B
c) Java d) C++
Simula was the first object-oriented programming language. Java, Python,
C++, Visual Basic .NET and Ruby are the most popular OOP languages today.
12. Which file extension indicates only graphics files?
a) TXT b) GIF Ans. B
c) STK d) DOC
13 Which protocol provides e-mail facility among different hosts?
a) TELENT b) SNTP Ans. D
c) FTP d) SMTP
14. How many bits are used by Unicode to represent one character?
a) 8 b) 16 Ans. B
c) 32 d) 48
15. Which of the following is a language translator?
a) Pearl b) Assembler Ans. B
c) Java Script d) BCD
16. Use of an ordinary telephone as an internet appliance is called-
a) Voice telephone b) voice line Ans. B
c) voice portal d) voice net
17. The right to use a piece of software is termed –
a) License b) Patent Ans. A
c) Copyright d) Installation
18. Information and Communication Technology includes –
a) Learning through the use of EDUSAT
Ans. D
b) Web Based Learning
c) On line learning
d) All of the above

DU Arts Faculty Computer Solution
19. In internet terminology, what does the acronym DHML stands for?
a) Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
b) Dynamic Hypertext Markup Link Ans. A
c) Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
d) Dynamic HTML.


Senior Officer Recruitment Test (BDBL) - 2017

28. Which of the following is spreadsheet analysis software?
a) Latex b) Illustrator Ans. D
c) Access d) Excel @
29. Which is not an Object-Oriented Programming Language?
a) C# b) C@
Ans. B
c) Java d) C++
30. How many bits are used by Unicode to represent one character?
a) 8 b) 16 Ans. B
c) 32 d) 48
Unicode requires 16 bits and ASCII require 7 bits. Although the ASCII character
set uses only 7 bits, it is usually represented as 8 bits.
31. Which one is a language translator?
a) Pearl b) Assembler Ans. B
c) JavaScript d) BCD
32. The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell C1 and goes over
to column H and down to row 10 is-[SO 17]
a) C1: 10H b) C1: H10 Ans. B
c) C1: H-10 d) C1: H: 10
33. Which topology does not allow transferring data directly from computer
to computer?
a) Ring b) Bus Ans. D
c) Tree d) Star
34. Trojan Horse is a kind of-
a) virus b) malware Ans. B
c) spyware d) Worm
35. The primary additive colors of a color monitor are-
a) blue, magenta, green b) Red, blue, yellow Ans. D
c) Red, green, yellow d) Red, green, blue

Exam aid Computer

Officer (Cash) Recruitment Test (BKB) - 2017

65. WWW stands for
Ans. A
a) World Wide Web b) World Whole Web
c) Wide World Web d) Web Wide World
66. The Protocol Used for resolving IP address from a domain name is
a) DNS b) HTTP
c) SMTP d) TCP Ans. D
67. The Universal gate is
a) Ex-Or b) AND
Ans. C
c) NOR d) NOT
68. Trojan horse is a kind of
a) Virus b) Malware Ans. B
c) Spyware d) Worm
69. Which one is not a pointing device?
a) Touch screen b) OMR Ans. B
c) Mouse d) Light Pen
70. In MS Word which of the following line spacing is invalid?
a) Single b) Double Ans. C
c) Triple d) Multiple
71. Which topology does not allow transferring data directly from computer
to computer?
a) Ring b) Bus Ans. D
c) Tree d) Star
72. The Cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell C1 and over
column H and down to row 10 is
a) C1:10H b) C1:H10 Ans. B
c) C1:H-10 d) C1:H:10


Officer (Cash) Recruitment Test (RBL) - 2018

6. Which of the following is programming language?
a) Lotus b) Pascal Ans. B
c) MS-Excel d) Netscape
7. Which disk is used to ‘cold boot’ in a PC?
a) Setup disk b) System disk
Ans. B
c) Diagnostic disk d) Program disk
It is the system disk because the other disks may boot a PC, but they also
perform added functions beyond booting the PC

DU Arts Faculty Computer Solution

8. A collection of unprocessed item is-

Ans. B
a) Information b) Data
c) Memory d) Reports
9. The amount of vertical space between line of text in a document is called
a) Double space b) Indentation Ans.
c) Single space d) Crop
The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is
called line spacing
10. In excel which of the following symbols is used before a numeric value
so that it can be treated as a labeled value?
a) *(quote) b) =(equal) Ans. D
c) _(underscore) d) ‘(apostrophe)
In MS Excel, apostrophe is a symbol that is used to convert the numeric
value in the text format. To do this, you need to add the apostrophe symbol
before the numeric value.
11. Which of the following types of menu shows the further sub choice?
a) Reverse b) Template
Ans. D
c) Scrolled d) Pull down
12. Track ball is an example of a/an
a) Programmable device b) Pointing device Ans. B
c) Output device d) Software device
13. If you wish to extend the length of the network without having the signal
degrade, you would use a_
a) Repeater b) Router Ans. A
c) Gateway d) Switch


Officer (Cash) Recruitment Test (AGBL) - 2017

108. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other
images into digital form is –
a) Keyboard b) Plotter Ans. C
c) Scanner d) OMR
109. A list of instructions used by a computer is called –
Ans. C
a) Text b) CPU
c) Program d) Output
110. With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the
printed area?
a) Normal b) Print Layout Ans. B
c) Outline d) Web Layout
111. You can merge the main document with data source in Excel. In mail
merge operation, Word is usually –
a) server b) source Ans. C
c) client d) none
DU Arts Faculty Computer Solution
112. How do you re-arrange the data in ascending or descending order?
a) Data, Sort b) Data, Form
c) Data, Table d) Data Subtotals Ans. A
113. Which short-cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?
a) Ctrl + N b) Ctrl + M
Ans. B
c) Ctrl + S d) Ctrl + Q
114. Which protocol provides e-mail facility among different hosts?
a) FTP b) SMTP
Ans. B
SMTP is the abbreviation of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, and it defines the
method that handles the process of email exchange and delivery across IPs
115. Which of the following operating system is produced by IBM?
a) OS-2 b) Windows Ans. A
c) DOS d) UNIX

Senior Officer Recruitment Test (AGBL) - 2017

98. Which of the following commands can be used to save a file?
a) Crtl + A b) Crtl + P
Ans. C
c) Crtl + S d) Crtl + W
99. Which one is both input and output device?
a) Touch Screen b) Plotter Ans. A
c) Keyboard d) OMR
100. Which of the following is a key board command to copy some text in
MS Word?
Ans. D
a) Shift + Copy b) Shift + C
c) Alt + G d) Ctrl + C
101. Which one of the following is an example of optical storage device?
a) Hard Disk b) CD ROM
Ans. B
c) RAM d) CPU
102. Which one of the following is Utility software?
a) CD ROM b) MS WORD Ans. C
c) McAfee d) Oracle
103. Which of the following commands is used to select all the contents in
MS Word?
a) Ctrl + E b) Ctrl + A Ans. B
c) Ctrl + P d) Ctrl + W
104. Which of the following MS Office program can be used for numerical
a) MS Excel b) MS Power Point Ans. A
c) MS Outlook d) MS Word
105. Which one of the following extends a private network across public
a) Local area network b) Storage area network Ans. D
c) Enterprise private network d) Virtual private network

DU Arts Faculty Computer Solution

106. Which of the following are extensions of graphics files?

a) EXE b) .XML Ans. D
c) .DOC d) .BMP


Officer (General) Recruitment Test - 2018

153. A set of step by step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as

a) Algorithm b) Hardware Ans. A
c) Firmware d) Application
154. An electronic path that sends signals from one part of computer to
another is a
a) Logic gate b) Modem
Ans. D
c) Serial port d) Bus
155. QWERTY is used with reference to
a) Keyboard b) Monitor
Ans. A
c) Printer d) Mouse
156. A __ is a set of rules
a) Network b) Domain Ans. C
c) Protocol d) Hypertext
157. How many full adders are needed to add two 4-bit numbers with a
parallel adder?
a) 8 b) 4 Ans. B
c) 2 d) 16
158. Chip is a common nickname for a
a) Integrated Circuit b) Transistor Ans. A
c) Resistor d) Semiconductor
159. Software, such as viruses, worms and trojan horses that has a malicious
intent is known as
a) Malware b) Spyware
Ans. A
c) Adware d) Spam
160. __ are used to identify a user who returns to a website
a) Cookies b) Plugins
Ans. A
c) Scripts d) Asps

Math Solution [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

Bangladesh Bank Officer (General) 
Post : Officer (General)
Exam Date : 27.04.2018

1. How many integers from 1 to 1000 are divisible by 30 but not by 16? (1 †_‡K 1000 ch©šÍ KqwU msL¨v 30
Øviv wefvR¨, wKš‘ 16 Øviv wefvR¨ bq?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) 29 (b) 31 (c) 32 (d) 38

 Solution: (a)
1 †_‡K 1000 ch©šÍ (1000  30) = 33.33 ev 33wU msL¨v 30 Øviv wefvR¨| GLb 30 I 16 Gi¸ 240| ZvB (1000 
240) = 4.16 ev 4wU msL¨v (240, 480, 720, 960) 30 I 16 Dfq msL¨v Øviv wefvR¨| ZvB 4wU msL¨v ev` w`‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j
ïay 30 Øviv wefvR¨ msL¨v n‡e (33 – 4) ev 29wU|

AsK eyS‡j DËi GK jvB‡b :

Multiples of 30 minus multiples of 240 i.e. 33 – 4 = 29

2. If * is defined for all positive real numbers a and b by a * b = ab/(a+b), then 10*2 = ? [Bangladesh
Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) 5/3 (b) 5/2 (c) 5 (d) 20/3

 Solution: (a)
Here, a = 10 and b = 2
Now, a*b = ab/(a+b) = (10*2)/(10+2) = 20/12 = 5/3

3. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and width is decreased by 20%, what is the change
in area of the rectangle? (hw` †Kvb AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi ˆ`N©¨ 20% ev‡o Ges cÖ¯’ 20% K‡g, Z‡e Zvi †ÿÎd‡ji kZKiv KZ
cwieZ©b n‡e?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) unchanged (b) decreased by 4% (c) increased by 4% (d) increased by 5%

 Solution: (b)
Let us assume, length = 100 and width 100.
So area = 100100 = 10000 20  (20)
New length = 120 and width = 80 Shortcut: 20  20  = – 4%
New area = 12080 = 9600
Area decreased = 10000 – 9600 = 400
Decrease % =  100 = 4%
GgwmwKD cixÿvq GZ we¯ÍvwiZ Kivi mgq cv‡eb bv| ZvB kU©Kv‡U Kiæb|

Solved by : B. M. Ajgar Ali, B.S.S (Hons.) & M.S.S (Economics), Khulna University
Math Solution [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

4. The dimensions of a box are 2, 3 and 4 meters. The cost of painting the outer sides of the box at
the rate of Tk. 3 per square meter is – (2 wgUvi, 3 wgUvi Ges 4 wgUvi cwigv‡ci GKwU ev‡·i evB‡ii cv‡k cÖwZ
eM©wgUvi 3 UvKv `‡i is Ki‡Z KZ LiP n‡e?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) Tk. 156 (b) Tk. 120 (c) Tk. 136 (d) Tk. 160

 Solution: (a)
Total area of outer surface (c„ôfvM) of the box
= 2(lengthwidth + widthheight + heightlength)
= 2(2×3 + 3×4 + 4×2) 4m
= 2(6+12+8)
= 52 sq. m
So, required cost of painting = 52  3 = Tk. 156 3m
5. In each expression below, N represents a negative integer. Which expression could have a
negative value? (wb‡Pi cÖ‡Z¨K Awfe¨w³‡Z N GKwU FYvZ¥K c~Y©msL¨v wb‡`©k Ki‡Q| †Kvb Awfe¨w³wU‡Z FYvZ¥K gvb
_vK‡Z cv‡i?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) N2 (b) 6 – N (c) – N (d) 6 + N

 Solution: (d)
Let N = −10
Now, checking each expression as follows:
(a) N2 = (–10)2 = 100 [Not acceptable]
(b) 6 – N = 6 + 10 = 16 [Not acceptable]
(c) – N = 10 [Not acceptable]
(d) 6 + N = 6 – 10 = −4 [Acceptable]

6. If the length of rectangle A is one-half the length of rectangle B, and the width of rectangle A is
one-half the width of rectangle B, what is the ratio of the area of rectangle A to the area of
rectangle B? (hw` AvqZ‡ÿÎ A Gi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ h_vμ‡g AvqZ‡ÿÎ B Gi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ‡¯’i A‡a©K nq, Z‡e AvqZ‡ÿÎ `ywUi
†ÿÎd‡ji AbycvZ KZ?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
1 1 1 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 2 1 1

 Solution: (a)
Let length of B = x and width = y
x y
Then, length of A = and width =
2 2
x y xy
 Area of A : Area of B =    : xy = : xy = 1 : 4
2 2 4

Solved by : B. M. Ajgar Ali, B.S.S (Hons.) & M.S.S (Economics), Khulna University
Math Solution [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

x I y bv a‡i Av‡iv mn‡R mgvavb Ki‡Z :

Let length of B = 4 and width = 2
Then, length of A = 2 and width = 1
Area of A = (21) = 2
Area of B = (42) = 8

7. log 36/log 6 – [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

(a) 5 (b) 8 (c) 3 (d) 2

 Solution: (d)
log 36 log 62 2 log 6
= = =2
log 6 log 6 log 6

8. If 1 – 2x  3, then [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

(a) x  – 2 (b) x  – 2 (c) x  – 1 (d) x  – 1

 Solution: (d)
1 – 2x  3
 1 – 2x – 1  3 – 1 [Subtracting 1 from both side]
 – 2x  2
 x  –1

9. If sinA + sin2A = 1, then the value of the expression cos2A + cos4A – [Bangladesh Bank Officer
(a) 1 (b) ½ (c) 2 (d) 3

 Solution: (a)
sinA + sin2A = 1
 sinA = 1 – sin2A
 sinA = cos2A
 sin2A = cos4A
 1 – cos2A = cos4A
 cos2A + cos4A = 1

10. A median of a triangle divides it into two – (wÎf‚‡Ri ga¨gv wÎf‚R‡K `ywUÑÑÑwef³ K‡i) [Bangladesh Bank
Officer (General)-2018]
(a) congruent triangles (b) triangles of equal area
(c) isosceles triangles (d) right triangles

Solved by : B. M. Ajgar Ali, B.S.S (Hons.) & M.S.S (Economics), Khulna University
Math Solution [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

 Solution: (b)
‡Kvb wÎfy‡Ri kxl©we›`y I Zvi wecixZ evûi ga¨we›`yi ms‡hvRK
‡iLvsk‡K H wÎfy‡Ri ga¨gv e‡j|
In ΔABC, AD is the median.
Hence BD = DC
Draw AE ٣ BC
 Area of ΔABD
=  BD  AE
=  DC  AE  [Since BD = DC]  C D E B
AD = Median (ga¨gv)
= Area of ΔADC
Thus, median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of equal area.

11. Which number logically follows the sequence? [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
4 6 9 6 14 6 ….
(a) 6 (b) 17 (c) 19 (d) 21

 Solution: (c)
cÖ`Ë avivwUi 2q, 4_© Ges 6ô c` GKB A_©vr 6| GLb 7g c` †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| A_ev Av‡iv mn‡R :
Zvn‡j - 1g c` = 4
3q c` = 1g c` + 2q c`  1 = 4 + 6  1 = 9 3q c` = 1g c` + 5 = 9
5g c` = 3q c` + 4_© c`  1 = 9 + 6  1 = 14 5g c` = 3q c` + 5 = 14
7g c` = 5g c` + 6ô c`  1 = 14 + 6  1 = 19 7g c` = 5g c` + 5 = 19

12. How many cases do you need if you have to pack 112 pairs of shoes into cases that each hold 28
shoes? (cÖwZ †K‡m 28wU RyZv c¨vK Kiv †M‡j, 112 †Rvov RyZv c¨vK Ki‡Z KZwU †Km jvM‡e?) [Bangladesh Bank
Officer (General)-2018]
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 14

 Solution: (a)
HwKK wbq‡g Kiæb :
To pack 28 or 14 pairs of shoes, we need 1 case
To pack 1 shoe, we need case
To pack 112 pairs of shoes, we need or 8 cases

Solved by : B. M. Ajgar Ali, B.S.S (Hons.) & M.S.S (Economics), Khulna University
Math Solution [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

13. In a row in the theatre the seats are numbered consecutively from T1 to T50. Sumon is sitting in
seat T17 and Sajib is sitting in seat T39. How many seats are there between them? (GKwU w_‡qUv‡i
GKwU mvwi‡Z avivevwnKfv‡e T1 †_‡K T50 ch©šÍ Avmb i‡q‡Q| mygb T17 Avm‡b Ges mRxe T39 Avm‡b e‡m‡Q| `yÕR‡bi
g‡a¨ KZwU Avmb i‡q‡Q?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) 23 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 20

 Solution: (b)
mygb I mRx‡ei g‡a¨ T18 ‡_‡K T38 ch©šÍ Avmb i‡q‡Q| GLb T1 †_‡K T38 ch©šÍ Avmb msL¨v 38wU| Avevi T1 †_‡K T17
ch©šÍ Avmb msL¨v 17wU| Zvn‡j Zv‡`i `yÕR‡bi g‡a¨ †gvU (38-17) ev 21wU Avmb i‡q‡Q|

14. Which of the following can be arranged into a 5-letter English word? a. HRGST b. RILSA c.
TOOMT d. WQRGS [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) a & c (b) b & c (c) c & d (d) a & d

 Solution: (b)
A. cannot become an English word because it has no vowels.
B. can be arranged to spell : Lairs (‡jqvi), Liars (wg_¨vev`x), Rails (‡ij)
C. can be arranged to spell : Motto (g~jgš¿)
D. cannot become an English word because it has no vowels.

‡R‡b ivLv fvj :

Vowel (¯^ieY©) Qvov †Kvb Bs‡iwR kã MwVZ nq bv| cÖ‡Z¨K Bs‡iwR k‡ã Aek¨B Kgc‡ÿ GKwU Vowel (a, e, i, o, u)
_vK‡Z n‡e|

15. Siddik has a new set of golf clubs. Using a club 8, 7 and 6 the ball travels an average distance of
100 m, 108 m, 114 m respectively. How far will the ball go if he uses a club 5? (wmwχKi Mjd K¬v‡ei
GKwU bZyb ‡mU Av‡Q| wZwb K¬ve 8, 7 Ges 6 G †Lj‡j ejwU h_vμ‡g 100 wgUvi, 108 wgUvi, 114 wgUvi `~‡i hvq| wZwb K¬ve
5 G †Lj‡j ejwU KZ `~‡i hv‡e?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) 122 m (b) 120 m (c) 118 m (d) 116 m

 Solution: (c)
cÖ‡kœ †`qv Z_¨ †_‡K Avgiv wb‡Pi †UwejwU ˆZix Ki‡Z cvwi|
Club Club 8 Club 7 Club 6 Club 5
Distance 100m 108m 114m ?

Dc‡ii †Uwej †_‡K †`Lv hv‡”Q, 6 bs K¬v‡e †Lj‡j ejwU 114 wg. `~i‡Z¡ hvq| wKš‘ 7 bs K¬v‡e 108 wg. hvq A_©vr c~ee© Zx K¬ve
†_‡K (114-108) ev 6 wg. Kg hvq| Avevi 8 bs K¬v‡e †Lj‡j 100 wg. hvq A_©vr c~ee© Zx© K¬ve †_‡K (108-100) ev 8 wg. Kg
hvq| GB aviv †_‡K ¯úóZ eySv hv‡”Q †h, 6 bs K¬ve †_‡K 8 bs K¬ve ch©šÍ cÖwZ K¬v‡ei cv_©K¨Uv g~jZ Gfv‡e †e‡o‡Q: 6, 8, 10,
12, .. .. ..| ZvB 5 bs K¬v‡ei `~iZ¡ wbðqB (114+4) ev 118 wg. n‡e| hLb 5 Ges 6 bs K¬v‡ei cv_©K¨ n‡e (118-114) ev 4
wg.| me‡k‡l Avevi avivwU wgwj‡q †`Lyb: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, .. .. ..| myZivs wmwÏK K¬ve 5-G †Lj‡j ejwU 118 wg. `~i‡Z¡ hv‡e|
Solved by : B. M. Ajgar Ali, B.S.S (Hons.) & M.S.S (Economics), Khulna University
Math Solution [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

16. The day after the day after tomorrow is 4 days before Monday. What day is it today? (‡mvgev‡ii 4
w`b Av‡M hw` AvMvgx ciïi c‡ii w`b nq, Z‡e AvR wK evi?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) Monday (b) Tuesday (c) Wednesday (d) Thursday

 Solution: (a)
The day after the day after tomorrow A_© AvMvgx ciïi c‡ii w`b| GLb ‡mvgev‡ii 4 w`b Av‡M wQj e„ntevi| A_©vr
AvMvgx ciïi c‡ii w`b e„ntevi n‡e| Avi AvMvgx ciïi c‡ii w`b e„ntevi n‡Z n‡j, AvR Aek¨B †mvgevi n‡e|

17. If 6121135 represents ‘flame’ then 21215120 represents (hw` 6121135 Øviv ‘flame’ †K cÖKvk Kiv nq, Z‡e
21215120 wK cÖKvk K‡i?) – [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) voice (b) bald (c) bloat (d) castle

 Solution: (c)
GLv‡b Bs‡iwR eY©gvjvi eY©μg‡K msL¨vq cÖKvk Kiv n‡q‡Q| GUv‡K g~jZ Coding ejv nq hv msL¨v I eY©gvjvi avuav|
Given, 6121135 = flame
Where, 6 = f, 12 = l, 1 = a, 13 = m and 5 = e
Then, 21215120 = ?
Following the given code, 2 = b, 12 = l, 15 = o, 1 = a and 20 = t
So, 21215120 = bloat

18. My successor’s father is my father’s son and I don’t have any brothers or sons. Who is my
successor? (Avgvi DËivwaKvix wcZv Avgvi evevi ‡Q‡j Ges Avgvi †Kvb fvB ev ‡Q‡j ‡bB| Avgvi DËivwaKvix ‡K?)
[Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) Nephew (b) Niece (c) Daughter (d) Myself

 Solution: (c)
GUv GK ai‡Yi Riddle (avuuav) ev AvBwKD| †hLv‡b cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨B DËi jyKv‡bv Av‡Q| jÿ¨ Kiæb- cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q, Avgvi
DËivwaKvix wcZv Avgvi evevi †Q‡j A_©vr Avwg wb‡RB| Avevi Avgvi †Kvb fvB ev †Q‡j †bB| Zvn‡j Avgvi DËivwaKvix wbðqB
Avgvi ‡g‡q n‡e|

19. At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will there
be in total? (GKwU †fvR †k‡l 10 Rb e¨w³i cÖ‡Z¨‡K G‡K-Ac‡ii mv‡_ Kig`©b Ki‡j, Zviv †gvU KZwU Kig`©b Ki‡e?)
[Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) 100 (b) 20 (c) 45 (d) 90

 Solution: (c)
GLv‡b cÖ‡Z¨K e¨w³ cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki mv‡_ GKeviB Kig`©b Ki‡e; `yÕevi bq| cÖ_g e¨w³ Aci 9
Lye mn‡R 1 jvB‡b DËi :
R‡bi mv‡_ Kig`©b Ki‡e| GKBfv‡e, wØZxq e¨w³ evwK 8 R‡bi mv‡_ Ges Z…Zxq e¨w³ evwK
10 10  9
7 R‡bi mv‡_ Kig`©b Ki‡e| Gfv‡e beg e¨w³ Aewkó 1 R‡bi mv‡_ Kig`©b Ki‡e| Zvn‡j C2 = = 45
2 1
†gvU Kig`©b n‡e (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) ev 45 evi|
Solved by : B. M. Ajgar Ali, B.S.S (Hons.) & M.S.S (Economics), Khulna University
Math Solution [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

20. In a crime, three suspects X, Y and Z were caught and questioned. Each person said, “One of the
other two stole it. I did not do it.” Later on the police found out that Z was lying and there was
only one thief. Who was the thief? (GKwU Aciv‡a wZbRb m‡›`nfvRb X, Y I Z aiv co‡jv Ges Zv‡`i‡K wRÁvmvev`
Kiv n‡jv| cÖ‡Z¨‡K ej‡jv, ÒAb¨ `yÕR‡bi g‡a¨ GKRb Pzwi K‡i‡Q| Avwg Kwi bvB|Ó c‡i cywjk †`L‡jv †h, Z wg_¨v ej‡Q Ges
Pzwi GKRbB K‡i‡Q| Zvn‡j †Pvi †K?) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]
(a) X (b) Y (c) Z (d) Someone else

 Solution: (c)
cywj‡ki AbymÜv‡b †`Lv hv‡”Q †h, Z wg_¨v e‡j‡Q Ges †Pvi 1 RbB| A_©vr Z-B n‡jv †Pvi|

21. Two people are born at the same moment, but they don’t have the same birthdays. Because they
might be born in different (`yBRb e¨w³ GKB gyn~‡Z© Rb¥MÖnY Ki‡jI Zv‡`i Rb¥ ZvwiL GKB nq bv| KviY Zviv wfbœ
…… Rb¥ wb‡Z cv‡i|) [Bangladesh Bank Officer (General)-2018]

(a) centuries (b) culture (c) countries (d) casts

 Solution: (c)
`yBRb e¨w³ GKB g~n~‡Z© Rb¥MÖnY Ki‡jI Zv‡`i Rb¥w`b GKB bvI n‡Z cv‡i| KviY `yÕRb e¨w³ `ywU Avjv`v †`‡k Rb¥ wb‡Z
cv‡i| †hLv‡b cÖwZwU †`‡ki UvBg †Rvb wfbœ| †hgb- Rvcv‡bi †UvwKI‡Z hLb †ejv 3 Uv 14 wgwbU, hy³iv‡óªi IqvwksUb wWwm‡Z
ZLb ivZ 2 Uv 14 wgwbU| A_©vr Rvcv‡bi mgq hy³iv‡óªi mg‡qi †P‡q 13 N›Uv GwM‡q| m½Z Kvi‡Y Rvcvbx e¨w³i eqm gvwK©bx
e¨w³i Zzjbvq 1 w`b †ewk n‡e| A_©vr Df‡qi Rb¥w`b GKB n‡e bv|

Solved by :
B. M. Ajgar Ali
B.S.S (Hons.) & M.S.S (Economics)
Khulna University
Android Application “ Job Circular ”
সবার আেগ িতিদেনর িবিভ পি কা এবং অনলাইেন কািশত সরকাির- বসরকাির সব ধরেনর চাকিরর খবর, সা ািহক
চাকিরর পি কা, আেবদেনর িনয়ম, আেবদন ফরম সহ িনেয়াগ সং া সকল তথ িনেয় এই আপস।

ɫʕʕʑʓʇʘʑ ʙʟʙʚʋʓ5SQ[K½bQ.M\L.ML[SM?bŁS\OČ\Ō
✍ বিশ ✍
✍ নতু ন এবং পূণ চাকিরর খবর এর "Notification"
এর মাধ েম আপিন আপস ওেপন না কেরই আপনার মাবাইেলর Notification বার এ জানেত পারেবন পূণ চাকিরর
খবর এবং পরী ার নািটশ
✍ কেম িসে ম: িতিট িব ি র িনেচ কেম করার অপশন আেছ, ওই িব ি স েক যিদ আপনার কান
/িজ াসা/সমস া/তথ জানার থােক তাহেল আপিন কেম করেল আপনােক আপনার েয়াজনীয় তথ িদেয় সাহায
করার চ া করব।
☞ এছাড়াও মনু বাের আলাদাভােব কেম করার অপশন পােবন, সখােন আপিন িনেয়াগ সং া য কান করেত
✍ Job Age Calculator: চাকিরর বয়স বর করার ক ালকুেলটর। চাকিরর আেবদেনর ে অেনক সময় বয়স বর করেত
হয়। এই Job Age Calculator এর মাধ েম আপিন আপনার কাি ত বয়স বর করেত পারেবন।
≣ জব ক াটাগির: িব ি েলা সহেজ খু েজ পাবার জন ক াটাগির করা আেছ। িনেচ িকছু ক াটাগির উে খ করা হল।

➲ সরকাির চাকির ➲ মােকিটং / সলস ➲ পাট টাইম জব

➲ ব াংক জব ➲ রলওেয় জব ➲ কল স ার / কা মার সািভস
➲ এনিজও ➲ িডেফ এ চাকির ➲ সা ািহক চাকিরর পি কা
➲ িশ ক িনেয়াগ ➲ শার / অনিভ েদর চাকির ➲ অন ন বসরকাির চাকির
✍ িতিদেনর তথ
িবিভ দিনক পি কা থেক পূণ সাধারণ ানমূলক তথ এবং দিনক ইংেরিজ পি কার পূণ Article এর
অনু বাদ ও Daily Star Vocabulary.
✍ সা িতক তথ : িবিভ পি কা ও অন ান উৎস থেক চলমান বাংলােদশ এবং িবে র সা িতক তথ ।
✍ ক ািরয়ার গাইড: চাকিরর পরী া সহায়ক িবিভ তথ এবং Article এবং পরামশ।
✍ ডাউনেলাড জান: চাকিরর িতর জন িবিভ কাশনীর বই এবং অনলাইেন কািশত সকল িবষেয়র তেথ র
PDF। ায় ১০০ GB+ েয়াজনীয় সকল বই িনেয় এর ক াটাগির।
✍ ই ারিভউ িটপস: ই ারিভউ এর জন িকভােব িনেজেক ত করেবন সই সকল িবষেয় অিভ েদর পরামশ।
✍ ভাইভা অিভ তা : চাকিরর ভাইভােত িকধরেণর ে র স ুখীন হেত হয় সই সকল তথ িনেয় এই ক াটাগির।
িবিসএস, ব াংক সহ অন ান িনেয়াগ ভাইভা অিভ তা এখােন পােবন।
✍ ব াংক এবং NTRCA ব াংক: িনেয়াগ পরী ার িবগত সােলর এবং সমাধান। এছাড়াও িতিনয়ত য সকল
িনেয়াগ পরী া অনু ি ত হয় তার -সমাধান।
✍ মেডল ট : িনেজেক িনেয়াগ পরী ার উপেযাগী কের গেড় তালার জন অনু শীলেনর িবক নই। এই ক াটাগিরেত
"ব াখ া সহ ( বিশরভাগ ে )" মেডল ট পােবন। ( With timer এবং Without timer আপনার পছ মত মেডল
ট িদেত পারেবন)
☞ চাকির িবষয়ক পরামশ সহ আেরা অেনক িকছু ...

❤ এই আপস এর বিশ েলা যিদ আপনার ভাল লােগ তাহেল আজই ডাউনেলাড ক ন।

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