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4 17/11/2010 4.9" P7OAS- Phe ATPUCT 6.A1.PF Nav-t- PANG 4G SCA 12011 9.9" Newen¥o- CY MIC AAT £16 (TEA) AG NUAEE L296 (PUVECA) NaeLNFOS bh-3-k PCL MCT ALA APADETED PoNAe WEI BLAINE DAVIP? PALCHD PPT HALE eMC PP TLAVEOS TOCICP EG UCUC UEP TF NNFOLEO O29" NEACALO- 22-71% NP hh, 18/2010 Anh WA 10/2010 4.9° &2h “oAntT eg POM rondOT YEPPUCT TMK PSS Gre DT OF TEN Y¥ AMANF AC 50.00 VAGTILA HEWMACH NeVANF 1b 6-1 P&T? A PUT ATAD PAT: ach nant PVPANF Nb :- PbAG 2th: ~ | Wt. 14/2010 4.7? WWTPUCT NEA BANA 1 Ot AML Ab Ydhts 21/2010 4.9" NET VCT NEA LAMA PAC AC PLC: PhD PROGRAMS (Admi n Classification: Regular) ADMISSION ACADEMIC YEAR:2011 E.C(2018/19G.C) ‘Academie Ui nit Field of Study [College of Education and Behavioral Sciences (Curriculum and Instruction [College of Agriculture and Env onmental Sciences | Science [Animal Geneties and Breeding Fisheries and Wetlands Management | Animal Nutriton Faculty of Humanities Litrature [Teaching Amharic (TeAm) ‘Media and Communication [School of Law Taw [College of Science ‘Applied Mathematics jucation [Space Physics [Solid State Physies Sport Academy Sport Science (Athiteies Coaching ) [Sport Science (Football Coaching ) [Sport Science (Vollyball Coaching ) Faculty of Social Science (Geography and Environmental Studies [History Institute of Technology ‘Sustainable Energy [information Technology [Process Engineering and Design Enviromental and Bilogical Engineering Biochemical Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering Industrial and Enviromental Engineering _ Biotechnology, Nano Science and Technolog Post Harvesting Technology [Integerated Water Management ‘Agricultural Mechanization Industrial_and System Engineering (Mechanical Design /Manuafacture Engineerin; [Thermal Engineering College of Medicine and Health Sciences [Public Health aL | = SECOND DEGREE PROGRAMS ION ACADEMIC YEAR:2011 E.C(2018/19G.C) ADMISSION CLASSIFICATION: REGULAR Unit Field of Study (College of Education and Behavioral |sciences [Educational Leadership (MA) international and Comparative Education (MIA) [Adult Education & Community Development [Special Needs and Inclusive Education (MA) [Social Psychology (MA) arly Childhood Care and Education (MA) Faculty of Social Science [Gender and Development Studies (MA) [Geography and Environmental Studies (MIA) [Geo-information Science (Se) Flertage and Museum Studies (A) History (MAY Peace & Conflict Studies (MAY Political Science (MA) [Population Studies (Se) [Social Anthropology (MA) [Social Work (MSW) College of Agriculture and Environmental Sc [Agricultural Economies (MS) [Agronomy (Se) [Animal Genetics and Breeding (MISe) [Animal Production (MSE) [Apiculture (MSE) [Environment and Climate Change (MSE) [Feed and Animal Nutrition (MSc) [Fisheries and Wetlands Management (MSE) Horticulture (MSc) [Land Resource Management (Se) Plant Breeding (MSc) Plant Protection (MSc) [Rural Development Management (MSe) [Seed Science and Technology (MSc) Veterinary Epidemiology and Feonomies (MSc) Veterinary Microbiology (MSc) Veterinary Public Health (MSe) Soil Science ratershed Management and Sol-water Conservation (MSC Tistiture of Disasters Rik Mi ad Food Disaster Risk Management and sustainable development (MSc) [Climate Change and Development (MS¢) [College of Buisness and Economies [Accounting and Finance (MA) [Business Administration (MBA) [Economies(Development Economics) (MA) [cogistic and Supply Chain Management (MA) ADMISSION CLASSIFICATION: REGULAR [Sehoot of Law [Business and Corporate Law (LLM) [Criminal Justice and aman Rights (LLM) Environment and Land Law (LLM) [Construction Law and Dispute Resolution [Governance and Development [Sport Academy [Sport Management (MSc) | Sport science [Athletics Coaching, Basketball Coaching, [Football Coaching, Handball Coaching, Vollyball Coaching MSO) Biology (Applied Microbiology, Biomedical Science, Botanical Science, Zoological Science MSc) | Chemisty(Analtical physical organic) p af Scence Materials Science and Engineering Analysis (So) Mathematies (Se) Physies Qe) Statisties (Biostar, dustrial statistics, econometrics) NISo) [Schoo of Earth Sciences Hydrology (MSE) [Petrology (MSe) Faculty ot ttamaaiten armbar Lisrure RD Fotkiore7 Citural Studies(MAy Literarre [Media and Communication (MIA) [Teaching Amharic (MEd) [Applied Linguisties and Communication (MA) [Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MEd) [Ge'ez Language and Literature institute of Technology Hydraulic Engineering (MSc) Irigation Engineering and Management (MSe) [Geotechnical Engineering (MSe) Structural Engineering (VIS) Hydrology Engineering (MSc) [Construction Technology Managemente (MSc) Road and Transport Engineering (MSc) Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering (MSe) Watershed Mangement (MSc) Postharvest Technology (WIS) Process Enginering (MSe) Environmental Engineering (MSE) [Food Technotogy (MSc) [Sugar Technology (MSe) jpplied Numan Nutrition (SET Sustainale Engineering (MSe) Thermal Engineering (USC) Manufacturing Engineering (VIS) Production Engineering and Management (MSe) [Mechanical Design (MSc) Power System Engineering (NS) ‘onirol Engineering (MSc) [Computer Engineering (MSc) [Communication System Engineering (MISC) [Computing Science (Se) Information Technology (MSE [Software Engineering (MSc) = ADMISSION CLASSIFICATION: REGULAR d Fashion Technology Institut [Textile Manufacturing (MSc) [Textile Chemistry (Me) Fashion Technology (MSc) [Textile Technology Education (A-Lerel Feacher for TVET}MSe) [Garment Technology Education (A-Level Teather For TVET) (MSo) [Garment Technology Fducation (B-Level Teacher For TVET) (MSO), College of Medicine and Health Sciences [Medical Microbiology (MSc) [Medical Parsitology and Vector Control (MSc) [Master of Public Health (WPA)in Epidemilowy Public Health Sc] MPH in Reporoductive Health(MiSo) [Clinical Midwifery (MSC) MPH in WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene] Health Systems and Project Management (MSC) Public Health Nutrition (MSC) IMPH in Health Promotion [MSc in Integrated Community and Clinical Mental Health (COMAy 4X SECOND DEGREE PROGRAMS ADMISSION ACADEMIC YEAR:2011 E.CQ2018/19 G.C) ADMISSION CLASSIFICATION: EXTENSION demic Unit Field af Stud [College of Education and Behavioral Sciences [Adult Education and Community Development (MA) [Special Needs and Inclusive Education (MA) Faculty of Social Science [Gender & Development Studies (MA) [Geo-information Science (MSc) Heritage & Museum Studies (MA) [Peace & Conflict Studies (MA) Political Science (MA) Population Studies (MSE) [Social Anthropology (MA) Social Work (MSW) College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Watershed Management and Soil water Conservation (Se) Horticulture (MSc) [Plant Protection (MSe) Institute of Disasters Risk M1 ood Security nagement and [Climate Change and Development (MSE) [Accounting and Finance (MA) [Accounting and Auditing (MA) [Business Administration (MBA) [Economics(Development Economies) (MAD Logistic and Supply Chain Management (MA) Public Management and Governance (MA, [Marketing Management (MA) Faculty of Humanities [Amharic Literature (MA) [Folklore (Cultural Siudie(IA) [Media and Communication (MA) Teaching Amharic (MEd) [Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MEG) [Applied Linguisties and Communication (MA) [Ge'er Language and Literature School of Law [Business and Corporate Law (LLM) MH [Criminal Justice and Human Rights jonment and Land Law (LLM) Sport Acalemy [Sport science [4shletics Coaching, Basketball Coaching, Football Coaching, Handball Coaching, Vollyball Coaching(Se) [Sport Management (MSe) [Biology (Applied Microbiology, Biomedical Science , Botanical Science, Zoological Science hose) [Biology (Genetics) (MSE) Materials Science & Engineering Analysis (MS0) [Mathematics (MSe} Statistios (Biostanistios, industrial statistics, econometrics) (NSE) Institute of Technology Applied Human Nuttin (MSe) Power System Engineering (MSE) Contra Engineering WT [Communication System Engineering (SE) Taformation Technofogy (MSc) | Medical Microbiology (MSc), Medical Parstofogical and’ Vector IMPH in Epidemilogy (MSe) [MPH (MiSe) [MPH in Reporoductive Health(MSe) MPH in WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene] : ealth Systems and Project Management Zs ier faster of Public Heald in Epidemnilogy( Sq — HOTS) [MPH in Reporoductive Health(MSc) s

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