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10, OCTOBER 2011

Multiscale Modeling of Intracranial Aneurysms:

Cell Signaling, Hemodynamics, and Remodeling
Harvey Ho*, Vinod Suresh, Wendy Kang, Michael T. Cooling, Paul N. Watton, and Peter J. Hunter

Abstract—The genesis, growth, and rupture of intracranial possible rupture of the aneurysm. In practice, such assessments
aneurysms (IAs) involve physics at the molecular, cellular, blood are largely subjective and based on clinicians’ experience with
vessel, and organ levels that occur over time scales ranging from the location, size, and shape of the aneurysm. However, the fact
seconds to years. Comprehensive mathematical modeling of IAs,
therefore, requires the description and integration of events across that even small aneurysms can rupture and large aneurysms can
length and time scales that span many orders of magnitude. In remain dormant demands more comprehensive and accurate cri-
this letter, we outline a strategy for mulstiscale modeling of IAs teria for rupture risk assessment. The development of predictive
that involves the construction of individual models at each rele- mathematical models of IA genesis will be useful in developing
vant scale and their subsequent combination into an integrative a database of “virtual aneurysms” against which patient records
model that captures the overall complexity of IA development. An
example of the approach is provided using three models operat- are compared in order to guide treatment decisions. A prereq-
ing at different length and time scales: 1) shear stress induced uisite for the creation of such models is the identification of
nitric oxide production; 2) smooth muscle cell apoptosis; and various factors involved in IA development.
3) fluid-structure-growth modeling. A computational framework The genesis, growth, and rupture of IAs are associated with
for combining them is presented. We conclude with a discussion of multiple factors including the wall shear stress (WSS) acting on
the advantages and challenges of the approach.
the vessel wall [2], weakening of the wall due to loss of smooth
Index Terms—Apoptosis, biomechanics, cerebral aneurysms, muscle cells (SMC) in the medial layer [3], and vascular tone
modeling, multiscale, signaling pathways. regulation via the signaling of endothelial cells (ECs) [4]. Math-
ematical models of each of these processes have been developed,
I. INTRODUCTION e.g., for hemodynamics [5], apoptosis [6], and EC signaling [7].
NTRACRANIAL aneurysms (IAs) are abnormal focal di- In many cases these models have been developed in isolation and
I lations of cerebral arteries that are prevalent in 1%–5% of
population and rupture in about 1/10 000 [1]. Most IAs are
in clinical contexts unrelated to IAs. While they can be used as
building blocks in the construction of an integrated mathemat-
asymptomatic and cause no problems in a person’s lifetime. ical model of IA development and growth, certain challenges
Some are revealed in emergency scanning after rupture, when it must be overcome. First, the various physiological factors oper-
is often too late for their treatment: the morbidity and mortality ate across multiple spatial and temporal scales. For example, the
rate for aneurysm rupture is about 50%. pulsatile WSS varies on the scale of the heartbeat, i.e., seconds;
With the increased use of MRI and CT scanning more unrup- death of individual SMCs can occur a few hours after stimulus;
tured IAs are found incidentally while scanning for unrelated and aneurysm growth as a whole occurs over a much longer
conditions. When aneurysms are detected treatment decisions time scale ranging from months to years. Similarly, spatial vari-
require an assessment of the likelihood of continued growth and ation of WSS occurs over the length scale of the aneurysm,
i.e., 10−3 m, while intracellular signaling pathways operate on
scales of 10−6 m. In addition, these mechanisms are strongly
Manuscript received April 1, 2011; revised June 13, 2011; accepted June 17, associated with geometric features of IAs such as the aspect
2011. Date of publication June 27, 2011; date of current version September ratio that varies with different patients. Second, multiple levels
21, 2011. This work was partly funded by the @neurIST, the EC Framework 6 of feedback may exist between the different factors and such
project for multidisciplinary aneurysm research. The work of P. N. Watton was
supported by The Centre of Excellence in Personalized Healthcare (funded by feedback mechanisms must be explicitly considered when com-
the Wellcome Trust and EPSRC, under Grant WT 088877/Z/09/Z). The work bining simpler models. Finally, each model component and the
of W. Kang was supported from the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular overall IA model need to be validated using experimental and
Biodiscovery. Asterisk indicates corresponding author.
*H. Ho is with the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, The University of clinical data specific to IAs. In this letter, we discuss concepts
Auckland, Auckland 1142, New Zealand (e-mail: and strategies to deal with the issues of multiple scales and
V. Suresh is with the Auckland Bioengineering Institute and the Department feedback in the modeling of IAs. We exemplify our approach
of Engineering Science, The University of Auckland, Auckland 1142, New
Zealand (e-mail: with three models that operate over different spatial and tempo-
W. Kang, M. T. Cooling, and P. J. Hunter are with the Auckland Bio- ral scales, and propose a computational cycle that binds these
engineering Institute, The University of Auckland, Auckland 1142, New models.
Zealand (e-mail:;;
P. N. Watton is with the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of
Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, U.K. (e-mail:
II. MODELING HIERARCHY AND TOOLS A “systems biology” approach to medical problems involves
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at the study of the system (e.g., an organ) as a whole by considering
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBME.2011.2160638 the different levels of biological organization (e.g., tissue, cell,
0018-9294/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

Fig. 2. Model of evolving IA and WSS distribution on the right anterior

cerebral artery.

Fig. 1. (a) Patient specific cerebral arterial tree. (b) Circle of Willis. (c) Flow
simulation for an aneurysm arises from the anterior communicating artery
(ACoA). Note that ACoA aneurysms account for 30% of all IAs [1].
affects models both upstream and downstream in the modeling
hierarchy: in aneurysm models it affects wall deformation and
hemodynamics, which in turn influence stress distributions that
and organelle) and the complex interactions between them [8]. serve as stimuli for cell signaling pathways.
Here, we propose a systems biology approach for IAs based on 5) Cell/Subcellular Structures: The development and growth
a hierarchy of models that encompass a range of spatial and of aneurysms involve degeneration of the cell layers and ma-
temporal scales. trix proteins that comprise the arterial wall. Factors that induce
1) Population: Population level differences in the incidence apoptosis and matrix degradation include hemodynamic stim-
of IAs have been observed and linked to lifestyle (diet and smok- uli such as altered WSS and pressure [2] and inflammatory
ing), genetic, and racial factors. For example, a 5-year clinical mediators [13]. Progression from stimulus to apoptosis/matrix
study found that the incidence per 100 000 of the population for degradation occurs via a complex network molecular signaling
all aneurysms was 14.3 for European New Zealanders and 25.7 pathways. The extracellular stimuli are communicated to the
for Maori [9]. Maori were also found to have an abnormally high intracellular space via ligand-receptor binding and/or the acti-
incidence of middle cerebral artery IAs. Population level mod- vation of stress sensitive ion channels. This triggers a cascade of
els are empirical and may be used to identify key environmental reactions involving second messenger molecules, transcription
factors that influence the growth and rupture of IAs. The bio- factors, and regulatory molecules that leads to the activation of
physical mechanisms by which environmental factors act can apoptosis effector and matrix degrading proteins [14]. Different
be understood using the mechanistic models are described as cell organelles are involved in this process. The mitochondria
follows. play a key role in apoptotic pathways while the endoplasmic
2) Patient: The analysis of an IA cannot be separated from reticulum is involved in the homeostasis of calcium ions that are
its hosting environment i.e., the brain and the cardiovascular important in the regulation of both apoptotic and matrix degra-
system of the patient. In particular, most IAs are found at or dation pathways. Translocation to the nucleus of transcription
in the vicinity of the Circle of Willis (CoW). At this level in factors and certain proteins is also a key step in inducing apop-
the modeling hierarchy patient-specific models of the arterial tosis. Thus, a detailed description of the microscopic processes
tree are created from medical imaging data (see Fig. 1). From a underlying IA formation must account for the dynamics and
hemodynamic modeling perspective, local flow in an aneurysm spatial localization within the cell of these signaling pathways.
can be simulated more accurately by placing it in a larger vas- Models that operate at different levels of biological organiza-
cular context such as the CoW, the cerebral arterial tree, or even tion may be developed by different research groups often using
the whole body arterial tree [5]. different model creation tools. Encoding models using open
3) Aneurysm: Models at this level are the most widely used standards facilitates model exchange, reuse, and extension [8].
and involve retrieving shape and morphological features from Two such open standards that have been developed are CellML
medical images to construct an anatomically accurate compu- which is designed for 0-D biophysical models [15] and FieldML
tational domain of a single aneurysm. Hemodynamics and wall for n-dimensional spatial fields [8].
mechanics simulations are used to evaluate the force and pres-
sure acting on the aneurysmal wall [5], [10]. Since the shape III. MODELING EXAMPLES
and location of IAs have been the primary criteria for assessing
the risk of rupture and making treatment decisions, these mod- A. Fluid-Structure-Growth Model
els are of immediate interest from a clinical perspective. These The composition and structure of the arterial tissue is continu-
models can be coupled with models that describe remodeling at ally maintained by vascular cells. The functionality of the cells,
the tissue and cellular levels in order to follow the evolution of and thus, the growth and remodeling of the tissue, is intimately
aneurysm morphology over time. linked to the local mechanical environment. Consequently, to
4) Tissue: Morphological changes occur at the tissue level simulate IA evolution, it is important to quantify the spatial
due to aneurysm remodeling, and vessel walls with thin, degen- distributions of mechanical stimuli that act on the cells. Re-
erated tissue with hyaline deposits are more likely to rupture cent models of IA evolution incorporate such mechanobiology
than thick intima-like walls [11]. The changes in tissue compo- in a phenomenological manner [10]. Fig. 2 illustrates a simu-
sition and organization are modeled via mixture theory [12] to lation of an evolving aneurysm on the the right anterior cere-
alter the constitutive law describing the mechanical properties bral artery (the colormap highlights the WSS distribution). The
of the vessel wall. The changed mechanical state of the wall model accounts for the distinct natural reference configurations

Fig. 3. Overview schematic of the signaling pathways activated on shear stress

via increased calcium influx. Calcium binds to calmodulin (CaM) which in turn
influences the L-Arginine binding reactions of eNOS.
Fig. 4. Intrinsic apoptosis mediated by the release of cytochrome-c (cyt-c)
from the mitochondria (mito) leading to the activation of caspase-3 (Casp3) and
of the load bearing constituents of the arterial wall (collagen and its modulation by NO [6]. Inputs to the model are the initial concentration of
elastin) and can simulates how they adapt over time [16]. Hemo- NO and caspase-8 (Casp8). The module describing the NO pathway is enclosed
within dashed lines and is dynamically combined with the module describing
dynamic and structural analyses quantify the evolving mechani- apoptosis to create combined model.
cal stimuli and growth and remodeling algorithms (phenomeno-
logically) simulate cells responding to mechanical stimuli and
adapting the tissue. In the example illustrated, a localized degra- C. SMC Apoptosis
dation of elastin is prescribed to create a small outpouching of Loss of SMCs in the arterial wall due to apoptosis is a
the computational domain to perturb the hemodynamic envi- key step in IA development [3]. An existing model of intrin-
ronment [17]. Subsequent elastin degradation is then linked to sic (mitochondria-mediated) apoptosis and its modulation by
low WSS in this localized region [10], while the collagen fabric NO [6] was implemented in CellML (see Fig. 4). Apoptosis and
remodels to restore its strain to the homeostatic value and col- NO pathways were coded as independent modules using the
lagen growth is linked to the magnitude of the cyclic stretch of CellML 1.1 framework to facilitate model verification, reuse,
the fibroblast cells. and extension. Equations bridging the NO and apoptosis path-
In a fully integrative model of IA evolution, this model would ways were specified and the overall model depicted in Fig. 4
be coupled to explicit representations of cellular level models: was dynamically composed during runtime using the “imports”
the computed WSS would serve as an input to signaling path- feature of CellML 1.1 that enables values of variables to be
ways (see later), and production and removal of constituents passed between models. In the same way, a model linking WSS
would be derived from the cellular models. with apoptosis can be composed by combining the models of
Figs. 3 and 4 that share a single common component, NO. Loss
B. Shear Stress-Induced Signaling Pathways of SMCs changes the composition, thickness, and mechanical
properties of the aneurysm wall and, thus, changes the parame-
WSS is one of the major mechanical stimuli for nitric oxide
ter values in the fluid-structure-growth model of Section III-A.
(NO) production in ECs for vascular tone regulation. Various
models have been proposed, e.g., on the effect of WSS on ion
channel flux in ECs [18], and on the biochemical reactions
of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) activation and subsequent
NO production [7]. A number of different signaling pathways In the previous section, we explicitly specified the link be-
modulate eNOS activation and act over timescales ranging from tween three models of different scales or cell types, i.e., WSS
seconds to hours. For example, calcium signaling on WSS in the derived from hemodynamic analysis at the aneurysmal level
short time scale is known to be an important modulator of eNOS could be used in NO generation models in ECs, which could
activation. A schematic of the signaling pathways activated on then be coupled with apoptosis models of SMCs. Loss of SMCs
shear stress via increased calcium influx is shown in Fig. 3. leads to a weakened wall and changes lumen diameters and,
Reactions are modeled as ordinary differential equations rep- thus, affects WSS and wall remodeling. This modeling cycle
resenting the change in molecular species concentrations follow- encompasses multiple spatial and temporal scales at different
ing mass-action kinetics. Additional components representing levels of biological organization, and its overall methodology is
calmodulin/calcium binding according to a simple Hill curve are illustrated in Fig. 5.
added to model calcium sensitivity of catalysis reactions. These The cycle begins with a structural analysis (bottom box) to
reactions and models are modularized and coded in CellML to quantify the loaded geometry, stress, stretch, and cyclic defor-
be incorporated into a library of EC signaling components [19]. mation of the tissue. The structural analysis is then coupled to
Ongoing work includes mapping the quantitative WSS data a hemodynamic analysis via a fluid-structure interaction algo-
calculated from Section III-A into the CellML models, and cou- rithm [20]. The flow solutions give the WSS, WSS gradients
pling NO generation models to SMC apoptosis models, as de- and an oscillatory shear index that provides the mechanical
scribed next. environment of vascular cells. The resulting changes in tissue

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