AFRICA WORLD NEWS 7th July To 14th July Bulletin 2016

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*NAIROBI* 7th - 14th July 2016 ISSUE No .

Did Cord anti-IEBC Protests

cost Raila's Popularity?
Recent poll Survey
shows that Uhuru
Kenyatta’s popularity
has tremendously
increased as that of
Coalition for Reforms
and Democracy (CORD)
Leader Raila Odinga

According to IPSOS
Synovate, President
Uhurus’ chances to be
reelected as the
president stood at 51
Read More on Page 2
President Uhuru Kenyatta CORD Leader Raila Odinga

It is who you know that gets you a job ; survey reveals FEATURED
Commuter Line Service
- Pg 2
The chances of one to get an employment
arehigh for one who happens to know
people in the job market as compared to Company Apex
the onewho depends on academic - Pg 2
credentials this is according to the research
carried out by the World Bank.

Most jobseekers Fashion &
rely purely on Technology
who they know - Pg 2
and not the School Directory &
level of education Campus Review - Pg 2
for them to
get employed.
Read More on Pg 2
INSIDE Politics Features Sports Delicacy
THIS Pg 2 Pg 3,4, 7&8 Pg 5-6,9-11 Pg 16
- Pg 2
General News 8th - 16th June 2016 2

Education ministry rolls out a platform to grow talents

By Africaworld
to 14 years old. sports activities.
he Ministry The President of Athletics He further noted the

T of Education in
collaboration with
Kenya Gen (Rtd) Jackson
Tuwei welcomed the
Association had so far
trained and equipped 48
Athletics Kenya has introduction of the programme teachers with necessary
launched a programme saying it will open avenue for skills to oversee the kids’
that will help identify and the kids as well serve as the athletics management
nurture talent for school foundation to teach them the “Athletics Kenya has
going children. to dissociate themselves from the mandate,under the
The PS for Basic Education Dr Belio Kipsang
The Principal Secretary practices such as doping. International Association
Photo: Courtesy
for Basic Education Gen Tuwei at the same time of Athletics Federation,
the ministry curricular program will start as
Dr Belio Kipsang said asked the government to (IAAF), to manage the
activities to give them an from next year and it
the programme will ensure every school has the rules, scoring and training
early exposure to sports. will target the children
be intergrated into playing ground so as the pupils of officials of the sport,”
Dr Kipsang noted that the of between the ages of
to get a venue to practice he said.

Kenya’s Semi Arid areas to benefit from World Bank Continued from Pg 1
By Eric Bosire
According to IPSOS
enya will today.
get a World Synovate, President
Bank loan Uhurus’ chances to IPSOS Lead
of $1.1 billion
be reelected as the Researcher Tom
for infrastructure Wolf argues,
projects in the president stood at 51
country’s arid percent while that despite the research
northern region,
of Odinga being 28 being in favour of
the bank’s vice Uhuru things might
president for percent.
Africa said. This is an increase change once Cord
for Uhuru whose names their flag
The loan is the
latest in series popularity has risen by bearer to contest
to Kenya, which 2 percent while that for the presidential
amount to $5.5
of Raila dropped by 1 seat.
billion, excluding This statitics
the new package. percent as compared to
the research conducted comes out after
“It is an Raila and other
unprecedented in November last year
financial commitment to this Mandera, a town close to the where the two had 49 Cord Members
deficit of 9.3 percent of gross
part of Kenya,” Makhtar Diop border with Somalia.
domestic product for the fiscal and 29 percentages led anti-IEBC
told Reuters in Nairobi over
Diop said the World Bank year starting next month as it respectively. demonstrations
the weekend.
expected Kenya’s economy increases public investments.
The research further where lives
The funds will be used to to expand by 5.9 percent this
“Overall the fiscal deficit is reveals that 58 and properties
build roads, improve water year, close to the government’s
forecast of 6 percent. It grew
financeable,” Diop said, adding
percent of the people estimated to be
and energy supplies and total debt was increasing but
support livestock keeping. 5.6 percent last year. interviewed said they billions of shillings
remained sustainable at about
They will have a maturity of 50 percent of GDP. will vote for Uhuru were lost through
50 years and an interest rate “Kenya is doing pretty well
in the Africa context and in while 32 percent said arson, looting and
of less than 1 percent. The The World Bank cut its average
package was prepared at the the global context, but the
growth forecast for sub- they will elect Raila. business closures.
request of Kenyan President ambition of the government is The research was
Saharan Africa to 2.5 percent The research further
Uhuru Kenyatta, Diop said. to sustain that growth rate and
accelerate it,” he said.
this year because of lower
reveals that 67 percent conducted between
commodity prices. 4th to 18th June
He did not say when the of the respondents
full disbursement of the To attain faster growth, the whereby 2,076
Diop said the continent could
funds would take place, but country needed to increase
attract investment because
believe that Jubilee
technical work on some efficiency in state-owned firms will take the day respondents were
of higher returns than other
projects has already started. and improve competitiveness,
regions of the world, but he against 11 percent in interviewed.
Projects to be funded with the through investments in
said some African nations favour of CORD if the
facility included a modern infrastructure.
needed to avoid building up
road linking Isiolo, a town in their dollar-denominated debt. elections were held
Last week, the government
the lower eastern region, with
forecast a higher budget

To Book for
with us
Feature: 8th - 14th June 2016 3
Why Married Men will continue cheating From Page 1 and the bosses fear to take
The research notes that
on their spouses disciplinary actions those
family members and who underperform due the
ases of married men turn their men down when house maybe you are
busy doing something relatives connect their protection they are enjoying.
engaging themselves they make advances to them
and without no hesitate next kin to the job market “Corruption, nepotism and
in multiple affairs have been at the times they feel that
he jumps on you like a through the influence or the tribalism make it difficult to
on the rise and the trend they are not into the ‘thing’.
dog on heat to make love position they hold in their take disciplinary measures
seems not to end any time “You see we women were
to you just because he respective place of work and against these kinds of
soon. created in a funny way. In
feels like making it to you the same time relationship employees in case of lack of
Majority of the married men fact mood swings do control
without even taking into they have with potential expertise in the profession,” the
I have interacted with do us 99 percent. So that is why
considerations about your employers. report adds.
admit that their insatiable we tend to behave in such
own feelings. No way. The survey goes ahead to The report statics in addition,
appetite for sex is the a manner and our men do
Things never work that state that the cases of bribery points out that 30 percent of
driving force which makes take it we do it deliberately.
way. Seriously up to in public offices are rampant employees have the skills
when do these men majorly for favourism and which matches with the job
have to learn that they job security. they are doing while 70 percent
need to take time and The research further reveals do the job the job different
put us into the mood that nepotism, tribalism with the skills they possess.
for the episode?” and corruption are the The report further reveals that
wonders Ms Lucy. many reasons which affect 30 percent and 70 percent are
When a man asks for the employment sector underqualified for the work
sex he really wants it they are currently doing.
According to Nairobi First Lady urges Kenyans to initiate
based sexologist change within their own communities
Martin Munga says By Eric Bosire
them to cheat on their In fact we don’t, let men due to the nature men were
First Lady
spouses. try to understand us bearing created is so weird in that Margaret Kenyatta
They argue that most their in mind there is time and when they have set their has acknowledged
female partners do not seem season for everything,” says minds on sex it is not easier the role played
by religious
to understand or care for Gladys. to change them. They will organizations in
their bodily needs as they According to *Lucas* a do anything till they get it. improving the lives
“The sex drive in men of Kenyans.
trying to keep them off with father of three kids says he
the excuse they are not in feels dejected and of less is so high so once they She cited the
the mood to have intimacy treasured whenever his are denied sex they opt example of  St.
Joseph’s Catholic
For instance James not his spouse refuses to cohabit to look it elsewhere no Parish in Kangemi which has programmes which include
real name says he resolved with him not because she matter what till they get initiated programmes that have primary and secondary education,
it. That is why you find empowered residents from vocational training and health
to look for a side dish after is not on her periods but disadvantaged backgrounds. services.
numerous fights with her because she feels like not to. married men thronging in
The First Lady was speaking
wife in the bedroom become He goes ahead to reveal that brothels, prostitution dens The project serves over 10,000
when she toured St. Joseph’s The people and has had positive impact
too much till he wouldn’t once such thing happens to as well entertaining other Worker Health Centre, Kangemi in on the poor and the disadvantaged
take it anymore. him he opt to look for the women apart from their Nairobi County. in Kangemi and its immediate
“Every night we could same services elsewhere. legal wives not because She said for significant
quarrel and finally broke “You can imagine you are a they want it but they just transformation to take place in She singled out the centre’s health
the country ordinary people have
into a fight just because of man and you are in the mood find themselves in that services which she said were of
a role to play in uplifting the high standards and affordable to
my wife denying me my to fulfil your manly needs situation,” says Munga. standards of living. the community.
conjugal rights. It reached and you are denied not just According to the research
She commended St. Joseph’s “I thank the founders, partners,
a moment I got tired I for a vivid reason but since for every nine seconds a centre for implementing projects well-wishers and friends who have
opted to look for another someone has chosen to. man thinks about having that are restoring, rebuilding and since the very beginning worked,
renewing hope for the people.
woman who takes care of What do you expect? You go sex and this amounts to 90 and given tirelessly to ensure the
health centre becomes what we see
my manly needs in return I and look it elsewhere,” Says percent sexually mindset “I am truly amazed by the work
here today,” said the First Lady.
in most men leaving that you are all doing. I know that
furnish her lifestyle,” says Lucas
work is challenging financially. St. Joseph Health Centre offers
James a resident of Kahawa For *Lucy *argues that only with ten percent It is also emotionally taxing, it specialized clinics and maternity
wendani. most men have the habit to concentrate on other can be heart-wrenching—and services and to-date it has made
so I want to thank you all for
*Gladys* a mother of two off popping up at them activities. 150 safe baby delivery.
volunteering to do it, and to make

admits that most women do from nowhere and expect personal sacrifices in the name of “Indeed, this centre is meeting
Married Men will to bed them immediately Names used in this article service,” said the First Lady. so many needs of the children,
have been deliberately young adults, mothers, fathers,
continue cheating without even preparing The First Lady pointed out that the and the elderly: the need for
on their them psychologically to the changed by this writer commitment and self-sacrifice of women to give birth in safe and
the staff at the centre, has attracted sterile environments; for children
spouses as far session. to protect the identity
the attention of many prominent to receive the much needed
their wives continue “I wonder sometimes what and most basically people including Pope Francis inoculations that keep them from
is wrong with most men. the marriage of those who visited it during his papal tour contracting preventable diseases,”
treating them to Kenya last year.
You can find let’s say your interviewed. said the First Lady.
as refuges
husband coming into the St. Joseph’s centre offers various
in their own bedrooms
8th - 14th June 2016
Is this end of road for the Kenyan Media Houses?
By Erick Maranga content aired by various advertisers. stations is as good as pushing So they won’t start airing
EDITORS PICK T he Communication them out of the industry
bearing in place there is
anything just for the sake of
airing. They do air programs
Karibu! Authority of Kenya
already stiff competition in mind thinking about
We are happy to announce to you the launch (CA) has come out with
they face due to the content business. It is nothing else
of our first Series of Bulletin . You can also get though rules to regulate
so limiting it will serve as but it is all about business.
our stories at the content aired to the
adding salt into a wound. The kind of content aired is
We hope to give the best in our comprehensive audience.
In this era people prefer to tailor made so as to attract
analysis and coverage from wide perspectivew In this move all broadcast
watch or listens to what they huge audience and it is the
in Politics, Features, Business, Lifestyle and media are supposed to air
want and what interest them same audience which keeps
Sports News in Kenya. 40 percent local content and
and at whatsoever cost they the management of these
We hope to grow with you. We will be glad to on top of that they are not
will not be forced to the media houses to scratch heads
accept your criticism and suggestions. allowed to air adult content
certain content to consume. while trying to come up with
As a growing Brand, we are still on to perfect during the day hours.
Human Interest fascinating, captivating and
all aspect of News for the better. In addition the media
These Media organization consumable content so to keep
We are looking forward to interact with houses are required to be
they do not just wake up them due stiff competition in
you freely at our Social Media Facebook; submitting their content
and start airing anything but the industry where the content
Africaworld News Kenya and Twitter: @ to the regulatory body
instead they do research what is the bargaining power. In
AfricaworldKE. Also if you are a writter, you for reviewing and if they
interests their target audience. fact it is either survive or die
can send your articles, Pictures and any other will be found to be having
Nobody is forced to tune in business whereby the content
Opinion report for publication. We will give violated these rules they
let’s say to a certain radio or plays the big role.
you credit to your Work where due. will be fined a half a
TV station one does at will.
We are happily loking forward to interact million.
Why? Because the content The available content is it
with Kenyans with this free Printed copy. If This for a few individuals is
aired or broadcasted suits him worth?
you are looking forward to work with you a good idea but would have
or her. As much as the CA is saying
in publishing your News release, Business worked better in the 19th
And it is this issue which has that stations air 40 percent
product launch. Since our issue will be both century where the world
led to throat-cut competition local content but what they
online and in print copy we have a wide reach was so big but not with this
in the media industry in should ask themselves is,
to the Mass. 21st century where the world
order for them to survive does the content available
If you are a Kenyan, interested in its then has been reduced into a
they must have come up with in the Kenyan market meet
hesitate not, the opportunity to report for smaller global village due
the content which attracts the standards? And here
AfricaWorld News Kenya is available. technological advancement.
listenership or viewership. the answer is so simple no.
Alternatively, you can reach us to help With the click of the button
These media companies The reason being the level
realise your dream. at the comfort of your house
make their revenue through of creativity is a bit low as
In this Issue you can read on Commuter or office you are able to
commercials and for them to compared to what is already
review, Company Apex, Business Analysis access what you want at
get adverts they must have in the market from our
among others. your own pleasure.
bigger audience to attract immediate competitors.
Thanks Restricting the kind of
Erick Maranga is a Nairobi based media practitioner). Opinion expressed in this article do not reflect the stand of 
Africaworldnews Kenya but solely that of the writer

OPINION SHAPERS Letter To The Editor

Editorial Team

The hard time we The Pangani six Should defend themselves
had in police cells over hate-speach
Chief Editor The political discourse has
Ukachuckwu Okorie made us realisehow jubilee and cord coalition on
importantPeace is. Hate kept some of the politicians tuesday last week had the
Managing Editor speech is a thing of the on watch on what has been learn of lesson the hardway
Eric Bosire past now. described of taking the agenda having to be remanded for 3
We Want Peace in our of political coalition to a level days at the police cell with the
Graphics Nation especially now of division with some of law prosecution taking a staunch
CAM 2 Kreations Kenya that we are headed makers having to serve for stand that the court should
towards elections. Ferdinad Waititu Kabete Mp what is known as the preach not be pestered into giving
Contributors of hate.

bail to the law makers this is
Eric Maranga When someone for the Last week, the genesis because in his terms claimed
David Waruhari disrespects me, of hate mongers broke and that they stood a huge
Zaphaniah Achogo they disrespect the the national cohesion and
Faith Bore
chance to interfere with  the
Budalangi people. intergration commision led by investigation.
Susan Kikuvi We are free People, francis ole kaparo couldnt take But the legislators lawyers
we are not slaves to it any more thereby suggesting couldnt take what the
any person. We make the arrest  of those who took prosecution was upto citing
our decisions in a free their difference to alfresco that their clients rights were
Is Published manner, very soon i prompting  a suspected on the brim of being violated.
by Nguma Publishers, Republic
of Ire1land. In Partnership with
will open up my heart incitment. By Eric Mutinda
Africaworld News Kenya editor@ Ababu Namwamba Mp, Secre- and tell you the way to Legislators drawn from both Kericho . tary General ODM Send your opinion or Letter to the editor on
8th - 14th June 2016 5
Business: Apex

Delicacy Midpoint: College Review

Nairobi Institute of Business Studies
Eat Out at Stardom Hotel Kasarani
By Eric Maranga Nairobi Institute of studies among many more

thronging the facility in large numbers. Business studies popularly others.
ocated at the outskirts of the city, known as NIBS started The institution offers full
Among other services offered at the Hotel
Stardom Hotel is one of many offering learning Courses time, part time and E-
include accommodation, conferencing, lunch in the year 1999. It is a
five star Hotels in Nairobi. The Hotel learning. In addition, NIBS
deliveries to offices, outside catering among fully accredited
facility is located at Kasarani along the higher learning
Kasarani Mwiki Road a five minute institution by the
drive from Thika Road. Ministry of Higher
Education, Science
The Inn offers peaceful dining and and Technology
wining serenity due to its distance (MOHEST to train
from the busy hustle and bustle in certificate, Diploma offers accommodation to
and Advanced Diploma students furnished with free
Nairobi city atmosphere.
courses. Wi-Fi, leisure areas, laundry
In addition, the hotel offers Some of the courses section, TV lounge and
sophisticated and distinguished the institution offers commodious cafeteria zone.
are: Business Studies, The college has its main
personalized services accompanied
Accountancy, Information Campus in Nairobi. It also
with well-prepared finger licking A Preview of the Hotel and its entrance
Technology, Journalism has branches at Thika Road,
PHOTO: Stardom Hotel
and Mass Communication,
Company Apex:
cuisines which keeps regular patrons Thika Town and Ongata
Legal studies, Secretarial Rongai.

By Eric Maranga
HAco Tiger Brand Company
aco Tiger Brands is a
leading company
producing household
products for both local and
external consumption. The
company was established
in 1970 as a single
manufacturer. It is situated in
Kasarani few Meters away
from the Kasarani Mwiki
It has over 300
employees both on permanent
and contract basis. Those on
contracts usually renew their
contract after six months on
merit of work performance. In
this category of employment
the employees must possess
academic credentials for them The entrance to Haco Company along Kasarani- Mwiki road. It was established in 1970. Below - The company logo
to be employed. PHOTO: COURTESY
In addition, these employees on the amount of work load.
work on shifts where they “ its located Among other products the
normally interchange in the day company produces include
at Kasarani
and in the night. hair care such as Miadi
The company also picks casuals few metres and Black Silk, Skin care
who mostly camp at their gates Products such as Palmers
whenever the need arises. They from Mwiki and Amara, Home care
are only required to poses a product such as ACE and
national Identity card for them be
Kasarani Bloo, food products such as
selected. Those who happen to Road Creamy Smooth and ALL
be taken they usually work for a GOLD among many other
day or for a few days depending products.
Commuter Service Trend COMMUTER SERVICE

Africaworld News Kenya Bulletin 8th - 14th June 2016


The insightful weekly analysis of Matatu Culture, Trend, and other aspects in the Transport Sector

Umoja’s PSVs set pace for ADVERTISING FEATURE

the Nairobi Matatu indurstry

By Zephaniah Achogo and Eric Bosire

T he transport
sector in
Kenya is ever
evolving .Gone
long are the days
when commuters
used to board
Nissan vehicles to
Umoja. Currently
there are fewer
Nissan vehicles
plying the Umoja-
Town route.
The Matatus
plying this route
ferry the residents
who reside in
Umoja 1,Umoja
2 and Umoja The Matatu indurstry in Kenya has Evolved and changed
Innercore to and fromfrom the 14 Seater Nissan to Buses. Photo: COURTESY
Nairobi City.
The change of culture, connected with free internet operating this routes
and the trend in the connection which allows include ; Lacoste, Sumu,
Matatu sector has seen passengers to browse while Dust, Bendito, Nesta,
the improvement of the on board. Americana , Shiznit just
vehicles Plying the route Most of these Public service but to mention a few.
over few years. Vehicles are pimped with Most Matatus plying in
For instance Umoinner Graffiti which not only this route normally charge
(a coined word from makes them look attractive between Kshs 30 to Kshs
Umoja and Innercore but also gives them unique 50 during off peak hours
Estates) buses are easily outside appearance which and Kshs 70 to Kshs 80
noticeable since they define and differentiate during the rush hours.
are nicely pimped-up them from one from one These PSVs operate on
vehicles, with in fitted another. Jogoo Road via Donholm
television screens playing The PSVs plying in the Roundabout, which is
the latest Music hits from Umoja route are headed along Outer Ring Road,
within and across the by Saccos such as the Passing through Mutindwa
globe. Thus attracting Umoja Innercore Tena and Umoja I route.
the youth through the Matatu Owners Savings The Umoja stage is found
genre of Music Played. and credit Cooperative at Ronald Ngara and
Nevertheless, they have Society Limited, Mwamba, Mfangano streets within the
comfy seats too. In Marvelous Shuttle among Nairobi Central Business
addition most of them are others. District.
Some of the popular buses

Management Tip of the Day. From Harvard Business Review. Review By Eric Bosire

Set a bedtime and Stick to it for better Productivity. our downtime. Technology blue light. I said this
Many of us don’t get enough sleep. Yes Enough has made it easier for be in bed.
Then give yourself 30 BLUE LIGHT- because
sleep. And this is not just an inconvenience- it us to talk, chat, Skype, there are some of you
worsens matters especially our mood, weakens Instagram, Tweet and forget Minutes to wind down
before attempting sleep. who sleep alongside
our Memory, Scatters our Focus, Makes us our Health. their phones or iPod’s.
more Susceptible to anxiety. Hence rendering us Start tacking how you spend Create a relaxing
pre-sleep ritual. Yes The light am talking of
unproductive. your time after work . is that emanating from
Think about what you can a good mood to sleep
comfortably. You can the Smartphones or
To perform at your best, We need Rest. cut back on[Facebooking], Computer screen.
Enough said and been talked of. Since Most of us so you can do the activities either read something
that makes you By practicing this you will
cannot sleep in later, the only option is to get to bed you enjoy earlier either by have a sound sleep.
earlier. watching TV. Identify an happy, lower the body
And yet we do not. We stay up late because its only exact time when you want to Temperature, and avoid
Entrepreneurship Focus
Africaworld News Kenya Bulletin 8th - 14th June 2016

By Leonard Munyao The art of wood Carving

I t is believed that, fastest growing centers in characterized by clicking efforts on replanting. It’s
Wood carving started in Ukambani as most of the sounds of adzes as the master very popular with the carvers
the skills to his sons and
Ukambani at a small village neighbors who later ventured money is invested locally. artisans and their apprentices because it is the hardest and
called Wamunyu located “some of the landmark split large logs to carve out most resistant to pests.
into commercial carving
along the Kitui-Machakos buildings you see here have objects of their choice. Only They lamented that its
leading to birth of the
supply was running short and
highway. “The art was Akamba Carving Movement. been built with proceeds fitting
introduced in the area petitioned the government
Thus a tradition a way of life
in 1918 by one Mutisya for assistance to secure a
Munge after he returned permanent portion of land
home from Tanganyika for regeneration of such
the present day Tanzania special tree species and
where he served in the others frequently used by
First World War.’’ says Mr. the carvers for the sake of
Joseph Mutuku who is the the industry’s future. “The
Wamuyu Handcraft society artisans rely more on Muuku
manager botanically referred as
  [Terminalia Brownii after
Munge who hailed from supply of Mpingo stumps
Kambiti village, near became scarce,’’ noted Mr.
Wamunyu town was born Ndaya
in 1892, and later died in
1936. He was inspired by Membership
the artistic prowess of the  
Zaramo people who resided A third of the society’s
near Dar-es-salaam from 2000 plus members are
whom he mastered the art women involved in weaving
Penina Muende retouches a Giraffe carving at the Showroom. Women Do the final Polishing of the carv- of baskets, ornament
of woodcarving. He learnt forwhile
ings the Kamba
Men do people
the woodwas
Carving words
Photo such
Leonard as beautiful,
the skills while serving as marvelous, wonderful, and ciondos. They also
a soldier in Tanganyika splendid and magnificent can have a special role in the
during the First World War. best describe the products on final decoration of the
 The officials said further
“The Zaramo people were display when one enters the woodcarvings done by the
development of the craft
making the carvings and showroom. men. ‘’Although the carving
movement after Kenya
selling them to the British The products include human is restricted to men, women
attained independence led to
soldiers serving in the and animal statues and do the final polishing and
colonial army,’’ explained figurines and many other varnishing of the artifacts,’’
Mr. Kyalo Ndaya an different carvings in various the manager explained
official at Wamuyu sizes.  noting that although the
Handcraft Society. In order to fight the shortage 2014 members of Wamunyu
  of trees in future, the society handcraft Cooperative
Upon his return home, has taken a stride to establish Society are drawn from other
Munge continued carving a number of tree nurseries districts in the county.
and even invented inside the exhibition centre.  
new designs which he Sometimes back carving The facility has a daily
in scripted with his logs which were unavailable turnover of over 11,765
signature. ‘’He used to locally used to be acquired Us dollars during the peak
compete with his wife from major forests in the season and 5,882 Us dollars
who was an expert in country e.g. Karura and when the season is low,’’
basket weaving,’’ added Some of the Artwork at Exposium. Photo Leonard Munyao Ngong forests before the noted Mr. Ndaya who used
Mr. Mutuku. generated from wood government slapped a ban to carve at the centre before.
the formation of Wamunyu
  Handcraft Co-operative carving,’’ the manager on exploitation of forests
The main drawback to the
Munge who never wanted Society in 1963. “Currently, Mr. Mutuku noted citing resources at public forests.
people to copy or acquire a number of successful “This used to happen society is the dwindling
the society has a membership
his skills decided to erect businessmen in the town years back before the supply of carving logs
of over 2,000 artisans after
his workshop on top of a who were formerly master kenya government became caused by wanton plunder
over 5,000 of them shifted
tree a few meters from the wood carvers at Wamunyu serious on environmental of the natural vegetation by
base to the Mombasa based
charcoal burners and timber
homestead. “He did that to Akamba Handcraft Centre at handcraft centre. conservation.
shield his knowledge from The officials were concerned merchants who continued to
Changamwe,’’ Mr. Mutuku
copycats whom he feared The artisans capitulate their that Mpingo, the tree variety exploit the indigenous trees.
noted Sentiments which
could spoil the market for products at the showroom botanically referred as Work of some artisans, they
are echoed by Mr. Francis
his products,’’ Mr. Ndaya for display to potential Dalbergia Melanoxylon added was hampered by lack
Mutiso the society chairman.  
explained quoting Munge’s buyers after they are through and which is commonly of the specialized carving
tools including adzes and
documented history. Proceeds generated from the with carving them. used by the carvers was
several others for doing the
  venture have seen Wamunyu  The Show room becoming extinct owing to
After aging, Munge passed The exhibition centre is overexploitation without any finishing which had become 
town become one of the
expensive. 8th - 14th June 2016 8
Chill out Zone
Top Fashion Stylists in Music Focus :
Fast take on Joseph Katumbide
By Zaphaniah Achogo
She is the founder of By David Waruhari
Who is Joseph katumbide?
she won the Jumia
Am a Kenyan artiste, a father of two girls, and a former street hawker.
Kenya Glamour Award
as emerging menswear
When did you start singing?
designer of the year.
I started singing in secondary school but I had no funds to record a track, when I
she dresses NTV’S
joined college I continued with my music career and formed a band but the band did
Trend show host,Larry
not last long due to lack of funds to facilitate its activities.

NICK ONDU What are you working on

He is both a men and ladies currently?
fashion designer.He pays I have a single track “Mundu
attention to detail and fit.He Wa Nyumba”, and am
adorns SAUTI SOL . working on my first album
which will be out very
She is the face behind Are you signed to
Pride Arts brand.She any label?
designs jewellery using Am not yet signed
beads.Sharon Mundi and to any label, I want
Cece Sagini are some to toil hard to ensure
of the personalities who that my songs are
flaunt her pieces. produced the way I
She is the daughter Which is the
to legendary fashion biggest show that
designer Anne you have ever
MCREATH of the famed performed?
Kiko Romeo Brand. HER I can say Churchill
Brands have been worn show is where I got an
by Diana Opoti and our opportunity to perform
very own Lupita Nyongo to a large crowd

WAMBUI KIBUE Your song “ Mundu

Wa Nyumba”
She runs Angel Smile in (Mukurugusu)has
Sunday Nation BUZZ been on air waves
where she gives an ‘all a lot, what inspired
round solution to fashion you to write that
and exposes solution song?
to fashion and exposes The song simply
inner beauty and glamour emphasizes on
through timeless designs married men to take full
responsibilities of their family
Chill Out Sphere Apart from music are you indulged in any other thing?
KING OF ZAMUNDA COMEDY SHOW IN NAIROBI Yes I have an organization known as Badilika movement, its an organization which
helps the youth to abstain from drugs and other behaviors. I would love to see a free
Jojo Showcali is set to performon 16th July,2016 at the society from drugs.
Kenya international conference centre (KICC) grounds in
Nairobi as from 7pm to 8.30pm. What made you start this Badilika organization?
Jojo is a fast
I always wanted to come up with a project which would empower the youth and make
rising stand
them abstain from abuse of drugs. I was able to make it with the aid of my sponsor
up comedian
who is known John Bishop, thanks to him coz he has really offered a helping hand.
to infuse
American Who is this John Bishop?
Politics and John Bishop is a sponsor who helps me in my paying the rent for the hall where I
global social interact with youths, he has really been there for me and I thank him so much
issues in his
comedy shows. What’s your advice to the youth?
He hails from Dallas Texas but he originally grew up in Abstain from drug abuse and always leave a life which pleases God. This can be
Kenya hawking and herding goats. achieved if we all support others who are affected by drugs to refrain from using the
Get your tickets at only 20 dollars today!
drugs by providing relevant information to them as a community.
8th - 14th June 2016 9
Bus ettiquete that you should know
By zaphaniah Achogo
Long stares
or as long as we rhetoric’s. What if i don’t in this scenario. A man sat next
curious but let us respect each I know this might rub
use public service know what the Brexit is? to him was chewing gum so
other’s’ privacy. team ‘Mafisi’ shoulders
vehicles (psvs) there Would it be rude if i just audibly that she was almost
Nowadays, with the advent the wrong way, but let the
are simple mannerisms kept quiet? What’s your throwing up. She found relief
or etiquette that we when she took a seat of a
ought to adhere to. passenger who alighted on
After all, no one wants the way .remember the only
to add a frown to creatures allowed to chew
another person in this audibly are animals but not
chilly weather. human beings!
Avoid haphazard Loud Music and Radio
disposal of litter It is not bad to listen to Music.
This especially After all they say, Music is
involves used airtime food to the soul. Just like
scratch cards and snack David sang in the Bible, does not until his clothes were off.
hurt you in any way Unfortunately remember, not
if you could keep the Passengers boarding a Matatu Along Accra Road Nairobi stage on June 5th 2016 all people are interested in
Photo: Eric Bosire
litter until you alight Music, so keep your Music
take on the politics of Kenya? of technology, people truth be said. It is okay to
to dispose it off. It is to your ears. At least use an
Let us remember that we download Phone application throw a quick glance at the
irritating ,for instance headset.
are made up of different games and at their Luxury beautiful lady next to you.
,if you threw a banana
personalities and it is wise if they can play. But it ‘macho hayana pazia!’so
leftover through the To the Matatu crew, it doesn’t
at most you said hi to a fellow becomes irritating when you they say.
window and then it hit mean that when am travelling
commuter. concentrate so much on the It is actually freaky to keep
an innocent pedestrian. from Othaya to Nairobi or
Peeping apps, like Candy crush and gazing at the hot chick or
Avoid random Kisumu to Eldoret, am not a
This is common and it is very etc to an extent of causing handsome hunk next to you
conversations native. Am not being tribal
disturbing, nobody likes it disturbance to the person because it makes one to be
‘What is your take on but, be courteous, tune in
when you are busy elongating sitting next to you. I know very uncomfortable.
the brexit issue? A man to a radio that broadcasts
your neck into their chats . you like games but play Chewing loudly
seated next to me asks. in National Language not
It is irritating when you keep them at the right time and in A friend of mine who sought
I reluctantly respond Vernacular.
staring at your neighbor’s text an appropriate manner. anonymity, ones narrated to
to his question but i It does not cost you a penny to
messages. I know we might be me how she was once caught
am left with so many be courteous.

Ladies this is How to take care of

your wig
By Zaphaniah Achogo applyconditioner to the
is curly, try leaving root. If dry or damaged,
use a deep

n this era of ladies the hairnet on.
Step 3: shampoo conditioner
wanting to
beautify themselves the loosen shampoo
in your hands and Step 5: rinse
wig has become part of let lukewarm water
their wardrobe. work through the
hair. Distribute a flow in the same
This is how to take care direction of the hair
of a wig: small amount of
shampoo evenly to avoid tangling.
Step 1: detangle Squeeze and press
before you wash your throughout the
hair using circular the hair but ensure
wig, ensure that you that you do not wring
carefully detangle the motions to clean the
cap. the wig.  Use towel
hair using a wide tooth blot to remove excess
comb. Start from the Step 4: condition
a)’ for synthetic water.
ends and work your Step 6: dry
way towards the root to hair, spray leave-in
conditioner from a) for synthetic hair,
avoid shedding. air dry on a folding
Step 2: rinse the mid-shaft to the
ends avoiding the wig stand .gently part
use lukewarm water the hair with a comb
to rinse the wig from root or knots,
B) for human hair: before the wig dries.
the roots to the ends. B) for human hair,
Do not soak as this leave in for a few
minutes before blow dry about 80%
can lead to tangling.  and then round brush
However, if your wig rinsing. Do not
until smooth.
TECHNOLOGY REVIEW 8th - 14th June 2016 10

SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB S2 (8.0 INCH) Tecno Unveil Camon C9

Tecno mobile has unveiled Camon C9 a new
finger -print
WEIGHT sensing home phone in a bid to continue
It is light enough to button and expanding it C
comfortably hold in one two capacitive series.
hand as it only weighs buttons on Dubbed
265grams. either sides ‘Selfie Phone’
It comes in
Tecno C9 is
three colours;
an upgrade of
and Gold. Tecno Model
It has a super amoled
screen with vivid colours It has android 5.0.2 as the The newly
and has a 2048×1536 operating also has an launched phone has
DESIGN resolution.The sharp display octa-core Central processing a front and a back
The 8.0 inch model has is effective for Web surfing Unit with a 2GB RAM and
and flip board reading. high quality camera
metal edge outlines and a 320GB nternal storage
it has a soft fitted with LED flash.
memory .The memory can
-touch plastic be expanded up to 128 GB C9 was launched in
cover. through the MICRO sd slot. Nairobi on Friday last
It also has It has 4000mAh battery with a
a volume 8MP rear camera and 2.1 MP
rocker,stereo front camera.
speakers and Econa Kenya gives home owners
an off- centre Verdict: Heat in their rooms for
micro USB cold seasons
port line at It is a great tab as it’s thinner By Eric Bosire
the bottom and lighter and also has an
of the the improved touch software. Econa Kenya has The design of the panel is
tablet.Nevhe S2 tab has announced the made in a way that has an
introduction of wall alternative bar heaters and
mounted panel Heater forms of high out-
Huawei P9 sets Pace to their market. The put-heaters that use large
for Smartphone wall panel heater, amount of electricity. It
Photography offers out of the way operates at relatively low
By Eric Bosire wall mounting and surface temperatures and uses
are economic way of minimal electricity.
The P9 device was launched providing efficient The heaters are also
in the UK on April 2016 in room heating at low designed to operate at low
collaboration with Leica, cost. temperatures at low costs that
thus setting a new standard

Using natural can serve for long periods

convection technology, of time, without any extra
in Smartphone Photography. Econa’s heat is mainly cost. The concept is similar
The smartphone, Huawei generated behind to central heating though it
P9, is the first phone to be the heater in space saves on floor space and also
launched ad co-engineered between the panel and safe from children or pets
with the global iconic brand, the wall, which leads interference due to their low
Leica Camera AG. to an efficient draught thermal conductivity.
This has seen companies of heated air circulated The heaters can be painted to
like Techno launch similar into the room. match the décor with PVA or
devices that are capable of The principle, of emulsion paint. However Oil
taking photographs with convection means that paints based cannot be used
high definition. about 90% of the heat on them.
The P9 dual lens camera, comes from the back of Other benefits include; saving
takes smartphone the panel, while only up to 50percent of heating
Photography to the next 10 percent is radiated costs, they do not dry up the
level, allowing people to from the front of the room air and contain neither
capture vivid colours and heater panel. This form harmful chemicals nor metals
sticking to black and white of background heating and they come with a special
ima is economical, safe and 3 year warranty. This is
efficient. beneficial for home owners 8th - 14th June 2016 11

Security threat and Fears of Daabab Refugee camp closure

employment for refugees to make sure the shutdown is
has to come to an end,” Hub of economy
s dawn breaks in orderly.
A this dusty and sprawling Mr. Nkaisserry said. “The
government acknowledges
Dadaab injects an estimated
$14 million into the Kenyan
and locals. As a result, the
impending closure has many “We want our refugees
settlement of 350,000 worried. back, definitely,” he
that this decision will economy annually, according
people, residents of the Halima Gure, 40, who owns said in an interview on
have adverse effects on to a World Bank report last
world’s largest refugee a clothing shop at Hagadera last
the lives of refugees. The year. Another report by the
camp trek along main roads, market, one of the biggest in week. “But you have to
international community governments of Norway
carrying bags as they head Dadaab, said the region will calibrate the way they are
must collectively take and Denmark puts the
to the markets to open up for lack services if the refugees coming back. You can’t
responsibility”. contribution at twice that
business following early- are repatriated. just throw them back with
The United Nations’ lead figure. nothing.”
morning prayers. “Most locals in this northern
refugee agency has urged At the same time, the World The aftershocks may be felt
region come here to buy
In the face of intense Kenya to delay the closure, Bank report said commercial even beyond the region,
clothes and food in bulk,”
criticism from Somalia and some say.
said Ms.
international bodies, Kenyan There are more than 100
Gure, a
Interior Minister Joseph schools in the camp, with
mother of 10,
Nkaisserry announced trained teachers and an
who arrived
last month that Nairobi education system that is far
at the camp
will close what is now the better than what is available
in 2012 after
refugee camp at Dadaab and in Somalia, say refugees,
repatriate the mostly Somali as are the employment
refugees, saying the massive opportunities after
overran her
settlement harbors terrorists. graduation.
native Gedo
Dadaab lies about 60 miles region in The closure has the students
from Garissa University in Somalia. worried too.
northeastern Kenya, where “The However the government
147 people — including 142 market is an of Kenya has said that it
Makeshift Tents that Serve as Houses at the Daabab Camp will move the Refugees
students — were killed last economic
year in an attack by militant warning that sending Somali activities in the camp boost hub for residents here, and in a Human manner. And
refugees back to their the regional economy. In also it will work with the
Somalia-based Islamist it’s run mostly by refugees.
homeland, still rife with Dadaab there are hundreds of related departments where
group al-Shabab. The group When we leave there will be
for years has attacked instability, would be unsafe shopping centers, kiosks, taxi no business here.” they formed a committee
Kenyan targets in retaliation and inhumane. But just this and bus services and hotels. Somalian Prime Minister to look into the process of
for Kenyan soldiers fighting week, Kenyan officials said The host community earned Omar Abdirashid Ali repartriating them.
them in their home base. U.N. Secretary-General Ban some $1.8 million from the Sharmarke said the refugees This came as a result of
Ki-moon had acquiesced to sale of livestock alone to meetings between the
have been unfairly blamed
“Due to Kenya’s national the decision to close Dadaab refugees, analysts estimate. for terror incidents such Somali government and
security interest, the in a private meeting in The camp sits in one of the Kenya on last month.
as the Garissa university
government has decided Brussels. poorest regions in Kenya, Addtional Reporting BBC
massacre inside Kenya, but
that hosting of refugees a bright spot offering and Eric Bosire
said his first priority now is

Good Business Skills you need as an entrepreneur

By David Waruhari between you clients; clients are more of on certain products and
ts every and your attracted to entrepreneurs commodities, this will
entrepreneurs client, be a who obey time and beat make clients stick to you
wish to see their business good listener deadlines and also it builds the clients
run smoothly. One any and listen Product Offers trust on your goods and
enterprise is started. Have to all the There’s nothing that services. Always give
you ever asked yourself issues which pleases clients most like discounts to different
which skills you need to the clients being offered discount service offered or to
have for you to stick up and raise, with different commodities
please your client? Here are this your
the 5 skills you need to have business will
for your business to grow succeed
well; the good and bad records of
Planning your business entity, always
Communication Planning helps you know find a good plan and stick
You have to know how to what to do and what not to it
handle your clients, speak to do, having a good plan
in layman’s language so will help you predict on Time conscious
as your client can get each the future outcome of your Here you have to keep time,
word you utter. This will business. For you to plan if you don’t respect time
help create a good bond well you should always have then be ready to loose your
BUSINESS NEWS 8th - 14th June 2016 12

Homeboyz expands into PR and digital communications


omeboyz a multifaceted group
Entertainment, of companies that
East Africa’s largest also operates 6 Audio
multimedia entertainment Recording studios, 2 TV
and experiential marketing production facilities,
company, has signed a an events management
strategic partnership with division, a full Audio/
Publicis Groupe as it seeks Visual rental and
to broaden its suite of maintenance department,
services. The Music Technology
The partnership will see Academy, Homeboyz
Homeboyz morph into an Radio, HBTV, a youth
integrated marketing and empowerment facility
communications agency dubbed Y-Hub and
and offer an expanded a rugby club ran by
array of services that will Homeboyz Foundation.
include public relations, Homeboy started off
digital communication and in 1995 as a DJ outfit
media buying among others. and grew to become
This in addition to creative a household name in
design and advertising Kenya synonymous
services already on offer. with entertainment and
The partnership agreement cultural expression.
between Homeboyz and
Publicis Groupe will enable The company presently
Homeboyz to tap Publicis has 100-odd staff and
Myke Rabar, Homeboyz Entertainment Chief Executive Officer . PHOTO/ COURTESY occupies 24,000 square
Groupe’s global footprint,
knowledge base and best feet of equipment storage
practices as one of the Publicis Groupe is one encompassing four
of multi-national and local Homeboyz team brings a
industry’s most powerful of the world’s largest warehouses with full
client companies across the strong entrepreneurial and
agency networks. marketing group by service and maintenance
continent. non-traditional approach
revenue, and consists of crews.
companies that specialize to their creative endeavors,
“We are not only scaling The Publicis Africa Group which will allow our
in all aspects of the Over the years,
up our operations; this has 52 partner agencies in clients to engage with their
modern communication Homeboyz has evolved
symbiotic partnership offers Africa, with equity stakes in customers in a broader
mix. in scale, capacity and
Homeboyz an opportunity 20 of the agencies outside of and deeper fashion, which experience to become
to be the agency that South Africa, and majority goes beyond traditional
Publicis Groupe an integral player
will trigger a paradigm ownership in a further 11 advertising alone” said
encompasses Saatchi in the marketing,
shift in the delivery of agencies in South Africa. Kevin Tromp, the Publics
& Saatchi, Publicis communications and
integrated marketing and Worldwide, Leo Burnett, Africa Group Chief advertising industry,
“Our choice of Homeboyz as
communication services Arc, Starcom, MediaVest, Executive Officer. providing key services
a partner is because we see
in the region,” said Zenith, Optimedia to some of Kenya’s
great opportunity in holistic, Besides running the agency
Myke Rabar, Homeboyz and DigitasLBi, and most prestigious
multi-disciplinary activities to business, Homeboyz
Entertainment Chief serves a wide range brands, companies and
build brands in Africa.  The has evolved to become
Executive Officer. campaigns.

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8th - 14th June 2016 13

Cyber Crimes Bill Some of the AfricanTop Economy Countries

2016 set for Public frica is home to some of 4. Algeria: GDP – $227.802
A the richest countries in the billion
country traditionally exports tea
and coffee and has more recently
Participation world, in part due to its oil- Oil and gas exports have begun to export fresh flowers to
Europe. The service industry is
By Eric Maranga rich soil and human capital. placed Algeria on this list.
child pornography, cyber- Much of its wealth is received also a major economic driver.
The Government is putting With GDPs going up as high Kenya is a member of the East
bullying, cyber-staking and from oil deposits deep within
up measures to ensure as $594.257 Billion. the North African soil. Also African Community. Compared
compute fraud,” he said. to other African countries, Kenya
Computer and Cyber Crime rich in natural minerals, it
He further noted the public According to statistics is suggested that the ancient enjoys relatively high political
Bill is enacted into the law participation is set to begin provided by the International Romans collected stones and and social stability.
by the end of the year in a this week the Bill is taken Monetary Fund (IMF), these marbles from quarries in what
are currently, according to the 8. Angola: GDP – $49.857
bid to regulate and punish to National Assembly to be is now known as Algeria. You billion
figures provided at the time, can find onyx, red and white
crime related offenders. debated. the Top 10 richest countries in marbles, iron, lead, and zinc Angola has a large deposit of oil
Information, CS Mucheru said the Africa. in large quantities. It’s capital
Communication and and gas resources, diamonds,
Bill meets international city, Algiers offers rare beauty and bountiful agricultural land.
Technology Cabinet 1. Nigeria: GDP – $594.257 in the intricate architecture of
standards and once it billion Still recovering from the 27-year
Secretary Joe Mucheru its most famous buildings. civil war that lasted from 1975-
will be enacted to a
says the Government is The most populous country in 2002, Angola has made efforts to
law it will help in, law Africa is a major contender
5. Morocco: GDP – $112.552 revive its economy with heavy
fast-tracking Computer and enforcement agencies cope billion
on this list, its manufacturing oil and agricultural exports.
Cyber Crimes Bill 2016 to with investigations and sector being the third largest Morocco was named the first 9. Libya: GDP – $49.341 billion
have the law in place before prosecutorial challenges, in Africa while it contributes most competitive economy
the end of the year the Draft a considerable share of in North Africa. Tourism,
after criminals devised the world’s oil. Taking The Libyan economy depends
Bill emanates from great new ways of committing telecoms, textiles and primarily upon revenues from
into account this country’s agriculture are Morocco’s
public interest, arising out crimes such as child abuse, population of 170 million, the oil sector, which accounts
biggest biggest money pullers. for 80% of GDP and 97% of
of the need to tame abuse of identity theft and online Nigeria is on track to becoming
one of the 20 largest economies exports. Libya holds the largest
web based systems and the fraud. Others are money 6. Sudan: GDP – $112.552 proven oil reserves in Africa and
rise in cyber-crime. in the world by 2020. billion
laundering, phishing, is an important contributor to
CS Mucheru noted that botnets, cyber-stalking, 2. South Africa: GDP – More than once, we have the global supply of light, sweet
the has been great public $341.216 billion mentioned oil and gas as the crude.Apart from petroleum,
hate speech, radicalization the other natural resources are
interest and concern over the among others. main source of income for
natural gas and gypsum
South Africa is popularly countries on this list. Sudan
rise of computer and cyber “The Bill borrows known for its mineral resources also falls into that category
related crime as some laws such as gold and diamond but 10. Tunisia: GDP – $49.122
heavily from international but in a more diverse way. billion
were enacted long before the Gold Rush ended back in It depends on oil but with a
standards with input from the 19th century. There are
the republic adopted new experts in Europe, Inter- third of its GDP contributed Oil, tourism and car
more things to look forward by agriculture. Cotton and
technologies such as mobile Agency Committee for to in South Africa besides its manufacturing parts are the
peanuts constitute its major name of the game in Tunisia. It
money (MPesa) mobile Formulation on Cyber- jewels. agricultural exports. is one of the wealthiest countries
internet and Wi-Fi. crime and the Budapest in Africa so you won’t wander
3. Egypt: GDP – $284.860 7. Kenya: GDP – $53.40
“The draft Bill stipulates Convention on Cybercrime. billion too far into its cities like Tunis
wide ranging offences billion before finding a pleasant spot to
The offences under the
relating to aspects of Egypt has one of the longest The capital, Nairobi, is a relax.
draft Bill carry a penalty histories of any modern
unauthorized access, access of Ksh20 million or a 20- regional commercial hub.
country, arising in the tenth The economy of Kenya is the
with intent to commit further year imprisonment,” said millennium BCE as one of the largest by GDP in Southeast
offences, offences involving Mucheru. world’s first nation states. and Central Africa. Agriculture Source : BBC
protected computer systems, is a major employer; the

Why the Jua Kali Industry is Vital for any growing economy
By Baraka Njoroge
among others that can; there were many gaps that
One of their biggest they can also sell “what

disagree with were in place and a large
fix, provide, or improvise nemesis being: trade is not there.” The biggest
people who believe out pour due to population
upon request. council licenses, taxes, victims of this sale being
that A jack of all trade is growth that saw no
The ingenuity of this being looked as uneducated the office employed; whom
a master of none: by the employment of many. To try
sector has no limits, or of no class; among many of the Jua Kali sector
mere virtue of looking and earn some living many
boasting of Kenyans other hitches have planted members feel reaped all with
at the Kenya’s informal turned to creating goods that
from all walks of life. an inferiority complex in no meritocratic rule in play.
sector; the Jua Kali.JUA could be forged from any
Educated, not educated, them. This has gone on to Their trade varies from using
KALI from Swahili simply cheap and locally available
strong, weak, creative, make them create a cocoon soap to stop a leaking petrol
means “FIERCE SUN.” materials; for a cheaper
not creative; it is the only and a way of operating. tank and sealing on top
Forged from the price.
field where by papers do Feeling segregated with adhesive glue to cost
environment in which From kick off Jua Kali
not speak and the training members of Jua Kali the owner or driver for that
many of this workers simply had a mind of its
never ends. sector have a rule of value matter some few hundreds or
work in; under the fierce own and grew strongly
Jua Kali was simply born (money) for value (product) even thousands; since also
sun hence Jua Kali. It grounded and have become
by the coming up of the approach to anybody with the client in question plays
actually stands for git a power to reckon with
new system of education knowledge of their trade; a major role in the price
er done or: a person, and the largest employer in
that we now know as being masters of their trade formulations of this sector.
businessman, entrepreneur, Kenya.
8-4-4 system; where by
8th - 14th June 2016 13

Biz Pictorial

Jua Kali artisans At

Kamukunji Jua Kali
shed with some of
their Finished
The Jua kali sec-
tor has for the past
few year has highly
contributed to an
increase in
Opportunities to
Kenyans especially
the Youth.


By Eric Bosire

Maluvu Mutua, an Atisan at

Work in Wamuyu Hndicrafts.
Wood Carving is a Sector that
can Suppoort the Economy
through foreign Exchange.
It creates a source of
revenue inthe informal Sector.

PHOTO: By Leonard Munyao

Sportpesa All is set for the Airtel Rising
Adidas, Kanye wes Expand
KPL League Stars tournament clothing, Footwear PArtnership
By Eric Bosire
Saturday 9th 2016 NEWYORK
The stage is set for the 6th
edition of the Airtel Rising stars Airtel Rising Stars program is
designed to promote and provide Adidas has
competition after landing the doubled down on
a structured platform for scouts
VS lucrative KSH12 Million
and coaches to tap into the vast its business ties
sponsorship ahead of the Kenya with rap star
Secondary Schools Sports pool of upcoming talent in the
soccer field. Thus it will bul\ild a Kanye West on its
Nairobi City Stars Association (KSSSA) team. The
Posta Rangers strong feeder system for local brands. This was
events that kick of from July 6th announced that,
across all regions have attracted leagues and national teams
the new set of foot
many participants. selection in future.
VS The derby sponsors, Airtel “The youth are a very important
gear and other
accessories to be
Kenya in conjunction with to us and we believe in providing sold in dedicated
KSSSA launched the annual them with tools that will not only
Tusker FC shops across the
Ulinzi Stars event that brings together empower them but give them a globe.
thousands of boys and girls from platform to contribute positively The German based
VS athletic wear said
the merchandize
SofaPaka Chemilil Sugar under the newly
launched Adidas +
labels is an
VS expansion of its
existing YEEZY
AFC Leopards Thika United brand.
“With Adidas +
VS we are exploring
new territories by
Mathare United Western Stima opening up the
sports world to
Sunday 10th 15.00Hrs KANYE’s
creativity”, said
Eric LIedtke,
Adidas Chief
VS Managing Officer,
in a statement.
Ushuru FC Bandari FC “This is what
Adidas has always
been about-
different schools across the in nation building. Our biggest empowering
VS country. dream for the Airtel Rising stars is creators to create
As the norm the role of the not only to raise players who will the new”.
tournament is targeted at the be marketed locally but both The expanded
Kakamega Homeboyz under 17 soccer teams will be internationally”, said Adil EL relationship will
Gor Mahia FC include retail
conducted in eight regions Yousseffi, Airtel Kenya CEO.
which include Metropolitan, stores for the new
Northern region, Coastal The Competiton has over the lines of YEEZY
Region, Nzoia Region, Aberdare years churned out exiting talent, products for both
Muhoroni Youth Region, Mau, Lake region and among them Michael Olunga, sport and street.
Sony Sugar That is well
Highlands respectively. Harambee Stars striker, Gor
Then the regions finals will be Mahia's defender Eric 'Marcelo” apparel for the
held across the eight regions Ouma, and Harambee Stars genders.
dribbler Adam 'Dogo' “The Partnership
from July6-7th, while the
illustrates that
national finals will be hosted in
anyone can dream
Kenya7’s Rugby drawn in limitations”, west
said in the
death group ahead of olympicsin statement.
Kenya sevens Rugby teams for both men The Olympics Draw Adidas and West
and women have been drawn in the group Men have had a
of death that comprises of New Zealand Pool A: Fiji, USA, Argentina, Brazil business deal
ahead of the Rio De Janeiro Olympics Pool B:South Africa,, Australia, France, since 2014, after
games. Spain he ended his
The men's draw will see Kenya land in Pool C: Kenya, New Zealand, Great affiliation with the
pool C with New Zealand, Japan and Britain and Japan Nike Brand.
Britain, while the lionesses will find Women The rapper has
themselves in pool B with New zealand, Pool A: Australia, Fiji, Columbia, USA made forrays into
Pool B: New Zealand, France, Spain, the world of
France and Spain.
Kenya fashion and in
The womens competitons will run from the
Pool C: Canada, Great Britain, Brazil, April he unveiled
6 to 8 August, pavbing way for the mens
th th

Japan his Ablum and

competition that is set to start on the 9 to

latest fashion
The Africaworld Newspaper is Published by Nguma Publishers, The Leading Online Newspapers in Africa . . /

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