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AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.

indd 1 7/18/2016 7:43:50 PM

General News 15th - 22th July 2016 2
Kidero vows to sack More corrupt city council officers Continued from Pg 1 India business meeting
in Nairobi that was also
By Africaworld He added that his government
This comes as business attended by Deputy
has put in place business-
owners in city center President William Ruto.

N continue crying foul friendly reforms supported

airobi County Over 80 business leaders
over hawkers who have by wide and expansive local,
Governor Evans from India accompanied
developed a habit of regional and international
Kidero has vowed to Mr Modi
blocking their entrances markets.
sack all officials who will The two leaders cited
be involved engaging and makes their “It is time to partner with
business inaccessible. the historic trade and
themselves in corruption. Kenya so that India’s
In addition the hawkers business ties between the
According to Kidero some them from conducting products, services and firms
have been accused two countries, and called
of inspectorates receive business in city center. can find markets right across
bribes from hawkers who congesting the city for the entrenchment of
“I will continue sacking Africa,” President Kenyatta
then allow them to flock center as well walking a “win-win” partnership.
them until I remain said adding, “I would like to
in the streets hawking lanes and pavements “We have worked
with people who are encourage more trade and,
despite the order to bar hampering easy together in the past in
interested in serving this indeed, a deeper partnership
movement of pedestrians.
great city,” he vowed. many areas; we have to
between Kenyan and Indian
work closer now for the
investors.” Uhuru spoke
Education Ministry Introduces Research Bill for Universities benefit of the people of
yesterday when he and Indian
By Domic Kirui our two countries,” Prime
Prime Minister Narendra
The government has Minister Modi said.
developed Bill that will Modi addressed a Kenya-
harmonize all public cheating in institutions of
institutions that manage higher learning, noting that
research initiatives and it was affecting the quality Northrift ODM delegates Accuses
programmes, the Cabinet and relevance of research in Ruto forswaying their Party
Secretary for Education, Dr. the country.
Fred Matiang’i has said. By Faith Kiprotich
“Universities must set up Members of ODM from
Dr. Matiang’i said this will new standards of excellence
ensure better coordination and
Elgeyo Marak-
to for graduate programmes wet county
collation of research initiatives to safeguard the provision of
among various institutions for University Education, Prof. quality higher education.”
have reacted to
mandated to conduct research. Peter Thairu, and Secretary/CEO the claims that
for CUE, Prof. David Some. He said the institutions government
It will help avoid duplication, should also work closely with
Dr. Matiang’i underscored the is directly in-
the Cabinet Secretary said. professional organisations
importance of research saying fluencing the
to maintain high standards
At the same time, the Dr. they provided the basis for the leaders from
of training the professional
Matiang’i disclosed that the policy making. the opposition
organisations require.
government had set aside Zones entic-
Shs.3billion for National “You cannot have quality policies He expressed concern that some ing them with 2017 accusing the Jubilee
Research Fund aimed at without evidence that comes universities admitted students favour, a comment which administration of snatch-
facilitating research for the from research,” the Cabinet into certain academic and ing their members.
advancement of science, Secretary noted. attracted instant dismissal
professional programmes that did
technology and innovation in not have the entry qualifications from other leaders has led “President Uhuru Kenyat-
the country. He challenged research to the opposition coalition ta and his Deputy William
institutions to ensure that research for such programmes.
findings were disseminated cord and particularly ODM Ruto has been holding
The Cabinet Secretary made He said the reservations
these remarks during the official to guide policy and opinion go through turbulent politi- several meetings with var-
professional associations made cal times following resigna- ious party officials to woo
opening of a two-day symposium makers. were done in good faith.
on managing university tion of some party leaders. them into Jubilee Party”,
research and publications He said research may not be Speaking at Chepkorio Kigen said.
He said Universities should
at the Kenya School of helpful if we don’t disseminate. work with them to avoid hurting Vocational training center Keiyo South MP Jackson
Government (KSG), yesterday. “Research cannot be done in a the quality and training that during the farewell party of Kiptanui opposed Kigen
The symposium attracted vacuum,” he added. provide. the outgoing Keiyo South saying that president Uhu-
University academicians and
At the same time, Dr. Matiang’i Deputy County commis- ru Kenyatta together with
administrators. Prof. Suda said higher education
challenged Universities to sioner Arthur Bunde an, his Deputy William Ruto
institutions should invest in
The CS was flanked by confront the problem of cheating research and build the capacities ODM County Vice-chair has a right to visit every-
the Principal Secretary for in academic and professional for research training.“Research is Micah Kigen said that the where in the country since
University (Higher) Education, programmes in the institutions. the foundation for universities,” defections currently facing they lead the offices that
Prof. Collete Suda, and the Prof Suda noted.
He said there was chronic the opposition party will unite the entire nation to-
Chairman for the Commission
problem of plagiarism and end soon as they we will gether.
emerge stronger by early

To Book for
with us

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 2 7/18/2016 7:43:51 PM
Feature: 15th - 22th July 2016 3
Men regret later, after marriage break ups From Page 1

shows that 57 percent

ot once but many times years she found another man to hear from a friend that The voters’ credibility
Jubilee supporters have
you have heard men who she fell in love with and when my wife left me she in Electoral and
confidence in IEBC to
bragging how their partners agreed to tie a knot. left Kenya for Dubai where boundaries commission
oversee the next polls as
won’t survive without them When his estranged husband she is currently staying and to conduct the forth
opposed to 25 percent who
on the verge of an affair or learn she was going to getting to make matters worse I coming general
felt otherwise.
marriage. married to another gentleman heard she is married. Can elections has dropped.
At the same time the
This usually happens when he broke down and cried like you imagine that? Onsembe According to the
research shows 81 percent
a lady decides to end a a baby regretting as to why regretted. opinion poll by IPSOS
of cord supporters do not
relationship or marriage he did not played family Onsembe says for the all Synovate the general
have confidence in the
due day to daily differences head role and make peace women he was dating have voters’ believability
commission to supervise
affecting them as a couple. with her wife and possibly got nothing to do with him in has gone down to 34
elections as compared to
Here most male tends to take care and raise their kids that he is now jobless he now percent in last month
seven percent who had
have a can’t up from 47 percent in
different views.
perception afford November last year.
99 percent of that Jubilee
that once t o The survey indicates
affiliated supporters
they broke furnish that Jubilee supporters’
opposed the protests and
up with their confidence in the
calls for disbandment of
their female luxury electoral body has
IEB commission while
partners a n d dropped from 63 to 57
nine percent support its
it won’t their percent while that of
last long Cord supporters has
62 percent of Cord
before they jumped down from 15
supporters supported
come back to seven percent for the
the protests for the
begging for last seven months.
removal of current IEBC
conciliation In overall response
Commissioners while
and gathered from the
34 percent had different
probably research indicates
start over again. together. that 47 percent of
The research was
Joyce Asego says she worked Martin Onsembe says he lifestyle in general as the respondents
conducted between 4 to 18
out of her marriage with her was not only harsh and he used to while he was have confidence in
June during the time Cord
two kids when she felt like disrespectful to her estranged working. the commission to
leaders were protesting
her marriage was at a stake spouse but also unfaithful to “I wish I would have conduct free and fair
calling for the reforms in
and moved on with her own her. He adds that he used to invested the money I wasted elections as compared
the commission ahead of
life. cheat and he never regretted on women. By now I would to 34 percent who had a
2017 polls.
“My husband and I had not even a single day. have been with my wife contrary opinion.
differences. We would quarrel “I used to cheat on my wife. and kids. Indeed I would In favour of IEBC
over petty issue and end up Her plies to make me desist have been a happy man” he
fighting. So it reached a point from the practice fell on the concludes Onsembe. Government to Support talent
is said no, I won’t continue deaf ears. It reached a stage According marriage Learning in Schools
living with somebody who where I would assault her counselor Nancy Muruiki By Dominic Kirui
we won’t well a long,” said physically whenever she says that most men have Three pupils in two
Ms Asego. questions me so as to silence adopted the habit of looking Primary Schools in Nairobi
She adds as she was about to her not to bother question me down upon their own family are set to take part in a
pioneering African Spelling
leave her husband assisted anymore,” for the sake of side dishes Championship event that will
her packing and at the same “It went on like that, he adds, who turns them as a cash take place in Johannesburg,
cow and once they milk South African from tomorrow.
time scolded at her that she till my wife decided to leave Alma Wanjiku and Abigail Simiyu they know best during the
will go and loiter aimlessly me. But by then I did not see them dry they chase them from St. Mary’s Primary School, competition.He quipped that
away like stray dogs. Ruaraka and Paul Mwangi, from many educated people knew and
but at the end she finally come it as a big deal I only felt free
Bondeni Primary School in Kayole, used so many English words,
back begging him asking him at last, but my relief turned “Most men fall in the traps will participate in the event. but could not, when challenged,
to accept her back. out to be short lived,” said of cunning women who in get all their spellings right.
Principal Secretary for Basic
But that was never to be Ms Onsembe. turn milk them dry their “Spelling was a critical co-
Education, Dr. Belio Kipsang,
Asego after settling for two He says two years down the wealth before dumping me. officially flagged the top 3 curricular activity that catalyzed

At this moment is when they National Spelling finalists at the the learning that goes on in the
line he was fired from his classroom,” Dr. Kipsang observed.
Ministry headquarters at Jogoo
My husband and I had job after he was involved start remembering about House today. He was flanked by
their wives and as well The event will bring together
differences. We would in corrupt dealings so as to the Director General, Mrs. Leah
Rotich and the Chairman of the over 15 National Spelling Bee
quarrel over petty issue get extra and quick cash to their family which they Champions from participating
Kenya Primary School Heads
and end up fighting. So it entertain women. had abandoned for a long Association,(KEPSHA), Mr. countries including Kenya,
teachers of English, educational
reached a point is said no, I “When my wife left me in period,” said Ms Muruiki. Johnstone Nzioka.Dr. Kipsang
said the competition provided officials, publishers, motivational
won’t continue living with the year 2013 we were having them with an opportunity to grow speakers and other high profile
somebody who we won’t two kids aged 2 and 3. I come By Eric Maranga their capacities, by nurturing stakeholders in education
what they had demonstrated, sector from across Africa
well a long,

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 3 7/18/2016 7:43:53 PM
15th - 22th July 2016
Chilling murder of black
people must be stopped
Sanity must
By Erick Maranga

be brought to T black
he killings of
people across when? 21st century where sort

schools According to Media of things shouldn’t be

the United States have
reports over 1600 black happening. Wake up from
thrown the whole
people in this year’s the slumber land.
It barely passes a day before we world in into turmoil.
alone have been so far Not even protests or
hear of school going up in flames. The heinous deeds by
killed by the police who retaliatory attacks by
The cases of arson in secondary the security officers
are supposed to protect armed civilians with the
schools has been rampant and the towards innocent
them. police officers in the
trend seems not to end any time civilians have raised
The cry for racial fierce gunfire battle will
soon. many questions than
discrimination has fallen end this; there is more
for so many years and the than just that.
Rogue students have developed the Why on earth somebody
trend seems not to end It is well known that all
habit of torching learning institu- who has been given a
anytime soon. security officers work
tion whenever they feel their rights mandate to protect you,
It is unacceptable and it on commands. Now the
have been violated. To them this is turn against you and
is totally wrong to end question here is whose
the language they think the school spray you with bullets?
people lives on basis of command are these
administration will understand. This Not because you have
races. That is the thing merciless and inhumane
is totally wrong. engaged yourself in a
of the past. We are in the officers are working for?
crime but just because
The all energies they are wasting in of your skin colour till
setting a blaze schools they should Erick Maranga is a Nairobi based media practitioner). Opinion expressed in this article do not reflect the stand of
instead direct it to learning. Schools Africaworldnews Kenya but solely that of the writer
are not entertainment zones but

rather a learning centers which train OPINION SHAPERS
them how to become good people in
future and not hard headed individu- An army of Million Men can
als. be stoped, but you can not
stop an idea whose ime has
come. And the Consiousness
And to teachers and administra- of the Mulembe people is
tion the should treat students as less awakened.
human beings, they too need to be Comments in Regard to his
heard. resignation from ODM
Ababu Namwamba Mp, Secre-
tary General ODM

‘ ‘
Editorial Team Universities Phones are just
must set up computers and our
Chief Editor
Ukachuckwu Okorie
new standards students should be
of excellence allowed to own them
Managing Editor to for graduate in schoolS. If the
Eric Bosire programmes to government wants
safeguard the to digitize learning
CAM 2 Kreations Kenya provision of quality and education in the
higher education. Education CS Fred Matian’gi country
Wilson Sossion- KNUT Secretary General

Dominic Kirui
Eric Maranga
David Waruhari “If we are to succeed in our quest for sustainable
Zaphaniah Achogo development, we will have to strengthen multi-
Faith Bore
lateral cooperation and global partnerships. In
preparation for post-2015 [when new development
targets will be in place], we in the United Nations
system are working on making ourselves ‘fit for
Is Published purpose’. As an anchor in the UN’s development
by Nguma Publishers, Republic
of Ire1land. In Partnership with pillar, UNCTAD has a vital role to play in helping
Africaworld News Kenya editor@ to deliver the post-2015 agenda. .
Send your opinion or Letter to the editor on

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 4 7/18/2016 7:43:54 PM
15th - 22th July 2016 5
Business: Apex
College Review
Delicacy Midpoint:
Kenya Institute of Proffessional Studies
Have a bite of local cuisine at Nairobi luxury Sankara Hotel
By Erick Maranga and Zaphaniah Achogo
By Erick Maranga

enya Institute of

J ust by the mention Sankara

Hotel the picture of a luxury lodge
paints itself in one’s mind. The five
Studies is a high
learning institution
star modern luxury hotel is located at accredited by the ministry
Westlands 3 minutes drive from City of Education science
and technology to offer
Diploma and Certificate
The Hotel prepares meals using
courses. mode of learning to students
products outsourced locally making A Preview of the Hotel HOTO: Sankara Hotel
The institute offers . In addition the college
its cuisine to have the consummate of courses such as Business provide accommodation to
local taste. connectivity, get supplied with all local dailies Studies,Community students whenever the need
In addition it provides a comfy and and free non alcoholic beverages in the morning Development,Health arises.
favorable environment to dine and and the evening. The hotel offers laundry and and Applied Sciences, The college has its main
wine. The lodge is offers restaurant, dry cleaning services to its clients. It also has a Hospitality and Catering branch at Afya Centre
bar and spa services. boutique among many other luxuries. Sankara Information Technology Campus along Tom Mboya
Once Visitors book rooms in the inn also ferry and drop clients to and fro the ,Media Studies ,Tours and Street and other branches
Travel,Secretarial among are located Travin Campus
hotel enjoy services such as watching airport according to client’s needs.
others. along Mfangano Street,
Television, access high speed internet
KIPS offer full time, part khan’s a campus along race
Company Apex: time and distance learning course road

By Eric Bosire
General Motors East Africa- GM
Gm boosts as one of the

G eneral Motors company, distributed between GM

main vehicle manufacturing
commonly known Asia with 57%, Centum
plant that enjoys an
as GM, is an America investment at 17%,
expansive distribution
Multinational corporation the Kenya Industrial
footprints across Kenya and
headquartered in Detroit, and Commercial
East Africa. Since there
Michigan. Gm designs, Development
products are assembled
Manufactures, Markets and corporation 20% , and
locally, there is a high
distributes vehicles and ITochu corporation
demand for their products
vehicle spare parts. It also with 4.5% shareholding
ordered up to fifty percent
sells spare parts and other respectively.
of local products included
within the vehicles. Their
vehicles are developed
and delivered to serve
in different scenarios
depending on job
Some Of the Top Brands by GM. It was established in 1970.
As the largest vehicle
manufacturing plant in the PHOTO: COURTESY
region, and Kenya, GM
financial services. As the largest
boosts a production of OnStar, Opel, Vauxhall, development, that enhances
Being a multinational, manufacturing plant
vehicles that are enjoyed in Wuling, and the least career development and
GM has branches in North in East Africa, their
the market from Schools, Chevrolet which is enjoyed promotion. So if you are
America, Europe, South assembling plant has a
Government institutions, by many in the market. passionate , one can be able
America, Egypt, South higher approval rating.
among other private to learn though their three
Africa and East Africa. Some of their top brands
companies. In order Employees models. That is Explore
GM East Africa which include Isuzu Tracks
to provide appropriate Gm is one of the largest Gm Juspstart, Gm Tech
is based in Nairobi was and Buses for passenger
service delivery, it has a global employer in the Education and Gm learning,
established in 1975 as a service and Chevrolet
after sale service in their region and the globe. With you can access this at
joint venture between the passenger vehicles that
manufacturing plant that its several branches, it Htttp/
Kenyan government and GM have revolutionized
serves their clients. has close to 21,600 plus
corporation which serves the commuter service
Some of the top brand employees with a motto of GM is located few kilometers
their customers in the East transport in Kenya and
assembled include, Baojun, to build a “Culture to Win”. from Nairobi Central
African region. East African region for
Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, It also trainings to those business district along
Its shareholding is the past years.
GMC, Holden, Jiefang, interested in brand Mombasa Road

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 5 7/18/2016 7:43:54 PM
Commuter Service Trend COMMUTER SERVICE

Africaworld News Kenya Bulletin 15th - 22th July 2016


The insightful weekly analysis of Matatu Culture, Trend, and other aspects in the Transport Sector

Kasarani’s lavish and classy READVERTISING FEATURE

Matatus take the pride of Nairobi

By Eric Maranga

With progression in transport sector in Nairobi and the rest of the

country commuter service has greatly improved from hustle and
bustle to a luxurious adventure which leaves every commuter with
a best experience to share

T he route which
once operated
with old worn out ugly
matatus has now
gotten a new look with
the entry of elegant
and modern matatus.
With the entry
of Metro Trans,
Hannover MSL and
the latest expresso
sacco commuting
services have
immensely improved
beyond doubt at Expresso sacco Bus Photo: COURTESY
Mwiki and in Kasarani
at large.
The Saccos own a are fitted with CCTV
fleet of high class cameras to curb crime services of thesePSVs are
modern buses which more especially from extremely high something
are nicely designed car hijackers and pick which has made to score
and decorated with picketers. in the Matatu industry.
all sorts eye catching The matatu crew has Despite being expensive
graphics making the to also not been left in terms of the fare they
be outstanding Public behind as majority of charge, the two Saccos
Service Vehicles in the them are disciplined, are the mostly preferred
area. friendly and use polite by Mwiki and Kasarani
Most of these buses language something residents who 99 percent
have been fitted with which has led to good of them are youth.
two seats in each row will between them and Examples of high class
providing ample space the commuters. buses operating here are
for commuters to The crew is also made Scorpio, Nipashe among
travel luxuriously and of young discipline many others.
comfortably without and energetic youth Most PSVs here charge
getting squeezed. who understand what between S 100 and 80
A hundred percent of it takes as far as digital during rush hours while
them are fitted with age is concerned. normal hours the fare
fully equipped music In a nut shell the ranges between Sh50 and
systems big screens
which entertain 30 respectively.
commuters along They pick and drop commuters at Odeon stage along Moi
their journey with Avenue and Bus Station along Race Course Road.
the best Dj mixes
in town to and from
city centre hence
providing a conducive
travelling ambience
for commuters.
In addition these PSVs

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 6 7/18/2016 7:43:57 PM
Africaworld News Kenya Bulletin 15th - 22th July 2016 7

y a
e n
o w
N In Our Previous
*NAIROBI* 7th - 14th July 2016 ISSUE No . 4

Did Cord anti-IEBC Protests

cost Raila's Popularity?
Recent poll Survey
shows that Uhuru
Kenyatta’s popularity
has tremendously
increased as that of
Coalition for Reforms
and Democracy (CORD)
Leader Raila Odinga

According to IPSOS
Synovate, President
Uhurus’ chances to be
reelected as the
president stood at 51
Read More on Page 2
President Uhuru Kenyatta CORD Leader Raila Odinga

It is who you know that gets you a job ; survey reveals FEATURED
Commuter Line Service
- Pg 2
The chances of one to get an employment
arehigh for one who happens to know
people in the job market as compared to Company Apex
the onewho depends on academic - Pg 2
credentials this is according to the research
carried out by the World Bank.

Most jobseekers Fashion &
rely purely on Technology
who they know - Pg 2
and not the School Directory &
level of education Campus Review - Pg 2
for them to
get employed.
Read More on Pg 2
INSIDE Politics Features Sports Delicacy
THIS Pg 2 Pg 3,4, 7&8 Pg 5-6,9-11 Pg 16
- Pg 2

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 8th July to 14th July Bulletin 2016.indd 1 7/13/2016 1:31:42 PM

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 7 7/18/2016 7:44:02 PM 15th - 22th July 2016 8
Chill out Zone

A Day with Miss Tourism Kenya Lamu County

By Dominic Kirui

in October 2015, in the county”,  which is a

B orn on the 16th
day of August in a midst of she says. company that
charity community
great profiles on Though there was no event dubbed
1993 in Ziwani supports and
the national local good support from Chapati Forum
Village of Bahari manages talents
channels; PM the county during the Lamu Edition. The
Location, Mpeketoni and deals with
squared, Ann national finals of miss objective was to
Division in Lamu art, fashion and
Kiguta and Lilian tourism Kenya 2016 at support orphans,
County, Jennifer music.
Muli. She won it!!! Vihiga county, Jennifer the elderly,
Wairimu is the Miss She later
The Tv presenter of was awarded the Most children’s homes
Tourism Kenya Most organized
the year Mashujaa Talented Model Miss and people living
Talented and as well the first ever
Award. Her Tourism Kenya 2016. with disabilities
Miss Tourism Kenya fashion-
background didn’t In June 2015, she by bringing the
Lamu county 2016. talent show at
act like a hindrance founded Trevor Empire society together to
Mpeketoni town
cook chapati for the
in December
vulnerable groups
2015 where
in the society. This
Trevor Empire
reached about 300
found Miss
youths in Lamu
and Mr Lamu
County and
On 25th April 2016
were crowned
she organized a
in a public
talent show event
event attended
dubbed “Dance
by leaders. The
with disabilities” at
objective was
Mpeketoni town.
to bring the
The objective was
youths together
to show love and
to realize
make people living
their talents
with disability feel
and showcase
that the community
them under the
loves them. The
theme PEACE
event donated food,
clothes and gifts to
people living with
In April 2016 the
Lamu County
beauty queen
Jennifer Wairimu was crowned Miss Tourism Lamu county organized a
A journalist by
to her pathway.
profession, Jennifer
In May 2016,
is a former TV host
Jennifer Wairimu
at MCTV where
was crowned Miss
she used to host
three shows; The Tourism Lamu
county. “It was
Explosion Show, The
much challenging
Generation Show
since it was my first
and the Blaze +254
time ever in life
It was during her job beside my efforts
to revolutionize
as a TV host that
Wairimu underwent Lamu County by
preparing fashion,
nominations for
art and music events
the TV presenter
of the year awards to support all talents Jennifer Wairimu during the Launch of the Peace Project in Lamu county

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 8 7/18/2016 7:44:03 PM
15th - 22th July 2016 9


By Zaphaniah Achogo
how he is faring.A man feels LOVING

O f late,the word
,’sponsor ‘has gained
wanted when the chick in
question asks his boo about
Just The other day on my way
home on board a bus from
ground and penetrated how his days was.It actually work, I overheard a conversa-
the language of the Ke- makes the man to believe in tion between two ladies.One
nyan nation in that even himself and to never loose of the ladies said that he was
the kids are aware of it hope in his daily hustles. unhappy with his boyfriend.
the same way they can
He spoke of how emotional-
comfortably sing Jimmy UNDERSTANDING ly supportive her boyfriend
Gait’s ‘Yesu ni sponsor ‘
was .The only problem was
song. “Baibe,I am sorry i cannot be that he was not yet financially
Ladies are used to able to take you out as i had stable.I just wished she could
be given money by earlier promised.You see,it just give the man just a little
the men in their lives Picture : Courtesy
has been a rough week since more time.
Dads,brothers,boyfriends I have not paid .The man- Men appreciate when ladies
word ‘tarmacking’ is not new financial needs.Is it fair?
or sugar daddies who ager said he would do so on for once appreciate the little
.Besides ,he lives in a bed- Ladies, Men too need to be
they nowadays refer to Monday..”This is a plea of a things the man is doing .Be it
sitter in the outskirts of Nairobi cared for.A struggling young-
as sponsors.However,it is man to his sweetheart. that he carries you to the bed-
and he can barely survive on man appreciates and respects
toughfor a brother to bor- The girl then says,”honey, i room or even simply opening
the monthly payslip he receives a lady with the following
row and refund the cash understand .We can as well the car door for you that is
from a Mhindi. qualities:
later.I can even sense the go out next time.”Such a enough to tell you that he still
However,the man’s long time
raised eyebrows as I type statement alone speaks vol- loves you despite him going
college girlfriend landed a lu- CARING
this. umes about her .It sparks cer- through financial hurdles to-
crative job in one of the top Nothing smothers a man
I am talking about a tainty in the man that for sure day.
firms within Nairobi.The sal- more than his lady who from
young man in his twen- he fell for a a lady who truly Therefore ,ladies for once
ary is sufficient enough for her time to time takes a few min-
ties ,fresh graduate out loved him for him. show some love to the hus-
needs but still expects the hus- utes during the day to call
of college ,to whom the tling male species.
tling boyfriends to cater for her the boyfriend just to know

Ladies: When your hubby or boyfriend stops being jealousy your

By Erick Maranga
marriage or relationship is as good as dead.
till you now confront him
been asked when let’s say they all social media of their becoming rebellious they accusing him of how he has
are not at home where they
N ot once or twice spouses to check what tend to leave you to do as changed, adding that he less
are? Who they are with? Why the people their spouses you please as they watch concerned about you. You
but numerous
they have come home late? have communicating with you. You go out have fun that start saying to him you
times ladies have been
They do tend to believe that them. Once they do not get walk all the day and in the are now nobody because he
heard lamenting how
their rights have been violated. what they are looking for evening you can back and seem not to be interested
jealousy or insecure
They hate this with passion they do go further to warn you find your man there in you anymore. And to
their men are. They
they tend to took it as a their wives or girlfriends he questions you nothing. make it bigger you now start
even go ahead to
prejudice as far as they are with dare consequences Once you settle down you questioning him whether he
threaten or blackmail
concerned. In fact they call once they shall catch them go straight into the kitchen is seeing another woman.
dudes with divorce,
intimidation and do believe cheating on them. And for you prepare him food you Though reasonable
separate or end the
that the men who tend to majority of women when eat together and retire to bed jealousy is good
relationship altogether.
question their whereabouts it reaches at this point life together and he asks you Reasonable jealousy is
Here most women do
are old fashion dudes who are threating experience they nothing. Imagine nothing good for the marriage or
believe when their
taking them back in the 19th opt to call a marriage or a nothing at all and the trend relationship because it
partner tend to question
century. relationship off arguing it goes on. keeps it going. It is a sign of
them about something
Insecure men too much to bear hence opt affection, caring, ownership,
they see it as an insult,
Yeah I do agree with you there to quit. What the hell is going protection and appreciation.
violation of their rights
are other men who are so The gentlemen here? It means you are so precious
and do therefore would
snoopy who wants to monitor And for reasonable men You start wondering you and so important to that
not want to hear none
every move their spouses whenever let’s say they even start doing things person in that he won’t
of it. And when see that
make the behaviour which become suspicious about deliberately so as to provoke allow anybody touch you or
are no they no signs of
not only irritates but also bore your movement they will him to question but to your share you with someone. He
changing they situation
most ladies. They will even tend to question you once, surprise he doesn’t at all will do anything to prevent
they will opt out
go ahead to check the text twice or thrice and if they utter even a single a word. anybody from snatching you
For instance for urban
messages, call logs, log into get to they see you as his You wait for him to question from him.
women ladies do hate
wife or girlfriend you are

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 9 7/18/2016 7:44:03 PM
Business/Technolgy 15th - 22th July 2016 10

IATA sets new rules for airlines BLACKBERRY PRIVY

By Eric Maranga
The International ACHOGO
Air Transport hexacore and runs on a 64-
Association The Blackberry privy bit operating system.It also
(IATA) has released in November has a 5.1.1 android OS.
2015,has continued to CAMERA
directed travel
agents to submit cause
cash from tickets in the
sales every 15 phone
days as opposed market
to monthly with it
remittance in a being
bid to facilitate Black-
smooth cashflows first
in airline industry. all travelers both their travel agent so as android
According Kenya in corporate sector to discuss payment plans phone
Association of and government available in the market to to hit
the market.Let us get a It has an 18 MP (megapixel)
Travel Agents chief departments to avoid disruptions of their look at its features: rear camera and a 2MP front
executive Nicanor make adjustments travel plans. camera
Sabula said Agents in payment plans The new law is set to start BLACKBERRY BATTERY
failing to meet to conform to new as September in a bid to PRIVY boasts of It has a 3410mAh battery
payment deadline requirements. protect and streamline
will be declared as He further asked the operations the airline
defaulters and denied those who wish industry.
facilities to issue to travel to make
tickets. enquiries from
Sabula at has urged

a 5.43 inch curved
to launch a debit Amoled display with a that is non- removable.
card 2560×1440 resolution.
PRICE goes for only $399.9.
PRIVY has a 3GB
By Erick Maranmga RAM with an expand- VERDICT
able memory of up to THE BLACKBERRY privy
Giant Telecommunica- 2TB. is the real deal since it is
tions Company Safari- PROCESSOR light as it only weighs 192
com is eyeing stake in It comes with a Qual- grams and is only 9.4mm
the electronic cash in comm Snapdragon 808 thick.
banking industry as its

rent banking security

plans to roll out a debit standards adding that
card are underway. it has also been ap-
According Safaricom proved by relevant
Chief Executive Offi- authorities as a safe
cer Bob Collymore the means of transac-
company has already tions.
launched the card and He also stated that
has commenced piloting the card will com-
within its staff members pliment the widely
before it is officially used service mobile
launched later on. transaction service
Mr Collymore noted that Lipa na Mpesa.
the card meets the cur-

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 10 7/18/2016 7:44:10 PM 15th - 22th July 2016 11

Unemployment rates in Kenya among the graduates is worrying

By Africaworld News disheartening for those
who are still in school
ecently a leading of employees are doing Work experience is
R supermarket his or her academic
qualifications do not jobs which they never another factor which
whenever they see how
jobseekers are tarmac
in the country matter but the person trained to do but they does locks out these job
king to get a job.It sends
announced internship he or she knows in the do it because seekers. Mostly many
a wrong message to
opportunities where
learners and
graduates were
encouraged to apply.
make them
The retail chain in
lose hope
partnership with
of working
another financial
hard in
institution announced
1600 opportunities
because at
whereby the
the end their
shortlisted candidates
efforts and
were to be taken in
for the period of six
may end up
months after which
wasted due
they will be given
to lack of
jobs in that particular
To what seemed to
worry many over 3000
system is
masters and degree
also to be
graduates applied for
the position a clear
for only
indication of job crisis
An analysis of the income spending that was done recentry . Illustration form Nation Media teaching
in the country.
learners only on about
Early last week job market. opportunity presented white collars jobs
AfricanWorld News The research further itself. employers tend to
something which has led
Kenya carried a story indicated that over 40 Qualified but lack of employ employees with
to this crisis.
which was a research percent of employees jobs experience of not less
If you ask any student
by World Bank on are overqualified In Kenya every than 5 years. And the
the kinds of a job he
how people get for the job they are year thousands question here is if they
or she aspires to do in
employment in the currently doing. and thousands of do not employ these
future majority of them
country. In the same research graduands graduates fresh graduates where
will tell you about big
In the findings it from universities to do they then want them
office jobs. Why? They
was revealed that World Bank found out scramble for scarce job to get experience from?
have been though and
for one to get a job that about 40 percent opportunities. This really worrying
grown up with that same
so much. It is
mentality of working in
Police brutality remains high reveals a police report
By Erick Maranga

I ndependent Police In the 2013/14 finds the

Oversight Authority report says 860 com-
has said the complaints plaints were received by
leveled against police the authority where 50
officers have doubled as deaths were believed to
compared to previous be caused by the police
years. while 60 were inflicted
According to IPOA with serious injuries as
annual report the cases 176 were as a result of
of police brutality to the police harassment.
members of the public
rose up 1,792 in the year The Authority also says
2014/15 down from 594 in the same period 116
in the year 2013/14. plaints lodged to the security deaths were obtained from
Nairobi recorded the officers. 55 police stations where
highest number of com- The report further revealed Nairobi recorded the high-
plaints as compared to the worrying trend where po- est number as compared
other counties amounting lice officers have been linked to 2013/12 where 48 death
to 35 percent of the com- to extrajudicial killings as notifications and 23 injuries
well torture. inflicted to prisoners.

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 11 7/18/2016 7:44:11 PM
BUSINESS NEWS 15th - 22th July 2016 12

Graduates scramble Ruto hold Talks with Nkuruzinza

on Regional Trade

for internship
By Erick Maranga
Deputy President William pated and agreed to sign the
O ver 3,000 applicants
have applied for
Ruto has made a one day
official visit to Burundi for
talks with President Pierre
The decision by Tanzania
the internship offered by not to sign the agreement,
Tuskys supermarket in Nkurunziza. leaves the region, and spe-
collaboration with the Mr Ruto travelled to Bu- cifically Kenya, at a great
Kenya Commercial Bank jumbura to discuss critical risk of losing revenue when
in a bid to tackle job East Africa issues among exporting goods to the Euro-
crisis among the fresh them the signing of the pean Union. This essentially
graduates. Economic Partnership means Kenya’s exports to
According to Tuskys Agreement (EPAs) that al- the European Union-mainly
Human Resource said lows East African countries flowers and vegetables-will
Lucy Watari majority of export agricultural products attract tax.
those who applied for the to Europe without attracting Kenya exports produce
internship were Masters tax. worth Sh120 billion to the
Bachelors and Degree Adding that, this supermarket branches across The two leaders also dis-
holders, followed by partnership will run for the country to work as shop cussed the flare-up in South European market.
Diploma and Certificate five years where interns attendants, cashiers, bakers Sudan, which they said The East African Commu-
holders. will be trained annually among other job opportunities. should be addressed imme- nity partner states negotiated
She noted that the for the next five years. MS Watari said the diately; the Somalia situa- EPA as a bloc since 2007.
shortling has begun Tusky seeks to recruit 800 programme aims at equipping tion and need for Amisom Mr Ruto said the develop-
where 1600 successful interns where KCB also the youth with necessary skills to be strengthened. Burundi ment poses a great threat to
candidates will be trained will add the other 800 required in the current job contributes more than 5,000 the EAC Customs Union,
for the duration of six others who will be later market. to the force. which requires all partners
months. deployed in all 54 Tuskys states to sign the EPA in or-
Regional stability der to safeguard against the
Coca cola to relocate its Kenyan Headquarters to SA They said stability of the perforation of the Common
region was important for
By Zaphaniah Achogo External Tariff.
economic growth and wel- He said: “In the event that
The Coca- Cola Company strategic locations for in- fare of the people.
part of Coca-Cola's interna- the EAC does not sign the
has announced its plan to vestment by multinational The economic agreement is
tional efforts to streamline the EPA as a bloc, all EAC
move the Kenyan head- companies.. due for signing by East Af-
operating structure and change partner states stand to lose
quarters to South Africa The Global soft drinks rican countries next week
its leadership. generous market access
and Nigeria. manufacturer earlier an- after the Sectoral Council
"The changes are happening terms negotiated under the
Coca-Cola plans to move nounced that the created of Trade, Industry, Finance
on an international scale and EU market.”
the Central, East and West South Africa business and Investment (SCTIFI)
are being made to align our
African (CEWA) Business unit is to be headed by Mr EAC agreed.
operating units against the Stand to lose
Unit headquarters situated Kelvin Balogun while the An extra-ordinary council
company's Global bottling Mr Ruto said Kenya stands
in Upper Hills, Nairobi West Africa business unit meeting of ministers re-
footprint and to promote and to lose more because its
to Johannesburg in South is to be under the leader- sponsible for East African
develop key Coca -Cola lead- exports to the EU will attract
Africa and Nigeria. ship of Mr. Peter Njonjo. Affairs met on 30 June and
ers "Mrs Odwesso added. import duties thereby threat-
The move to relocate is Mrs North proposed that the countries
This comes in the wake of ening jobs, revenue, and
expected to lead to job Odwesso,Director of Com- sign the agreement on 18
Sameer Africa closing its Ke- relocation of industries to
losses and has also raised munications Nairobi told July.
nya based Manufacturing plant less developed neighbouring
questions on Kenya's the press on Sunday that All four partner states,
citing huge losses. countries.
competitiveness, it being a the move to relocate is except Tanzania, partici-

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AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 12 7/18/2016 7:44:12 PM
15th - 22th July 2016 13
Some of the AfricanTop Economy Countries
Uhuru opens
frica is home to some of 4. Algeria: GDP – $227.802
UNCTAD Conference A the richest countries in the billion country traditionally exports tea
and coffee and has more recently
world, in part due to its oil- begun to export fresh flowers to
By PSC Oil and gas exports have
Europe. The service industry is
rich soil and human capital. placed Algeria on this list.
President Uhuru Much of its wealth is received also a major economic driver.
With GDPs going up as high Kenya is a member of the East
Kenyatta on from oil deposits deep within
as $594.257 Billion. the North African soil. Also African Community. Compared
Sunday officially to other African countries, Kenya
rich in natural minerals, it
opened the 14 th According to statistics is suggested that the ancient enjoys relatively high political
Session of the provided by the International Romans collected stones and and social stability.
Monetary Fund (IMF), these marbles from quarries in what
United Nations are currently, according to the 8. Angola: GDP – $49.857
Conference is now known as Algeria. You billion
He urged for more actions figures provided at the time, can find onyx, red and white
on Trade and Development to translate promises into the Top 10 richest countries in marbles, iron, lead, and zinc
Africa. Angola has a large deposit of oil
(UNCTAD I4) which kicked achievements that benefit in large quantities. It’s capital and gas resources, diamonds,
off at the KICC in Nairobi. people. city, Algiers offers rare beauty and bountiful agricultural land.
1. Nigeria: GDP – $594.257 in the intricate architecture of
The President called for “UNCTAD 14 is a wonder- billion Still recovering from the 27-year
its most famous buildings. civil war that lasted from 1975-
strengthening of UNCTAD to ful opportunity to exchange The most populous country in 2002, Angola has made efforts to
enable it play a bigger role in views on how these mile- 5. Morocco: GDP – $112.552 revive its economy with heavy
Africa is a major contender billion
bringing global prosperity. stone decisions can be on this list, its manufacturing oil and agricultural exports.
“The huge responsibilities translated into action.” sector being the third largest Morocco was named the first
in Africa while it contributes 9. Libya: GDP – $49.341 billion
with which we members The head of state was most competitive economy
a considerable share of in North Africa. Tourism,
entrusted UNCTAD in 1964 joined by the Vice Presi- the world’s oil. Taking The Libyan economy depends
telecoms, textiles and primarily upon revenues from
are more relevant today than dent of Uganda Edward into account this country’s agriculture are Morocco’s
before. Let our commitment population of 170 million, the oil sector, which accounts
Kiwanuka, United Nations biggest biggest money pullers. for 80% of GDP and 97% of
to this organization therefore Nigeria is on track to becoming
Secretary General Ban one of the 20 largest economies exports. Libya holds the largest
grow, rather than diminish,” 6. Sudan: GDP – $112.552 proven oil reserves in Africa and
Ki-Moon and the Secre- in the world by 2020. billion
he said. tary General of UNCTAD, is an important contributor to
The conference that will con- 2. South Africa: GDP – More than once, we have the global supply of light, sweet
Dr Mukhisa Kituyi, at the crude.Apart from petroleum,
tinue for the next five days $341.216 billion mentioned oil and gas as the
opening ceremony. main source of income for the other natural resources are
brings together more than Moon urged participants at South Africa is popularly countries on this list. Sudan natural gas and gypsum
10,000 local and international the conference to come up known for its mineral resources also falls into that category
such as gold and diamond but 10. Tunisia: GDP – $49.122
delegates who will be looking with agreements that will but in a more diverse way. billion
the Gold Rush ended back in It depends on oil but with a
at shaping policy debates to restore trust in the global the 19th century. There are third of its GDP contributed Oil, tourism and car
ensure that domestic policies economy and contribute to more things to look forward by agriculture. Cotton and
to in South Africa besides its manufacturing parts are the
and international actions in prosperity for all. peanuts constitute its major name of the game in Tunisia. It
trade contribute to sustainable jewels. agricultural exports.
He said UNCTAD has a is one of the wealthiest countries
development. vital role to play in imple- 3. Egypt: GDP – $284.860 in Africa so you won’t wander
7. Kenya: GDP – $53.40 too far into its cities like Tunis
President Kenyatta called for menting the interdependent billion billion before finding a pleasant spot to
strengthened global partner- and holistic agenda to relax.
Egypt has one of the longest The capital, Nairobi, is a
ship to achieve the socio-eco- achieve global prosperity. histories of any modern regional commercial hub.
nomic goals set for the world Kituyi said the holding of country, arising in the tenth The economy of Kenya is the
including the Sustainable the conference in Kenya millennium BCE as one of the largest by GDP in Southeast
Development Goals. world’s first nation states. and Central Africa. Agriculture Source : BBC
was a statement of en-
is a major employer; the
dorsement of the country’s
Namibia becomes first country in
Africa to launch automated
MCO-op abolishes on-net transaction fee biometric identification system
By Eric Bosire
Namibia became the first
By Erick Maranga two weeks in Windhoek and
country in the Southern
about one month outside the
Cooperative Bank substitute. African Development
has announced that Mr Muruiki Community to launch
The system that was devel-
its clients will not be further noted the automated biometric
oped in Namibia has two
charged any transac- that CO-op has identification system Fri-
components- the fingerprint-
tion fee while send- already signed up day in the capital city of
ing and facial identification.
ing money to another three million us- Windhoek. The system
Speaking during the launch
account on MCO-op ers to the Android is used in the issuance
of the first phase in Wind-
mobile banking in a app which offers of conduct certificates,
hoek Friday, Police Inspec-
bid to diversify its loans, cash trans- which until now have
tor General Sebastian Ndei-
business. fer, pay bills and been taking about a year
tunga said the system will
According to Gideon purchase airtime. to be produced. Once
eradicate corruption. “We
Muriuki, Co-op Bank In addition he the 40 million Namibian
need to be careful who we
group managing direc- said their clients dollars (2.8 million U.S
allow to operate this system
tor said initially the will continue dollars) system
we have to be very
bank used to charge abolishing the charges enjoying extra starts operat-
much awake and
a transaction fee of will do away with barri- mobile banking services ing, conduct
vigilante because
KES35 on transferring ers associated with mobile such as money transfers to certificates and
they can also
money within its mo- based money transfer and Sacco and bank accounts any other func-
invent tactics to
bile banking accounts. encourage more use of tions to do with
evades this sys-
He observed that mobile phones as a bank fingerprints will
tem,” Ndeitunga
be done within

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 13 7/18/2016 7:44:13 PM
8th - 14th June 2016 13

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 14 7/18/2016 7:44:23 PM
15th - 22th July 2016
World FIFA Ranking
Argentina defends its top
position in the world
By Erick Maranga

Despite failing to Belgium emerged the

clinch the just con- second while Colombia
clude Euro Cup Agen- came third followed by
tina national team has German in the forth
maintained its position position as Chile closes
one in the latest FIFA the best top five teams

in the world.
ranking. Euro cup host Euro cup Champions
team France lost 1-0 Portugal climbed up
against Portugal in a the ladder from 8th
thrilling match that position to number 6
ended in a barren draw while France rose 10
in the normal time ranks to emerge Sev-
forcing it to be extend- enth in the world wide.
ed for extra time.

Upcoming Local Matches

Sunday 17 July
Kakamega Homeboyz vs Sofapaka

Sunday 17 July
Muhoroni Youth FC vs Posta Rangers

Sunday 17 July
Kariobangi Sharks vs Oserian

Sunday 17 July
Ushuru FC Vs Gor Mahia FC

Tuesday 19 July 15:00

Nakuru AllStars VS Zoo Kericho

Wednesday 20 July 15:00

Shabana VS Nairobi Stima

Saturday 23 July 15:00

Nakumatt vs Shabana

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 15 7/18/2016 7:44:24 PM
SPORT 15th - 22th July 2016
Uganda Tops in East
Africa In the latest FIFA
By Erick Maranga rankings

national team
has climbed
three posi-
tions to
emerge 69th
place in the
world in the
latest FIFA
ranking. Kenya climbed 43 positions
The Uganda cranes now to stand at 86 place down
tops as the best team in East from position 129 as Tan-
Africa followed by Kenya in zania moved up nine places
the second place as the Tan- and ranked at position 113
zania bottoms in the region. worldwide.

Menengai Cream Homeboyz Rugby the champions of

the tournament Which was held on 10th - 13th July at
Machakos Moi Stadium. Photo/Courtesy

Kenya Premiere Lague


The Africaworld Newspaper is Published by Nguma Publishers, The Leading Online Newspapers . . or

AFRICA WORLD NEWS 15 th July to22 th July Bulletin 2016.indd 16 7/18/2016 7:44:24 PM

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