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TOPPR’s Academy

“An initiative by IIT-IIM Alumni”

Electric Charges and Fields

Chapter Test -1
Time: 90 Minutes Max. Marks 25

Please attempt all the questions. Marks are separately provided for each question against
1. No two electric lines of force can intersect each other? Why?...........................................................1
2. Sketch electric lines of force due to (i) isolated positive change (q>0) and (ii) isolated negative
change (q<0)…………………………………………………………………...…………….………………1
3. Two point charges +q and +9q are separated by a distance of 10 a. Find the point on the line joining
the two changes where electric field is zero?....................................................................................2
4. Define the term dipole moment of an electric dipole indicating its direction. Write its S.I unit. An
electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field. Deduce the expression for the Torque acting on
5. Two point changes q and –q are placed at a distance 2a apart. Calculate the electric field at a point
P situated at a distance r along the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the charges. What is
the field when r >> a?........................................................................................................................3
6. Derive an expression for electric field at a distance r from an infinitely long charged wire having linear
charge density λ……………………………………...…………………………………………….……….3
7. Derive an expression for electric field due to an infinitely charged plane sheet having a surface
charge density σ……………………………………………………………............................................3
8. Consider an electric field with the following equation.
E = 2i + 4j + 5k
Determine flux due to this electric field through a cube of side a.
Use this calculated flux to determine the charge kept inside the cube………………………........…5
9. Derive an expression for electric field at a distance r from the center of a solid sphere (radius a)
having a volume charge density ρ when
I. r<a
II. r=a
III. r>a


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