Abraham Lincoln

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By :Tamia Monroe
Abe Lincoln was born in Hodgenville,Kentucky.

He was born on February 12th, 1809.

He served through 1861-1865.

His vice presidents was Hannibal Hamlin,and

Andrew Johnson.

He was the 16th president of the u.s.

His wife,Mary Todd Lincoln suffered from severe

Interesting Facts….
He made Thanksgiving a national holiday.

He was the first president to be assassinated.

He was the first president born outside the 13 states.

Domestic Accomplishments...
Abe Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which
began the process of freeing american slaves.

He signed the 13th amendment to the constitution permanently

abolishing slavery in the u.s.

He created the first income tax in order to finance union

expenses in the civil war.
Foreign Accomplishments...
He averted British recognition of the confederacy by
defusing the trent affair in the late 1861.

He launched a concerted propaganda campaign to convince the

people of europe that the union was fighting for republicans

He made a foreign policy that successfully prevented other

countries from intervening in America's civil war.
Running mate-George B.McClellan

Opposing candidates-John C.Breckinridge,John

Bell,Stephen A.Douglas

Political Party- Republican,Whig

Opposing political party- southern democrats

Electoral college vote count - 180

Popular vote percentages- 39.8%

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