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Subject : English

Topic : Unit 6 – Pet’s World.

Theme : World of knowledge

Day : Monday

Date : 1 August 2016

Time : 8.00 am – 9.00 am

Class : 3 Bestari

Focused skill : Listening and Speaking

Integrated skill : Reading

Content standard By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm
and intonation.
Learning standard 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

Learning objective : By the end of the lesson pupils will able to:

a) listen and identify the animals from the song play

b) give correct answer for the activity’s held.

Teaching Aids : an audio of animals’ sound song, a big picture of rabbit, few picture
cards of different pets and a manila card of exercise.

Moral Values : self-confident and diligence

Thinking skill : Application

Phase / Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity Rationale Remarks
1. Teacher plays an 1. Pupils listen to 1. To arouse  An audio of
audio of animals’ the song play by pupils attention animals’ sound
sound song to the the teacher. at the beginning songs.
class. of the lesson.
2. Pupils answer  What are the
Set 2. Teacher asks the the teacher’s 2. To introduce the animals in the
induction pupils about the question. lesson of that song?
(5 minutes) animals in the song. day.
 From animals
3. To boost pupils stated in the
listening skill. song, which is
known as pet?

1. Teacher asks pupils 1. Pupils answer 1. To know pupils’  A big picture of

few questions teacher’s prior knowledge rabbit
regarding pets. question. upon the topic.
 Questions:
Presentation 2. Teacher shows a big 2. Pupils respond to 2. To enhance
(15 minutes) picture of a rabbit to the teacher’s pupils’ speaking 1. What can you
the class and asks question. skill by getting see from this
question about the the respond from picture?
rabbit to the pupils. them upon the
question ask. 2. Is this animal is
categorized as pet?

3. What is pet?

4. Who has pet at

their home?

5. What kind of pet

do you have?

6. How many pets

do you have?

7. Is your pet is
male or female?

8. From this picture

of rabbit, what
are the
characteristic of
this animal?

*discussing about
the rabbit.
1. Teacher paste a 1. Some pupils 1. To improve  11 answer card.
manila card of receive answer pupils knowledge  A manila card of
exercise to the card from the upon the animal sentences.
board. teacher. chosen.

2. Teacher gives 11 2. Pupils read the 2. To have an

answer cards to the sentences on the active learning
pupils randomly. manila card and session.
complete the
3. Teacher asks the sentence with
pupils to read the the correct
sentences and then answer card.
Practice complete it by
(20 minutes) pasting the answer 3. The pupil with
card to the correct the correct
sentence. answer card has
to come to the
front and paste it
on the manila

1. Teacher divides the 1. Pupils sit in the 1. To encourage  5 picture cards

pupils into five group that they the pupils to of different pet.
groups. get. speak and use
the language.
2. Teacher gives a 2. Pupils receive
picture of different pictures of 2. To develop
pet to each group. different pet. pupils thinking
skill when they
3. Teacher asks the 3. Pupils need to have to change
pupils to choose one choose one the sentence
sentence from the sentence that according to the
exercise that they they had learned pet that they get.
had done previously before and
and change it change it
according to the pet according to the
that they get. pet that they get.
(15 minutes) 4. Teacher reminds the 4. Pupil says the
pupils to choose a sentence aloud
different sentence and the other
from their group friends listen to
members. him.

5. Teacher gives time

to the pupils to
construct a new
sentence according
to their pet that they
6. Teacher asks the
pupils to speak the
new sentence that
they make.

7. Teacher corrects the

wrong pronunciation
made by the pupils.

1. Teacher ask HOTs 1. Pupils answer 1. To check pupils  Example of

question to the teacher’s understanding questions:
pupils. question. upon lesson.
Closure. 1. What is the
(5 minutes) 2. To foster the benefit of
pupils having pet?
knowledge. 2. How to take
care of our pet?

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