Go-Pro Matrix Brochure

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Rediscover the wisdom® of… Whole-Food Protein

✔ Purity — Go-Pro Matrix goats are organically raised amid the foothills
Introducing Go-Pro Matrix of the coastal mountains of the northwestern United States, where
Protein… Pure, Simple, Natural! the final product is made in an in-house dairy. The goats are raised
as nature intended — grass fed and free from chemical or biological
✔ A full-spectrum protein intervention, with no hormones, no antibiotics, no commercial feeds.
source — Intended to
duplicate the natural
Nutrition Facts for
Go-Pro Matrix
Go-Pro Matrix is made from the freshest and highest quality goat’s
milk available.
Look good,
goodness of whole goat’s
milk, Go-Pro Matrix
captures all the essential
Suggested Serving:
20 g (Approx. 2 level Tbsp.)
Amount % Daily
✔ Unique — Go-Pro Matrix is a totally unique product. There is no other
protein powder like it on the market today!
✔ Nothing Compares! For providing the body with quality protein and a
Feel great,
and non-essential amino
acids in their natural
Per Daily Value*
balanced matrix of essential and non-essential amino acids, Go-Pro
Matrix is simply the best… pure, simple, natural!
Live well!
proportions, concentrated
to provide a quality, highly
Total Calories
Calories from Fat
Rediscover the wisdom® of…
efficacious source of the Total Fat 1g 2% For conditions related to digestion and
proteins needed for optimal Saturated Fat <1g 2% absorption, please consider the following
health. Cholesterol 10 mg 3%
Sodium 13 mg 1%
quality St. Francis Herb Farm® products:
✔ 99% absorbability and
assimilation — With the Carbohydrates 4g 1% Mineral Matrix® Dehydrated Goat Whey — An all-natural, pure, and
natural goodness and
benefit of whole goat’s
Dietary Fibre
15 g
highly concentrated whole-food source of more than 25 naturally occurring
macro and micro, or trace, minerals in a highly complex bio-organic form.
Whole-Food Protein
Go-Pro Matrix
milk, Go-Pro Matrix is Calcium 140 mg 14% Canadian Bitters — The best digestive tonic, providing rich enzyme
partially predigested in a
Key Amino Acid Content catalysts to revitalize digestive function and improve nutrient absorption.
process called lacto-
fementation. This process Alanine 226 mg ~ Coconut Oil — For weight management and as an aid to nutrient absorption.
provides the body with Arginine 256 mg ~ Milk Thistle Combo — To heal and restore the liver and liver function.
extremely beneficial Aspartic Acid 606 mg ~
probiotics and enzymes, Cystine/2 21 mg ~
which ensures that Go-Pro Glutamic Acid 1,848 mg ~
Glycine 122 mg ~
Matrix is easily digested
Histidine 250 mg ~
and the protein nutrients
are readily bioavailable.
• Isoleucine 392 mg ~
Go-Pro Matrix is 99%
• Leucine 830 mg ~
•Lysine 634 mg ~
absorbable! •Methionine 230 mg ~
✔ Integrity — Go-Pro Matrix •Phenylalanine 436 mg ~
is minimally processed, Proline 938 mg ~ Building the
employing the variable low- •Serine 440 mg ~
Body Basics with
heat process of the Threonine 424 mg ~
revolutionary new Window •Tryptophan 49 mg ~
Refractance® drying
technology. This preserves
342 mg
632 mg
Box 29, Combermere, ON K0J 1L0
the integrity of the original
composition and natural
chemical properties of the
* Percent Daily Values based on
2,000-calorie diet.
~ Daily Value not established
• Essential Amino Acid www.stfrancisherbfarm.com
Phone: 1-800-219-6226
Fax: 1-888-219-6226
The Original Premium
goat milk from which it is
made. What you get from Goat Milk Protein
the animal is what you get in Go-Pro Matrix!
✔ Efficacy — Because the natural integrity of the goat’s milk is not Powder
compromised, Go-Pro Matrix is a whole, active, bio-organic live
food with the enzymes, amino acids, beneficial bacteria, and other
active probiotics all in the appropriate balance intended by nature
to build and preserve good health.
The material presented here is for information and education purposes only and is not
intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe treatment, and does not take the place of the
opinion of a qualified health-care practitioner.
Look good, Feel great, Live well! Rediscover the wisdom® of… Whole-Food Protein

Building the Body Basics with The eight essential amino acids are : Turning to vegetable sources to meet our protein needs is also problematic.
Although vegetarian options (such as soy) may have a high overall protein
Go-Pro Matrix ✔ Tryptophan
✔ Lysine
✔ Phenylalanine
✔ Threonine
✔ Leucine
✔ Isoleucine
content, they typically contain incomplete proteins, missing one or more of
the essential amino acids, or their amino acid ratios are out of balance,
The Original Premium Goat Milk Protein Powder ✔ Methionine ✔ Valine seriously limiting their efficacy as a protein source.
Two others amino acids, histidine and arginine, are essential only for children Food processing is yet another concern, because many critical components
The original premium goat milk powder, Go-Pro Matrix is an all-natural and possibly also for seniors — the adult body is able to synthesize them. of proteins, for example, enzymes, are sensitive to heat. Thus, even cooking
full-spectrum protein source containing a complete amino acid profile. food, let alone the industrial preparation of most of the foods that make up
Made from lacto-fermented organic goat’s milk, Go-Pro Matrix retains the the North American diet, can profoundly degrade the quality of the protein
naturally occurring enzymes and probiotics of the whole milk, ensuring All a Body’s Needs in our diet.
digestibility and absorption. Go-Pro Matrix is an excellent whole-food
nutritional, and a superior source of high-quality protein for building and To maintain optimal health, we need to consume “complete proteins”; that Getting sufficient quality protein in our diet is difficult, and many people
maintaining optimal health and well-being. Rediscover the wisdom®! is, an adequate amount and balance of the essential and non-essential realize that they must find alternate protein sources with which to augment
amino acids from any one food or combination of food sources. If the their regular dietary intake.
protein in a person’s diet is deficient in one or another essential amino acid,
Protein — The Foundation of Good Health the person’s health and well-being will be seriously compromised. Although
a body needs a constant supply of the essential amino acids, it is Protein? Know Whey!
Protein is an indispensable nutrient advantageous to our health to consume protein that contains all the non-
required daily in regular amounts Protein Benefits: Many protein products are available on the market today. Often these are
essential amino acids as well. from vegetable sources, which, as described above, do not provide the
by everyone. Proteins are essential
to the growth, development, ✔ Repairs damaged cells Of course, a person’s individual protein needs depend on factors such as complete matrix of amino acids essential to the human body.
maintenance, and repair of the ✔ Builds and repairs muscle and age, weight, and body frame. Protein needs are also determined by an Many other products, and by far the most popular, are derived from whey.
human body. They are the principal bone individual’s lifestyle, level and type of physical activity, and certain life- Whey does provide good quality proteins with good ratios of amino acids.
constituents of bone, muscle, ✔ Provides a source of energy stage factors, such as pregnancy, lactation, and childhood growth and
development. Athletes, pregnant or nursing women, and children all have However, the majority of the whey protein products available today are not
blood, connective tissue, organs, ideal for human health. Whey is the clear liquid left after the milk protein
✔ Is essential to biochemical greater protein needs than the average, moderately active adult.
skin, hair, and teeth. casein has been removed in the cheese-making process, and whey protein
Proteins are used to form not only products are produced from this by-product (often called the “co-
✔ Controls processes related to
the body’s physical structure, but product”) of cheese making. Although the quality of protein in this whey is
they are also essential for making very high, in separating it from the whole food, that is, the whole milk, the
hormones. In addition, proteins ✔ Stimulates the immune original balance of amino acids is disrupted and no longer in the
specialize as enzymes and system proportions that nature intends for our health. Further, recent studies show
antibodies. They are essential to ✔ Regulates pH levels that the body cannot assimilate, absorb, or effectively use the amounts of
millions upon millions of ✔ Has significant antioxidant the amino acids present in these “whey isolate” products. Much of the
biochemical activities in the human properties and activities protein in these products will be burned as energy or will have to be
body. The brain itself is composed processed by the liver rather than muscle tissue. This can actually lead to a
of more than one-third protein, and ✔ Guards against listlessness, toxic load on the liver, which itself presents a health risk.
a deficiency in protein can manifest fatigue, and depression
itself in psychological and
emotional symptoms. Of course, a Got GOAT Milk?

protein deficiency can also lead to serious physical problems, with
Most milk and whey protein powders are made from low-grade cow’s milk
symptoms ranging from chronic fatigue and muscle weakness and wasting
from sources of questionable purity and quality — from cows raised
to frequent illness because of compromised immunity.
according to the modern practices of the dairy industry, where they are fed
Protein… From the Source commercial feeds and exposed to hormones, antibiotics, and other
chemicals that will pass into the milk. Apart from the concerns of quality and
Amino Acids — The Building Blocks of Protein Getting enough protein in the diet can be problematic. The body cannot store
purity, cow’s milk is not ideal for the human digestive system.
protein as it does fats and carbohydrates, and thus relies on a regular and
Proteins are a combination of approximately 22 different amino acids. adequate daily intake. As we strive to fill our specific protein requirements, Goat’s milk, however, is well suited for human consumption as it most closely
These amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are used by the body to we must pay attention to its quality and source — not all protein sources are resembles human milk in its composition, nutrients, and natural chemical
form all its parts. In fact, apart from water, amino acids are the most equal. For best value, protein must be of high quality, readily bioavailable properties. In fact, only in North America is cow’s milk preferred to goat’s
abundant substance in the body, accounting for, in dry weight, 70% of skin, and absorbable, and easily assimilated. milk — yet even here, goat’s milk is enjoying rapidly increasing popularity.
80% of muscle, and an amazing 90% of blood! Meat, cheese, and eggs are the principal sources of protein in food, but these Studies have shown that, compared with cow’s milk, goat’s milk has a higher
Of the 22 amino acids, eight are considered “essential amino acids” may be high in fat. For this reason, people often shy away from these sources percentage of many essential minerals and trace elements, is much easier to
because the body requires them but cannot synthesize them. All the non- in favour of lower-fat choices, such as chicken, fish, low-fat yogurt, and digest (20 minutes rather than 2 to 3 hours), neutralizes mucous rather than
essential amino acids can be synthesized in the body. Thus, it is “essential” cottage cheese. But even with these choices, there may be significant health- being mucous forming, and helps to make the body alkaline rather than
that every person receive adequate dietary sources of protein to provide related concerns — many meat, dairy, and poultry products may contain acidic. Further, goat’s milk protein contains high levels of healing agents
these essential amino acids. dangerous hormones, antibiotics, or other chemicals. that aid in counteracting the build up of harmful acids and toxins in the body.

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