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Name: ______________________________________ Date:


Nota obtinuta:
Initial Test Paper
Grade V

1. Find the words: (2p)

2. Match the first column to the second: (2p)

1. a picture A. in a vase
2. a lion B. on a farm
3. students C. on the street
4. a policeman D. in the park
5. a cow E. in a museum
6. flowers F. at the school
7. a car G. at the zoo
8. children H. at the police-station

3. Arrange the words to make up sentences: (2p)

1. your / is / What / name ?
2. cat / My sister / nice / has got / a .

3. animals / Marry / loves.


4. for / are waiting / a / men / few / the / bus .


4. Odd word out : (1p)

1. book, notebook, red , ruler

2. yellow, green , ball , blue
3. brown , one , five , ten
4. summer , spring , lion , winter

5. Complete with the correct form of the verb: (2p)

1. I (watch) _______________ a lot of cartoons.

2. She (watch) _________________ a TV show right now.

Se acorda un punct din oficiu

Initial Test Paper
Grade V
ANUL SCOLAR 2018-2019
Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.
Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărţirea punctajului total
pentru test la 10.

1. 8 × 0.25=2p
Cat, book, rabbit, pencil, mother, rubber, shoes, eyes;
2. 8 × 0.25= 2p
1-e, 2- g, 3- f, 4- h, 5- b, 6- a, 7- c, 8-d;
3. 4 ×0.50 = 2p
1. What is your name?
2. My sister has got a nice cat.
3. Marry loves animals.
4. A few men are waiting for the bus.
1. red
5.2×1=2p watching

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