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Ctrl F to Search

Business Type Cannot be spaces. Please enter the Business Type for the
1 customer and try again. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists
please contact dealer support for assistance

A product has been added to the account that has an end date prior to the start
2 date. For Mobilenet Connect dealers, if problem persists, please contact Dealer

Selected Account Product invalid. Changes to the product cannot, (or have not
3 been made). For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists, please contact
Dealer Support for assistance.

Company Name cannot contain period marks. Please remove any full stops from
4 the name and try again. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists,
please contact Dealer Support for assistance.

rgenl69r ERR: Call Barring password is required. Please enter the call barring
5 password. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists, please contact
Dealer Support for assistance.

6 Service Status is QA

7 Access denied on Data level Item

8 Customer Business Category not Found

Unexpected Mica error detected. The Mica message was: ERR invalid value

racsf59r ERR: Prevalidated SIM not found. Please check the SIM Number that
10 you have entered and try again. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem
persists, please contact Dealer Support for assistance.

New or Existing Customer Indicator must be E or N. For MobileNet Connect

dealers, if problem persists, please contact Dealer Support for assistance.

12 rcred51r ERR: Current Address Type must be L. For Mobilenet connect dealers, if
problem persists, please contact Dealer Support for assistance.
13 If you can see this you're in Trouble

Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA message was: ERR: Directory Listing
indicator must be Y, E or N
Email address must be entered if Indicator is Y. You have indicated Y to the
15 customer having an email address. Please enter the email address or change the
indicator to N. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists please contact
dealer support

EACCTB5R ERR: Target Account Number not supplied. Please ensure the TO
account or service number is correct.

Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA message was: ERR: Reserved
Activation flag must be Y when activating a RS service id

Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA message was: ERR: ACCOUNT
PRODUCT not found
Network type group code must be supplied. No network type has been specified.
19 Please select a Network Type and try again. For MobileNet connect dealers, if
problem persists please contact dealer support

20 The selected network type cannot be activated on this account

21 SIM usage must be PREP for Telstra Pre-Paid Plus acitvations/transfers

Product not Found. A product attempting to be added cannot be found. Please

22 check the products and try again. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem
persists, please contact Dealer Supprt for assistance

23 ACN or ACN exempt reason must be supplied

Transfer not allowed due to contract variation condition. Please check the current

Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA message was: : Customer and/or
Acct and/or Service id are unrelated.

rcuste5r ERR: RESIDENTIAL VALUES must be B,O,P,R,V,X. For MobileNet

26 Connect dealers, if problem persists, please contact Dealer Support for

The combination of Postcode, Locality and State is Invalid. Please check the
suburb, postcode and state entered and try again.

Error: OE1U0036:BXFRS05R BXFRS05R ERR: CREDIT CHECK Failed for the

28 customer. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists, please contact
Dealer Support for assistance
Error: OE1U0036:BXFRS05R BXFRS05R ERR: CREDIT CHECK Failed for the
28 customer. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists, please contact
Dealer Support for assistance

Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA message was: ERR: View overflow
data display not complete

OE1U0026:BXFRS62R BXFRS62R ERR: Destination customer status must be

active. Please ensure the TO account or service number is correct. For MobileNet
Connect dealers, if problem persists, please contact Dealer Support for

31 Error: Java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 7

OD9Q0111:rprodf3r rprodf3r ERR: selected Flexiplan already exists on the

Account. The flexiplan already exists on the account. Please check the flexiplan
and account and try again


The requested Product is the same as the existing Product

Error: P57Q0029:RCRED77R rcred77R ERR: Cust ABN must be supplied for Sole
Trader, if Trading Name is populated. Please enter the Customers ABN and try
again. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem persists, please cintact Dealer
Support for assistance.

Problem occured during printing contract, CID support library initialization

completed.%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: n ]%% %%[ Flushing: rest
34 of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%% %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF
file produced. ] %%
Problem occured during printing contract, CID support library initialization
completed.%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: n ]%% %%[ Flushing: rest
34 of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%% %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF
file produced. ] %%

Error: P57Q0025:rcred40r rcustc4r ERR: RF PERSON TYPE must be supplied.

Please enter the required type and try again. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if
problem persists, please contact Dealer Support for assistance.

Error: P57Q0007:rcredb5r ecust01r ERR: CUSTOMER not Found. Please check

35 the customer details and try again. For MobileNet Connect dealers, if problem
persists, please contact Dealer Support for assistance.

Error: Bonus Option List could not be built, the description could not be found for
Mica Code: XXXXXXXX. Please contact support.

Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA Message was: ERR: Dependent prod
exists cannot delete. MSGBKEMR

ERR: Migrating Service Dealer premises required. For MobileNet Connect

dealers, please contact Dealer Support for assistance.

Service id status not qa or po


Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA message was: ERR: ACCOUNT

There is a server error
FIX Fix including SCREEN

Dealer is consolidating to an existing account or upgrading existing service.

Enter existing account number in Helpdesk
1. Click on CustInfo>Customer Details>Attributes (bottom right hand side of screen)
2. Change Business Type: from 'DO NOT USE SPECIAL EVENT' to 'BUSINESS SERVICES'
3. Re-Start Order

Error Occurs when submitting MNC order (Upgrade). MNC attempting to end date products with date of
yesterdays date. However it can't automatically end date existing products that have today's or yesterday's
effective date. If the service number is not contracted or has no MRO or Phone Option attached, you only
need to remove ALL exisiting WAP codes via Helpdesk and you recommence the order immediately. But if a
contract or MRO/Phone Option exists on the service, the order will need to be completed 48 hours from their
effective dates.

Cancel & Re-start Order

Enter existing account number in Helpdesk (You may need to check previous account if Single Bill)

1. Click on Customer Info>Customer Details

2. Remove full stop(s) or any other symbols from Company Name
3. Re-Start Order

Advise Dealer to go back to the 'Service Details' page. They must ensure the Port Form downloads
completely before clicking 'Next'

Advise Dealer he will need to use a different sim card (the sim serial # has already been used).

Dealer is trying to consolidate to a prepaid service. Advise dealer to remove Prepaid Mobile Number from 'Is
this an Existing Customer' field

Dealer is trying to Upgrade a Prepaid Service. Must select 'Telstra Pre-Paid Plus Transfer' workflow from the
MNC homepage, transfer to Post Paid & then Upgrade service. If the dealer is Upgrading an existing Post
Paid Service, you will need to contact Mica Support.

Advise dealer to go to the 'Additional Features' Page in MNC. They have selected MEMO but have not
completed the relevant details. Ie. Password etc

Mobile Number entered in MNC as a held number is not available (Mobile Number is allocated to a prepaid
pack). Dealer has probably made a typographical error.

Dealer must choose new Mobile Number or enter the correct Mobile Number that was previously held

Dealer has typed in a Phone Number in the 'Is this an Existing Customer?' field, then removed the number &
continued order.
Get Dealer to cancel and re-start order leaving 'Is this an Existing Customer?' field blank
Affects New Connects & Transfer Service workflows
Affecting Single Bill customers where previous MNET account has not been set up correctly (Company
incorrectly set up as a personal Account in MICA)
Contract must be applied through Helpdesk
Cancel & Re-Start Order
A PSTN phone number that is not with Telstra (A Wholesale Customer) has been entered in the 'Is this an
Existing Customer' field
Re-Start order, leaving the 'Is this an Existing Customer' field Blank.
On the 'Customer Details' Screen the 'Email indicator' has been set to Y but no email address has been
entered. Either enter an email address or change to email indicator to N.

Check that the mobile number being transferred is active. If so, Re-Start Order

Dealer must Re-Start Order. The Reserved Mobile Number must be entered in the 'Is this an Existing
Customer' field on the Customer Details Page.

Changes to Mobile service or account have been made in MICA/Helpdesk during the MNC order.
Dealer must cancel and Re-Start Order
Check Mobile Number. Someone else has selected the same mobile number.
Cancel & Re-Start Order

Dealer has Entered a held number at beginning of order in the 'Is this an Existing Customer' Field. Held
Number must be entered on the Service Details Page.

If it's a Transfer Service, dealer has entered a fixed line number in the "Is To Account An Existing
Customer?'. Dealer must re-start order, either leaving this field blank or entering a Mobile Account Number.

Affects 'Telstra Pre-Paid Plus Transfer'. Call Mica Support & quote Error message. They will rectify.
Re-Start Order.

Advise Dealer to remove PSTN number for the 'Is This an Existing Customer?' field on the 'Customer Details'
Page. Dealer will then be able to enter ACN or ACN exempt reason & complete order

Dealer is trying to do a Port and they are entering the Port In Number into the 'Is this an Existing Customer'
Field on the 'Customer Details' page in MNC.
The Port In Mobile Number needs to be entered on the 'Service Details' Page
Re-Start Order
Telstra Pre-Paid Plus Transfer. Advise dealer to remove Account Number entered in the 'What are the Post
Paid Details?' field.

Either leave this Field Blank or Enter an Active Mobile Number from the Account.
Telstra Pre-Paid Plus Transfer. Pre-Paid Fixed line number entered in the 'What are the Post Paid Details?'

Re-Start Order & leave this field blank

Enter existing Mobile or Account number in Helpdesk
1. Click on Customer Info>Customer Details>Address
2. Click on 'Town/Suburb' drop down list & select correct Suburb/Postcode combination

4. Re-Start Order
Affecting Transfer Service workflow.
Mica Access Required for FIX
1. Go to 'CLST' screen in MICA
2. Search for Pending Account of 'TO' Customer using Surname and DOB (ddmmyyyy)
3. Enter 'S' in the 'SEL' column to select the Pending Account (created today) & press Enter (Write down the
Account Number).
4. Press 'F5' to clear screen & type 'SERV'. On the 'SERV' screen enter the Mobile Number you are
Transferring (take note of the SIM serial number (if GSM) or ESN number (if CDMA)
5. Go to 'XFRS' or 'SPTR' (if Single bill)

6. If using XFRS, enter Existing Mobile Number in 'Service NR': field & above account in the 'TO ACCT NR:'
field & press Enter. The message 'Credit Check Failed for Destination Customer' will be returned.
7. If using SPTR, enter Exisitng Mobile Number in 'Mobile Number' field & and existing SIM serial
number. Enter above account number in the 'Destination Account' field & press Enter. The message
'Credit Check Failed for Destination Customer' will be returned.
8. Go to the 'COMP' screen (for companies) or 'PERS' (for personal). Enter 'E' in the Action Field, type in
above Pending Account Number & Press Enter. Type 'UNF' in the Action field to Unfreeze the Account &
Enter 'Y' in the 'Verified?' field to confirm.

9. Go to the 'CRAS' Screen, Enter 'U' in the Action Field & press Enter. Enter 'P' in the following fields.
Credit Check Results: CABS: CADB: RACE I: MICA: CRAA: Postval Result: & press Enter
10. You can now complete the Transfer in MNC. Select Transfer a Service workflow. Enter Mobile Number &
click next.
11. Enter Pending Account Number in 'Is TO account an existing customer?' field & continue/complete

Your Team Leader must contact MICA Support. MICA Support will rectify.

Fix is the same as for 'Error 42'

Affecting Transfer Service workflow.
Mica Access Required for FIX
1. Do a manual credit check in CARA to see if the customer has passed a credit check
2. Go to 'CLST' screen in MICA
3. Search for Pending Account of 'TO' Customer using Surname and DOB (ddmmyyyy)
4. Enter 'S' in the 'SEL' column to select the Pending Account (created today) & press Enter (Write down the
Account Number).
5. Press 'F5' to clear screen & type 'SERV'. On the 'SERV' screen enter the Mobile Number you are
Transferring (take note of the SIM serial number (if GSM) or ESN number (if CDMA)
6. Go to 'XFRS' or 'SPTR' (if Single bill)

7. If using XFRS, enter Existing Mobile Number in 'Service NR': field & above account in the 'TO ACCT NR:'
field & press Enter. The message 'Credit Check Failed for Destination Customer' will be returned.
8. If using SPTR, enter Exisitng Mobile Number in 'Mobile Number' field & and existing SIM serial number Error / Fix 47
or ESN. Enter above account number in the 'Destination Account' field & press Enter. The message 'Credit
Check Failed for Destination Customer' will be returned.

9. Go to the 'COMP' screen (for companies) or 'PERS' (for personal). Enter 'E' in the Action Field, type in
above Pending Account Number & Press Enter. Type 'UNF' in the Action field to Unfreeze the Account &
Enter 'Y' in the 'Verified?' field to confirm.

10. Go to the 'CRAS' Screen, Enter 'U' in the Action Field & press Enter. Enter 'P' in the following fields.
Credit Check Results: CABS: CADB: RACE I: MICA: CRAA: Postval Result: & press Enter
11. You can now complete the Transfer in MNC. Select Transfer a Service workflow. Enter Mobile Number &
click next.
11. Enter Pending Account Number in 'Is TO account an existing customer?' field & continue/complete
Dealer has entered a used sim card on the 'Select The Phone' page. Advise dealer to enter a new sim serial
These are Secondary Errors. Dealer will need to start a new order.

In some cases, when an order is submitted in MNC, an error will be returned but some of the products or the
Flexiplan will be updated in MICA. Ie. When an incorrect Imei is entered & an order is submitted in MNC, the
following error is returned, 'Unexpected MICA error detected. The MICA message was: ERR: IMEI is not
valid for the chosen Phone Plan package'. The dealer will then go back to the 'Select the Phone' page &
enter the correct Imei. When they re-submit the order the following error is returned: 'OD9Q0111:rprodf3r
rprodf3r ERR: selected Flexiplan already exists on the Account. The flexiplan already exists on the account.
Please check the flexiplan and account and try again'. The error is returned because MNC updates part of
the information in MICA (changes the flexiplan) prior to returning the original error. This error is the same as
'The Requested product is the same as the existing product'.

If this error is returned when doing a Telstra Pre-Paid Plus Transfer & no existing account number has been
entered in the 'Existing Digital Phone or account number or fixed phone number' field. Use the following fix:
1. Enter the Pre-paid mobile number in helpdesk
2. Click on 'CustInfo' & select 'Customer Details'
3. Delete 'Trading Name' & click 'OK'
4. Restart MNC Order

This error normally indicates there is an invalid character in either the customer's name or the address listed
in MICA/Helpdesk ie. Full stop or brackets. Remove the invalid character using helpdesk & restart the order.
This error normally indicates there is an invalid character in either the customer's name or the address listed
in MICA/Helpdesk ie. Full stop or brackets. Remove the invalid character using helpdesk & restart the order.
This error may also be returned if there is an invalid character in the program name listed in MNC (ie. Full
Stop). If this is the case, please advise MNC Support.
This error is returned as the single bill account has been set up incorrectly. A Company has been set up on a
personal account when it has been transferred to Single Bill (the 'Last Name' field in MICA has been
populated with the Company Name. The 'First Name' Field is blank.

Populate the first name field in MICA (on the PERS Screen).

Re-start MNC Order

Affecting Transfer Service to an existing Mobile Account

Existing Single Bill customer's mobile service being transferred to a new customer. This error is returned
after the proof of id screen. As no auto credit assessment has been performed for the new customer, you will
need to perform a manual credit assessment. If the customer passes the credit assessment, transfer the
service in Mica..

Go to the 'SPTR' Screen, Enter Existing Mobile Number, enter Sim or ESN & enter Exisitng Account number.
Press Enter to complete Transfer

Contact MNC Support who will investigate further.

This error is returned when upgrading an existing service to a new 3G offer & the existing service has
Roaming Messagebank (product code - MSGBKEMR) attached to it.
To allow the upgrade to proceed, remove MSGBKEMR using Helpdesk.
Customer Must be Advised and Consent Given prior to the removal of Roaming Messagebank so as
to allow them to retrieve any stored messages.

Place notes on the customer's account stating the customer has been advised & consent given to remove
Messagebank Roaming. Dealer name or employee number to be added to notes where appropriate.
One of the products on the Mobile Service does not have a dealer code associated to it. Check the prducts
on PAVL & ensure they have a dealer code listed next to them. If not, either remove the code (for
WAP/GPRS codes) or change the flexiplan to a casual plan & ask dealer to restart order.

Sim card has already been used. Dealer will need to use a different Sim Card

Go to the 'CITM' Screen in MICA

Enter Mobile Number & press enter
Press F11 to update
Enter 'Y' in the 'Itemise ALL to (Y/N):" field & enter to confrim.
You should now be able to complete the order in MNC

Possible SNRM (Subscriber Number Resource Manager) Outage

If error is being returned for one or more of the following order types this could be the issue:
Mobile phone number and SIM allocation/reservation
Mobile phone number searches
Mobile phone upgrade

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