Synthesis K-12 Feedback

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Positive Feedback

Implementing the K-12 Education program in the Philippines is a good step to take in developing the
competitiveness of every student here in our country. Being a small Asian country will not shine without
showing the world that we can cope up with larger countries. This K-12 Education program will create a
better view of how our education system is parallel with other countries' education system. K-12 has a
good objective, has promising plans and has pleasing vision. Based on the observation of students under
different strands offered by K-12 education program, they are learning the preliminary and basic
concepts with some technical applications of the career path they chose. With this observation it is a
good indication that K-12 is a good program that students do appreciate.

Negative Feedback

Implementing K-12 Education program makes the students market-ready by having greater
competitiveness, learnings, and preparation, but the problem here in our country is that do we have a
ready market for all the graduates from this program or we are just preparing them to work for other
countries where there are ready market? Also, is the budget of Philippine government for education
enough to sustain this changes until full implementation with stabilized high quality? Aside from those
questions we have, a clear information about this new education system should be properly
disseminated especially to the parents who send their children in schools.

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