Cuti Jon

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ANr. Thriveni Group, Indon - Ba LEAVE APPLICATION FORM / FORM PENGAJUAN CUTI 23 | /2 207 aaa [Bags Tae [Bea Prine [Biyvor—tcn” | no — NJON ASPITA | STagp_ M-incwarce FACIL) Ty Re. zo ly beg er [wares | "ts [oa | oy (eo8) 2 DR | oy [aoe “sae /2_| Tele ildin by Ht Ofer in-charge Onty) | To efile n by Enslevee/ atu *taneenaat Fatah Regote re tee) 5 7 Sa ES patent arte) | mesa E s cme | amit’ F | Sa | “Fetoes | 2 0 wl = be ‘Sie eave (Sy) EI | - EI amcear tec T ES on -| = Bs Artest | ~The FS fovea | - | Gromeeoccs| @ |. 2] 226 ‘Leave Without Pay (LWOP) — — | — = eave | | Ferily Brews leave’ (FESDL) — | : er peo Teatty Fah he ncve recut above ifort prporey lesa. chdarhand at | wal comply wih preva avd procedure Leaver Bree Paley, $2005 for requaing lneve/opproved cheetee ond provide dena! doamanstion, ivi medi! cercaien Wf ceeued) ene het {chitin of fometion on his form mey be grands for dadpnary scfen lndudng removal) Saya manytokon bahwe pengevon si tar otoh ‘sacar mse engen proscar, Con saya merger ahve saye hors memath proses dot purahron mengena’ beck hear teers rai £2008 wrk 2 = ca Tere ene lpinarnel ned pectoral mph or teatro] GSE | yg nlm pg Si Sts oa Sale sme ek | 4 EBS] | sc cept fr cuty (Doe of Bry on hy Coes Wiphaneranbars dng tn coe leave paved ge —__ web} | 2 5 abaaiadad ett hey hole epee enrol ES ii er a es g NOTE: Your Vecation Travel Schedule Form already submitted to HR Departments valid only fen epproved Leave detes ofthe schedule Is produced before the departure forthe vocation. Non-Submission of Leave Application mey I fickate with cout debited fo your account. "te cancallation of the CCATATAN : Frm Cut endo yang sudahcserahken ke Depertmen HR berlaku jks form cli yang rodoh deel untuk tonggalseelom pelalsencen cl ‘engojven cul tnpe pembeitchuen slums chan menysbabken pembatolan tke! dengan bcye akon ibebonken kepads keryawan, | BvpertierRecammandaton Remata] Refrangn Boonen Superdzar | HOD Appravel Rema] Kearapen Fert a Repos Bapatomaa——] | Honda ob responsibiiosto/Serh Terma Patron Kepode = = Spr Sgro) Tendonge Sipevine HOD Sgrewe Tousen ani sprees a) Tie We Tre/ Wet Serco eee ete tte eect error te ‘ecgstayovon Shor oh wh sh arenas michoton ha tpn / areal Loom ne te ae ” oe ape cov AS 7 a Lad, tated ly (cb ANCOR + “A Form Venion 11 Note: Ee y uetal ms. ONE per) ome *

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