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Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254

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Chronic effects of cyanobacterial toxins on Daphnia magna and

their offspring
Thanh Son Dao a, b, Lan-Chi Do-Hong c, Claudia Wiegand b, d, *
Institute for Environment and Resources, 142 To Hien Thanh Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Mueggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin, Germany
Vietnam National University- HoChiMinhCity, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Biology, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The zooplankton grazer Daphnia magna endures living in water bodies up to moderate
Received 10 July 2009 densities of cyanobacteria, such as Microcystis spp., known for producing toxic secondary
Received in revised form 14 December 2009 metabolites. Although daphnids are affected via decreased food filtering, inhibition of
Accepted 26 January 2010
digestive proteases and lethality, development of tolerance against cyanobacterial toxins
Available online 2 February 2010
has also been observed. Aim of our study was to investigate in detail chronic effects of
cyanobacterial toxins, with emphasis on microcystin, on D. magna. The animals were
exposed chronically for two generations to either microcystin-LR in 5 or 50 mg L1, or to
Chronic effects
Daphnia magna cyanobacterial crude extract containing the same amount of total microcystin, starting at
Microcystin neonate stadium. Survival, growth, maturation and fecundity were observed for the first
Cyanobacterial crude extract generation during two months. In the offspring survival, maturation, and growth were
Life traits followed for the first week.
Malformation Low concentration of microcystin-LR slightly affected the growth and reproduction of
parent daphnids. Survivorship decreased during chronic exposure with increasing
microcystin concentration. Age to maturity of the offspring increased and their survival
decreased after parent generation was exposed to the toxin, even if the offspring were
raised in control medium. Besides, cessation of the eggs/embryos was observed and
malformation of neonates caused by cyanobacterial toxins was firstly recorded.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Banker and Carmeli, 1999; Rohrlack et al., 2003). Most of

those bioactive metabolites are contained inside the cells
In nature, cyanobacteria are not only low nutrient food and released into the water during cell lysis. Zooplankton
for zooplankton (Lampert, 1977; Müller-Navarra et al., directly suffer from toxic cyanobacteria as they are primary
2000; Von Elert et al., 2003) but also difficult to consume consumers feeding on suspended particles, and phyto-
due to commonly big colonial or long filamentous forma- plankton including small cyanobacteria. Zooplankton
tion and mucilage production (Rohrlack et al., 1999; Ebert, accumulated MC at concentrations ranging from 0.3 to
2005). Furthermore, cyanobacteria are capable of 16.4 mg g1 dried weight (DW) which is much higher than
producing toxic metabolites and bioactive compounds such present in natural water, from undetectable 5.8 ng g1
as microcystin (MC), anatoxin-a, cylindrospermopsin, DW (Ferrão-Filho et al., 2002a). The negative correlation
microviridin J or microcin SF608 (Sivonen and Jones, 1999; between the density of cladoceran and the biomass of
cyanobacteria producing MC was recorded in the field
* Corresponding author at: University of Southern Denmark, Institute
reflecting the nutritional and toxin effects on the animals
of Biology, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark. Tel.: þ45 6550 2785. (Ferrão-Filho et al., 2002b). Similarly, Hansson et al. (2007)
E-mail address: (C. Wiegand). found a clear negative correlation between MC in water and

0041-0101/$ – see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254 1245

total zooplankton biomass. In addition, big cladoceran had 1997). Toxic M. aeruginosa also caused aborted eggs
an apparently negative response while smaller cladoceran (Gustafsson et al., 2005) and reduced the fecundity of
seemed to have a weakly positive response to MC. This was D. magna (Thostrup and Christoffersen, 1999; Lürling and
assumed as the effects of toxic cyanobacteria which Van der Grinten, 2003; Trubetskova and Haney, 2006) or
induced a shift in zooplankton size and community even completely inhibited the reproduction of D. pulex
composition in nature (Hansson et al., 2007). (Hietala et al., 1997b). In contrast, dissolved MC-LR at the
Considerable numbers of laboratorial studies investi- concentration of 3.5 mg L1 had no effect on growth and
gated acute effects of cyanobacterial toxins on daphnids reproduction of D. magna (Lürling and Van der Grinten, 2003).
concerning survival, food filtering, molting or enzyme By continuous exposure to low densities of M. aeruginosa over
activities of the animals. Survival of Daphnia spp. was generations, D. magna increased their tolerance to the toxic
rapidly reduced by toxic Microcystis aeruginosa (Nizan et al., cyanobacterium, had higher fitness and earlier reached the
1986; Ferrão-Filho et al., 2000). The 48-h lethal concen- maturity age and first clutch of reproduction. These adapta-
tration (LC50) of purified microcystin-LR (MC-LR) for three tions were assumed as the result of maternal effects
Daphnia species ranged from 9.6 to 21.4 mg MC-LR (Gustafsson and Hansson, 2004; Gustafsson et al., 2005).
mL1(DeMott et al., 1991). Similarly, cyanobacterial crude Overall, toxic cyanobacteria and their toxins severely
extract containing MC varied in concentrations of 48-h impacted daphnids in both acute and chronic exposures.
LD50 or 48-h effective concentration (EC50) ranging from 36 The organisms were not only suppressed in their survival
to 162.45 mg mL1 or 34.2 to 1380 mg MC g1 DW in Daphnia but impaired in development as well. As mentioned above,
pulicaria and Daphnia similis respectively (Jungmann and investigations of the chronically detrimental influence on
Benndorf, 1994; Sotero-Santos et al., 2006; Okumura daphnids have been conducted with cyanobacterial
et al., 2007). Hietala et al. (1997a) showed a discrepancy cultures or pure cyanobacterial toxin. In most of the
among the 48-h EC50 concentration of toxic M. aeruginosa mentioned chronic studies, exposures were performed
to ten clones of Daphnia pulex, varying from 0.022 to with one generation of daphnids and lasted for around
>2.61 mg C L1. Hence, susceptibility to cyanobacterial three weeks. Gustafsson et al. (2005) were conducting
toxins differs not only between zooplankton species but transgenerational experiments in which the F1 daphnids
also within clones of Daphnia. produced up to seven clutches; hence for the F1 generation
The food filtering rate of Daphnia spp. was inhibited when the exposure lasted for around one month.
the organisms were exposed to toxic cyanobacteria and In this study, chronic effects of dissolved MC-LR and
purified MC-LR (Lampert, 1982; Nizan et al., 1986; DeMott, a cell free cyanobacterial crude extract containing MC on
1999; Ferrão-Filho et al., 2000; Ghadouani et al., 2004). life history of D. magna were investigated over their entire
Toxic M. aeruginosa caused sudden stops in swimming and life duration of two months. Their offspring were raised in
filtering activity in daphnids (Rohrlack et al., 2001). Defor- either toxic or control medium until maturation to follow
mation of carapace and interruption of molting process of consequences of maternal exposure. The observed life traits
daphnids were induced by the cyanobacterial metabolite of the daphnids were survival, growth, maturation, time to
microviridin J (Kaebernick et al., 2001; Rohrlack et al., 2004). first reproduction and fecundity. The investigation on
Physiological responses included elevated activities of chronic effects was carried out with two concentrations of
the biotransformation enzyme glutathione S-transferase in MC (5 and 50 mg L1) which would fall within the range of
D. magna after exposure to MC-LR or Cylindrospermopsis dissolved MC in natural waters in the world, from trace
raciborskii but inhibition after exposure to microcin SF608 concentration to 200 mg L1 (Sivonen and Jones, 1999) and
or Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi (Wiegand et al., 2002; have already impacted enzyme activities in D. magna
Nogueira et al., 2004a,b). In addition, the digestive (Wiegand et al., 2002). In all exposure, Scenedesmus spp.
enzyme trypsin of daphnids was inhibited by cyanobacte- were provided as food source to exclude effects due to
rial metabolites obtained from a widely distributed cya- malnutrition, hence to be able to attribute effects to cya-
nobacterial genus Planktothrix (Rohrlack et al., 2005). nobacterial toxin or toxic compounds.
In chronic and semi-chronic exposures, toxin accumu-
lation and detrimental influence on the animals such as 2. Materials and methods
survival, growth, maturation and fecundity were observed.
Exposed to toxic M. aeruginosa, daphnids accumulated MC 2.1. Microcystin-LR and cyanobacterial crude extract
at very high concentrations, up to 0.0712 mg MC per
Daphnia and 24.5 mg MC g1 DW of daphnids respectively Microcystin-LR and a cyanobacterial crude extract con-
(Thostrup and Christoffersen, 1999; Mohamed, 2001). taining MC were used for the exposures. The MC-LR was
Similar to acute exposures, survival of Daphnia was purchased from Axxora (Germany), and the cyanobacterial
decreased by toxic M. aeruginosa, both at species and clone crude extract was produced from our batch cultures of toxic
levels (DeMott et al., 1991; Hietala et al., 1995, 1997b; M. aeruginosa. The cyanobacterium, strain AB 2005/47, was
Rohrlack et al., 2001). isolated from Chaohu Lake in China in 2005 and has been
Body length of daphnids was significantly reduced cultivated as single strain in the laboratory of the Leibniz
when they were fed with M. aeruginosa (Lürling, 2003; Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin,
Lürling and Van der Grinten, 2003; Trubetskova and Germany since then. The crude extract was prepared
Haney, 2006). Consequently, maturation and time to first according to Fastner et al. (1998) with modification. Briefly,
reproduction of daphnids were delayed if they fed on toxic the biomass of cultures on GF/C filters (Whatman) were
M. aeruginosa (Hietala et al., 1995; Laurén-Määttä et al., homogenized and firstly extracted over night in 70% MeOH
1246 T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254

(Carl Roth, Germany) containing 5% acetic acid (Merck, mL1 (approximately 3 mg C L1). Density of Scenedesmus
Germany) and 0.1% triflouracetic acid (TFA; Merck, cells was adjusted daily. The food density and availability
Germany) followed by 2  60 min in MeOH 90% containing were chosen according to Lampert (1977) and Gustafsson
5% acetic acid and 0.1% TFA with 30 s sonication during the et al. (2005) respectively, in which individual animal was
last extraction. Each extraction step was followed by fed with 6  104 Scenedesmus cells mL1 in 60 mL beakers,
centrifugation (4500 rpm, 10 min, 4  C) The supernatants of equaling 3.6  106 cells per daphnid per day.
all extractions were pooled, dried at 35  C, re-dissolved in
MeOH (100%) and centrifuged at 14 000 rpm, 1  C for 2.3. Experimental setup
10 min. The supernatant was kept at 20  C prior to high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. For exposure, MC-LR or cell free cyanobacterial crude
Microcystin content was analyzed according to extract containing MC was added into Daphnia medium. In
Pflugmacher et al. (2001) by high-performance liquid chro- total, there were four different exposures: 5 and 50 mg L1 of
matography (HPLC, Waters Alliance, Eschborn, Germany) purified MC-LR, and 5 and 50 mg L1 of total MC in crude
system equipped with a reverse phase column (RP 18; 5 mM extract, hereafter referred as M5, M50, E5 and E50 respec-
LIChroSpher 100) and photodiode array detection. Injection tively. The control was implemented twice (C1 and C2)
volume of the samples was 80 mL. Separation was achieved at because the food was changed between exposure M5 and the
40  C by a gradient of Milli-Q water and acetonitrile (ACN, others. Daphnids of C1 and M5 treatments were fed with
Rathburn, Walkerburn, UK), both enriched with 0.1% (v/v) green alga Scenedesmus vacuolatus. Due to unavailability of S.
TFA. The flow rate was 1 mL min1, starting at 35% ACN, vacuolatus, daphnids were fed with another Scenedesmus
linearly increasing to 55% ACN within 15 min, followed by species, Scenedesmus armatus for the other exposures (M50,
a cleaning step of 100% ACN and 10 min equilibration to start E5 and E50 respectively). Consequently a new control (C2)
conditions. MC-LR was used as the reference toxin. The HPLC was conducted in which daphnids were fed with S. armatus
analysis shown that there were several different variants of in order to get the same supply of nutrient quality. Results of
MC and their total concentration in the crude extract was daphnids incubated in the same food regime were compared
6.92 mg mL1 MC-LR equivalent. only (C1–M5; C2–M50, E5 and E50). Twice a week, half of
Mass spectrometer measurements for the cyanobacte- toxic and non-toxic Daphnia medium was renewed whereas
rial crude extract were performed using an API 165 mass food density was kept constant on a daily basis. Each expo-
spectrometer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) sure and control experiment lasted for two months.
with an atmospheric pressure ionization source operating
in turbo ion-spray mode. Quantitative determination of the 2.4. Life history traits
toxins was carried out by comparing peak areas in sample
chromatograms with the corresponding peak areas For life history study, the survival, growth, maturation,
obtained from the pure toxins. Proportion of the main time to first reproduction and fecundity of mother Daphnia
cyanobacterial toxins in the crude extract was as follows, were observed daily for two months. Simultaneously, the
MC-RR, 71.09%; MC-LR, 24%; MC-LA, 3.09%; MC-YR, 1.79% survival, growth and maturation of their offspring were
and MC-LF, 0.03% Krüger et al., (submitted for publication). also recorded for one week. Death of the animal was
defined as the stop of heartbeat confirmed by microscopic
2.2. Experimental organisms observation (Olympus TH3). Maturation of Daphnia was
defined as time point of first egg occurrence in the brood
The test organism was D. magna Straus, obtained from chamber. The time to first reproduction was at first
MicroBioTests Inc. Belgium and has been maintained in the offspring release from brood chamber during molting.
laboratory of the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology Fecundity of animals was recorded as the number of
and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, for several generations. The clutches and number of offspring per clutch produced by
Daphnia medium provided by MicroBioTests Inc. Belgium every mother Daphnia during exposure time. In case of
consisted of CaCl2, KCl, NaHCO3 and MgSO2. The living release of decomposed eggs, embryos or neonates, the
green algae Scenedesmus spp. were used as the sole food for offspring number of that clutch was assumed as zero.
D. magna. The algae were cultivated in Z8 medium (Kotai, Twice a week, the growth of test organisms was moni-
1972) with continuous aeration. Both culturing of Scene- tored by measuring the distance from top of the head to the
desmus and Daphnia as well as the exposures were con- base of tail spine (body length) by photographing the
ducted at a temperature of 20  1  C and a photoperiod of animals under a microscope (Olympus SZX7) equipped
14 h light and 10 h dark. with a digital camera (Olympus XC50). The body length of
Prior start of the experiments, fifteen adolescent female Daphnia was measured exactly to 1 mm based on the soft-
D. magna were incubated in a 500 mL beaker and fed with ware DT5 analysis (Soft Imaging System – Olympus).
Scenedesmus spp. for 2–3 weeks. Offspring from the second Neonates (<24 h old, called F1 Daphnia) were randomly
to fifth clutch of these D. magna were used for experiments selected for survival, growth and maturation study of the
and hereafter referred to as mother daphnids. Thirty offspring. F1 Daphnia from control experiment were raised
neonates less than 24 h old were randomly selected for in either non-toxic or in the four different kinds of toxic
each chronic exposure (Adema, 1978) and individually media. Similarly, F1 daphnids from toxin exposed mother
incubated in 50 mL beakers containing 20 mL of medium. D. magna, were split in two groups: a) raised under
The animals were fed 4  106 Scenedesmus spp. cells per continuous exposure in the same toxic medium and
daphnid per day equaling a cell density of 2  105 cells b) raised in control medium (Fig. 1). One hundred F1
T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254 1247

Fig. 1. Experimental setup for the Daphnia magna from mothers (n ¼ 30) to offspring (n ¼ 100) incubated in non-toxic and toxic medium. Mother Daphnia
exposure to: C1 and C2, controls; M5 and M50, to 5 or 50 mg L1 of MC-LR; E5 and E50, to 5 or 50 mg L1 of total MC from cyanobacterial crude extract respectively.
Offspring (F1) exposure: neonates from each mother Daphnia were split into groups and either continuously exposed as their mothers or raised in control
medium (C1 or C2). Offspring from control mother Daphnia were split and those from C1 raised in either C1 or M5, whereas from C2 raised in C2 or M50, E5 or

daphnids were selected for each treatment in which every first but then they developed slower than the control
ten neonates were transferred into a beaker containing animals, C1 and C2. It resulted in significantly longer bodies
100 mL of exposure or control medium. Half of the medium of the M5, M50 and E50 treated daphnids compared to
was renewed twice a week. The animals were fed with their controls during the first 4, 15 and 32 days respectively
Scenedesmus ad libitum. The survival and body length of (ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test, p < 0.05; Fig. 3A,C,D).
the offspring were monitored until maturation. The During the age from 15 to 57 days daphnids in M5 were
experiment terminated when the last offspring matured. smaller with some fluctuation compared to those in control
(Fig. 3A). The animals in M50 and E50 treatments stayed
2.5. Statistical analysis significantly smaller than the control from the age of 39
and 43 days to the end of incubation (ANOVA followed by
Sigmastat, version 2.0, SPSS Inc. was used for data Tukey’s test, p < 0.05; Fig. 3C,D). Contrastingly, the body
treatment. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and length of one day old animals in E5 was smaller than that in
Tukey test Post Hoc were applied to calculate statistically C2. However, three days later to the end of exposure the
significant difference of the body length of adult D. magna. daphnids in E5 grew faster and were significantly bigger
Kruskal–Wallis was applied for calculation of statistically than the C2 (ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test, p < 0.001;
significant difference of the maturation, time to first Fig. 3B). The data of E5, 32 days old and M50, 11 days old
reproduction and body length of offspring D. magna due to were missed due to camera failure.
lacking normality or distributed homogeneity of the

3. Results

3.1. Mother D. magna life traits

3.1.1. Survival
After two months of exposure, the concentration of
5 mg L1 MC-LR or total MC in crude extract slightly
decreased the survival of adult D. magna, at about 10% of
total animals (Fig. 2). However, those of 50 mg L1 caused
the reduction of 60 and 55% of total daphnids in M50 and
E50 treatments respectively. The number of daphnids in
M50 and E50 were quite stable within the first three weeks
of incubation but quickly descended afterwards. The
number of daphnids in C1 decreased 13% whereas that in
C2 did 37% during two months. There was little difference
between the survival of C1 and M5 treatments. Unexpect-
edly, the number of daphnids in C2 reduced more than
those in E5 by the end of exposure. However, survival
proportion of M50 and E50 incubations was 23 and 17%
respectively lower than that of C2 incubation (Fig. 2).

3.1.2. Growth performance

Animals in C1 and C2 were fed with different Scene-
desmus and those in C2 grew somewhat larger (Fig. 3). Fig. 2. Survival of mother Daphnia magna during exposure time (n ¼ 30 at
Daphnids of the treatments M5, M50 and E50 grew faster at the start). Abbreviation as in Fig. 1.
1248 T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254

Fig. 3. Body length of mother Daphnia magna (mean value  SD of n ¼ 30 at the start) during the incubation. Asterisks indicate significant differences by ANOVA
followed by Tukey’s test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001). Abbreviation as in Fig. 1.
T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254 1249

3.1.3. Maturation
D. magna exposed to pure toxin or crude extract at both
5 and 50 mg MC L1 reached their maturity around the age
of 6 days, significantly earlier than the control, which took
around 7 days (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.01; Fig. 4A).
Subsequently, the toxin exposed animals were significantly
younger at first reproduction (Kruskal–Wallis test,
p < 0.001) except that those of M5 and C1 had a similar age
at first reproduction (Fig. 4B).

3.1.4. Fecundity
During two months of incubation, the mother D. magna
produced 16–17 clutches of offspring. The accumulative
Fig. 5. Accumulative fecundity of mother Daphnia magna during exposure
number of neonates from the control daphnids was highest time as proportion of neonates in relation to the total neonates of control.
in the end (Fig. 5). Compared to the control accumulative Abbreviation as in Fig. 1.
offspring, those from the M5, E5 and E50 raised higher
within the first 8, 4 and 12 clutches respectively followed
by a slower development. In the E50 treatment, reproduc- compared to the M5 (0.3% and 0.09%) and E50 (0.05% and
tion only marginally proceeded after the 10th clutch 0%) exposures (Table 1). The abortion proportion of
(Fig. 5). In total, the concentration of 5 mg L1 MC-LR or both exposed D. magna was highest in M50 (21.9%), followed by
concentrations of MC in crude extract resulted in a reduc- E5 (15.1%), E50 (9.8%) and lowest in M5 (0.7%). Similarly,
tion of around 10% neonates compared to the control. The the percentage of aborting females was highest in M50
concentration of 50 mg L1 MC-LR caused a decline of more (83.3%), E5 (80%), E50 (66.7%) and lowest in M5 (10%).
than 60% of offspring (Table 1).
3.2. Offspring Daphnia magna life traits
3.1.5. Malformation
Exposures to the pure toxin or crude extract induced the 3.2.1. Survival
abortion of eggs/embryos via decomposition and death The survival of offspring from control mother D. magna
already in the brood chamber of D. magna (Fig. 6A,B). ranged from 97 to 100% in both control and toxin expo-
Furthermore, it caused the malformation of neonates sures. However, those of exposed mother daphnids
including the incomplete development of the antennae and suffered from mortalities within their first week post natal
un-rejected tail spine (Fig. 6C). The proportion of mal- (death proportion of 6–47%), regardless, if raised in control
formed and dead neonates was higher in the M50 (7.1% and medium or under continuing exposure (Fig. 7). Survival
0.7% respectively) and E5 (6.6% and 0.5%) incubations proportion was lower if the offspring of pure toxin expe-
rienced mothers were continuously incubated in toxin
medium compared to raised in control medium. In detail,
the survival proportion of M5M5 (86%) was 8% lower than
that of M5C1 (94%). Similarly, the survival proportion of
M50M50 (53%) was 7% lower than that of M50C2 (60%)
(Fig. 7A). However, the E50E50 offspring survived slightly
better than the E50C2 ones, 94% compared to 88% (Fig. 7B).
Only offspring of E5 mothers did not significantly decrease
their survival after eight days of exposure (Fig. 7B).
Microcystin-LR had stronger negative effects on the survi-
vorship of the offspring than the crude extract did.
Mortality rate of daphnids correlated directly to toxin
concentration (Fig. 7).

3.2.2. Growth performance

Offspring of D. magna previously exposed to pure toxin
or crude extract containing MC dealt with a significant
decrease of their body length during the first week of
incubation in non-toxic or toxic medium (Kruskal–Wallis
test, p < 0.001; Fig. 8). In addition, the growth of offspring
of mother daphnids previously exposed to 50 mg MC L1
was more inhibited than that of mother exposed to
5 MC mg L1 (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.05; Fig. 8).

Fig. 4. A, Maturation and B, Time to first reproduction of mother Daphnia

magna (mean value  SD of n as indicated in the columns), asterisks indicate
3.2.3. Maturation
significant difference by Kruskal–Wallis test (**, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001). Offspring from D. magna exposed to 5 and 50 mg L1 of
Abbreviation as in Fig. 1. MC-LR or total MC from crude extract significantly delayed
1250 T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254

Table 1
Fecundity of mother Daphnia magna and malformation and abortion of their offspring.

Exposure Total neonates Malformed Dead neonates Number of decomposed clutches Aborting females
relative to control neonates
M, Me Mn
C1 100% 0 0 0 0 0
M5 89.3% 0.3% 0.09% 3M 0 10%
C2 100% 0 0 0 0 0
M50 38.2% 7.1% 0.7% 64 M þ 6 Me 8 Mn 83.3%
E5 90% 6.6% 0.5% 64 M þ 5 Me 1 Mn 80%
E50 92.1% 0.05% 0 39 M 0 66.7%

M, empty carapace; Me, removed carapace with decomposed eggs/embryos inside; Mn, removed carapace with dead neonates.

maturity age compared to their mothers, by 1–4 days activities in Daphnia sp. gut contents (Von Elert et al., 2004;
(Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.001; Fig. 9). Czarnecki et al., 2006). Furthermore, MC-LR inhibited D.
pulicaria filtering activity, hence impaired food uptake
4. Discussion (Ghadouani et al., 2004). Summing up, cyanobacteria and
their compounds decrease the energy re-establishing
In this study, daphnids in each treatment were fed with process in daphnids at various points: by malnutrition, by
either S. vacuolatus or S. armatus at 4  106 Scenedesmus impairment of feeding and digestion, by cellular processes;
spp. cells per daphnid per day (around 3 mg C L1), that is all in turn will sum up to lower energy availability for
a density providing surplus food, as cells were not maintenance, growth and reproduction (scope for growth).
completely consumed every day. Unexpectedly, differences Under exposure to toxin, additional energy is spent for
between the control groups occurred, as C2 grew bigger but physiological reactions, such as biotransformation and
suffered lower survival rates for unknown reasons. Other antioxidant enzyme activities, toxin excretion, or mecha-
differences were not significant. Therefore, life trait differ- nisms of repairing damages. In our study a lower scope of
ences between control and toxin exposed D. magna were growth was evidenced by growth inhibition, fecundity
compared within the groups fed with the same species of failure and mortality increase.
Scenedesmus only and could then be attributed to the cya- Survival of daphnids in treatments with low toxin
nobacterial toxins applied. concentration was not much affected in our study. This is in
The molecular mechanism of MC-LR toxicity is mediated agreement with the investigation of Lürling and Van der
via inhibition of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A Grinten (2003) in which D. magna exposed to 3.5 mg L1
(MacKintosh et al., 1990) thereby leading to deregulation in dissolved MC-LR showed no adverse effect. However, at
cells. Furthermore, MC-LR has been found binding to ATP a ten times higher concentration (50 mg MC L1) survival of
synthetase beta-subunit affecting the energy sustaining mother daphnids was strongly decreased by either pure
ability of the cells (Mikhailov et al., 2003). Another more MC-LR or cyanobacterial crude extract (Fig. 2B). These
general effect of cyanobacterial compounds is via records were in line with previous studies (Hietala et al.,
provoking of oxidative stress (Wiegand and Pflugmacher, 1995, 1997b; Lürling, 2003; Semyalo et al., 2009) in which
2005). Cyanobacterial bioactive metabolites caused the daphnids were treated with toxic cyanobacterial cultures.
suppression of trypsin-like activities, which together with Hence, chronic exposure to a concentration of 50 mg MC L1,
chymotrypsin enzymes account for 75–83% of proteolytic a concentration that is about 400 times lower than the 48-h

Fig. 6. Malformation of eggs/embryos and offspring Daphnia magna (arrows). A, decomposed eggs/embryos; B, dead neonates; C, normal neonate (left) and
malformed neonate with incomplete development of the antennae and un-rejected tail spine (right).
T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254 1251

dominant, gaining 71.09% and 24% of total MC respectively.

The daphnid survival was concentration dependently
decreased by the cyanobacterial crude extract used, but not
as much as by the MC-LR treatment due to the lower
toxicity and higher hydrophilicity of MC-RR compared to
MC-LR (Atencio et al., 2008). Despite the concentrations of
50 mg L1 dissolved MC used in our study adversely affected
daphnids’ biotransformation and antioxidant enzymes
(Wiegand et al., 2002) the detrimental impact on their life
history was only revealed after three weeks of exposure
(M50 and E50 treatments). In contrast, during toxic
Microcystis cell treatments Daphnia pulex, Daphnia long-
ispina, D. pulicaria, D. magna and Daphnia lumholtzi started
to significantly decrease their survival already after the first
week (Lampert, 1981; Hietala et al., 1995, 1997b;
Trubetskova and Haney, 2006; Semyalo et al., 2009).
However, if it could be considered that the average toxin
content per cell of Microcystis is 0.2 pg (Falconer et al., 1999)
and 1 mg C L1 of this species corresponds to around
Fig. 7. Survival of offspring Daphnia magna during the first week of incu- 1.4  105 cells mL1 (Gustafsson and Hansson, 2004) the
bation, starting with 100 neonates for each exposure. Abbreviation as in concentration of MC in the cyanobacterial cultures used for
Fig. 1. exposures of previous investigations ranged from 0.24 to
28 mg L1, which is within a similar range of MC concen-
tration used in our study, 5 and 50 mg L1. Besides the
LC50 values (9.6–21.4 mg MC-LR mL1 DeMott et al., 1991), is specific toxic effects of cyanobacterial compounds, cyano-
sufficiently potent to cause a declined survival over the life bacterial cells affect daphnids also by malnutrition and
span of D. magna. impairment of feeding. The availability of green algae as
In cyanobacterial crude extracts not only variants of MC alternative food source always increased survival in those
but also other cyanobacterial bioactive compounds studies.
adversely affected daphnids (Reinikainen et al., 2001; Survival of daphnids in E50 treatment strongly
Wiegand et al., 2002; Rohrlack et al., 2004). In our study, decreased whereas that in E5 only slightly declined from
cyanobacterial crude extract contained five different MC the third week to the end of exposure (Fig. 2B). In F1
congeners of which MC-RR and MC-LR were mainly daphnids, cyanobacterial crude extract caused both death

Fig. 8. Body length of exposed mother Daphnia magna and their offspring (mean value  SD of n ¼ 30 for mother and 100 for offspring at the start) during the
first week of incubation. Asterisks indicate significant differences by Kruskal–Wallis test (***, P < 0.001). The symbol # indicates significant difference by Kruskal–
Wallis test (P < 0.05) in F1 between increasing concentration within either toxin or crude extract treatment (A–C; B–D). Abbreviation as in Fig. 1.
1252 T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254

pulex (Hietala et al., 1995), we found earlier maturation and

start of reproduction in treated D. magna. Ebert (1992)
found that maturity of D. magna is positively related to
their body length and maturation is initiated above
a threshold size. In our study exposed daphnids grew faster
during the first weeks of incubation (Fig. 3). Therefore, the
exposed animals matured and reproduced sooner than the
control according to the hypothesis of threshold size of
D. magna.
Our results are in agreement with previous investiga-
tions evidencing a reduction or completely inhibition of
daphnid reproduction due to cyanobacterial compounds
Fig. 9. Maturation of exposed mother Daphnia magna and their offspring (Lürling, 2003; Lürling and Van der Grinten, 2003;
(mean value  SD of n ranging between 28 and 97), asterisks indicate Gustafsson et al., 2005; Trubetskova and Haney, 2006).
significant difference by Kruskal–Wallis test (***, P < 0.001). n as indicated in The M5, E5 and E50 adults had a reproducing reduction of
the columns. Abbreviation as in Fig. 1.
around 10% of total neonates whereas the fecundity of M50
had a severe decrease of more than 60% of total offspring by
the end of incubation. Gustafsson et al. (2005) showed that
and malformation occurring from the third clutch of offspring number of daphnids in a mixed food treatment
mother daphnids. In total, E50 treatment induced higher (Microcystis and Scenedesmus, ratio of 5/95 biomass) were
mortality for mother daphnids but lower malformed lower than those of control in every clutch. In our study
neonates and decomposed clutches than E5. Apparently, MC-LR at 50 mg L1 depressed the reproduction during
the lower crude extract concentration weakened the lifetime of the animals, whereas the other treatments had
mother daphnids to the expense of their offspring, whereas some fluctuation in the beginning, before fecundity
the higher directly affected the mother daphids survival. decreased. However, the total numbers of neonates of all
The M50 treatment not only affected survival of the mother exposures were lower than that of their controls.
daphnids, but in addition the offspring suffered malfor- The decrease of offspring happened via two possibili-
mation and abortion. ties: (1) 10–83.3% of exposed mother aborted their eggs/
Although dissolved toxins were less harmful than cell- embryos (Table 1) and the abortion happened repeatedly in
bound toxins to daphnids, exposure to dissolved toxins as several females; (2) in addition to dead neonates in brood
in our study provides a more evenly contact to the animals. chamber or malformed neonates, incomplete development
On the other hand, our results may extrapolate the toxicity of the antennae and un-rejected tail spine were observed in
of dissolved cyanobacterial toxins to the survival of daph- many offspring, which usually died some hours after birth.
nids in nature because the animals are almost unable to Abortion of D. magna were observed when they were
filter big colonies or long filaments of cyanobacteria in treated with toxic M. aeruginosa (Gustafsson et al., 2005) or
blooms. fungicides such as prochloraz, fenarimol and pyrifenox
Unexpectedly, our study revealed that daphnids in E5 (Hassold and Backhaus, 2009). In addition, malformations
incubation grew faster and significantly bigger than the of neonates were described after fungicide application
control animals during the exposure. Possibly, the toxin (Hassold and Backhaus, 2009). Our study traced back
concentration of 5 mg L1 did not inhibit the animals’ malformations of D. magna offspring to be caused by cya-
growth, as also evidenced by Lürling and Van der Grinten nobacterial toxins.
(2003), but beside toxic metabolites there might be nutri- Gustafsson and Hansson (2004) found that offspring of
tional compounds in the crude extract contributing to toxic Microcystis exposed mother D. magna survived better
growth enhancement of the daphnids. However, MC if fed with Microcystis than offspring of mothers fed with
concentration of 50 mg L1 was sufficiently potent to Scenedesmus. However, our study displayed a controversial
suppress the growth of daphnids by the last weeks of result that more than 97% of offspring of control mothers
exposure. Hence, despite growth stimulation at the survived the first week in toxic or non-toxic medium. In
beginning of the treatment by cyanobacterial toxins it was contrast, offspring of toxin treated mothers suffered from
limited afterwards. The inhibition of ingestion process and mortalities even if reared in non-toxic medium. Addition-
activity of digestive enzyme trypsin in daphnids (Rohrlack ally, abortion of daphnids, decomposed eggs and embryos,
et al., 2003; Czarnecki et al., 2006) resulted in starvation and dead neonates were observed after toxin treatment. It
which induced adverse effects on the animals’ life traits was commonly observed that egg proteins of exposed
including the decrease of growth. It could be inferred that mother daphnids coagulated and eggs broke or decom-
in our study the D. magna might withstand the toxin at first posed inside the brood chamber. Hence, there must be
due to the constant Scenedesmus availability as food source. adverse effects of MC already on the egg/embryos devel-
However, the animals were impaired by the toxin after- opment in brood chamber. Wiegand et al. (2009) proved
wards. Still the mechanisms by which daphnids in M50 that MC was not only absorbed by the gut cells but also
grew faster than those in control within the first two weeks occurred in developing eggs in the brood chamber of adult
of experiment remained unknown. D. magna even within 48 h exposure to the toxin. Possibly,
Contrasting to other studies, where treatment with the neonates of MC exposed mother daphnids suffered
toxic Microcystis delayed the age to first reproduction in D. from toxic stress and energy cost for detoxification before
T.S. Dao et al. / Toxicon 55 (2010) 1244–1254 1253

they were released. As a consequence they became more In consequence, population and community of this
vulnerable and their survival was decreased even if they investigated D. magna would decrease or become rare if
were raised in non-toxic medium. continuously affected by cyanobacterial toxins in nature.
In exposure scenarios with cyanobacterial cells, the Maternal effects of daphnids could be induced with cya-
amount of toxin that reaches physiological targets in nobacterial toxin concentration of around 1 mg L1
daphnids may be lower than the total available cell-bound (Gustafsson et al., 2005) but might not be at 5–50 times
toxin of the cyanobacteria because of decreased food higher concentration at the neonate stadium exposure.
filtering and impaired digestion (Rohrlack et al., 2001; Study on chronic effects of dissolved cyanobacterial toxins
Czarnecki et al., 2006). Concentrations of cell-bound MC on different clones of D. magna should be implemented as
used for pre-trial exposure to daphnids in the study of daphnid clones have different susceptibilities to the toxins.
Gustafsson and Hansson (2004) were increased from Further investigations are in need for understanding the
1.2 mg L1 at the first week to 4.8 mg L1 at the fourth week mechanisms of abortion and malformation in daphnids
of incubation. Differently, daphnids in our experiments caused by cyanobacterial toxins.
were constantly exposed to 5 and 50 mg L1 starting at
neonate stadium. Possibly, slowly increasing toxin Acknowledgement
concentration from 1 mg L1 to 4.8 mg L1 induced maternal
effects (Gustafsson and Hansson, 2004; Gustafsson et al., The authors would like to thank Dr. Jorge Nimptsch,
2005), whereas a starting concentration of 5 or Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB),
50 mg L1 MC from new born age might be already too high. Berlin, Germany, for providing biomass of toxic Microcystis
In addition, out of the three clones of daphnids tested by aeruginosa culture and preparing cyanobacterial crude
Gustafsson and Hansson (2004), only two developed extract for this study. Rafael Ortiz, IGB, is acknowledged for
tolerance against toxic Microcystis. Therefore, different discussion on data treatment. Thanh Son Dao’s financial
toxin concentrations at start of exposure and clone support by The Swiss Agency for Development and Coop-
susceptibilities to toxin could be the root of the different eration Project is gratefully acknowledged.
Contrasting to Gustafsson et al. (2005), where offspring Conflict of interest
of previously exposed D. magna to toxic Microcystis
increased their fitness, attributed to genetic inheritance, None.
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