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List of All Problems of Pakistan

Most Important Problems

1. Terrorism/Sovereignty Violation
2. Religious Intolerance
3. Water Shortage
4. Inflation
5. Rampant Corruption
6. Provincial Disharmony
7. Devalued Currency
8. Unemployment
9. Low Education
10.Weak Foreign Policy

Other Problems

1. Imbalance between the "Three Tiers of State"

2. Lack of education

3. Lack of science and technology

4. Corrupt inefficient police

5. No consensus on building dams

6. Lack of sanitation (no toilets)

7. Food Crisis
8. Low Jobs

9. Brian Drain

10. highest murder rates in the world

11. Ethnic hatred

12. Sectarian hatred

13. Lack of investment

14. Lack of unity

15. Liberation movement in Baluchistan

16. Kashmir Issue

17. Declining FDI's

18. Water Disputes with India

19. Energy Crisis

20. Feudalism

21. Rising divorce rate

22. Lack of health care

23. Drug Abuse in teengers

24. Land grabbing Mafia

25. Illegal wepons

26. Low forex reserves

27. Traffic chaos

28. Water Air and Noise Pollution

29. Population explosion

30. Media Ethic

31. high rate of infant mortality

32. Suicide bombings

33. Low tax collection by government

34. Tax evasion - 90%+ of the people don't pay any taxes

35. Very high tax rate for those who do pay taxes

36. Availability of heavy weaponry to criminals

37. Lack of clean drinking water for the majority of the population

38. Armed and violent gangs in Karachi, including Lyari and Sohrab Goth

39. Large areas of the country where the writ of the state does not apply

40. Fake Pirs

41. The tendency for people to vote for corrupt, failed, treacherous politicians

42. Abuse of women in the society

43. Awful built quality of roads, bridges and other infrastructure

44. Spread of Indian culture via film and television

45. Spread of Western culture via film and television

46. Lack of hospitals, clinics, doctors etc, especially in rural areas

47. Mixing of junk into food products by unscrupulous people

48. Capital flight - everyone who can sending their money abroad

Social Problems
1. Chronic illiteracy

2. rampant corruption

3. increasing population

4. domestic violence

5. women victimization

6. child labour

7. problems of the youth

8. generation gap

9. fast urbanization

10. feudalistic mindset

11. conservative thinking

12. age-long caste system

13. sinking moral values due to foreign culture and media invasion
Political Problems

1. Unstable democracy

2. incompetent political leaders

3. frequent military interventions

4. onslaught on judiciary

5. absence of accountability

6. lack of political education

7. curb on media

8. religious warlords

9. strong feudal lords

10. profit oriented industrialist

11. distrust between the center and the provinces

12. ethnicity (Balochistan crises)

13. quagmire of ‘Front line State

14. personalization of politics

15. patchworks in the constitution

16. jeopardized sovereignty of the state

17. crisis of good governance

18. distrust among the politicians

19. Lack of good governance

Economic deprivation

1. Huge Defense budget

2. budget deficit

3. low industrial

4. Declining value of Local Currency

5. agricultural production

6. high cost of production

7. energy crisis

8. foreign debts

9. discontinuity of reforms

10. inflation

11. unemployment

12. poverty

13. trade deficit

14. low HDI

15. brain drain

16. misappropriation of funds

17. economic disparity

18. consumer market instead of productive market

19. negative effects of global business

20. Chinese factor

21. low FDI

22. tax evasion,

23. absence of micro financing

24. corruption in the state institutions and misappropriation of foreign aid

Pragmatic Solution to Overcome these Problems

Social cures

Awareness by media
Financial security
Social justice
Fulfillment of basic needs
Providing food, cloth, shelter and education
Reforming schools as well as madrassahs education
Role of NGOs
Positive role of scholars and educationists and women
Development programs

Economic cures

Business friendly tax culture

Consistency of economic policies
Maximum incentives to local and foreign investors
Construction of dams
Exploring natural resources
Equal distribution of income
Strict accountability on fund utilization
Technical and research based education (more budget for education)
Search for new markets
Seeking peace to lower down defense budget
Aggravating Causes behind the devastating situation

Social Causes

 Outdated education system

 Uneducated elders versus modernized youth

 Absence of true religious knowledge

 Lawlessness

 No rule of law

 Avoidance of true Islamic teachings

 Enchanting western culture

 Dying of simplicity

 Victimization of women

Political Causes

 Colonial mind set of ruling

 Leadership crisis

 Army in politics
 Weak judiciary

 Repressed provinces

 Foreign influence

 Vested interest of political leaders

 Religious intolerance

 Lack of accountability

 Media censorship

 Economic imperialism

 Poor participation of women in state affairs

 US influence, role of intelligence agencies and illiterate masses

Economic Causes

 Inconsistent economic policies

 Lack of political will

 Corruption

 Unfriendly environment for local and foreign investors

 Energy crisis

 Illiterate entrepreneurs

 Low tax collection

 Irregular appointments

 No utilization of resources

 Terrorist activities

 Poor industrial and agricultural production

Impact of these Fatal Crisis

1. Tarnished national image

2. Political and religious violence

3. Weak state institutions

4. Frustration among the masses

5. Absence of true values

6. Sense of insecurity

7. Uncertainty about future

8. Depressed women

9. Suicidal tendencies

10. Stagnant national development

11. Peoples’ disinterest in politics

12. Easy access for foreign conspirator

13. Wide gap between rural and urban life

14. Alienation between the classes

15. Diminishing positive impression of state institutions – army, bureaucracy and

Various Approaches to answer a question

There are various approaches to answer a question i.e.

3 Dimensional Approach
Social, Economic and Political

5 Dimensional Approach
Social, Economic, Political, Religious and Technological

Other Approaches
Legal, Ethical, Psychological, Moral and so onn.

It depends on the demands of questions as what

examiner really wants from you.

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