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Pardo de Tavera vs.

Garcia Valdez

The defendant is the editor of “Miau,” a periodical published and
circulated in Manila, and that an article containing the alleged
injurious matter was published in the issue of that periodical of
September 15, 1901. The article is couched throughout in grossly
abusive language, and in terms not capable of being
misunderstood; charges the private prosecutor, who had been then
recently appointed a member of the United States Philippine
Commission, with having displayed cowardice at the time of the
murder of his mother and sister and with having subsequently
entered into intimate political relations with the assassin. The
article contains other statements and imputations of a derogatory

Issue: W/N the offense is injuries grave and punishable under

Article 458 of the RPC.

Held: It is urged by counsel that the official position of the private

prosecutor should be considered as an aggravating circumstance
under Penal Code, article 10, No. 20.
The result, then, is that the penalty prescribed by article 458,
paragraph 1, of the Penal Code should be applied in its medium
grade, and in view of all the circumstances of the case we fix the
penalty as four years of destierro and a fine of 4,000 pesetas, with
subsidiary liability to one day’s banishment for every 12 pesetas not
paid, and the costs of both instances

People vs Solomon, 36 Phil 5


Accordingly, Solomon Villanueva was charged with two (2)

separate crimes of rape, one which occurred "sometime in
September 1990," while the other, for the attack "on or about June
14, 1992." The two (2) cases were consolidated and tried jointly.

Whether or not the commission of the crime should be charged


On 22 January 1993 the Regional Trial Court of

Manila,5 disregarded the alibi of Solomon Villanueva, found him
guilty of rape on two (2) counts, sentenced him in each to reclusion
perpetua, and ordered him to indemnify his daughter Lea in the
amount of P50,000.00 as moral damages in both cases.
Estolas vs Mabalot, 381 SCRA 702

The Facts:

Sometime in May, 1978, respondent passed on the subject land to

the petitioner for the amount of P5,800.00 and P200.00 worth of
rice such was only a verbal mortgage; while according to petitioner,
a sale had taken place. According to Atty. Linda Peralta
investigation, the subject land was just a guarantee for the payment
of a loan incurred.

“Meanwhile, according to DAR Regional Director Antonio

M. Nuesa. In the said Order, the DAR found the act of respondent
in surrendering the subject land in favor of petitioner as
constituting abandonment.

“Thus, on May 3, 1989, respondent appealed the case to the

DAR Central Office which, on August 28, 1990, issued an Order
reversing the assailed Order of DAR Regional Director Antonio
M. Nuesa and ordering the petitioner to return the subject land to
respondent. Petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration was denied
on June 8, 1992.He filed an Appeal with the Office of the President
which was dismissed in a Decision dated August 29,
1994.Petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration of the said Decision
was also denied in an Order dated November 28, 1994.Likewise,
petitioner’s second Motion for Reconsideration was denied in an
Order dated July 5, 1995.”iv[4]

Issue: WON, respondent made a valid abandonment of the

subject property?
The Court’s Ruling:

The appellate court ruled that the subject land had been acquired
by respondent by virtue of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 27.This
law prohibits the transfer of the land except by hereditary
succession to the heirs or by other legal modes to the government.
Hence, the transfer of the subject land to petitioner is void; it
should be returned to respondent.

1 Cooperative Development Authority vs Dolefil Agrarian

Beneficiaries Coop Inc., 385 SCRA 552


Sometime in the later part of 1997, the CDA received from certain
members of the Dolefil Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
Cooperative, Inc. (DARBCI for brevity), an agrarian reform
cooperative that owns 8,860 hectares of land in Polomolok, South
Cotabato, several complaints alleging mismanagement and/or
misappropriation of funds of DARBCI by the then incumbent
officers and members of the board of directors of the cooperative,
some of whom are herein private respondents.

The complaints led the CDA to act according to its function and
issued a freeze order on the DARBCI funds and creating
management committee to manage the affairs of the said


At the core of the instant petition for review on certiorari of the

Decision1 of the Court of Appeals, 13th Division, in CA-G.R. SP.
No. 47933 promulgated on September 9, 1998 and its Resolution2
dated February 9, 1999 is the issue of whether or not petitioner
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA for brevity) is vested
with quasi-judicial authority to adjudicate intra-cooperative

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:

1. The petition for review on certiorari is hereby DENIED

for lack of merit. The orders, resolutions, memoranda and
any other acts rendered by petitioner Cooperative
Development Authority in CDA-CO Case No. 97-011 are
hereby declared null and void ab initio for lack of quasi-
judicial authority of petitioner to adjudicate intra-
cooperative disputes; and the petitioner is hereby ordered to
cease and desist from taking any further proceedings
therein; and

2. In the interest of justice, the dispositive portion of the

Resolution of the Court of Appeals, dated February 9, 1999,
in CA-G.R. SP No. 47933, insofar as it nullified the elections
of the members of the Board of Directors and Officers of
DARBCI held during the general assembly of the DARBCI
members on July 12, 1998, is hereby SET ASIDE.

No pronouncement as to costs.

PEOPLE vs. GANOHON, G.R. Nos. 74670-74 April 30, 1991

Facts: In the evening of August 16, 1982, a brutal and gruesome

massacre was perpetrated in barangay Ticalaan, Municipality of
Talakag, province of Bukidnon, wherein Eduardo Anoos, Elina
Pantao Anoos, Edgar Nuera, Gina Anoos and Tuto Anoos met
unexpected violent deaths. No one ever witnessed the horrible
incident, but accused Charly Ganohon y Samia alias Dongdong
Ganohon, together with a certain Gerardo Obod alias "Meka" who
is still at large, were charged of. 5 separate cases of murders.

Issue: WON the denials of the accused are sufficient to rebut the
incriminating circumstances testified to by the prosecution

Held: It is a well-entrenched rule in evidence that before

conviction can be had upon circumstantial evidence, the
circumstances proved should constitute an unbroken chain which
leads to one fair and reasonable conclusion pointing to the
defendant, to the exclusion of all others, as the author of the crime.

The circumstantial evidence attendant and relied upon by the trial

court is sufficient for conviction. There is more than one
circumstance. The facts from which the inferences are derived are
proven. The combination of all circumstances is such as to produce
a conviction beyond reasonable doubt.

The accused-appellant is held guilty of murder. With the presence

of the aggravating circumstance of dwelling. The accused-appellant
is sentenced to twenty (20) years of reclusion temporal each in
Criminal Cases Nos. 71(3313) and 72(3314); and to reclusion perpetua
each in Criminal Cases Nos. 73(3315), 74(3316) and 75(3317). The
civil indemnity is increased to P50,000.00 for each of the five

2 People of the Phils vs Almeida, 418 SCRA 254

Criminal Case No. 1234-SPL

On July 1, 1999, in the Municipality of San Pedro,

Province of Laguna, Philippines, said accused, without first
securing license/permit from the proper authority, have in
his possession, custody and control the following items:
(1) ammunitions for .38 caliber gun (8 pieces)
(2) ammunitions for .45 caliber gun (3 pieces)
(3) ammunitions for .38 caliber gun (3 pieces)
(4) ammunitions for .22 caliber gun (5 pieces)

Criminal Case No. 1235-SPL

On July 1, 1999, in the Municipality of San Pedro,

Province of Laguna, Philippines, the accused willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously sell, pass and deliver to a
poseur-buyer in exchange for P4,500.00 bills
methamphetamine hydrochloride “shabu” in one (1) heat-
sealed transparent plastic bag weighing 4.810 grams.

The Prosecution’s Evidence

Responding officers of the PNP namely: SPO4 Carlito

Candelaria (Carlito), SPO4 Teofilo Royena (Teofilo), PO3 Ricardo
Umayan (Ricardo), PO3 Victor Vivero (Vivero) and SPO4
Bonifacio Deroca (Deroca), conducted a buy-bust operation
against appellant, who was reportedly peddling shabu.
Accompanying them was a civilian asset who was to act as the
poseur-buyer and was given P4,500 for that purpose. The selling
of “shabu” took place outside the steel gate of the residence of
Vanessa Padua (Vanessa), a live-in partner of the accused –
appellant where the latter is staying. The operation did victory and
evidences were presented and confirmed positive through
laboratory tests.

The Defense’s Evidence

On the evening of July 1, 1999, said appellant was visiting his

girlfriend, Vanessa, at her house on 34 V. Veragra St., Cuyab, San
Pedro, Laguna. Indeed, those above mentioned Police Men
searched the area of the appellant. To this incident, the appellant
filed a complaint against the Teofilo and Ricardo before the
NAPOLCOM and the Office of the Ombudsman for the “illegal
search” and taking the appellant’s money amounting to P130,000.

The paragraph to wit:
IN VIEW THEREOF, the court finds that the
prosecution has duly established the guilt of accused
beyond reasonable doubt of the crimes of a Violation of a)
Section 16, Article III of RA 6425, as amended, in Criminal
Case No. 1233, b) PD 1866, as amended, in Criminal Case
No. 123[4], and c) Section 15, Article III of RA 6425, as
amended, in Criminal Case No. 1235 without having been
permitted by law.
WHEREFORE judgment is hereby rendered
sentencing accused Rolando Almeida y Calvin @ Tata
Rolly as follows:
In Criminal Case No. 1233
1. to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua;
2. pay a fine of P500,000; and
3. to pay costs of suit.
In Criminal Case No. 1234
1. to suffer an indeterminate penalty of
imprisonment of from four (4) years, two (2)
months and one (1) day of prision correctional as
minimum to six (6) years of prision correctional
as maximum; and
2. to pay costs of suit.
In Criminal Case No. 1235
1. to suffer an indeterminate penalty of
imprisonment of from six (6) months of arresto
mayor as minimum to four (4) years of prision
correctional as maximum; and
2. to pay costs of suit.

A ruling was made to review the appellant’s conviction

of illegal selling of dangerous drugs and the court finds it not
compelling to sentence the appellant for the three (3) charges
for the reason of the failure of the officer to present the
evidence as the product of the according to the appellant as an
illegal search and with regards to the ammunitions, the
statement was made and showed that those ammunitions were
laid in the floor and the court finds it that the said ammunitions
are not to be considered as possession of the appellant. As for
the charges of selling dangerous drugs, the police also failed to
present the evidence of the marked selling. The court held
reversed and set aside criminal cases nos.: Criminal Cases Nos.
1234-SPL and 1235-SPL and thereby, held the appellant
acquitted. However, conviction of case no. 1233 is affirmed.
Statement to wit:
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the Regional
Trial Court of San Pedro, Laguna, Branch 31, in Criminal Cases
Nos. 1234-SPL and 1235-SPL, is hereby REVERSED and
SET ASIDE and appellant,

US vs Ah Chong, 15 Phil 488

Facts: Because of robberies happening at Fort McKinley, Ah

Chong, a Chinaman, slept with a knife under his pillow. One night,
he was awakened by someone trying to force open the door of his
room. He thought that it was a robber so he stabbed the person
who entered the room, who turned out to be his roommate.

Issue: Was Ah Chong liable for the death of his roommate?

Ruling: Ah Chong was not held liable for the death of his
roommate. The Supreme Court reversed the lower court’s
conviction of homicide, saying that Ah Chong committed a
mistake of fact. He would not have stabbed his roommate had he
known the identity of the person who entered the room. If the
person who opened the door had really been a robber instead of
his roommate, he would not be criminally liable if he had stabbed
that person in self-defense.

People vs Oanis, 74 Phil 257

G.R. No. L-47722 July 27, 1943
Facts: As a group taking the route to Rizal street, Chief of Police
Antonio Z. Oanis
and his co-accused Corporal Alberto Galanta were under
instructions to arrest Anselmo Balagtas, a notorious criminal and
escaped convict, and if overpowered,
to get him dead or alive. Proceeding to the suspected house, they
went into a room and on seeing a man sleeping with his back
towards the door, simultaneously fired at him with their .32 and .45
caliber revolvers, without firstmaking any reasonable inquiry as to
his identity. The victim turned out to be a
peaceful and innocent citizen, Serapio Tecson who upon autopsy,
gunshot wounds were found on his body which caused his death.

The defendants alleged and appealed that in the honest

performance of their official duties, they acted in innocent mistake
of fact.

Issue: Whether or not Chief of Police Oanis and Corporal Galanta

were guilty of murder.

Ruling: New Rules of Court, Rule 109, Section 2 paragraph 2

provides, No
unnecessary or unreasonable force shall be used in making an
arrest, and the
person arrested shall not be subject to any greater restraint than is
necessary for
his detention. As the deceased was killed while asleep, the crime
committed by
both was murder with the qualifying circumstance of alevosia.
Even if it were true
that the victim was the notorious criminal, the accused would not
be justified in
killing him while the latter was sleeping. In apprehending even the
most notorious
criminal, the law does not permit the captor to kill him. It is only
when the fugitive
from justice is determined to fight the officers of the law who are
trying to
capture him that killing him would be justified.
3 People vs Antonio, GR No. 144266, Nov. 27, 2002

1. On June 16, 1996, the accused-appellant Wilson Antonio,
Jr. alias “Instik” was carrying a gun and went to the victim’s
house Sergio Mella;
2. That the accused-appellant was seen by her sister Wife who
followed and pleaded to stop him but the latter ignored her
and continued walking towards the house of the victim;
3. That the accused-appellant kicked open the door to the
bedroom where the victim was sleeping with his seven years
old son Kevin Paul Mella;
4. That the accused-appellant aimed and fire the gun towards
the sleeping victim hitting the chest, shoulder and back that
killed the latter;
5. That the victim’s son who witnessed the incident was also
hit at the left thigh;
6. Immediately after firing his gun, the accused-appellant left
the room eluded the arrest for more than (1) year or until
October 23, 1997.
Whether or not the accused-appellant’s defense of insanity
is valid to exempt him from criminal liability.
Insanity exists when there is a complete deprivation of
intelligence in committing an act. Mere abnormality of the mental
faculties will not exclude imputability. The accused must be so
insane as to be incapable of entertaining criminal intent. He must
be deprived of reason and acting without the least discernment
because there is a complete absence of the power to discern or a
total deprivation of freedom of the will.
When insanity is allege to free a person from criminal
liability, it must be proved by clear and convincing evidence which
must refer to the time immediately preceding the act or to the
moment of its execution which the defense failed to convince the
appellate court. The decision of court a quo finding accused-
appellant guilty of murder qualified by treachery imposing a death
penalty was modified considering that there is one mitigating
circumstance of mental illness of the offender. Accused

4 People vs Evina, GR Nos. 124830-31, June 27, 2003

On November 3 and 7, 1991, the appellant, Gerardo Evina by
means of violence and intimidation, unlawfully and feloniously
have carnal knowledge of one Maritess Catcharro against her will
and consent.
That in the two accounts of rape the accused used a knife to
intimidate the victim in carrying out his felonious act.
The appeal was brought by the appellant to reverse the decision of
the Regional Trial Court finding him guilty of two counts of simple
rape sentencing him to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua for
each count.

Whether or not the presence of aggravating circumstance of the
use of weapon can be appreciated for the purposed of fixing a
heavier penalty.

The aggravating circumstance in question cannot be appreciated
for the purpose of fixing the a heavier penalty because they were
not alleged in the information as mandated by Rule 110, sections 8
& 9 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure however this can
be considered as basis to award exemplary damages in favor of the
victim, conformably to current jurisprudence.
For the foregoing reasons, the decision of the lower was affirmed
with modification. The appellant is found guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of two counts of rape and was sentenced to suffer reclusion
perpetua for each count . The appellant was ordered to pay the
victim, the amounts of Php 50,000.00 as civil indemnity; Php
50,000.00 as moral damages; and Php 25,000.00 exemplary
damages for each count.

5 People vs Esperanza, GR Nos. 139217-24, June 27, 2003

PEOPLE vs. VICTOR, [G.R. No. 127904, December 5, 2002]

Facts: That sometime in May 1996 in Quezon City, Philippines,

Victor, the accused herein, by means of force and intimidation, to
wit: by then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously undress
said Marilyn Villanueva, a minor, 13 years old, step-daughter; and put
himself on top of her, and thereafter have carnal knowledge with
the undersigned complainant against her will and without her

The Trial Court finds the accused, Esteban Victor y Penis,

GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape, defined
in and penalized by Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as
amended, and hereby sentences the said accused to suffer the
penalty of DEATH.

Accused-appellant avers that the trial court erred in imposing on

him the death penalty on its finding that he was the stepfather of
private complainant. He insists that the evidence on record shows
that he and Julieta Corpuz, the natural mother of private
complainant were merely live-in partners; they were not legally
married. Accused-appellant points out that even the trial court
found that he was merely the common-law husband of Julieta
Corpuz. Even if he were the common-law husband of Julieta
Corpuz, the death penalty could not have been lawfully imposed
on him because what was alleged in the criminal complaint for rape
as a special qualifying circumstance was that he was the stepfather
of Marilyn Villanueva; however, the prosecution proved that he
was merely the common-law husband of Julieta.

Issue: WON a common-law step-father could be considered as as

special qualifying circumstance?

Held: The declaration of accused-appellant that he was married to

Julieta, even if made in the course of the proceedings in the trial
court, is not conclusive proof that the two are legally married. Said
declaration did not dispense with the burden of the prosecution to
adduce in evidence the marriage contract of accused-appellant and
Julieta. Neither may the prosecution rely on the disputable
presumption that when a man and a woman live together as
husband and wife, they are presumed to be married. Relationship
is a qualifying circumstance in rape and must not only be alleged.
It must also be proved beyond reasonable doubt as the crime itself.
Hence, the appropriate penalty should be reclusion perpetua.

6 Estrada vs Sandiganbayan, GR No. 148965, February 26, 2002

People vs Bantagan, 54 Phil 841
G.R. No. L-33045, August 15, 1930

Facts: This appeal has been brought to reverse a judgment of the

Court of First Instance of the Province of Camarines Sur, finding
the appellants, Martin Bantagan (alias Martes), Luis Bantagan,
Marcos de la Cruz, and Francisco Fermino, guilty of the offense of
murder, committed upon the person of one Raymundo de los
Santos, and sentencing Martin Bantaga n, as principal to undergo
imprisonment for life (cadena perpetua), with the accessory
penalties prescribed in article 54 of the Penal Code, and sentencing
Luis Bantangan, Marcos de la Cruz, and Francisco Fermino, as
accomplices, to undergo imprisonment for twelve years and one
day, cadena temporal, with the accessory penalties prescribed in
article 56 of the same Code. The accused were furthermore ordered
to indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the amount of P500, and
to pay each his proportional part of the costs of prosecution.

Martin Bantagan confessed that he and his son, Luis Bantagan,

conceived the idea of killing Raymundo de los Santos, because the
latter had, several months previously, taken away Martin’s
daughter, Angela Bantagan, in order to make her his mistress
(querida) only. Luis, who was carrying a stick, approached to
Raymundo hit him once in the neck. Martin Bantagan also had a
stick and, when he saw that Raymundo was not yet dead, he hit
him also in the back of the shoulder. When Raymundo was dead
they immediately wrapped his body in a mat. They found a purse
in Raymundo's pocket, and Martin took ninety centavos (P0.90),
showing a cause of resentment.

Luis Bantagan differently confessed that Francisco Fermino inflict

fatal blow on the deceased and also took a roll of paper money
from the deceased. Luis Bantagan admitted that he assisted in
taking the body of the deceased.

Issues: Whether or not the Martin Bantagan be held principal of

the crime as independent evidence, apart from his confession?

Rationale: The rule to the effect that an accused person cannot be

convicted upon his confession alone, without some independent
proof of what is called the "corpus delicti" does not mean that
every element of the crime must be clearly established by
independent evidence, apart from the confession. It means merely
that, in a jurisdiction where the question of guilt is determined by
a jury, there should be some evidence tending to show the
commission of a crime apart from the confession. As suggested in
Wigmore's treatise on Evidence, the rule requiring independent
proof of the corpus delicti was merely intended to guard against
convictions upon false confessions of guilt (Wigmore, Evid., sec.
2070). The utility of the confession as a species of proof would
vanish if it were necessary, in addition to the confession, to adduce
other evidence sufficient to justify conviction independently of
such confession

Held: The provision made by the trial court with respect to

indemnity to be paid to the heirs of the deceased does not accord
altogether with article 125 of the Penal Code; and this part of the
judgment will be amended by providing that Martin Bantagan, as
principal, shall be required to indemnify the heirs of the deceased
in the amount of P500 and that, in case of his insolvency, his three
coaccused shall be jointly and severally liable, secondarily, for said
amount; and furthermore that the three accomplices, Luis
Bantagan, Marcos de la Cruz, and Francisco Fermino, shall be
jointly and severally liable for another P500, in the character of
accomplices, and that Martin Bantagan shall, in case of the
insolvency of said three accomplices, be secondarily liable for such

It being understood therefore that the appealed judgment is

modified with respect to the provision for indemnity in the manner
above stated, the judgment, as thus modified, is affirmed. So
ordered, with proportional costs against the respective appellants.

MALCOLM, OSTRAND and JOHNS, JJ., dissenting:

From a legal point of view, we do not think that the evidence is
sufficient to convict Luis Bantagan as an accomplice. In all other
respects, we agree with the majority of the court.

7 People vs Madlangbayan, 94 SCRA 685

8 People vs Moran, 44 Phil 431
Facts: The accused violated the election code and was sentenced
by the lowercourt. He was asking for reconsideration and filed a
special motion alleging that the crime complained of had
prescribed under the provision of section 71 of Act 3030, enacted
by the Legislature on March 9, 1922.

Issue: W/N penal laws provide for not only penalty but also

Decision: Yes.

Decision: The court found the crime to have prescribed (in

accordance with the new law) and set aside the decision. The
Election law contained in the Administrative Code and Act 3030
which amended and modified the former, it is evident that the
provision declaring that offenses resulting from the violations of
said Act shall prescribe one year after their commission must have
retroactive effect, the same being favorable to the accused. An
exception- to give them retroactive effect when favorable to
accused. The exception applies

to a law dealing with prescription of crime: Art 22 applies to a law

dealing with

prescription of an offense which is intimately connected with that

of the

penalty, for the length of time for prescription depends upon the
gravity of the

offense. Penal laws not only provide for penalties but also

People vs Lucas, GR Nos. 108172-73, May 25, 1994 (233 SCRA



In a sworn statement 1 taken on 16 February 1991, Chanda Lucas

y Austria, then seventeen years old, charged her natural father,
accused Jose Conrado Lucas, of attempted rape committed against
her on 12 February 1991. She revealed therein that she was first
raped by him when she was only nine years old, or, as disclosed in
a handwritten note at the left-hand margin of her sworn statement
On 19 February 1991, Chanda, assisted by her mother, Ofelia
Austria-Lucas, filed two separate sworn criminal complaints for
rape 2 and for attempted rape 3 against her father with the Regional
Trial Court of Quezon City. The complaints, docketed as Criminal
Cases Nos. Q-91-18465 and Q-91-18466, were subsequently
assigned to Branch 104 of the said court
That on or about the 26th day of November 1982 and sometime
thereafter in Quezon City, Philippines and within the jurisdiction
of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, with lewd
designs and by means of violence and intimidation did then and
there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have sexual intercourse
with the undersigned CHANDA LUCAS Y AUSTRIA, who was
then nine (9) years old, now 17 yrs. of age, against her will, to her
damage and prejudice in such amount as may be awarded to her
under the provisions of the New Civil Code.
while that for attempted rape in Criminal Case No. Q-91-18466
That on or about the 12th day of February 1991, in Quezon City,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above named accused, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and
feloniously with lewd design and by means of force and
intimidation, commence the commission of the crime of rape
directly by overt acts by then and there taking advantage of
complainant's tender age and innocence, by then and there putting
his hand inside the panty of the undersigned and mashing her
vagina while his other hand was pressing her nipples and at the
same time kissing her on the lips, face and neck, thereafter accused
placed himself on top of her but said accused did not perform all
the acts of execution which should produce the said offense of rape
by reason of the fact that the brother and sister of the undersigned
was awakened and shouted upon the accused, a cause other than
the spontaneous desistance of the said accused, that the aforesaid
act of the said accused was done against the will of the undersigned,
to her damage and prejudice in such amount as may be awarded to
her under the provisions of the New Civil Code.
On the witness stand, the accused testified that he and Chanda's
mother, Ofelia Austria, are not married; however, since 1969, they
had been living together as husband and wife until 1972, when he
was detained for alleged gunrunning and when Ofelia and the
children moved to Cotabato. He denied having raped his second
daughter, Chanda, and alleged that the brothers and sisters of
Ofelia, particularly Leonardo Austria, were all angry at him and
instigated the filing of the fabricated charges against him. On 28
October 1992, the trial court promulgated its decision 16 in the
two cases finding the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
two crimes of rape.
On 4 November 1992, the accused filed a notice of appeal. 18 In
his brief submitted to this Court, he alleges that the trial court
issue: wether or not the guilt of the accused was proven beyond
reasonable doubt

Held: In rape cases, this Court has been guided by three well-
entrenched principles: (1) an accusation for rape can be made with
facility; it is difficult to prove but more difficult for the person
accused, though innocent, to disprove; (2) in view of the intrinsic
nature of the crime of rape where only two persons are usually
involved, the testimony of the complainant must be scrutinized
with extreme caution; and (3) the evidence for the prosecution
must stand or fall on its own merits and cannot be allowed to draw
strength from the weakness of the evidence for the defense. 23
Conclusions as to the credibility of witnesses in rape cases lie
heavily on the sound judgment of the trial court. Accordingly, in
the appreciation of the evidence, the appellate court accords due
deference to the trial court's views on who should be given
credence since the latter is in a better position to decide the
question of the credibility of witnesses, having seen and heard
these witnesses and observed their deportment and manner of
testifying during the trial. The trial court's findings concerning the
credibility of witnesses carry great weight and respect and will be
sustained by the appellate court unless the trial court overlooked,
misunderstood or misapplied some facts or circumstances of
weight and substance which would have affected the result of the
case. 24
After a careful examination of the records and the evidence, we are
unable to find any cogent reason to disturb the finding of the trial
court that the accused raped his daughter, Chanda, on 26
November 1983 and 12 February 1991.

9 People vs Reyes, 212 SCRA 402

Issue: W/N the crime prescribed

Decision: Yes. The criminal action has been extinguished by

prescription. The

title, once registered is a notice to the world. All persons must take
Considering the lapse of more than 20 years, the crimes charges


Issue: Does Art. 91 cannot be construed in such manner as to


application of the rule on construction.

Decision: No. Although caution should be observed in applying

the rule of

construction in civil cases, the court will not hesitate to do so if the

factual and

legal circumstance so warrant. The application of the rule on


notice in the construction of Article 92 of the RPC would most

certainly be

favorable to the accused since the prescriptive period of the crime

shall have to

be reckoned with earlier. The criminal offense of falsification of


document has already prescribed.

10 People vs Tumlos, 67 Phil 320

PEOPLE vs. DE LEON, G.R. Nos. L-25375 and 25376
October 8, 1926

Facts: Early in the morning of December 21, 1925, Vicente de

Leon y Flora entered the yard of Vicente Magat's house on
Domingo Santiago Street, Manila, and without violence or
intimidation against persons nor force upon things, took, with
intent to gain, two game roosters which were in the yard, one with
colored plumage valued at P8 belonging to Diego Magat, and the
other with white plumage and black spots, valued at P10, belonging
to Ignacio Nicolas.

Vicente de Leon y Flora was prosecuted in the municipal court for

two crimes of theft, on the theft of Magat's rooster and the other
that of Nicolas'. Upon being arraigned, the accused pleaded guilty
and was sentenced by the municipal court in each to suffer the
penalty of three years, six months and one day presidio correcional, to
return the stolen roosters to their respective owners and to pay the
costs in both cases. The accused appealed from this judgment to
the Court of First Instance, and, upon being arraigned upon the
same informations, pleaded not guilty in both cases, which were
tried jointly by agreement of the parties approved by the court.

Issue: WON the defendant-appellant committed two crimes of


Held: Under sound principles, the act of taking the two roosters,
in response to the unity of thought in the criminal purpose on one
occasion, is not susceptible of being modified by the accidental
circumstance that the article unlawfully belonged to two distinct
persons. There is no series of acts here for the accomplishment of
different purposes, but only one of which was consummated, and
which determines the existence of only one crime. The act of taking
the roosters in the same place and on the same occasion cannot
give rise to two crimes having an independent existence of their
own, because there are not two distinct appropriations nor two
intentions that characterize two separate crimes.

Therefore, we are of the opinion that the unity of the intention to

take a thing belonging to another on one occasion and in the same
place, constitutes the commission of only one crime of theft; and
fact that the things taken belong to different persons does not
produce a multiplicity of crimes, which must be punished

11 People vs Jaranilla, 55 SCRA 563

The case is an appeal of the defendants Elias Jaranilla, Ricardo
Suyo, and Franco Brillantes from the decision of the Court of First
Instance of Ilo-ilo which convicted the accused of robbery and
with homicide, and sentenced each of them to Reclusion Perpetua
and ordered the accused to pay solidarily the sum of six thousand
pesos to the heirs of Ramonito Jabatan and the sum of five
hundred pesos to Valentin Baylon as the value of five fighting

It should also be noted that the accsued, Elias Jaranilla, has escaped
from the provincial jail and no record shows that he has been


WON defendants Suyo and Brillantes are liable as co principal in

the crime of Homicide.


The killing of the peace officer is characterized as homicide

because the act was made during the spur of the moment and the
treacherous mode of attack was not consciously or deliberately
adopted by the offender. In addition, only persons who perpetrated
the killing is responsible for such action. Furthermore, mere
presence in the crime scene does not necessarily make a person co-
principal thereof.

Hence, only the accused, Elias Jaranilla, who perpetrated the killing
is responsible and liable for robbery and homicide. The co-accused,
Suyo and Brillantes, are convicted of theft. Therefore, the decision
of the lower court is reversed and sentenced the accused, Ricardo
Suyo and Franco Brillantes, as co-principals in the crime of theft.

No promulgation as to the accused, Elias Jaranilla, that being stated

that the accused has escaped from the provincial jail.

12 People vs Enguero, 100 Phil 1001

Florentino Enguero, Jose Tariman, Nazario Narvarte and Dionisio
Bueno were charged with the crime of robbery in band in three
separate informations and after a joint trial the Court of First
Instance of Camarines Sur found them guilty as
They appealed. Jose Tariman withdrew his appeal. As no question
of fact is raised, the only error assigned to have been committed by
the trial court being the conviction and sentence of the defendants
for three robberies in band instead of only one, the Court of
Appeals certified the appeal to this Court.

Whether or not the argument of counsel de oficio that the
appellants are guilty of one crime only is tenable.

Counsel de oficio argues that the appellants are guilty of one crime
only citing in support of his contention the case of People vs. de
Leon, 49 Phil., 437. The contention is without merit. In the case
cited by counsel the defendant entered the yard of a house where
he found two fighting this case, after committing the first crime of
robbery in band the appellants went to another house where they
committed the second and after committing it they proceeded to
another house where they committed the third. Obviously, the rule
in the case cited cannot be invoked and applied to the present.

The crime committed is robbery in band punished in articles 294,

paragraph 5, of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic
Act No. 18, in connection with article 295 of the same Code, as
amended by Republic Act No. 373, with prison correccional in its
maximum period to prison mayor in its medium period. As the
robbery was committed in band, the penalty to be imposed is the
maximum period of the proper penalty, which is prison mayor in
its medium period, or from 3 years and 1 day to 10 years. The
second paragraph of article 295 of the Revised Penal Code which
impose the penalty next higher in degree upon the leader of the
band has been left out by Republic Act No. 373, amending further
article 295 of the Revised Penal Code.

Pursuant to the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the penalty to be

imposed upon each of the appellants is the next lower to that
prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for the offense, or 4 months
and 1 day of arresto mayor, as minimum, and 8 years and 1 day of
prison mayor, as maximum, in each of the three crimes committed,
and the accessories of the law.

Modified as to the penalty to be imposed upon each of the three

appellants, the rest of the judgment appealed from is affirmed, with
proportionate costs in each case against the appellants.
People vs Abapo, 239 SCRA 305

FACTS : On January 16, 1998, Benjie Tecson filed a sworn

complaint before the National Bureau of Investigation, National
Capital Region, alleging that she was first raped by her father when
she was barely ten years old inside their house in Nagcarlan,
Laguna. She narrated that the first incident was repeated several
more times at a rate of not less than twice a week and almost
everyday when her mother was not around. The alleged sexual
congress between her and her father went on until February 1997
when BENJIE finally became pregnant.

Expedito Abapo y Siroihos was charged with raping his daughter

eighty-six (86) times in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of the City
of San Pablo, Branch 32. On March 18, 1998, the RTC rendered
its decision convicting the accused of eighty-five (85) counts of
rape. The court imposed the supreme penalty of death for thirty-
seven (37) counts of rape committed after the effectivity of R.A.
No. 7659 and reclusion perpetua for forty-eight (48) counts of rape
committed from January 1990 to December 1993.[2] The
dispositive portion of the Judgment[3] finding him guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of eighty-five (85) counts of rape under Article
335 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by Republic Act No.
7659 .

Upon arraignment, the accused pleaded guilty to the crimes

charged with the assistance of his counsel, Attorney Nena O.
Palencia.[9] The prosecution was however ordered to adduce
evidence as required by the Rules of Court.
In his brief, the accused-appellant assigns the following errors
allegedly committed by the RTC

Held: We are constrained to observe that the arraignment

proceedings in the Regional Trial Court leave much to be desired
and for this reason resolve to remand the cases for rearraignment.
Section 3 of Rule 116 of the Rules of Court provides that:
"Sec. 3. Plea of guilty to capital offense; reception of evidence. –
When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the court shall
conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full
comprehension of the consequences of his plea and require the
prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of culpability.
The accused may also present evidence in his behalf."
Pursuant to the foregoing rule it is mandatory for trial courts to
accomplish three things to avoid an improvident plea of guilt:
"1. conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full
comprehension of the consequences of the accused’s plea;
2. require the prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused and the
precise decree of his culpability; and
3. inquire whether or not the accused wishes to present evidence
on his behalf and allow him to do so if he desires

Considering that the accused-appellant entered an improvident

plea of guilt, which improperly impaired the prosecution’s
presentation of the evidence, a duty mandated by the rules, we are
constrained to remand the thirty-seven (37) charges of rape to the
court a quo for rearraignment and further proceedings in
accordance with the above pronouncement of the court.
WHEREFORE, the judgments on automatic review are SET
ASIDE. G. R. Nos. 133387-133423 [Criminal Cases Nos. 10715-
SP (98) to 10751-SP (98)] are REMANDED for rearraignment
under the same informations. Supreme
The appeals in Criminal Cases Nos. 10667-SP (98) to 10714-SP
(98)[21] are hereby DISMISSED and the decisions therein are final
and executory.

13 People vs Magalano, 266 SCRA 305

Issue :
On or about February 1, 1989 at Sitio Tampa-on, Barangay
Banawe, Pamplona, Negros Oriental, Philippines, and within
the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused conspiring together and mutually helping each
other, with treachery and intent to kill, did then and there,
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault, hack and
stab one Elfonio Adelantar, inflicting upon the latter multiple
injuries, which directly caused the death of said Elfonio
Adelantar. The key prosecution witness, Cirilo Manaban who
was then only fourteen years old, witnessed the killing of his
brother-in-law, Elfonio Adelantar.
1.) The appellant’s asserts that their respective pleas of self-
defense and denial should have been favorably appreciated
by the trial court, considering the inconsistencies and
consequent unreliability of the testimony of the prosecution’s
principal eyewitness, hence their guilt was not proven beyond
reasonable doubt.
2. ) WON the passage of Republic Act No. 7659 has
transformed the indivisible nature of reclusion perpetua into
a divisible one because of its “defined duration” ranging from
20 years and 1 day to 40 years.
Decision :
Far from being corrosive of the testimony of Cirilo Manaban,
those inconsistencies are merely minor lapses and clearly of
no consequence, especially when viewed against his
narration of the events before the trial court. The essential
test is that the testimony of the witness is disencumbered,
credible, and in accord with human experience.
After deliberating on the motion and re-examining the
legislative history of R.A. No. 7659, the Court concludes that
although Section 17 of R.A. No. 7659 has fixed the
duration of reclusion perpetua from twenty (20) years and
one (1) day to forty (40) years, there was no clear legislative
intent to alter its original classification as an indivisible

14 People vs Jarumayan, 52 OG 240

15 People vs Oliva, 344 SCRA 435


Lorenzo Oliva, father of the complainant M, was charged with rape

and was convicted of the said crime. Accused filed an appeal and
on his appeal , the accused questioned the testimony of his
daughter M and further alleged that it was not him who had raped
his daughter but his brother inlaw, Benjamin, who has committed
the said act.


WON the testimonies and credibility of the complainant witness is

in doubt and questionable.


Courts usually give credence to the testimony of a girl who is a

victim of sexual assault particularly if it constitutes incestuous rape,
because normally no person would be willing to undergo the
humiliation of public trial and to testify on the details of her ordeal,
were it not to condemn an injustice. The gravamen of rape is carnal
knowledge of a woman under any circumstances provided by law.

In addition, mere denial, if unsubstantiated by clear and convincing

evidence, has no weight in law and cannot be given any greater
evidentiary value than the positive testimony of a rape victim.
Wherefore, the decision of the court of appeals dated April 21,
2008, finding the accused-appellant Lorenzo Oliva, guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of two counts of qualified rape and is sentenced
to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua for each crime.

16 People vs Viente, 225 SCRA 361

17 People vs Martinado, 214 SCRA 712


Accused Eliseo Martinado and Hermogenes Martinado were

charged of the crime of robbery with homicide and was
subsequently convicted of the criminal charge and was sentenced
to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua. However, one of the
accused, Eliseo Martinado, escaped from the Kalookan City Jail, 5
days after the prosecution rested its case. In the foregoing, the
court tried the case in his absence. It was not only after a few
months that the latter was captured in Palo, Leyte, headed by the
kalookan Special Action Team.

On March 2, 1989, the counsel of the defendants, Atty. Ballon,

filed a notice of appeal for both convicts on the grounds that the
lower court’s decision is contrary to law and evidence. In addition,
the counsel also questioned the inconsistencies in the testimonies
of the witnesses and questioned their credibility.


WON the witnesses’ testimonies are questionable.

WON the decision of the court is contrary to law and evidence.


Inconsistencies in the testimonies of the witnesses which refer to

the minor and insignificant details cannot destroy their credibility.
Discrepancies in the minor details do not impair the credibility of
a witness, especially in a prolonged direct examination or cross
examination wherein the witness is subjected to unfriendly
questioning, the witness, uncomfortable and fidgety, may often fall
into lapses.

On the other hand, the alibi of the accused, is at its best, a weak
defense and easy of fabrication. It cannot prevail over a positive
identification of a prosecution witness.

Finally, flight of the accused is a clear indication of his guilt or of a

guilt in mind. Therefore, the decision of the lower court, finding
both the accused, Eliseo Martinado and Hermogenes Martinado,
guilty of the crime of robbery beyond reasonable doubt affirmed
and modified accordingly.

Sermonia vs CA, et al, 233 SCRA 155

Facts: On 26 May 1992, petitioner Jose C. Sermonia was charged

with bigamy before the Regional Trial Court of Pasig, Br. 151, for
contracting marriage with Ma. Lourdes Unson on 15 February
1975 while his prior marriage to Virginia C. Nievera remained valid
and subsisting. Petitioner moved to quash the information on the
ground that his criminal liability for bigamy has been extinguished
by prescription.

In the order of 1 October 1992, respondent judge denied the

motion to quash. On 27 October 1992, he likewise denied the
motion to reconsider his order of denial.

Petitioner challenged the above orders before the Court of Appeals

through a petition for certiorari and prohibition. In the assailed
decision of
21 January 1993, his petition was dismissed for lack of merit. 6

In this recourse, petitioner contends that his criminal liability for

bigamy has been obliterated by prescription. He avers that since
the second marriage contract was duly registered with the Office
of the Civil Registrar in 1975, 7such fact of registration makes it a
matter of public record and thus constitutes notice to the whole
world. The offended party therefore is considered to have had
constructive notice of the subsequent marriage as of 1975; hence,
prescription commenced to run on the day the marriage contract
was registered. For this reason, the corresponding information for
bigamy should have been filed on or before 1990 and not only in

Issue: WON there is an actual concealment of the bigamous


Held: The prosecution maintains that the prescriptive period does

not begin from the commission of the crime but from the time of
discovery by complainant which was in July 1991.

While we concede the point that the rule on constructive notice in

civil cases may be applied in criminal actions if the factual and legal
circumstances so warrant, 8 we agree with the view expounded by
the Court of Appeals that it cannot apply in the crime of bigamy
notwithstanding the possibility of its being more favorable to the

Finally, petitioner would want us to believe that there was no

concealment at all because his marriage contract with Ms. Unson
was recorded in the Civil Registry which is open to all and sundry
for inspection. We cannot go along with his argument because why
did he indicate in the marriage contract that he was "single" thus
obviously hiding his true status as a married man? Or for that
matter, why did he not simply tell his first wife about the
subsequent marriage in Marikina so that everything would be out
in the open. The answer is obvious: He knew that no priest or
minister would knowingly perform or authorize a bigamous
marriage as this would subject him to punishment under the
Marriage Law. 10 Obviously, petitioner had no intention of
revealing his duplicity to his first spouse and gambled instead on
the probability that she or any third party would ever go to the local
civil registrar to inquire. In the meantime, through the simple
expedience of having the second marriage recorded in the local
civil registry, he has set into motion the running of the fifteen-year
prescriptive period against the unwary and the unsuspecting victim
of his philandering.
18 Francisco vs CA, 122 SCRA 538


Petitioner Pablo C. Francisco, upon humiliating his employees, was

accused of multiple grave oral defamation in five (5) separate
Informations instituted by five of his employees, each Information
charging him with gravely maligning them on four different days,
i.e., from 9 to 12 April 1980.

On 2 January 1990, after nearly ten (10) years, the Metropolitan

Trial Court of Makati, Br. 61, found petitioner Pablo C. Francisco,
guilty of grave oral defamation, in four (4) of the five (5) cases filed
against him, and sentenced him to a prison term of one (1) year
and one (l) day to one (1) year and eight (8) months of prision
correccional "in each crime committed on each date of each case,
as alleged in the information(s)," ordered him to indemnify each of
the offended parties, Victoria Gatchalian, Rowena Ruiz, Linda
Marie Ayala Pigar and Marie Solis, P10,000.00 as exemplary
damages, and P5,000.00 for attorney's fees, plus costs of suit.
However, he was acquitted in for persistent failure of the offended
party, Edgar Colindres, to appear and testify.


(a) Whether petitioner is still qualified to avail of probation even

after appealing his conviction to the RTC which affirmed the
MeTC except with regard to the duration of the penalties imposed.


Fixing the cut-off point at a maximum term of six (6) years

imprisonment for probation is based on the assumption that those
sentenced to higher penalties pose too great a risk to society, not
just because of their demonstrated capability for serious wrong
doing but because of the gravity and serious consequences of the
offense they might further commit.

The Probation Law, as amended, disqualifies only those who have

been convicted of grave felonies as defined in Art. 9 in relation to
Art. 25 of the Revised Penal Code, and not necessarily those who
have been convicted of multiple offenses in a single proceeding
who are deemed to be less perverse.

Hence, the basis of the disqualification of the petitioner is

principally on the gravity of the offense committed and the
concomitant degree of penalty imposed. Those sentenced to a
maximum term not exceeding six (6) years are not generally
considered callous, hard core criminals, and thus may avail of

The Court hereby finds the accused Pablo C. Francisco GUILTY

beyond reasonable doubt in each of the above entitled cases and
appreciating in his favor the mitigating circumstance which is
analogous to passion or obfuscation, the Court hereby sentences
the said accused in each case to a straight penalty of eight months
imprisonment, with the accessory penalties prescribed by law; and
to pay the costs.

The argument that petitioner had to await the remand of the case
to the MeTC, which necessarily must be after the decision of the
RTC had become final, for him to file the application for probation
with the trial court, is to stretch the law beyond comprehension.
The law, simply, does not allow probation after an appeal has been

Accordingly, considering that prevailing jurisprudence treats

appeal and probation as mutually exclusive remedies, and
petitioner appealed from his conviction by the MeTC although the
imposed penalties were already probationable, and in his appeal, he
asserted only his innocence and did not even raise the issue of the
propriety of the penalties imposed on him, and finally, he filed an
application for probation outside the period for perfecting an
appeal granting he was otherwise eligible for probation, the instant
petition for review should be as it is hereby DENIED.

19 Calderon-Bargas vs RTC Pasig Metro Manila, 227 SCRA 56

On April 10, 1987, Bennett Ll. Thelmo filed an affidavit-
complainant with the office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Rizal
for libel against Raul, Locsin - editor and publisher of the
newspaper, Business Day; Leticia Locsin and Salvador Lacson –
managing editor and columnist for defamatory statements against
the petitioner – Thelmo in an article in the newspaper entitled
“Insurance Monopoly” where it stated there the the respondent
was a grafter and a bribe-giver.
8 February 1988, the Prosecutor issued a resolution
recommending the filing of three (3) separate criminal cases for
libel against the three private respondents.
18 October 1988, respondent Salvador Lacson filed a motion to
quash on the ground of prescription.
The prosecutor assigned to prosecute the case, after given
15 days to file and opposition and after few extensions given, for
the comment on the motion to quash, failed to file therewith due
to the reason that he was not furnished a copy of the said motion.
Also, on the prosecutor’s failure to prosecute for over two (2)
years, and the cases have been pending for four (4) years, only
delayed the case. The delay in the investigation violated the rights
of the accused for the constitutional right to due process and
speedy disposition of their cases.


The main issue for resolution in this petition is whether

respondent judge committed grave abuse of discretion when he
ordered the quashal of three (3) separate informations for libel
against respondents on the grounds of prescription and their right
to speedy trial.
Statements to wit:

All told, we hold that the dismissal of the criminal cases at

bench is proper on the ground of the prosecution's failure to
prosecute the cases which, as a consequence, denied the private
respondents their right to a speedy trial.

ACCORDINGLY, the assailed orders of respondent court,

dated 30 August 1991 and 16 December 1991, rendered in
Criminal Case Nos. 73490-92 are SET ASIDE. But the respondent
court is ordered to DISMISS said criminal cases against private
respondents with prejudice.

20 People vs Bayotas, 236 SCRA 239

Keyword: Rape; SC dismissed the criminal aspect

Issue: Does death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction

extinguish his civil liability.

Decision: Yes. The case of People v. Castillo, this issue was settled
in the affirmative. With reference to Castillo's criminal liability,
there is no question. The law is plain. Statutory construction is
unnecessary. Said liability is extinguished. The civil liability,
however, poses a problem. Such liability is extinguished only when
the death of the offender occurs before final judgment. It should
be stressed that the extinction of civil liability follows the extinction
of the criminal liability under Article 89, only when the civil liability
arises from the criminal act as its only basis. Stated differently,
where the civil liability does not exist independently of the criminal
responsibility, the extinction of the latter by death, ipso facto
extinguishes the former, provided, of course, that death supervenes
before final judgment. The said principle does not apply in instant
case wherein the civil liability springs neither solely nor originally
from the crime itself but from a civil contract of purchase and sale.
1. Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction
extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil liability based
solely thereon.
2. Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives notwithstanding
the death of accused, if the same may also be predicated on a
source of obligation other than delict.
3. Where the civil liability survives, as explained in Number 2
above, an action for recovery therefore may be pursued but only
by way of filing a separate civil action and subject to Section 1, Rule
111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as amended. This
separate civil action may be enforced either against the
executor/administrator or the estate of the accused, depending on
the source of obligation upon which the same is based as explained
4. Finally, the private offended party need not fear a forfeiture of
his right to file this separate civil action by prescription, in cases
where -during the prosecution of the criminal action and prior to
its extinction, the private offended party instituted together
therewith the civil action. In such case, the statute of limitations on
the civil liability is deemed interrupted during the pendency of the
criminal case, conformably with provisions of the Civil Code, that
should thereby avoid any apprehension on a possible privation of
right by prescription
De Leon vs Director of Prison, 31 Phil 60
G.R. No. L-10038, March 31, 1915

1. That some time prior to the 11th day of January, 1904, the said
Marcelo de Leon and others were charged with the crime of illegal
detention, were arrested, tried, found guilty of said crime, and
sentenced to life imprisonment by the trial court;
2. From the sentence of the lower court Marcelo de Leon, together
with the others, appealed to this court where, after a consideration
of the cause, the sentence of the lower court was modified and he
(Marcelo de Leon) was sentenced to be imprisoned for a period of
eighteen years of reclusion temporal, with the legal accessory
penalties, and to pay the costs;
3. On the 19th day of November, 1909, the Honorable W.
Cameron Forbes, Acting Governor-General, extended to the
defendant a conditional pardon
4. That the plaintiff, Marcelo de Leon, was transferred to the
Iwahig Penal Colony, but for some reason or other was later
transferred again to Bilibid;
5. That on the 17th day of November, 1913, the Honorable Francis
Burton Harrison, Governor-General, issued a conditional pardon
to the plaintiff, the condition being that he should not be guilty of
any crime or infraction of the law, the punishment for which
should be a year or more of imprisonment, during the rest of the
unexpired time of his sentence of imprisonment already imposed;
6. On the 15th day of June, 1914, by a letter from the Honorable
Ignacio Villamor, Executive Secretary, to the Director of Prisons,
it appears that the Governor-General, by reason of representations
made to him by the prison authorities, directed the cancellation of
the conditional pardon signed by him under date of November 17,
7. The said conditional pardon of His Excellency the Governor-
General of the 17th of November, 1913, had never been delivered
nor communicated to the plaintiff, neither had the same been
accepted by him

Issues: Whether or not the conditional pardon should be granted

to the convict if it is not yet been delivered or accepted by the

Held: Conditional pardon is certainly a contract between two

parties: the Chief Executive, who grants the pardon, and the
convict, who accepts it. It does not become perfected until the
convict is notified of the same and accepts it with all its conditions.

Pardon was neither delivered nor accepted before it was canceled

by the order of the Governor-General. The same being canceled
before delivery or acceptance, it was without force or effect and
the petition for the writ of habeas corpus based upon the same
must be denied.

For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the lower court is

hereby affirmed, with costs.

21 Barrioquintos et al vs Fernandez, 82 Phil 642

Petitioner Norberto Jimenez and Loreto Barrioquinto were
charged with the crime of murder. Barrioquinto had not yet been
arrested. The case proceeded against Jimenez and he was
sentenced to life imprisonment.

Before the period of perfecting an appeal had expired, Jimenez

availed of Proclamation No. 8. However, the Amnesty
Commission had their cases returned to the CFI-Zamboanga,
without deciding whether or not they are entitled to the benefit s
of the said Amnesty Proclamation, on the ground that neither
Barrioquinto alleged that it was Hipolito Tolentino who shot and
killed the victim, they cannot invoke the benefits of amnesty.
WON petitioners are precluded from availing the benefits of
Amnesty as they have not admitted to the commission of the

No. Respondents fail to differentiate between amnesty and

In order to entitle a person to the benefits of the Amnesty

Proclamation of 1946, it is not necessary that he should, as a
condition precedent or sine qua non, admit having committed the
criminal act or offense with which he is charged and allege the
amnesty as a defense; it is sufficient that the evidence either of the
complainant or the accused, shows that the offense committed
comes within the terms of said Amnesty Proclamation.
22 Occena vs Icamina, 181 SCRA 333

Facts: Eulogio Occena, herein petitioner, filed a criminal

complaint for Grave Oral Defamation against herein private
respondent Cristina Vegafria for allegedly openly, publicly and
maliciously uttering the following insulting words and statements:
"Gago ikaw nga Barangay Captain, montisco, traidor, malugus,
Hudas," which, freely translated, mean: "You are a foolish
Barangay Captain, ignoramus, traitor, tyrant, Judas" and other
words and statements of similar import which caused great and
irreparable damage and injury to his person and honor.
Private respondent as accused therein entered a plea of not guilty.
Trial thereafter ensued, at which petitioner, without reserving his
right to file a separate civil action for damages actively intervened
thru a private prosecutor.
After trial, private respondent was convicted of the offense of
Slight Oral Defamation and was sentenced to pay a fine of Fifty
Pesos (P50.00) with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency
and to pay the costs. No damages were awarded to petitioner in
view of the trial court's opinion that "the facts and circumstances
of the case as adduced by the evidence do not warrant the awarding
of moral damages."
Disagreeing, petitioner sought relief from the Regional Trial Court.
(1) Whether or not the decision of the Municipal Trial Court
constitutes the final adjudication on the merits of private
respondent's civil liability;
(2) Whether or not petitioner is entitled to an award of damages
arising from the remarks uttered by private respondent and found
by the trial court to be defamatory.
We find merit in the petition.
(1) The decision of the Municipal Trial Court as affirmed by the
Regional Trial Court cannot be considered as a final adjudication
on the civil liability of private respondent simply because said
decision has not yet become final due to the timely appeal filed by
petitioner with respect to the civil liability of the accused in said
case. It was only the unappealed criminal aspect of the case which
has become final.
(2) Civil obligations arising from criminal offenses are governed by
Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code which provides that
"(E)very person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable,"
in relation to Article 2177 of the Civil Code on quasi-delict, the
provisions for independent civil actions in the Chapter on Human
Relations and the provisions regulating damages, also found in the
Civil Code.
In the case at bar, private respondent was found guilty of slight oral
defamation and sentenced to a fine of P50.00 with subsidiary
imprisonment in case of insolvency, but no civil liability arising
from the felonious act of the accused was adjudged. This is
erroneous. As a general rule, a person who is found to be criminally
liable offends two (2) entities: the state or society in which he lives
and the individual member of the society or private person who
was injured or damaged by the punishable act or omission. The
offense of which private respondent was found guilty is not one of
those felonies where no civil liability results because either there is
no offended party or no damage was caused to a private person.
There is here an offended party,hence, we rule that for the injury
to his feelings and reputation, being a barangay captain, petitioner
is entitled to moral damages in the sum of P5,000.00 and a further
sum of P5,000.00 as exemplary damages.
23 People vs Miranda, 5 SCRA 1067


Mamerto Miranda was charged before the court of first instance of

Quezon City with the crime of estafa thru falsification of
commercial documents. The court finds that the evidence
presented by the prosecution failed to prove guilt of the accused
beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution has also failed to show
that the accused had taken advantage of his position and abused
the confidence reposed on him by the complainant. The court
acquits the accused Mamerto Miranda of estafa, however, the court
finds Miranda civilly liable and orders the accused to pay for the
said amount.

WON the accused is liable to pay for civil indemnity arising from
a criminal liability.


When an accused, who has been charged with estafa, has been
acquitted on the ground that his liability is civil in nature, no civil
liability arising from the criminal charges may be imposed on him.
In view of the foregoing, the portion of the decision appealed
from, which orders the accused to pay P2,000.00 to the
complainant is set aside, reserving the offended party the right to
institute the corresponding civil action for the recovery of the said


The case is an automatic review for the consolidated decision of 24 June

1999 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 13, Ligao, Albay, in Criminal
Cases Nos. 3680-3687, finding appellant Nelson Esperanza guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of eight counts of rape committed against his 12-year-old
niece Irma P. Esperanza and sentencing him in each count to suffer the
penalty of death and to pay the amount of P50,000 for the civil aspect of the
On June 16, 1997, at about 4:00 oclock in the morning, at Brgy. Balinad,
Municipality of Polangui, Province of Albay, Philippines, Nelson Esperanza
thru force and intimidation, and with lewd design, did then and there
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously had sexual intercourse with his niece,
IRMA P. ESPERANZA, who is of tender age, she being only 13-years old,
against her will and consent, to her damage and prejudice

Nelson argues that Irma's testimony should not be given weight for being
obviously rehearsed, as shown by her identical answers as to the time, place,
and manner the rapes were committed. He also asserts that Irma's testimony
bore several inconsistencies





Time and again we have held that the factual findings of the trial court,
especially on the credibility of witnesses, are accorded great weight and
respect and will not be disturbed on appeal.28

The fact that the series of rape had been committed in almost the same manner
and the same time is nothing extraordinary and does not necessarily render
the testimony of Irma incredible.[37 In rape cases, the lone testimony of the
offended party, if free from serious and material contradictions, is sufficient
to sustain a verdict of conviction. In the cases at bar, considering the age of
the victim, it is unlikely that her narration is merely the product of a scheming
and malicious mind. No woman would openly admit that she was raped and
consequently subject herself to an examination of her private parts, undergo
the trauma and humiliation of a public trial, and embarrass herself with the
need to narrate in detail how she was raped, if she was not raped at all.

FACTS: Antonio Madlangbayan y Bonet was convicted of the crime of

robbery with homicide and there being proved the aggravating circumstance
of abuse of superior strength without any mitigating circumstance to offset
the same, the Lower Court sentences him to DEATH
On appeal, the accused who admitted to being a member of the Bahala Na
Gang, now maintains that his extrajudicial confession was coerced from him.
He claims that when he refused to affix his thumbmark to Exhibit E, he was
boxed by Patrolman Cuevas and his companions.
Whether the extrajudicial confession is sufficient to sustain the conviction.
The Rules of Court provide that "An extrajudicial confession made by an
accused shall not be sufficient ground for conviction, unless corroborated by
evidence of corpus delicti.

In this case, from the evidence of the prosecution, apart from the extrajudicial
confession of the appellant, the fact of the commission of the crime of robbery
with homicide, is well and sufficiently established. Said fact, which is the
corpus delicti of the offense charged has been proved by the uncontradicted
testimonies of Elywelyn Fallarme and the police officers assigned to this case,
as well as by the testimony of Dr. Abelardo Lucero, the police medical
examiner, as to the death of Enrique Fallarme, together with the documentary
evidence of the necropsy report stating the post- mortem findings, including
the cause of death.

Finally, it is manifest that the accused together with his co-assailants who
unfortunately have not been apprehended, took advantage of their superior
strength, when the four of them, two of whom were armed with bladed
weapons surrounded and stabbed the unarmed, helpless and unsuspecting
victim. The aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength was
correctly appreciated by the trial court.

WHEREFORE, finding the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the

crime of robbery the homicide, the judgment under review is hereby affirmed
in its entirety.


The accused-appellant, Vicente R. Miñano, was charged with the

crime of rape in Criminal Case No. 1673 before the Regional Trial
Court, Branch 81, Fourth Judicial Region, Romblon, Romblon.

Upon arraignment, the accused-appellant entered the plea of not

guilty. Thereafter, trial on the merits ensued. On January 21, 1991,
the trial court render its decided that the accused VICENTE R.
MIÑANO GUILTY is beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Rape.

In this appeal, the accused-appellant assails his conviction by the trial

court. It allegedly failed to take into account the following: 1) several
inconsistencies in the testimony of the victim; 2) delay in filing the
complaint; 3) admission of the victim that she was menstruating when
the rape incident happened; and 4) affidavit of waiver and desistance
which was executed by the victim.




Although this Court ordinarily relies on the factual findings of the trial
court, recognizing its superior competence to assess the credibility of
the witnesses through direct observation of their deportment on the
stand, We decline to apply this policy in the case before Us. 14 It is
not enough that the victim expressed her emotions to the fullest while
testifying, the totality of the evidence should be considered before
reaching the conclusion that, indeed, her testimony is credible and
positive. A meticulous examination of the records and analysis of the
arguments of the parties enabled Us to unearth the truth behind the
victim's serious charge of rape against the accused-appellant. The
prosecution has not sufficiently established his guilt to the point of
overcoming the constitutional presumption of innocence that he

The accused-appellant sets up the main defenses that at the time of

the rape incident, their entire family was at home and the victim left
their house on March 11, 1988. Although these were adequately
corroborated by his wife, not much credence should be given to her
testimony. It is undeniably tainted with bias since it springs from the
natural desire of a wife to bail out her husband from criminal liability
even to the extent of lying . 42 We thus find his defenses weak.
However, it is an enduring rule that the prosecution must rely on the
strength of its evidence rather than on the weakness of that of the
defense. 43 This Court has no option but to declare that the
prosecution has failed to meet the exacting test of moral certainty and
proof of guilt of the accused-appellant beyond reasonable doubt. It is
imperative that We reverse the trial court's guilty verdict.

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby REVERSED.

The accused-appellant is ACQUITTED of the crime of rape.


This is an appeal from the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 156,
Pasig, Metro Manila in Criminal Case No. 146B-D, finding appellant guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of violating Section 15, Article III of Republic Act No. 6425,
otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972.
Appellant claims that there exists a major discrepancy in the testimonies of the
prosecution witnesses with regard to the place where appellant was arrested.

ISSUE: WON the lower court erred in rendering its decision

Although there is an inconsistency in the testimonies with respect to the exact

address of appellant, one witness saying that it was at No. 104 Roces while the
other saying that it was at No. 105 Roces, such discrepancy is of minor
importance and does not detract from the credibility of the prosecution witnesses.

The trial court sentenced appellant to suffer "the penalty of life imprisonment with
all its accessory penalties and to pay a fine of Twenty Thousand Pesos
(P20,000.00) and to pay the costs" pursuant to Section 4, Article II of the
Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 as amended by B.P. Blg. 179. The said law,
however, was further amended by R.A. No. 7659.
Under Section 17 of R.A. No. 7659, the penalty imposed for the selling,
dispensing, delivering, transporting or distributing of shabu of less than 200
grams is prision correccional to reclusion perpetua.

Under Article 22 of the Revised Penal Code, which has suppletory application to
special laws, penal laws shall be given retroactive effect insofar as they favor the
accused. Appellant is entitled to benefit from the reduction of the penalty
introduced by R.A. No. 7659.


SCRA 327
Spouses Severo and Trinidad Malvar filed a complaint in the MTCC for forcible entry
against Teresita Bongato, alleging that Bongato unlawfully entered a parcel of land
belonging to the spouses and erected thereon a house of light materials.

MTCC decided in favor of Malvar and ordered Bongato to vacate the land. RTC affirmed
the decision. CA also held that MTCC had jurisdiction. On appeal, Bongato raised the
issue of MTCC jurisdiction; that the complaint was filed beyond the one-year prescriptive

Wherther or not the MTCC had jurisdiction since the Complaint was filed beyond the
one-year period from date of alleged entry?

No, MTCC had no jurisdiction. It is wise to be reminded that forcible entry is a quieting
process, and that the restrictive time bar is prescribed to complement the summary nature
of such process. Indeed, the one-year period within which to bring an action for forcible
entry is generally counted from the date of actual entry to the land. However, when entry
is made through stealth, then the one-year period is counted from the time the plaintiff
learned about it. After the lapse of the one-year period, the party dispossessed of the
parcel of land may file either accion publiciana; or an accion reivindicatoria, which is an
action to recover ownership as well as possession.

One the basis of the facts, it is clear that the cause of action for forcible entry filed by
respondents had already prescribed when they filed the complaint on July 10, 1992 (the
house was built as early as 1987), thus the MTCC had no more jurisdiction to hear and
decide the case

108 SCRA 335

Faustino Ignacio filed an application to register a parcel of land (mangrove) which he alleged
he acquired by right of accretion since it adjoins a parcel of land owned by the Ignacio. His
application is opposed by the Director of Lands, Laureano Valeriano, contending that said
land forms part of the public domain. The Trial Court dismissed the application holding that
said land formed part of the public domain. Thus the case at bar.

Whether or not the land forms part of the public domain


1. The law on accretion cited by Ignacio in inapplicable in the present case because it refers
to accretion or deposits on the banks of rivers while this refers to action in the Manila Bay,
which is held to be part of the sea
2. Although it is provided for by the Law of Waters that lands added to shores by accretions
caused by actions of the sea form part of the pubic domain when they are no longer
necessary for purposes of public utility, only the executive and the legislative departments
have the authority and the power to make the declaration that any said land is no longer
necessary for public use. Until such declaration is made by said departments, the lot in
question forms part of the public domain, not available for private appropriation or ownership


In carrying out the charade, the manager went to the extent of delivering a
speech and personally encouraging people to deposit or invest in the
foundation. Alfonso Lacao, a complainant and prosecution witness, testified:

"Q: Have you heard of this so called Panata Foundation?

Yes, ma’am I heard it from my friends who are talking about this
Panata Foundation they even informed me that the manager of this
Panata Foundation is calling for a meeting for all depositors and
prospective depositors on Saturday afternoon.
With that information did you get interested in the proposed meeting
being called by this Panata Foundation?
I was curious and came Saturday I went to the office of the Panata
Foundation to attend the meeting.
Q: And at that time where was this office located?
A: At Diaz Apartment, Manalo Extension, Puerto Princesa City.
Q: Did you attend that meeting?
A: Yes ma’am.
Q: Whom did you see sponsoring that meeting on that particular day?
Upon arrival I saw a woman delivering her message to the depositors
and to the prospective depositors. I asked a friend of me (sic) who is
that woman and he informed me that she is the manager of the
Panata Foundation Priscilla Balasa.
Q: What was Priscilla Balasa doing if any in that particular meeting?
In her message she was convincing all the people there to make their
deposit to the Panata Foundation because according to her they were
sent here to help the people of Puerto Princesa City and the people of
Aside from that what did Priscilla Balasa tell those people who
attended the meeting?
She was assuring the people that they must not be afraid to deposit
their money because they will not be fooling around with them.
And did Priscilla Balasa tell those persons attending the meeting what
Q: would happen with the money they will deposit with the Panata
She was telling the people that you could deposit the money and it
A: will be doubled within 21 days. I was further informed that the
maximum amount to be deposited is P5,000.00.
You stated a while ago that the amount deposited will be doubled
after 21 days?
A: Yes ma’am.
Aside from that what else if any did Priscilla Balasa tell the public
who attended that meeting?
She was telling the public to make ease with their deposit because
A: they were sent here to help the people of Puerto Princesa City and
Q: Did she tell the public as to where the money would be coming from?
A: Right that moment she was not able to tell the public."[23]
On cross-examination, Mr. Lacao testified:
But did it not occur to your mind considering your past experience to
investigate or cause the investigation of this Panata Foundation
"Q: considering your connection as to whether they are in a position to
make double your money investment specially so they are not
engage (sic) in business, so to speak?
Once I overheard the manager say when she was there telling the
A: people around the depositors that their money is being invested in a
world bank."[24]
Priscilla Balasa, thus, promised the credulous public quick financial gains on
their investments. The foundation even printed brochures proclaiming the
merits of the foundation’s investment scheme.[25] Likewise, to bolster the
illusion that indeed, the foundation was legitimate, the claim was made that
deposits would be invested abroad in a world bank, with said transactions
allegedly enabling the foundation to double or treble depositors’ investments.
The evidence, however, proves the contrary. Sylvia Magnaye, one of the
tellers, testified:

Other than to issue slots, do you know what other phase of operation
"Q: in running the Panata Foundation during the time that you were
A: No sir, I can only observe that issuing of slots.
Madam Witness, aside from issuing slots, there is only the activity of
the foundation that you are well aware of?
A: Sometimes they also sent me to deposit.
Q: The deposit of the amount collected in the bank, is that correct?
A: I do not know but they just send me to deposit amounts.
But you do not know in what other business activity other than the
Q: matter of collecting money and issuance of slots you do not know if
the Panata Foundation is involved in any business activity?
A: Yes, sir.
You do not know whether the foundation receives money regularly
from any other source?
A: I do not know sir."[26]
On cross-examination, she testified:
You mentioned Madam Witness, that on several occasions you were
"Q: asked to deposit certain amounts in the bank, do you remember
having told the Court that?
A: Right, sir.
Do you remember how many banks these deposited amounts were if
you remember?
A: I deposited at PNB, PCIBank, and DBP and Rural Bank of Coron.
Do you remember in whose names you deposited these amounts you
In the name of the joint account of Priscilla Balasa and Norma


Q: And after your son was slumped, what did you do?
A: I went to my son and carried him to take him to the hospital.
Q: How many shots did you hear?
A: Five shots.
Q: That was prior to helping your son?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: And how many times was your son hit?

Objection, your honor. It was already answered. Because according to
her it was five shots.

I don’t get it: the defense objects because it was “already answered.”
In the same breath, however, he provides the answer: 5 shots. Why
object at all?

It does not follow that the victim was hit. So, the witness may answer.
Twice, Two shots hit my son, two shots on the sofa and one shot on
the cement.
How about the other one?
A: Doon po sa semento.

Again, the diagram could have proved useful here by pointing to where
the bullets hit. It wouldn’t also have hurt if more details are elicited so
that the testimony is mined the more: Q: Can you describe the gun as
you saw it? Please demonstrate the position of the gun and your son
when you heard the shots (then make of record how the witness
demonstrated the scene).


Q: And who fired these shots?
A: Noel Lee.
Q: That Noel Lee that you are referring to, will you please point at him if
he is around?
A: (Witness going down the witness stand and pointing to accused Noel
Q: How do you know that it was Noel Lee who shot your son?

As earlier noted, we think that there could have been more impact if
the identification was made earlier.

Since Noel Lee was already identified here, the examiner could have
used either the name or the label “the accused” when referring to Lee.

A: Kitang kita ko po. Magkatapat po kami.

Q: Will you please describe to us?
A: Maliwanag po kasi ang ilaw. Maliwanag din po sa labas, may nananahi
doon. Nandoon po kaming dalawa ng anak ko nanonood ng television.
(Witness sobbing in tears). Napakasakit sa akin. Hindi ko man lang
naipagtanggol and anak ko.

The testimony can be mined more by asking about what the witness
was thinking when she saw Noel Lee’s gun pointed at her son, when
the son was shot, when she saw him slumped on the sofa. Because it
involves state of mind, not to mention her emotions at the time, the
testimony would add more action and drama, making the testimony
more memorable to the judge.

She was emotionally upset.
I’ll just make it on record that the witness was emotionally upset. May
I ask if she can still testify?
xxx xxx xxx
Masakit lang po sa loob ko ang pagkawala ng anak ko.
Q: You saw that the light was bright. Where were those lights coming
A: Maliwanag po sa loob ng bahay namin dahil may fluorescent na bilog.
Saka sa labas may nananahi po doon sa alley katapat ng bahay namin.
At saka po doon sa kabila, tindahan po tapat po namin, kaya
maliwanag ang ilaw.
Q: After trying to help your son, what happened?
A: I was able to hold on to my son up to the door. Upon reaching the
door, I asked the help of my kumpare.
Q: Meanwhile, what did the accused do after shooting five times?
A: He ran to the alley to go home.
Q: Now you said he ran to an alley towards the direction of their house.
Do you know where his house is located?
A: Yes, sir. 142 M. de Castro Street, Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City.
Q: How far is that from your residence?
A: More or less 150 to 200 meters.
Q: Where did you finally bring your son?
Q: When you say MCU, are you referring to MCU Hospital?
A: Yes, sir. MCU Hospital. At MCU, life-saving devices were attached to
my son. Later, after reaching 11:00, he died.
11:00 P.M.?
A: Yes, ma’am.
Q: Same day?

A: Yes, ma’am.

xxx xxx x x x.”

Not to be callous but there could have been added persuasive impact if
the examiner also brought out the emotions in the testimony. This
could be the perfect ending for the testimony, and they could be
justified because they are the basis for moral damages. “Q: What were
you thinking while your son was being revived in the hospital? Q: How
did you feel when you received the news that your son is already
dead? Q: What were you feeling during her son’s wake? Q: During the
burial? Q: How do you feel about Noel Lee, your son’s killer, as you
now sit on that stand?”

As can be seen, it's always a good idea to get hold of the transcript of
our examination (particularly on cross-exams!), evaluate what we've
done wrong and see what can be done about it next time. Or, if we
think we did right, what else can be done to make it better. The key is
always to look for ways to learn and improve - and then learn and
improve at our next trial date.

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