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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Copyright 2014

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am
not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in
this guide is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current
research that is available. The advice and tips given in this guide are meant for healthy adults
only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given in this guide are
appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing
conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information
provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not
accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the
use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any
form, without the written permission and signature of the author.

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Introduction From Dennis...

The pushup... One of the best exercises known to man. There is a reason that Army's from
around the world test in this category for fitness.

Whether you like the pushup or hate the pushup, it's something you should be doing on a
weekly basis. With the dozens of variations, superior strength building properties, and it's
ability to give you one of the greatest “muscle pumps” of all time... It's something we cannot

Improving pushups is one of the most popular fitness goals around, and that's why I am so
excited this manual is in your hands.

In this manual, you will learn the exact techniques that you can use to start improving your
pushups within the next 10-days. And from there, you will just continue to get better!

Let's get started,

Dennis Heenan, MCTT

Master Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. Don't forget my other sites... Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts,

free content, and more. - #1 Ab training System designed for

immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need
equipment! - The best progressive system on the market

taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks. – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat
utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints! – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without
counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

Join us on Facebook at

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide


Tips Before Starting.................................................................................Page 5

NOTES Before Starting.............................................................................Page 6

Pushup Domination Program....................................................................Page 7

Pushup Domination Tracking Table...........................................................Page 12

Closing Words.........................................................................................Page 13

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Tips Before Starting

1. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise, be sure to get instruction from a certified

2. If something hurts or feels off, don’t do that exercise. There are plenty of alternates
that you can add in. Please feel free to email dennis (at) fatburningnation (dot) com
for ideas or see the Exercise Library manual for alternative exercises.

3. Because this is a new program, be sure to start slow to avoid injury. Pushing too hard
after not working out for a while will only lead to injury or being overly sore.

4. If you find you need more rest in between exercises, take it. Over the course of the
program, you should work on shortening your rest periods.

5. This program is demanding so if going three days per week is too much, start by going
2 days a week with your others days being “active rest” days (walking, hiking, etc.).

6. Always warm up properly. Be sure you are fully warmed up before starting your

7. Use a foam roll and stretch consistently. This will greatly help with eliminating soreness
throughout the program.

8. Get good rest. You must allow your body to recover from your workouts so be sure you
are getting good sleep.

9. Drink lots of water. This will keep you hydrated and allow you to lose fat more easily.

10. Have a cool down period at the end of each workout that includes stretching and foam

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

NOTES Before Starting

First, you should use this program to go along with your current workout plan.

You do not need to drop everything and only do this workout guide in order to improve your
pushups. In fact, I recommend ADDING this on to your current routine. Simply add it in the
morning or immediately after your current workouts.

Second, if you are really struggling with your pushups, you should really emphasize getting
stronger during this time with weighted exercises. Some examples would be bench press
(dumbbell and barbell or both), shoulder press, tricep work like dips and extensions, etc.

The stronger your chest, shoulders, and triceps are... The easier pushups become.

Finally, if you are a beginner who cannot do more than 3 pushups in a row, I recommend
starting the program on your knees for the first week. From there, you should test weekly to
see how many normal pushups you can get in a row.

Once you are able to do 5 or more regular pushups in a row, then follow the plan exactly as it
says below.

If you can do MORE than 50 pushups in a row right now... Do NOT go over 250-300
pushups in a workout no matter what the calculations say below (see next page)

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Pushup Domination

At first glance, this program will seem simple, yet it will work wonders when followed. Laid
out for you below are the exact rules you should follow over the next six-weeks in order to
start working your way to doing 50, 60, 75, or even 100 straight pushups.

Day One: Test Day

Your very first step is to get down into a pushup position, on your hands and feet with your
back straight and core tight, and perform as many perfect form pushups as possible.

Really push yourself on this initial test. It won't do you any good if you stop early before
reaching failure. Go until you cannot physically do anymore pushups (safely that is and
with PERFECT form!)

IMPORTANT: Your pushups should not be super fast. Go at a good, fluid pace. One
second down, one second up is best.

Once you have complete as many pushups as possible, write down the number you got in
your training journal or in the chart provided on page 12. Seriously, write it down.

After you have your number written down, I want you to multiply it by 5. For example, let's
say you did 25 straight pushups, your number would be 125.

25 straight pushups X 5 = 125

125 is the number of reps that you will be completing on push-ups each day as outlined

(For example purposes, we are going to use 125 reps as our number throughout the rest of
the days on the program. This number will be different for everyone though.)

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Pushup Domination

NOTE: If your pushup total is over 50 repetitions, your pushups will consist of doing 250-300
reps MAX. For example, even if your max reps is 70 pushups on your test day, you will NOT
be doing 350 reps for your workout. Instead you will do 250-300 in as little sets as

NOTE: If you are sore from the test day, I recommend taking a day or two to recover before
starting day 2.

Day 2: Max Rep Day

On Day 2 you have one goal: Complete all 125 pushups (or whatever YOUR number is from
above) in as little sets as possible. This means you should be pushing each set to get as
many pushups as you can.

Be sure to write down how many reps you get in each set. For example, let's say it took you
7 sets to get the full 125 reps. Your notebook or the chart on page 12 would look like this:

Set 1: 23
Set 2: 37
Set 3: 57
Set 4: 74
Set 5: 88
Set 6: 106
Set 7: 125

It's important to track because then you can go back and see how you progressed in each

Day 3: Sporadic Push

On Day 3, you will be completing YOUR number of pushups (so 125 for our example),
however this time you will break it up throughout the day. For example, you can do a few
sets in the morning, some at lunch, and the rest in the evening.

Do NOT train to failure on these days. Simply get in all your pushups. This is more of a
relaxed pushup day so do not push to failure like you do on your Max Rep days.

For example, you could do 5 sets of 12 reps (50% of whatever your max reps is) in the
morning then 5 sets of 10 reps in the evening then one set of 15 reps before bed. However
you want to do it is fine.

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Pushup Domination

Day 4: Rest Day

Day 4 is a recovery day. If possible, do no upper body exercises on this day that incorporate
the chest, shoulder, or triceps.

Day 5: Max Rep Day

Complete all reps in as little sets as possible, in one focused pushup session. Remember, you
are pushing to failure on your sets. Track your scores in your notebook.

Day 6: Max Rep Day

Complete all reps in as little sets as possible, in one focused pushup session. Remember, you
are pushing to failure on your sets. Track your scores in your notebook.

Day 7: Sporadic Push

On Day 7, you will be completing YOUR number of pushups, however this time you will break
it up throughout the day. For example, you can do a few sets in the morning, some at lunch,
and the rest in the evening.

Do NOT train to failure on these days. Simply get in all your pushups.

Day 8: Rest Day

Day 8 is another recovery day. If possible, do no upper body exercises on this day that
incorporate the chest, shoulder, or triceps.

Day 9: Max Rep Day

Complete all reps in as little sets as possible, in one focused pushup session. Remember, you
are pushing to failure on your sets.

Day 10: Sporadic Push

On Day 10, you will be completing YOUR number of pushups, however this time you will
break it up throughout the day. For example, you can do a few sets in the morning, some at
lunch, and the rest in the evening.

Do NOT train to failure on these days. Simply get in all your pushups.

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Pushup Domination

Day 11: Max Rep Day

Complete all reps in as little sets as possible, in one focused pushup session. Remember, you
are pushing to failure on your sets.

Day 12: Rest Day

Day 12 is another recovery day. If possible, do no upper body exercises on this day that
incorporate the chest, shoulder, or triceps.

Day 13: Rest Day

Day 13 is another recovery day. If possible, do no upper body exercises on this day that
incorporate the chest, shoulder, or triceps.

Day 14: RETEST

After 2-days of rest, your body will be well recovered to retest and see how many pushups
you can now get in a row. You should be able to do more than day one and also more
than your max number on day 11.

Because of these two days rest, your body will be primed to do more pushups.

Be sure to write down your new number for the amount of pushups you got on this day.
This is your NEW number moving forward. For example, if you were able to do 20 more
pushups than on day one, your number for round two would be:

Example Retest: 45 Pushups X 5 = 225 reps

225 would then be your number as you repeat the process.

After your retest day...

After you have retested and improved your pushup total, you are going to repeat exactly
what you just did with your NEW number.

So in our example, we would use 45 pushups since that is our new max.

After the retest, you have one of two options moving forward:

1. Start right away the very next day (which would be Day 2 above with your new

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide



2. Take 1-2 days rest and start back up.

You can repeat this pushup cycle up to 3 total times.

This means you can retest a TOTAL of 3 times. After your third retest, I recommend taking at
least 1 full week off of pushups. If you were to take 3 retests, you would have gone through
right around 42-days of this kind of pushup training routine (just about the 6-week mark)

In that time, you will be surprised how much your pushups will improve.

After your full week off, you can redo the plan again or simply start incorporating more
pushups into your current workout routine because by that point... You will be

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Pushup Domination Tracking Table

Day Day Type: Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8
SAMPLE MAX REP DAY: 23 37 57 74 88 106 125
My pushup goal is 125 (23 reps) (14 reps) (20 reps) (17 reps) (14 reps) (18 reps) (19 reps)

SAMPLE SPORADIC DAY: (Did I complete all 125 reps?)

My pushup goal is 125 Yes/NO: YES!
Day: Day Type: Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 6 Set 8
1 Test Day Total Number of Pushups: ____________
2 Max Reps
3 Sporadic Push Did I complete all my pushups? ___________
4 Rest Day
5 Max Reps
6 Max Reps
7 Sporadic Push Did I complete all my pushups? ___________
8 Rest Day
9 Max Reps
10 Sporadic Push Did I complete all my pushups? ___________
11 Max Reps
12 Rest
13 Rest
14 Retest Day NEW Pushup Total: _______________

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Pushup Domination: 14-Day Guide

Final Words...

This plan was one of the most fun plans to not only put together but to go through for myself
and coaching clients who tested it out.

It was amazing to see how much progress you can make in such a short period of time when
you have the right plan in front of you.

Plus, there is something about pushups and upping your total on a weekly basis that makes
you get that “feel good” feeling the inside. You just can't beat it.

All I can say is make sure you stay dedicated to the plan and amazing results will follow.

I am really looking forward to hearing from you soon with your new pushup records and
immense strength gains, all while transforming your body in the process.

Be sure to keep me posted!

Dennis Heenan, MCTT

Master Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. If you want to crush more goals just like this, go visit your members area and start on
another. If you are looking for more of a set workout guide, don't forget about my other
programs: - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as

little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment! - The best progressive system on the market

taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks. – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat
utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints! – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without
counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

Pushup DOMINATION: 14-Day Guide

By: Dennis Heenan, MCTT

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