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Congress Update


Buscad como abrir brecha!

Dear Family, today we devoted the whole day to the voting of documents. As foreseen in the calendar of the
Congress, we submitted four documents for approval: the Ratio formationis, the Regulation of Lay Consecrated
Missionaries, the Statute of the Verbum Dei Missionary Family and the Living Will.

As you can see, you will hardly find photos of us voting by raising our hands, because the voting was
computerized. Open to the signs of the times, we are modernizing and adopting Google forms. With this online
platform, data collection is greatly facilitated. In fact, at 7 o'clock in the evening we finished our work and thus started
the work of the computer logistics team. Thanks to the younger generations!

It has been a day of hard work, carried out with responsibility, and a spirit of representation, aware that we are
the spokespersons of the people with whom we have worked these documents in our respective countries. But it is not
all work! We give ourselves a long time of prayer each morning in light of the prayer guidelines, and we also spend
moments before the tabernacle throughout the day.
Today, James McTavish spoke to us in the homily. He is a Scottish missionary, who met Verbum Dei in Australia
and currently resides in the Philippines. His preaching pointed to us being sentries, evangelizers who are attentive to
the signs of the times, to face the challenge of the new ideological colonization (see for example Amoris laetitia, n. 56)
with the wisdom of faith and in fidelity to Jaime's prophetic texts that have been resonating in our hearts all day:
«Keep trying; take risks, do not be afraid, look how to open ways ». (Jaime Bonet, “So will be your descendants,”
Theme 76.8). United in this spirit!,

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