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PHARMACIST AGREEMENT JULY 1, 2017 — JUNE 30, 2021 between CVS / PHARMACY and UFCW LOCALS 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428 AND 1442 ARTICLE 1 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS on ARTICLE2- BARGAINING UNIT nse 4. UNION RECOGNITION. co 4B INCLUDED BARGalnunc Unit WORK 1 Cure Work. 2 Fate Work 3. Enplnee Difntions Pte Engle © EXCLUDED BARGAINING UN WORK. 1 Pharmocy Managers D. INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS. 1 AU Enploees. 2 New Employees ARTICLE 3-UNION AFFAIRS. nnn ‘A. REQUIRED UNION MEMBERSHIP. 1 Usion Shep 2 Seven Day Wc 2B. INFORUATION FOR UNION. 1 Mew(Tranfered Enmplvees 2. Sore Employee Lists: 2 _ Porat Daa store visrs. UNION BULLETIN BOARDS. E UMONPRINCIPLES. - 1 New Employes. 2 Union Princes Picker Les. F UMON BUSINESS. (G, EMPLOYEE ORIBNTATION. ARTICLE 4 DISCIPLINEVOLUNTARY QUITS senses 4. REGISTER SHORTAGESIRREGULARITIES. 1B. INVESTIGATIONINTERVIEW cnn © DISCIPLINE. ~ 1 Good Come 3. Discharge fr incompetence 5 egal Volts D.NONCEOF INTENT TO OUT. ARTICLES -TRANSFERSSENIORITY soon ‘A, EMPLOYER TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES. 2 Tron Travel ima. 2B. IVTERLUNION TRANSFER. 1 2 5. Vocation Rel D guauiricartons. ~ EE LAYOFRS/RBCALLSHOURS REDUCTIONS. 4 Feline Over Part Tne 2 Fal Time on Page | 3 Pain. a 4 Lao, anf and Recall. 8 5. Roller nines ane s ARTICLE 6 WORKDAYIWORKWEEKISCHEDULES vrovrinnnrnnnnniininnii 4. STORE HOURS. 8 1. WORKDAYWORKWEEK DERIVED. = 3 GUARANTEES... - . — ap) 1, Ful TimetSchaded By. = 2 2 ll TimePredesigoted Day OF. ° Paine ’ D. WORKWEER GUARANTEES. nee E NONAPPLICABILITY OF GUARANTEES. 5 F WORK SCHEDULE. = = 5 1 Read for Work ° 2 WorkSchedile ° 3. Rerationof Work io 4 Rest Periods. 10 5 Lunch Period ” 6 Sar Day n & Hollay Ran, ~ W 8 Holiday Schein a 10. Overime and Holiday Preference W 1 Inventory Work au ARTICLE? - WAGES. aaeeeeeeee sell 4 ALL EMPLOYEES. un 4 Maur PREMIUM. = n OVERTIME. ~ 2 1. Overtine or Now tomatve Worcs. 2 3. Nonppramiaing 2 D. PAY PERIOD AN WAGE STATENENT. er TIMERECORDS. a : ap 1 Daly Record 2 2 Collwionor Coercion. 2 F BONUSPAYMENTS. = 2 G. TRAVEL TIME. ——— B 1. INJURY ON THE JOB. - B 1. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS = = B 1h Required Appearance - — 1B 2 Requested Appecrance a 3. WorkRalaed Appearance 13 I srORBCOMPANY MEETINGS - - a 1 Sore Meetings. 2 2 Company Mestngs i 1K AUTOALLOWANICE 4 1. TRAINING SCHOOL FEES. w 1M. BOND FEES. == a 1M. REQUIRED HAL TH EXANAPEES. 7 (0. NOREDUCTION IV RATES. = = a 2. WAGEPRICE CONTROLS oem 6 @ Cua. ~ 4 ARTICLE S- VACATIONS ween 4 ENTITLEMENT. 4h One ear an To Years. rv Year iteon Years Tony Year. CContmacns Empiyment Define Pat. z "ul Time Vacation Pay ‘Part Time Vocation Pay 2 Paymen Date = AM Termintion : ‘Mera owns ‘Mer I Most ‘Mters Yous ‘ster 13 Yous ‘ster20 Yes NoCanyover: INDUSTRY VACATION. z SCHEDULING. = Posting/Seletion Sched NoCumaloion : : Holey Daring Vacation. ARTICLE 9 “HOLIDAYS svn 4. PAIDHOLIDAYS... " 1 Big. 2 a 4 Personal lide 7 HOLIDAY PAYMENT. 8 1 Holiday Allowance 8 2 Holiday Werk. . 18 3 Guaramee . en VOLUNTARY HOLIDAY CLOSING. a9 ARTICLE 10- SICK LEAVE PAV sn Ap =Bpmane eee se nl [ARTICLE 11 - BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ANDIOR PAY onscreen nn ARTICLE 12- JURY DUTY LEAVE ANDIOR PAY ssn ARTICLE 13- OTHER LEAVES OF ABSENCE stl A. EMERGENCY LEAVE... 2 2 AUIHORIZED LEAVE. 2 1 Death in Fam. 2 2 Mextny = 2 2. Workrt Companion on L Fanly Cave Loo of Asan. cy € Learesiv WeInnG. - 2 D, REINSTATEMENT AFTER A LEAVE. 2 E EMPLOYMENT DURING LEAVE. — a 2 FF. TERMINATION AFTERA LEAVE. : 2 ARTICLE 14-TRUST FUNDS. ros 4. BENEFIT FUND. — 2 1B PENSION FUND. ~ ~ waa (©. RESOLUTION OF DIFFERENCES. = 4 D. PAYMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS = - 4 m BUSINESS EXPENSES. 2 FF. PENSION AND BENEFIT FUND APPOINTAAENTS. 2 G. ACCEPTANCE OF TRUSTS. = 25 [ARTICLE 15- GENERAL CONDITIONS se cscns [NONDISCRIMINATION. BW CONTRACT... * GENDER REFERENCE UNIFORMS. = RESTROOM = ~ eicHr au. PovaRara rest. = SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS = Partnership Dissolution. New Owner. dcorved Vaso Sie or Transfer. \SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. ~ mms. - — AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONS, WAIVERS. SRrECTIVE DATES 1M. CERTIFICATION TO WORK ARTICLE 16- GRIEVANCE, MEDIATION OR ARBITRATION nnssnsnsnn DISPUTES OR QUESTIONS. - GRIEVANCE FILINGSTEPS. ~ BRON Au NO ROME OA, Sep 3—Coronte eve Sepa Anemons & TIME PERIODS. D. MEDIATION. - : : ARBITRATOR AUTHORITY ~ E WORKSTOPPAGES. ~ : INDIVIDUAL WAIVERS. ~ ARTICLE 17- THE EMPLOYER AND PHARMACIST RESPONSIBILITIES. A. PRINCIPLES : 4B DECLARATIONS 7. Professional Rigs PROFESSIONAL WORK STANDARDS. 7 [ARTICLE 18- EXPIRATION AND RENEWAL, APPENDIX A= WAGES ss APPENDIX B- MEDIATION PROCEDURE ssn APPENDIX SUBSTANCE ABUSE REHABILITATION sere wv RETAIL PHARMACIST AGREEMENT July 1,2017~ June 30, 2021 “This Agreement i entered into and effective as ofthis Ist day of July 2017 between CVS Pharmacy, hereinafter refered tas the "Employer," and UFCW LOCALS 135,324,770, 1167, 1428 and 1442, chartered by United ood and Commercial Workers International Union hereinafter refered to asthe "Union” and the parties agree as follows ARTICLE 1- MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ‘The Employer retains the exclusive right to manage the busines, to direct and control the business and workforce, and to make any and all decisions affecting the business, including, but not limited to the following: the exclusive right to plan, determine, dest and control the nature and extent ofall its ‘operations and commitments; 10 determine, instal, introduce, remove, discontinue or modify the methods, procedures, materials and operations tobe used orto discontinue their use by employees ofthe Employer; 1o maintain efficient operations; to hire, train, promote employees; to set standards and methods of performance; to ereate, modify, and abolish work shifts, the starting and ending times ofthe ‘work shifts and work schedules; to promulgate, amend and enforce reasonable work rules, regulations, policies and procedures; to determine, modify, change and otherwise set the work duties of employees: to determine, modify, change and otherwise set job content and qualifications; to determine whether to ‘offer light duty and to determine employee eligibility for light duty; to change job content and ‘qualifications; to change job descriptions; to modify the methods, procedures, materials and operations to be used or to discontinve their use by employees ofthe Employer; to change standards and methods ‘of performance; and in al respects to cary out, in addition, the ordinary and customary functions of management, whether exercised or not. The rights and waivers herein shall extend beyond the expiration ‘of this Agreement until a successor agreement is eached. Should a specie provision ofthis Agreement or State or Federal Law directly conflict with, modify or restrict an enumerated right under this Article, the specific provision of the Agreement or the State oF Federal Law shall prevail over the enumerated right, ARTICLE 2- BARGAINING UNIT A. UNION RECOGNITION, 1, ‘The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for staff pharmacists who perform work within the pharmacy department within Store 8831, 8860, 8891, 9478, 9509, 5510, 9568, 938, Y00Y, O20, 9709, 9713, 9716 and 9719 with respect To work, rates of pay, hous, a terms and conditions af employment. 2, The Union agoes that it will not make claim to any employees of present convessionsires or sublessces who work inthe present or future store or stores of the Employer, unless the Union ean show is ‘majority representation of such employees within an appropiate bergining unit. In that even, dhe Union may take economic aetion without violating this Agreement B, INCLUDED BARGAINING UNIT WORK. 1. Curent Work. All work performed onthe premises in the nature of work generally performed bby employees ofthe bargaining unit shall not be assigned 1 any person not inthe bargaining unit or contacted {or with any other union. 2 Future Wark. Any future work ofthe nature generally performed by pharmacists is eeated by the Employer shall be performed by members ofthe bargaining unit ss herein set forth, 3. Employee Definitions. For the purpose of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply 1 employe to whom a license to practice pharmacy inthe tate Board of Pharmacy, &._Apharnacistisa profess ‘State of California has been issued by the Califo b. _Agraduate pharmacist isa professional employee as described in Paragraph a, above, during his first year of employment as licentiate in pharmacy. cA falltime pharmacist is one who is scheduled and works forty (40) hours in a ‘workweek, Any employee who is scheduled and works ten (10) consecutive weeks at forty (40) hours or ‘more will be classified as a filltime employee. This requirement shall not apply during the Christmas or ‘cation season or where an employee is scheduled forty (40) hours due tothe absence of another employee in excess of three (3) consecutive weeks. Provided however, that forty (40) hours or more ina workweek ‘worked immediately prior 10 any of the above exceptions and those worked immediately following the ‘exception shall be considered continual fr the purpose of calculating the ten (10) consecutive workweeks. 4. Apartsime pharmacists one whois scheduled to work less than forty (40) our in & workweek ©. Hereinafter "employees" "all employees" shall mean employees covered by this ‘Agreement Probationary Employees. The first sixty (60) calendar days of fll-time employment and ninety (90) calendar days of part-time employment, shall be considered probationary period. During such probationary period, an employee may be terminated for any reason and shall have no recourse to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 16. ©. EXCLUDED BARGAINING UNIT WORK. he fllowing individuals shall be excluded from the coverage ofthis Agreements 1. Pharmacy Managers 8 Allpharmacy departments located within the stores described in Article 2-A-1 shall be allowed the exclusion ofthe Pharmacy Managee as designated by the Employer. In addition, the Pharmacy “Manager shall be permitted to perform any and all work designated by the Employer without restietions. ‘The Employer shall detemine selection of Phanacy Managers. Managers and assistant managers excluded asst forth inthe Retail Drug Agreement, shall be permitted to perform any work within the pharmacy department without restriction, except as limited bylaw. 2, Inventory employees whose function is strictly limited taking inventories, D. INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS. 1. Allmployees. The Employer agres not to enter into any agreement or contract either orally ‘or written, with its employees covered by this Agreement, individually or collectively which in any way ‘confit with the tems and provisions ofthis Agreement. 2, New Employees, During the period an employee is not a member ofthe Union, the regular wages, as herein specified forthe classification of said employee and all other provisions ofthis Agreement shall apply. ARTICLE 3- UNION AFFAIRS A, REQUIRED UNION MEMBERSHIP. |. sion Shop. All employees shall, 3s @ condition of employment, become members of the Union not later than the thirty-first (3131) day of their employment or the tity-frst 31st) day following the ‘ate of signature or the effective date ofthis Agreement, whichever is ter, and shall remain members in good standing asa condition of continued employment. 2. Seven Day Notice, The Union will edvise the Employer in wring when any employee has failed to nequire or maintain Union membership as required by this Agreement. Immediately upon receipt of said notice, the Employer shall advise said employee(s) that they wil no longer be scheduled for hours of work ‘on the subsequent weekly schedule unt sid employea(s) give evidence of compliance or the Union notifies the Employer of such compliance. Failure to comply within seven (7) days after removal from the schedule sid employee(s) shall be terminated, if such termination is not in violation of existing aw. 1B, INFORMATION FOR UNION. |. Now/Transfered Employees. The Employers general offic shall mail ist of new employees bired in preceding month o the Union. Said list shall contain the name of such employees, ther dates of employment, social security number, tore number and inital rat of pay. ‘The Employer will provide the new hire reports electronically on a weekly bass “The Employer will provide weekly initiation fees and regular union dues electronically tll Southern California Union Local. 2. Store Employee Liss. The Employer agrees to permit the Union to heck the ist of employees covered by this Agreement, and ther respective wage rates of preceding months, and to furnish the Union a ‘complete payrolls forall employees covered by this Agreement and wage rates effective the frst payroll period each January and September. Said lists shall include hire dats, bh dates, and Socal Security numbers fiom current records. 3. Baroll Data, Incase of a dispute over wages the Union representative shal, upon request, hhave the right to a copy of the necessary payroll information relative to employees covered by this Agreement ‘The Union reserves the right to require, in such disputed instances as it deems necessary, that owed wages of employees be pad though the office of the Union or a notarized statement submitted 10 the Union of gross “amounts paid and deductions made, Either method may be used by the Employer. C. STORE VISITS. In order to observe conditions existing under this Agreement and to sete grievances, representatives ofthe Union shall have the right to ist the stores It isthe general poicy of the Union for its representatives not to visit the stores during the busy afternoon hours, Saturdays o days preceding holidays. However, upon receipt ofa reported violation, a Union representative shal have the right to visit such store at anytime forthe purpose of investigating such Violation. “The Union further agrees that it will anange with the Pharmacy Manager for such investigation of reported grievances and that any meetings between employees and Union representatives shal be limited 10 fone employee at time and shall be conducted with the least possible interference wit store operations. Such imeefings shall be held onthe premises in a place designated by the Pharmacy Manager. In instances where ‘employees are working during hours that the stores are closed to the public the Union may request list ofthe employees involved, and the hours worked D. _ UNION BULLETIN BOARDS. The Union may supply each store with one (1) bulletin board not to ‘exceed two (2) feet by three (3) ee in size forthe purpose of posting notices of oficial Union business. Bulletin boars shall not be used to post notices ofa politial or adversarial nature. The implementation of this program shal be coordinated by the Employer's Indostrial Relations Department. This provision shall not be in addition to the current bulletin board required inthe Retail Drug Agreement E, UNION PRINCIPLES. 1. New Employees. When new or additional employees are needed, the Employer may immediately notify the Union of said need. ‘The Employer eserves te right to selec the particular applicant to be hired; but there shall be no discrimination against any applicant by reason of membership or ronmembership inthe Union, or an applicant with previous employment experience inthe Retail Drug industry ‘with an Employer covered by a colestive bargaining agreement in the State of Califa, 2 Union PrneiplesPicket Lines. The Employer shall not discharge or discriminate against any employee for upholding Union principles, s long s such at does not constitute a violation ofthis Agreement, ‘and nothing herein shall be so construed as to abrogate an employee's rights under the law, including the ight individually to refuse to cross a bona fide picket line established ina bona fide dispute by any bons fide labor ‘organization, For the purpose of this Paragraph, a sanctioned picket line shal be one which is sanctioned by the Local Union signatory to this Agreement and the Food and Drug Council or the appropriate County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. F, UNION BUSINESS. 1. Employees shill be granted time off without pay forthe purpose of attending negotiations, adjustment o ebitration hearings or for other bona fide Union business. G, EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION 1. ‘The Employer agrees to allow a union representative up to ten (10) minutes to discus the Union's role and to obtain signatures on applications and dues forms atthe end of New Hire Orientation ‘Meetings. 2. __TheEmployeragreesto schedule any employee who is an oflicer, or representative ofthe Union in any capacity, for hours of work that will pennit the employee to attend meetings ofthe Union, provided it involves not more than one (1) employee per store, except where such absence unnecessaly interferes with the operation ofa single shift closed ease pharmacy, 3. The Union agrees to give the Employer no les than ten (10) days! notice of such meetings. ARTICLE 4 DISCIPLINE-VOLUNTARY QUITS A. REGISTER SHORTAGES/IRREGULARITIES |. _Noemployee may be required to make up cash restr shortages, unless the employee is given the privilege of checking the change and daily receipts upon starting and completing the work shift an unless the employer has exclusive access to the eash register during the work shift, except as specified below. 2. _Noemployee may be required to make up register shortages when management exercises its rights to open the register during the employee's work shit, unless the register is opened in the presence of the temployoe andthe emplayee is given the opportunity to verify all withdrawals andor deposi. 3, When, athe result of a shoppers report, an employee, subsequent to the shopping incident, i called upon for an interview by a security agent, the employee may, upon receipt of such edvice or during such interview, request the presence of a Union representative during the interview. Such Union Representative ‘must be avilable within a reasonable period of ime but inno event ater than twenty-four (24) hours afer such equest, or the interview may proceed without a Union representative. ‘When an employee isthe subject ofa shopper's report or multiple reports andi tobe counseled ‘on sid report or reports by the Employer, the counseling will take place within a reasonable time peiod not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date ofthe last eport affecting the employee. ‘The employee andthe Union| Representative wil, by request, be given an opportunity to read said reports during counseling 4, Arwarning notice shall not be required in the case ofa discharge for cash rogitr regularities but such alleged imegularites must constitute wood cause forthe purpose of sustaining said discharge, Such alleged iregularites shall not constitute good cause for discharge when the Employer fils to follow the procedure set orth n ticle 4, Paragraph A-I and 2 unles the alleged regularities are not affected by flue to follow sui procedures, B. _INVESTIGATIONANTERVIEW. In any instance where an employee isto be interviewed and/or interrogated by the Employer or an Employer representative in respect to any alleged violation of the collective bargaining agreement or alleged infection of Employer policies which may result in disciplinary action, the employee shall be afforded the opporunity of calling a Union Representative and having a Union Representative present during such interview or interrogation, ©. DISCIPLINE. 1. Good Cause. Non-probationary employees shall not be discharged except for good and sufficient cause such as dishonesty, insubordination, incompetence, intoxication, unbecoming conduct ot failure to perform work as required.” Age, sex, eeed or color shall not be grounds forthe termination of an ‘otherwise qualified employee. 2. Nomprobationary employees who are discharged for incompetence or failure to perform work as required (including excessive absenteeism or excessive tardiness) shal first have had two 2) prior warnings in writing within twelve (12) months preceding the discharge of such incompetence or of related or similar failure to perform wor as tequlred, with copy vent w the Uni. The employee so notified shall be required to sign such notice, but such signing shall in no way constitute agreement with the contents of such notice. 3. Discharge for Incompetence, Its understood that a discharge for incompetence shall occur only atthe end of an employee's weekly schedule sfter the employee has completed the probationary perio. 4. Notice, Any employee whois discharged shall be informed atthe time of discharge ofthe immediate cause of discharge. The cause to be confirmed in writing, witha copy sent tothe Union and affected ‘employee, within nnely-six (96) hours thereafter, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. 5. Legal Violtions. _Any employee who violates any federal, state or lca law or regulation hile working may be terminated without prior waming. D. _NOTICEOFINTENTTO QUIT, Anemployee who intends to quit the job shall othe extent possible, {give two (2) weeks’ notice ofthe intention to quit. An employee who gives any notice of the intention to quit fis job shall not be terminated or otherwise diseriminated against during the curent workweek and the ‘workweek following the date on which the employee gives such notice, bt inno event can the emplayee insist "upon working later than the designated quit date if replacement employee has already been hite. Les. JORITY ‘A. EMPLOYER TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES. 1. __Anemployee with more than one (1) year's continuous service with the Employer may file an application for transfer within the Company to sore near their bome. The Employer will give full Consideration to such requests and atfempt to grant them it does not have an adverse affect on the business of the Employer, The requests will not be refused arbitral. 2, ‘Transfer Travel Limits. When the transfer of an employee becomes necessary, due 10 stackening of business he Enplayer sl ot require said employee to travel one way more than twenty-five {@5) miles between his place of residence ad the new location. In making transfers under Paragraph | of ‘Article and this Paragraph, the Employer will make every effort to assign employees on a nondiscriminatory ‘basis, othe store which would cause the least hardship tothe employee and quire the lest rave! time. Such transfer shall not be used for disciplinary purposes 3. Pharmacists who desire to transfer to higher rated prescription department shall put their requests in writing to the Pharmnacy Supervisor. The Employer wll gve fll consideration to such request and {rant them if they do not have an adverse effet on the business ofthe Employer. Such requests shall not be refed abil. B,__INTER-UNION TRANSFER. If an employee is transfered ffom one UFCW Union's ares to another in Southern California, the emplayee shall ean all seniority, but during a period of sx (6) months fom date ‘of transfer, shall not displace any other employe, or reduce his hous SENIORITY. |. Definition. Seniority isthe length ofeontimous employment of an employee with anindividoal Employer. Temporaty absence fom workin sscordance withthe provisions ofthis Agreement shall not break seniority, Seniority ean be broken only by the fllowing: Quit b. Discharge ©. —_Layoffformore than nine (9) months 4. allure to return in accordance withthe terms ofa leave of absence or wien recalled after Layo. 2. Transfert» Higher Category. When an employee is transferred from one job classification to nother the seniority acquired with the stoe andthe Company shall be retained and new seniority inthe new Classification shall commence as of the time of transfer. ‘Transfers shall not be made forthe purpose of tisplacing another employee. Shoulda ayo or reduction in hour occur in his new job classification, he shall, be permitted o reclaim the position he formerly vacated, or whatever equivalent job he i able to perform and to which e is entitled by his combined seniority in his old and new classification 3. Vacation Relief The seniovty of a newly hired employee shall not take effect until the employes as completed the probationary period as provided under Article 2-B-3-fof this Agreement and shall, then be retroatve to date of hte. However, the seniority of employees hited for vacation relief periods shall, rot take effect unl sixty (60) days of employment and then shal be retroactive to date ofr. Seid sity (60) day peri shall be between May 1 and August 31 D. QUALIFICATIONS. When seniority is invoked by an employee, the employee's abifty and skill on performing the work claimed shall be the determining factors in establishing such right. E,_LAYOFFS/RECALLS/HOURS REDUCTIONS. 1. FulleTime Over Part-Time, Full-Time employees shall have seniority rights over parttime employees as provided herein this Agreement. 2. Eulk-Time. A filktime employee who isto be lad ott or reduced to part-time stars due 0 legitimate business reasons may ether: Claim, in writing, the least senior part-time position inthe employee's store at the time ofthe layoff or +. Claim, in writing, the least senior fulltime position within the Employer's district in ‘hich the employee is employed, at the time ofthe layoft 3. PateTime, ‘4. A parttime employee shall have the right to claim within his ovm store all parttime hours when such hours become available up eight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours per week based ‘upon seniority over other part-time employees provided such part-ime employee has the qualifications and bility t perform the duties ofthe position claimed b. After fist having notified, in writing, the home store manager and the Union, @ parttime employee shal also have the right to request additional available hours upto forty (40) hours per IWeek at no more than three (3) other stores within the Union’ jurisdiction. Said part-time employee shal potty, in writing, the manager of such stoes ofthe request, and sald manager shall endeavor co eompy with such request ona seniority basis. 4. Layoff Tiansfer and Recall. In the event of layoff of a parttime employee, the affected ‘employee may claim the position ofthe least senior employee within the Employes District. Inthe event of recall the employee with the ereatet seniority within the Employers District wl be the first recalled, provided ‘that no employee willbe required to travel more than twenty-five (25) mils from ther residence 5. Recall. A laid off employee who becomes eligible to return to work under the seniority provision must appear for work within ninety-six (96) hours, excluding Satuwy and Sunday, after the Employer has made a good faith effort to natty the employee in writing of recall to work. The Employer will simultaneously notify the union ofthe employee's eligibility to return to work 6. A fulltime employee who hs been reduced to part-time employment because of legitimate business reasons, of for mesic reasons, must be offered te first fl-sme job that opens inthe tore in which he is employed andthe first opportunity to claim available hours as provided above, provided that he has the

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