Problem No. 1: Groups Count Sum Mean Varianc e SS STD Err Lower Upper

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a.) PROBLEM: Is there a significant difference among the mean heart rates for the generation of

b.) Ho: There is no significant difference among the mean heart rates for the generation of

Ha: At least two means significantly differ.



Groups Count Sum Mean e SS Std Err Lower Upper
62.3333 52.6666 263.333 3.64558 52.9620
Non-smokers 6 374 3 7 3 3 6 71.7046
63.1666 66.5666 332.833 3.64558 72.5379
light smokers 6 379 7 7 3 3 53.7954 4
moderate 71.6666 83.8666 419.333 3.64558 81.0379
smokers 6 430 7 7 3 3 62.2954 4
81.6666 115.866 579.333 3.64558 91.0379
heavy smokers 6 490 7 7 3 3 72.2954 4

Sources SS df MS F P value F crit RMSSE Sq
Between 1464.12 488.041 6.12028 0.00397 3.09839 1.00997 0.39025
Groups 5 3 7 4 9 1 4 7
1594.83 79.7416
Within Groups 3 20 7
3058.95 132.998
Total 8 23 2

d.) DECISION: Reject Ho since F value is greater than F critical value.

e.) CONCLUSION: At least two mean significantly differ.

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