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Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP Hon Michelle Lensink MLC

Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations Minister for Human Services
Minister for Women

Joint Media Release

Friday, 21 September 2018


Reducing violence against women and their children over the next four years will be the key focus of a
national summit next month.

Federal Minister for Women, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP, said the two-day National Summit on Reducing
Violence Against Women and Their Children will focus on outcomes.

“This summit will bring together community leaders to ensure we can reduce violence against women and
their children,” Minister O’Dwyer said.

“The safety of women and children is vitally important. We have already come so far in reducing violence
against women and children and the Summit will build on those achievements.”

The key outcome from the Summit will be the Fourth Action Plan, “Turning the Corner”, which is the final
Action Plan under the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children 2010-2022.

The Summit, which will feature panel sessions and interactive debates, is the final sounding point and an
opportunity to consider feedback received throughout the comprehensive national consultation process for
the development of the Fourth Action Plan.

The Action Plan will continue to provide a coordinated approach to reducing violence against women and
their children through collaboration with all Australian jurisdictions. It will outline evidence-based priorities,
focussing on prevention, responding to workforce capability concerns and improving access to justice.

South Australian Minister for Human Services, Michelle Lensink MLC, said she is proud to host this year’s
Summit and acknowledged the significant results that the national consultations have already produced.

“These consultations to support the development of the Fourth Action Plan have built on what has been
achieved so far and allow us to look for opportunities to improve responses to family, domestic and sexual
violence,” Minister Lensink said.

“I look forward to participating in the discussions with my national and state colleagues and key stakeholders
to further reduce violence against women and their children.”
“The Summit will also provide an opportunity for delegates to reflect on developments since the 2016
National Summit on Reducing Violence Against Women and Their Children and progress over the life of the
National Plan,” Minister O’Dwyer concluded.

Around 80 delegates from communities and key stakeholder groups will join in discussions focusing on the
ultimate goal of Australian women and their children living free from violence in safe communities.

The Summit will run from 2 - 3 October in Adelaide.

Media contacts: Lachlan McNaughton 0433 642 145 (O’Dwyer), Katrina Stokes 0481 903 371 (Lensink)

The Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP, Melbourne

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