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Sacred Geometry in the Solar System

The Golden Mean
“…every diagram, and system of number, and every combination of harmony, and the
agreement of the revolution of the stars must be made manifest as one through all to him who learns in
the proper way, and will be made manifest if, as we say, a man learns aright by keeping his gaze on
unity; for it will be manifest to us, as we reflect, that there is one bond naturally uniting all these
things: but if one goes about it in some other way, one must call it Fortune, as we also put it.”

(Plato, Epinomis 991c-992a)

One of the most beautiful signatures of deeply related to Life as defined as a conscious
Life is known as the Golden Proportion or Phi experience of the world. In our current scientific
(ɸ). It is found all around the universe, both in wonder about the universe, we seem to have
macrocosmic and microcosmic scales of skipped the most apparent and singular
existence. The Golden Proportion seems to be signature of Life and disregarded its importance
the most basic proportion given to Nature in in the process of creation: consciousness. Such
order that she bring forth the immense diversity an obviation is mostly due to our materialistic
of living beings that populate the Earth and the perspectives on reality which ultimately means
Universe as a whole. the annihilation of the search for the greatest
The miracle and mystery of Life is mystery of Life: our conscious identity or “I”.
deeply linked to the Golden Proportion in a The Golden Proportion or ɸ is a cosmic
variety of ways. The Earth is a vast astronomical function. This means that it is not something
organism housing an amazingly rich variety of unique to terrestrial life, but to all Life in
mineral, vegetable, and animal life forms, but general, whether it is mineral, plant, animal or
the origin of Life itself is a mystery beyond the astronomical life, the signature of ɸ is present.
comprehension of modern science and its In our Solar System, the Golden
limitations to materialist philosophies. Proportion is most notably found in the orbital
The Golden Proportion –at once a dance performed between Venus and the Earth
mathematical, geometrical, and logical around the Sun. A study of the geometry at play
occurrence– has a prominent role in defining behind the orbits of Earth and Venus allows us
such rich conditions for Life on our planet, but to understand how ɸ is geometrically linked to
its presence is abundant even beyond biological the figure of the pentagram (seen on next
life on Earth. The Golden Proportion is a page).
universal function, a universal mystery with a The pentagram was venerated by
well defined logic and mathematical basis, but Pythagoreans over 2500 years ago as a holy
we will rarely come upon a modern text book of symbol, and these mystics considered the
physics, chemistry or biology giving it the pentagram to represent Life-Force or Soul. The
attention it truly deserves as a cosmic function Five-fold geometry is seen to represent the

pious soul: the soul which has conquered the 4 reference. After 5 alignments, the pentagram-
cardinal virtues of Moderation, Courage, cycle is complete and according to the positions
Wisdom, and Justice but especially the of these conjunctions a pentagonal form can be
quintessence of Virtue which is Piety: the appreciated very clearly. This figure was known
devotion to God. as the Pentagrama Veneris, and it is itself the
astronomical sign which would have enabled
ancient astronomers to observe the play of the
Golden Proportion in heaven between Earth
and its closest neighbor Venus.
The arithmetic or mathematical play is
of 13 Venus orbits for every 8 Earth orbits, so
the Pentagrama Veneris is drawn after a period
of some 2920 days or 8 Earth years.
Venus and the Earth take an average of
584 days to align in conjunction, and after 5
such alignments, the cycle returns to its
beginning. The position of the consecutive
alignments follows the pattern of the
pentagram which can be drawn without lifting
the pen.
Even though many people today may
associate the pentagram figure to forms of
black magic and satanic cults, the pentagram is
actually a symbol highly valued by mystics and
quite important in the study of sacred
Consecutive conjunctions between geometry. The pentagram actually reveals the
Venus and Earth draw a very clear pentagonal unique properties of ɸ as an infinite proportion
form in the heavens, but such a beautiful design which recycles itself, and thus it is associated to
cannot be seen by the naked eye or through a the Spirit or Life-Force principle of the universe
telescope: it can only be discovered after one and its re-generative and healing function.
plots the orbits of the Earth and Venus and
draws the consecutive positions where they
enter into conjunction with the Zodiac as a

The importance of the pentagram in We can be quite sure that if the orbits
sacred geometry is that it has a deep link to ɸ of Earth and Venus were not synchronized by
or the Golden Proportion as a function inherent the Golden Ratio of 8:13, the conditions on this
to Life. Much of the negative association to the planet would be very different: Life itself, in
figure of the pentagram was engendered in the fact, as a conscious experience of the universe
Dark Ages, when religion and science were would be totally absent. The fact that we find
completely split apart by human ignorance and the shape of a flower with 5 petals being drawn
corruption. Nevertheless, today we can see in heaven through invisible gravity lines linking
some of the inherent traits this figure has Earth and Venus allows us to recognize that the
through a brief analysis of its geometrical and basic geometric signature is identical to many
arithmetical properties. life-forms on earth. One of them is the Lotus

flower, a sacred symbol in both Ancient Egypt the human hand or any pentagonal shape. That
and India. It is no accident or random the pentagram is also present in the orbital
coincidence that archetypal geometries appear patterns of Earth and Venus around the Sun
in heaven and on earth; it is, rather, an evident shows that these archetypes are governing not
proof that Spirit manifests itself through Nature only our immediate microcosmic reality or
very much in accordance with the Hermetic dimension, but both macrocosmic and
principle: as it is above, so it is below. Life, as microcosmic realities. Thus, archetypal forms
the manifestation of Spirit through Nature or govern all manifest realities across the vast
Matter is governed by invisible –yet intelligible– dimensions of the universe. Just as we can
Archetypes or Forms. These are what we call notice the difference between a lotus flower
the signatures. and a star-fish, we can also notice their
Archetypes or primordial Forms govern similarities because we can appreciate the
the solid manifestation of life (its perceptual common form or archetypal structure.
appearance). But these manifestations are The study of the harmonies latent in
firstly directed or defined (limited or our Solar System clearly reveal that Life on our
delineated) in an invisible (mental) aspect of home planet and the universe as a whole is the
reality which Man may only perceive by his product of Intelligent Design, not random
cognitive power of abstraction. The study of chance or accident. The Ancient Greeks such as
Geometry makes this invisible realm apparent Plato called this Universal Intelligence the Nous.
to us, for what we draw is the manifest In Christian texts this is known as the Logos,
expression of what we knowingly recognize in and it is the concept from where we get our
the realm of abstraction. The same is true for word “logic” and is also the philosophical
Numbers: they are abstract and archetypal principle for all those fancy suffixes appended
principles of the universe which we symbolize in on our scientific disciplines such as psycho-logy,
written forms. geo-logy, anthropo-logy, and so on and so forth.
These Archetypes or Platonic Forms That there is a Logos or logic behind the
govern the whole of manifestation both in the manifest appearance of the world enables Man
macrocosm and microcosmic levels of to discover and understand the Laws of Nature.
existence, but they are not apparent to our These Laws are hidden in an abstract realm
sensorial or empirical awareness. It is only their where the eye cannot see and the ear may not
effects that we can contemplate empirically. hear, and so it is a supra-empirical reality. But
Take the case of gravity, for example. No one the intellect of Man (his nous) can penetrate
can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch gravity. We the Logos or Noetic aspect of the universe and
can only notice and formulate its existence in come to perceive that “randomness” is only but
abstract terms, with algebraic symbols, for his inability to detect the underlying logical
example, and we can only notice its effects patterns and inherent order behind the visible
through sensorial means. or empirical experience of reality.
Diversity depends on the recognition of The word Kosmos literally means Order
difference between particular expressions, yet in the ancient Greek language and it was no
Unity depends on our ability to perceive the accident that they used this term to refer to the
congruence or similarity hidden behind universe. The inherent order or the world is
apparent diversity and the non-equal. For found in the Noetic plane of the universe,
example, we may conceive that a star-fish and a whereas the irrational aspect of reality (which
lotus flower are different beings pertaining to shows a disorder or random chaos) is
two different kingdoms, one animal and the appreciated by the 5-sense experience of
other plan or vegetable, yet the pentagram reality.
form, the 5-fold archetype, is present in both of The Logos is the Intelligent and logical
these manifestations as in many others, such as bond that unites all particularities, all

objectifyable things, all phenomena, all natural Intelligence: the Nous of the Greeks. The
manifestation. So in the ancient wisdom of Egyptian mythology which poses a husband and
India, the Logos is known as the Dharma: the wife relationship between Ma’at and Toth has
ordering principle of the universe. The Dharma the purpose of illustrating that the Universal
is the underlying Order, Rule, or Law of the Intelligence and the Universal Order come hand
universe. On the other hand, this inherent order in hand. In Greek terms, these would be the
of the world was known to the Ancient Nous and the Kosmos: an inseparable reality
Egyptians as Ma’at. The Ma’at is usually
represented by the hieroglyph of the feather,
and also depicted as a woman with wings.
Ma’at is said to be the consort of Toth, the deity
who represents the archetype of Universal

that speaks of the universe being Intelligent as
Plato says in his dialogue Timaeus.1
This archetype of Universal Order was
also associated in Greece with the goddess
Diké. In Rome this goddess was called by the
name of Iustitia, and here we meet the root of
the modern word “justice”, not actually “a
goddess”, (which is an empty terminology
unless it is understood as the archetype for a
Universal Order in the soul. Justice cannot exist
without the idea of a Universal Order, and the
injustice of Man (his sin) lies in his inability to
perceive the inherent Order of the universe as it
does in his inability to recognize the Law
governing action. Man’s actions might go
against or in favor of this Order or Kosmos.
Hence the idea behind “evolution” and
“devolution” in the Yuga calendar of the ages is
related to the Dharma. It is Man’s inability to
understand Dharma and live in accordance with
this Universal Order that produces the terrible
effects and consequences of Kali Yuga or Iron
Age, while it is Man’s ability to understand the
Dharma and follow its principles which
produces a Golden Age or Krta Yuga.
The Golden Proportion plays a
fundamental role in the Cosmic Order as it is
the principle of stability or equilibrium to which
Nature is subject. Astronomically, this may be
appreciated in more ways than by observing the
pentagram of Venus and Earth. In Chapter 1 we
defined dates for the Ages of the Great Cycle by
following the Great Conjunction cycle between
Jupiter and Saturn. This pulse or fundamental
heartbeat of the Solar System also reveals the
archetypal image of ɸ.

The idea is not that the universe is a bundle of
matter and particles created by an intelligent agent,
but that the Kosmos is in itself Intelligent.

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