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love anger
of Alexandria, Egypt (9th century)

This beloved Saint was born to simple parents and never

learned to read. When he entered the monastic life in
Alexandria he was judged unfit for any service more
demanding than kitchen work. There, he was looked down
upon by most of the other monks who made fun of him,
but Saint Euphrosynos in his great humility never
complained or fought back. In fact, he viewed it a blessing
to be near the earthly fire which cooked the meals as it
reminded him constantly of the eternal fire of our
judgement. He purposefully cooked bland food to help
the brother monks tame the gluttony of the stomach!

One night the abbot desired to know which of his monks

had achieved the highest spiritual level and acquisition of
virtues. God answered the abbot through a dream, where
he found himself in Paradise and tried to pick apples from
a tree. However, each time the tree drew back its branches
and the abbot understood this as a sign that he was
unworthy. Soon after, the abbot saw Euphrosynos in
Paradise freely picking fruit so he asked him for a portion.

When the Abbot awoke from his dream he found the

same tree branch with 3 apples on his pillow releasing an
amazing fragrance. He hurried to find Euphrosynos and
asked him, `Where were you last night, brother?'
Euphrosynos only replied, “Forgive me, Father, I have been
in that place where we saw one another.' The abbot gathered
the monks and told them the wonderful story, by which
they all realized the cook's holiness. But Euphrosynos
feared the praise of men in this world as it can lead to
pridefulness. He secretly fled the monastery for the desert.

His icon is commonly found in

the kitchens of Orthodox homes
and he is considered the Patron
Saint of Cooks.

“You lived in great humility, in labors of asceticism

and in purity of soul, O righteous Euphrosynos.
By a mystical vision you demonstrated the Heavenly
joy which you had found. Therefore make us worthy
to be partakers of your intercessions.”

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