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AMA Computer College Biñan Campus

AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

The Negative Effects of Bullying towards the Academic Performance of selected Grade 11

Senior High School Students in AMA Computer College Biñan Campus A.Y. 2017-2018

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research

Presented to:


Abregana, Jellah L.

Altarejos, Angela Mae S.

Chua, Mark Joshua S.

Dagale, Samantha M.

Gabuca, Wenna Mae B.

Mataguina, Aila Janine P.

Villanueva, Jayvianne S.

Villanueva, Jayvienne, S.
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Chapter I


Background of the Study

It is thus stated that bullying behavior is a cowardly action, in all probability caused by

some or other childhood pain. Bullying is a case that is elusive, conniving and hard to define

properly because times change and so do means by which to impose harm upon others. It can

include verbal harassment, physical assault, cyber that may be repeated many times. There are

some reasons why bullying takes place; gender, ability, religion, and sexuality. The victim of

bullying is sometimes referred as “target”. There are four types of bullying; physical bullying,

verbal bullying, social bullying, and cyber bullying. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking,

pinching, pushing, hair pulling. Verbal bullying includes name calling, insults, teasing,

intimidation. Social bullying also known as “covert bullying” is design to harm someone’s social

reputation and cause humiliation; lying and spreading rumors, playing nasty jokes to embarrass

and humiliate. Cyber bullying includes abusive or hurtful texts emails or posts, images or videos,

imitating others online or using their log-in.

Academic achievement is the first aspect which influences bullying at school. therefore,

bullied children live within fear, self-blame, feel weak and it affects their personality traits and

self-confidence, so this situation makes them unable to study well and they might hate going to

school. Furthermore, they will lose their opportunities to participate with others or enjoy school

activities. Hence, they will gain less academic performance and low educational attainment.

There is a strong relationship between bullying and school quality such as class size, lack of

library, sports facilities. Both bullies and victims feel more negative about school, and persistent
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

bullying may lead to stress and depression. Bullying can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem,

hopelessness and isolation. Children miss lessons or are scared to attend school. They lose

concentration when they do attend. Some of the effects last long after the bullying, until they are

adults. Students who are bullied cannot concentrate in schools, so their grades may be a warning

sign that a student is being bullied. A child’s grade may also suffer if he or she misses a lot of

school due to bullying. Children who are bullied will complain of headaches, stomachaches, and

overall fatigue. These issues are usually caused by mental anguish that manifest in physical

ailments. Students who are bullied often use physical complaints to get out of school.

additionally, they may avoid infectious from holding crime during the day. A particularly

unfortunate effect of bullying is that some children who are bullied go on to victimize and harass

other children. In the same way that some student began to bully at school because they are

bullied at home, children who are bullied at school will begin to look for children more

vulnerable than they are to bully. It is an effort to exert any power they may have over someone

more vulnerable. A bullied child, may, at the demand of his own bully become a bully to another

child. An important quality, which would ultimately bring an end to bullying, is mutual respect.

Respect for oneself, respect for peers, respect for authority figures. This study aims to explore

bullying; to examine effect and to propose possible solutions from a legal point of view.

In the light of this problem, the study is designed to assist students, teachers, and

parents of the negative effects of bullying towards the Academic Performance of selected Grade

11 Senior High School Students in AMA Computer Colleges Binan Campus A.Y. 2017-2018.
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Statement of the Problem

This study discussed the Effects of Bullying in Senior High School students on AMA

Computer Colleges in Binan Campus: it’s implication to their Education.

The following questions will be answered:

 What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

 What are the factors of bullying?

 What are the negative effects of bullying?

 Who are the most directly affected by bullying?

 What are the possible ways to stop bullying?


Ho:: There is a no significant relationship between the negative effects of bullying towards the

academic performance of selected Grade 11 Senior High School students in AMA Computer

Colleges Binan Campus A. Y. 2017-2018.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between the negative effects of bullying towards the

academic performance of selected Grade 11 Senior High School students in AMA Computer

Colleges Binan Campus A.Y. 2017-2018.

AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

 Depression
 Drop-out
Assesment of bullying in Academic Performance:
terms of:  Increased
absenteeism • Written Works
 Physical Bullying  Impaired Social
 Verbal Bullying Relationships • Performance Task
 Social Bullying  Decrease in • Monthly/
 Cyber Bullying Academic Quarterly Exams
 Low-self esteem

Scope and Limitation

The study confined itself to the identification of the negative effects of Bullying towards the

academic performance of selected Grade 11 Senior High School Students in AMA Computer

College Biñan Campus A.Y. 2017-2018.

This group of students was considered to be under the observation about the research and the

survey question will be delimited on the effects of bullying towards their academic performance.
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Significance of the Study

The study focused on explaining the Effects of Bullying on Senior High School students

of AMA Computer Colleges Binan Campus, the results of the study will be beneficial to the


 Respondents - The respondents will have an awareness on the importance of the effects of

bullying and their roles on how to prevent it.

 Teachers/Mentors - The result of the study will help them provide motivation to think of the

ideas that will give advice and guidance to the students.

 Parents - The result of the study will assist the parents of the respondents to implement some

strategies for the development of their children in order to prevent future difficulties.

 Future Researchers - The findings of these study will serve as a good source of precise and

useful information.

Definition of Terms

Abusive - using, containing, or characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language.


Bullying - is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate

others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. (

Conniving - to avoid noticing something that one is expected to oppose or condemn; give aid

to wrongdoing by forbearing to act or speak (usually followed by at). (

Covert - concealed; secret; disguised. (

AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Depression- a depressed or sunken place or part; an area lower than the surrounding surface.


Elusive - eluding or failing to allow for or accommodate a clear perception or complete mental

grasp; hard to express or define. (

Holistic - incorporating the concept of holism, or the idea that the whole is more than merely

the sum of its parts, in theory or practice. (

Impose - to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid, etc.


Stress- the physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another; strain.


Target - an object, usually marked with concentric circles, to be aimed at in shooting practice

or contests. (

Victim - a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency.

AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Chapter II


Number of related literature and studies are reviewed to give background information to the study.

Foreign Literature

The review of related literature for this study focuses on examining the effects of Bullying

towards the academic performance of selected Grade 11 Senior High School Students in AMA

Computer College Biñan Campus. This will provide an in-depth analysis on existing researches

about bullying – management and coping. This review aims to identify researches of the same

topic from time to time with authors in different field. This will show how factors in the

environment give rise to conflict in school and how student are affected. This will also discuss

how management of schools in violence and intervention scheme are important for the students

to experience a place conducive for learning.

The word "bully" was first used in the 1530s meaning "sweetheart," applied to either sex, from

the Dutch boel "lover,brother," probably diminutive of Middle High German buole "brother," of

uncertain origin (compare with the German buhle "lover"). The meaning deteriorated through the

17th century through "fine fellow," "blusterer," to "harasser of the weak". This may have been as

a connecting sense between "lover" and"ruffian" as in "protector of a prostitute," which was one

sense of "bully" (though not specifically attested until 1706). The verb "to bully" is first attested

in 1710(Zwerdling, 1987 ) High-level forms of violence such as assault and murder usually receive

most media attention, but lower-level forms of violence such as bullying have only in recent years

started to bea ddressed by researchers, parents and guardians, and authority figures ( Whitted, K.S.
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

& Dupper, D.R. 2005). It is only in recent years that bullying has been recognised and recorded as

a separate and distinct offence, but there have been well documented cases that have been recorded

over the centuries. The Fifth Volume of the New gate Calenda (Complete New gate Calendar

Tarlton Law Library) contains at least one example where Eton Scholars George Alexander Wood

and Alexander Wellesley Leith were charged, at Ayles bury Assizes, with killing and slaying the

Hon. F. Ashley Cooper on February 28, 1825 in an incident which might today be described as

"lethal hazing (George Alexander Wood and Alexander Wellesley Leith,2003) The New gate

calendar contains several other examples that, while not as distinct, could be considered indicative

of situations of bullying. Virginia Woolf considered fascism to be a form of bullying, and wrote

of Hitler and the Nazis in 1934 as "these brutal bullies.( Zwerdling, 1987) Bullying behavior can

have negative consequences for both the bully and the victim. Studies have shown that boys

identified as bullies in middle school were four times as likely as their peers to have more than one

criminal conviction by age twenty-four. Children who bully are more likely to engage in other

criminal and anti-social behaviors, such as: ,Fighting Vandalism,Truancy, Dropping out of school.

Stealing Smoking and Alcohol/and or drug abused.

Local Literature

Bullying is the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another person, physically

or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power

over another person Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus defines bullying as when a person is

"exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons."

He defines negative action as "when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon

another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways". Bullying behavior may
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

include name calling,verbal or written abuse, exclusion from activities, exclusion from social

situations ,physical abuse, or coercion

Bullies may behave this way to be perceived as popular or tough or to get attention. They may

bully out of jealousy or be acting out because they themselves are bullied .U.S. National Center

for Education Statistics suggests that bullying can be classified into two categories:1. Direct

bullying, and 2.Indirect bullying (which is also known as social aggression).

[1] Ross states that direct bullying involves a great deal of physical aggression, such as shoving

and poking, throwing things, slapping, choking, punching and kicking, beating, stabbing, pulling

hair, scratching, biting, scraping, and pinching. [19] He also suggests that social aggression or

indirect bullying is characterized by attempting to socially isolate the victim. This isolation is

achieved through a wide variety of techniques, including spreading gossip, refusing to socialize

with the victim, bullying other people who wish to socialize with the victim, and criticizing the

victim's manner of dress and other socially-significant markers (including the victim's race,

religion, disability, sex, or sexual preference, etc.). Ross [19] outlines an array of nonviolent

behavior which can be considered 'indirect bullying,' at least in some instances, such as name

calling, the silent treatment, arguing others into submission, manipulation, gossip/false gossip, lies,

rumors/false rumors, staring, giggling, laughing at the victim, saying certain words that trigger a

reaction from a past event, and mocking. The UK based children's charity, Act Against Bullying,

was set up in2003 to help children who were victims of this type of bullying by researching and

publishing coping skills. It has been noted that there tend to be differences in how bullying

manifests itself between the sexes. Males tend to be more likely to be physically aggressive

whereas females tend to favour exclusion and mockery, though it has been noticed that females

are becoming more physical in their bullying. [15] There can be a tendency in both sexes to opt
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

for exclusion and mockery rather than physical aggression when the victim is perceived to be too

strong to attack without risk, or the use of violence would otherwise cause problems for the bullies,

or the bullies physical aggression as immature (particularly when bullying occurs among adults).

Foreign Studies

Cythia (2014) analyzed bullying impact on student’s performance either in short or long term.

She found that there are differences in relationship between bullying level and academic

performance depending on student´s academic achievement. Nadine (2014) investigated bullying

impact on student’s ability to academically succeed. Nadine found that bullied students have feel

of fear from coming to school because they feel that they are unsafe; therefore they are unable to

concentrate which reelect negatively on their academic success. Mundbjerg et al. (2014) analyzed

the relationship between bullying in elementary school in Denmark. They found that bullied

students have lower academic achievement in 9th grade and bullying impacts are larger if it is

more severe. Placidius (2013) found that physical bullying was perceived as a dominant bullying

element. Boys prefer to be bullies more than girls. Poor academic performance was as impact of

bullying. Mehta et al. (2013) found that when students feel that bullying is a phenomenon in their

school, they feel that they are unsafe which reflected on less engaged in school community.

Therefore they have less motivation to do well at school and they do not participate in school

activities. Bullying affects student’s academic achievement in various ways. Ammermueller

(2012) found that being bullied has a significantly negative impact on present and future students’

performance in school Brank et al. (2012) indicated that bullying victims are weak, shy, and

anxious. They added that victims’ performance is poor in school and seek to avoid attending school

classes for the purpose of avoiding victimization. Victimization experiencing can lead to poor
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

academic performance and leading to absenteeism. Skapinakis et al. (2011) found that victims

were more likely to report suicidal thoughts than were bullies. Juvonen, et al. (2011) said that

bullying experiences affect victims’ academic achievement in both direct and indirect ways. So

bullied student by his peers may become worried and afraid of being teased, therefore he may stop

participating in class or may has e trouble in concentrating on class work because of fear. They

added that students who are often subject to be bullied by their peers during school period have

less engagement at school and poor grades. Konishi et al. (2010) confirmed that interpersonal

relationships within school environment influence academic achievement. Roman and Murillo

(2011) found that aggression in schools has a negative effect on academic achievement in Latin

America. They affirmed that students who have been physically or verbally abused perform less.

Marcela and Javier (2011) found that bullying is a serious problem throughout Latin America they

indicated that; students who suffer from their peers aggression have lower performance in reading

and math than those who do not; and students who are in classrooms with more physical or verbal

violence perform are more worse than those in less violent classroom settings. Konishi et al. (2010)

found that school bullying affects negatively academic achievement. Chaux et al. (2009) argued

that ten to fifteen percent of adolescents worldwide are bullied two or more times a month.

Skrzypiec (2008) found that third of students who had been seriously bullied reported having

serious difficulties in concentrating and paying attention in class because of bullying and the fear

associated with. Glew et al. (2005) reported that bullying prevents concentration and subsequent

academic achievement since bullying victims lose interest in learning and experience a drop in

academic grades because their attention is distracted from learning. Mishna (2003) indicated that

bullying is “a form of aggression in which there is an imbalance of power between the bully and

the victim that occurs largely in the context of the peer group”.
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Local Studies

The R.A. No. 10627 which is an act requiring all elementary and secondary schools to adopt

policies to prevent and address the acts of bullying in their institutions and DepEd Order No. 40,

S. 2012 or the child protection policy are the two enacted laws to safeguard children’s rights

against the unimaginable effects of bullying. To achieve this, teachers are expected to create

optimal learning environments by establishing and enforcing discipline rules, creating caring

teacher–student relationships, addressing problem behaviors, and using quality communication.

Students of all ages may have behavioral, attitudinal, and social issues (

data/39273_3). But the gray areas are: How capable the teachers are in recognizing bullying

behaviors in school? How can they integrate bullying behaviors in their classroom management

approaches to mitigate bullying incidences? Is there a link between bullying incidences and

classroom management skills together with parenting styles? Holt and Keyes (2004) reported that

a greater proportion of studies have found that teachers report lower prevalence rates of bullying

than students do, which likely indicates that students are aware of bullying to a much greater extent

than teachers do. Teachers, especially pre-service ones, are concerned about the problem of

bullying, that they often have limited knowledge of the issue, and that they desire to learn more

about it (Nicolaides, Toda, & Smith, 2002). Furthermore, what is striking about teachers’

observation about bullying is that it seems very possible for teachers who appear to have perfectly

behaved classes to provide havens for bullies that shelter them against detection. This speaks to

the savvy ability of some bullies to manipulate the classroom environments of well meaning, yet

unsuspecting teachers, and to hide behind facades of innocence. It is evident; this is a bullying

situation teachers need help recognizing (Allen, 2010). Parenting style also plays a role in early

socialization of children regarding bullying behavior. Pupils identified as bullies were 1.65 times
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

more likely to come from homes with authoritarian style of child rearing compared to a

participatory style. Bullies also were 1.71 times more likely than non-bullies to have parents who

used punitive forms of discipline more often. Being bullied also relates to parenting styles. A

significant correlation existed between bullying of a child and high levels of intrusive coerciveness

by the parent (r = – 0.20). This findings show that parents who allowed the child few opportunities

to control social circumstances may foster a passive orientation that could become problematic for

the child. On the other hand, a pupil who has a complete family is more likely to show favorable

behavior compared to those who have a single parent and are abandoned (cited by Tiongco, 2010).

In Binakayan National High School, Kawit, Cavite, there is a reported 36 bullying cases for SY

2013-2014 which emanate from name calling, playing offensive jokes, hiding or getting someone’s

personal belongings, and inflicting physical injury. These had turned into physical bullying where

kicking, slapping and beating up another person in the school are the most common cases. Based

on interview and teachers’ records; however, verbal bullying such as name calling, mocking, and

hurtful teasing happen frequently inside and outside the classroom which are not usually reported

to school authorities and resolved immediately instead. The discrepancies on the number of

reported cases and its surrounding information deplete the capability to understand the taxonomy

and cellular level of bullying. Hence, this descriptive study is aimed at investigating the bullying

experiences of students and classroom discipline techniques employed by the teachers towards the

crafting of an anti-bullying program in the school. It has the following objectives: determine

students and teachers’ profile relevant to main variables; assess the occurrences of direct and

indirect bullying incidences among students and the classroom discipline techniques employed by

teachers; test the independence of the profile variables from bullying incidences; create a model
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

localized to the concerned school that adequately explains classroom discipline techniques

employed by the teachers; and propose an anti-bullying program of the school.


Bullying hurts a person for their entire life unless it is stopped right when it starts. It has

been proven that when “bystanders intervene, bullying stopped within 10 seconds 57% of the time”

( When bullying occurs it is important that students know what to do. Getting

involved can help others have a healthy life and not do drastic things such as commit suicide. Even

though most schools teach students to alert a teacher if they are being bullied,“1 in 4 teachers see

nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4 % of the time” (11 Facts About

Bullying).With only 4 % of teachers ever intervening, they only become enablers of this

epidemic.Being directly affected, students are the answer to more interventions and an overall

safer environment. We the students, must take power into our hands and choose to make a

difference in this issue, saving the futures of all students present and in the future.

Bullying has a negative outcome in and out of the learning environment. It affects students’

sense of safety, which can impact their grades, their ability to study and, as a result, their future

prospects. People should be aware of the consequences and long lasting effects that bullying can

inflict on a person.
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Chapter III


Research Design

The research design we use is correlational survey, this is designed to determine the relationship

of a variables whether the relationship is perfect, very high, high, marked, or moderate, slight, or


Determination of Sample Size

The population of Grade 11 students in AMACC Biñan Campus is 800 students and the margin

of error is 5%.

Given: Slovin’s Formula

N = 800 n = 1+𝑁𝑒 2

e = 0.05
1+𝑁𝑒 2


1+800 0.0025


n = 400 Respondents
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

Sampling Design and Technique

The respondents of this research are the Grade 11 Students of AMACC Biñan Campus. There are

400 students selected through random sampling.

Sample Questionnaire

AMA Computer College Biñan Campus

AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Biñan, Laguna
Direction: Please put a check mark to the blank provided that corresponds to your opinion. The results of this
survey will be used to improve how students get along with one another at our school. Please answer these questions
Name (Optional): ____________________ Age: _______
Strand: _______ Sex: _______

SA=Strongly A=Agree MA=Moderately Agree D=Disagree SD=Strongly disagree

Questions SA A MA D SD

Bullying is a problem at this school

When another student was involved in unsafe

dangerous behavior I reported that anonymously
(without anyone knowing it was me).
When another student was bullied by another or by
someone from outside the school, I intervened to
stop that
We are all (teachers, students, and other staff)
trained on how to react when a violence
manifestation happens in our school.
I felt aggressed by a teacher or other staff of the
Students telling lies or making fun of other students
using the Internet (email, instant messaging, cell
phone text messaging, or websites).
AMA Computer College Biñan Campus
AMA Computer University, Kilometer 32, National Highway, Canlalay, Binan, Laguna

If another student talked about killing someone, I

would tell one of the teachers or staff at school.
Students here often get teased about their clothing
or physical appearance.
Students here often get put down because of their
race or ethnicity.
Teachers here make it clear to students that bullying
is not tolerated.

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