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Curriculum Vitae

Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, is currently teaching in Petra Christian University, Architecture

Department, in The Housing and City Research Group and teaching Inclusive Design and Thematic
Design Studio.
He is the Australia Awards Scholarship Awardee in 2018, He is currently pursuing PhD in
Architecture in Faculty of Creative Industry, Queensland University of Technology. His Research topic
is with Inclusive Design or Universal Design in Library for Persons with Disability.
He is involved with Service – Learning in design involving the people with disability since 2013,
and in 2015 until now, it had been supported by UBCHEA ( The program of
Improving Accessibility of All Users in Petra Christian University Library is on progress until July 2017.
Meanwhile the Service Learning of Inclusive Design for Homes and Schools in Surabaya and Bandung,
Participatory Design and Campaign was finished in July 2016. Some interview on the program released
by UBCHEA were described in:
He was also involved with the marginalised persons such as: the Surabaya’s Riverside Villages
(Kampung) Residents’ Association (Paguyuban Warga Strenkali Surabaya/ PWSS) in Surabaya. He had
conducted a participatory community video production training, participatory design of integrated
toilet facility and socialization of healthy and functional toilet design in the areas. He is also assisting
the PWSS in the creative social branding in the city-wide level.
He had worked as an Urban Planner in JURONG International in 2006-2008 and was involved
in ‘green’ and conventional urban planning and urban design projects in Qatar, Indonesia, China, India
and Vietnam. The Jurong International is currently merged under the Surbana – Jurong Pvt Ltd
He is also the manager of Green Impact Indonesia Studio providing consultancy services to
the Directorate General of Spatial Planning of Indonesia, Research Institute of Water Resources
Indonesia, Seribu Island Planning Agency in Jakarta Province, Real Estate Developer, Local Community
of Jakarta, Kediri, etc. Further information is provided in
He is also the recipient of Shell Best Dissertation Award in 2006-2007 of Real Estate
Department, National University of Singapore (
The update of this CV could be accessed in:

I. Personal Information
Full name : Gunawan Tanuwidjaja ST. MSc.
e-mail :
Website :
ORCID Number : 0000-0003-1681-6939
Office Phone : +62 31 8439040, 8394830-31
Mobile Phone : +61 412 995 792 (Call and SMS)
+62 812 212 208 42 (WA only)
Place of Birth : Bandung
Date of Birth : 08 of August 1978
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indonesian
Status : Married
Language Skill : Indonesian, English

II. Education Backgrounds

Formal Education
Name of City/ Study Time Graduated Special- GPA
Institution Country (Months/Year from (Month isation
s) and Year)
Queensland Brisbane, Est. 3.5 years N.A. Architecture N.A.
University of Australia
National Singapore 1 year Oct 2006 MSc. Real 4.16 from
University of Estate scale of 5
Singapore (Environ-
Bandung Bandung / 5 years July 2001 Bachelor of 2.73 from
Institute of Indonesia Architecture scale of 4

III. Working Experience
Name of City/ Countries Position Job Description Contract Periods
Petra Christian Surabaya Expert Advisory Team 2015-now
University for Special
Service Persons
with Disability in
Petra Christian
University Library
Petra Christian Surabaya Lecturer Team Leader of May 2013 to
University UNDK (University 2015
Network for
Digital Local
Knowledge) in
Petra Christian
Petra Christian Surabaya Lecturer Lecturer for August 2010 to
University, Inclusive Design now
Department of Course,
Architecture Integrated
Facility Design
Green Impact Bandung Manager Team Leader and March 2003 to
Indonesia Urban Planner now
Urban, Drainage
Agency for Bandung Expert Urban Planning October 2008 to
Research and and April 2009
Development, Management
Institute of Expert
Ministry of Public
Works, Republic
of Indonesia,
HOK Singapore Singapore Urban Designer Residential and October – Nov
Airport Urban 2008

Name of City/ Countries Position Job Description Contract Periods
Jurong Singapore Planner Industrial Area November 2006
Consultants Pte Master Plan, to October 2008
Ltd., Planning Urban Master
Division Plan, and Broad
Land Use Plan
National Parks Singapore Intern Green Network July 2006 to Aug
Board, Republic Planning 2006
of Singapore Research
Agency for Bandung/ Junior GIS Expert Jan 2005 - Aug
Research and Indonesia Researcher Assistant (Arc 2005
Development, View 3.2), in
Institute of Polder Team
Ministry of Public
Works, Republic
of Indonesia,
Satyamitra Bandung/ Junior Architect, House, Factory Aug 2003 - Dec
Jasapuri Indonesia Estimator and Café Design 2004
PT. Trinitas Bandung/ Junior Architect Apartment Aug 2002 - Aug
Buana Utama Indonesia Design 2003
PT. Imesco Dito Jakarta/ Junior Architect Exclusive Jan 2002 – Aug
Indonesia Residential 2002
COMBINE Bandung/ Junior Research on Aug 2001 - Jan
Indonesia Researcher Urban 2002
CV. Cipta Bina Bandung/ Work Trainee Hotel Design May - July 2001
Sarana Indonesia
ASPEK Bandung/ Program Garbage Jan 2000 - Aug
Indonesia Facilitator Management , 2001
Community Mechanism
Recovery Making and
Program (CRP- Controlling of
HUI) in RW 11, Cooperative
Cibangkong Credit Unit

IV. Planning, Research and Design Works
Name of Project Position Year
Under Petra Christian University
Soundscape of Visually Impaired Persons for Urban Researcher Aug 2017 - July 2018
Park Improvement in Surabaya (supported by UBCHEA
Improving Accessibility of All Users in Petra Christian Researcher Aug 2016 - July 2017
University Library supported by (supported by UBCHEA
UN Habitat Prepcom 3 Parallel event with title of: Team Leader 1 – 23 July 2016
Seminar and Field Visit: Inclusive Building and Urban
Parks in Surabaya by Petra Christian University,
Capturing The Family Business Resilience in Traditional Team Leader Aug 2015 - July 2016
Food Sector in Surabaya (supported by UBCHEA
Service Learning of Inclusive Design for Homes and Team Leader Aug 2015 - July 2016
Schools in Surabaya and Bandung, Participatory Design
and Campaign (supported by UBCHEA
Data collection survey on disability and development in Local Coordinator of June 2015 – Sept
Indonesia collaborating with Japan International Research Partner 2015
Cooperation Agency – JICA
(University Network for Digital Local Knowledge) Mini Team Leader May 2013 –
Project with title of “Portraying The Toileting Culture of December 2013
Surabaya People: People Perception and Toilet Design
(supported by UNDK Indonesia
Service Learning Inclusive Design with Persons with Lecturer (PCU and August 2012 – July
Visual Disability in Special School Surabaya (Special Green Impact Indo 2013
Class Design and Kitchen Design, August 2012 – July sSupported)
Evaluation of Singapore International Foundation (SIF) Local Coordinator of May 2012 – Sept
Program in 4 Hospitals in East Java Research Partner 2012

Name of Project Position Year
Under Green Impact Indonesia
Planning and Evaluation of Muhammad Husni Thamrin Team Leader August 2012 –
Plus (MHT Plus) Kampong Improvement Program in January 2013
Seribu Island, Jakarta
Optimising the Development of SURAMADU Bridge in Urban Planner and Jan 2010 – Jan 2011
Madura Island, in the Social, Economy and GIS Expert
Environmental Aspect.
Project Executive Presentation Assistance for (Strategic Team Leader Nov 2009 – Jan 2010
Urban Spatial Improvement Programme – SUSIP) ,
Directorate of Spatial Planning, Public Works
Department, Republic of Indonesia
Drainage Master Plan Revitalisation in Summarecon, Team Leader and March – Nov 2009
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, Indonesia Urban Planner
Hospital Preliminary Design and Study in Pangalengan, Team Leader and April 2009
West Java, Indonesia (Proposal to KPBS, Milk Producer Senior Architect
Cooperative in Pangalengan)
Community Based Development Revitalisation in PT Team Leader and April 2009
Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Environmentalist
Barat, Indonesia (Proposal)
Traditional Market Mapping, GIS Database and Analysis Team Leader and August – September
in the framework of Implementing Presidential Decree Urban Planner 2009
No 112/2007 on Development of Traditional Market
and Relocation of Modern Market in Indonesia
(Proposal to Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia)
Integrated Water Resources Management Plan for Team Leader and August – September
Barangkal River, sub catchment of Brantas River Basin, Environmentalist 2009
in relation with Social Aspect and Institution Capacity
Building (Proposal to JICA)
“9 Pearl” Elementary School in Bandung Team Leader and 2003
Proposal 99’ers Radio School (Proposal) Team Leader and 2003
Under Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd.
Preliminary Study and Brief Development Concept of Planner 2007 to 2008
QEZ3, Petrochemical Complex, Qatar
Dera Bassi Detailed Master Plan, Greater Mohali Area, Planner 2007 to 2008
Punjab, India
Libya Africa Economic City Planner 2007 to 2008
Wonogiri Industrial Park, Indonesia (Guanxi State Farm Planner 2007 to 2008
- Biofuel Plant)
Master Plan An Tay Industrial Service Centre Planner 2007
Master Plan Zhangzhou Waterfront City, China Assistant Planner 2006-2007
Master Plan AMRL International Tech City, Tamil Nadu, Assistant Planner 2007

Name of Project Position Year
With MSc Environmental Management Program
“Neotiewpia” Eco Village Master Plan in Kranji Planner & 2006
Singapore Environmentalist
Under SJP Engineering
BTC Café Junior Architect 2004
Kopomas Factory Junior Architect 2004
Private Houses Bandung Junior Architect, 2003 – 2004
Design Development
Under PT. Trinitas Buana Utama
Rental Houses in Bandung Studio Coordinator 2002 – 2003
Bukit Resik Exclusive Aparment Studio Coordinator 2002 – 2003
Site Plan “S. Parman” Elite Housing Studio Coordinator 2002
Under PT. Imesco Dito
Private Houses in Jakarta Junior Architect 2002
Freelance Project
Cibangkong Low Cost Housing, Bandung Indonesia Final Year Student 2001
Design Development of KARANG SETRA Hotel, Spa and Junior Architect, 2001
Cottages, Bandung Indonesia under Cipta Bina Sarana Design Development
Master Plan of Cipulir Housing Site Plan, Jakarta under Junior Architect 2001
Prof Ir. Danisworo

V. Awards, Prestige, Activities, and Publication

Awards/ Prestige
 Australia Awards Scholarship 2018 for Ph.D. study.
 Best Dissertation Prizes from Shell, MEM National University of Singapore, 2006-2007
 Shell Grant Bursary Holder in MEM National University of Singapore, 2005-2006
 Second Champion of Design Competition of Informal Traders Stand held by The Municipal\
Government of Kota Bandung, Praksis dan IMA-Gunadharma ITB Year 2001

Bandung Independent Living Center (BILIC)
2003 - 2004 : Voluntary Attendant for Difable (Disable) Person
2003 : Coordinator Research Team in Accessibility Issue for Difable (Disable) Person in Several
Location in Bandung
Forum Gelar Kota Bandung (City Development Discussion Forum)
2002 : Secretariat and Research Coordinator
2001 : Junior Researcher

Mediastika, C. E., Sudarsono, A. S., Kristanto, L., Tanuwidjaja, G., Sunaryo, R. G., & Damayanti, R.
(2019). Recalling the sonic perception of visually impaired people of Surabaya’s urban parks.
In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 280, p. 02007). EDP Sciences. Retrieved in:
Redyantanu, B. P., Santoso, D. K., Gotama, M., Anderlo, S. T., Tanuwidjaja, G., & Leonora, F. (2019).
Penerapan Green Technology pada Perpustakan Semi Terbuka untuk Kota Hijau yang
Berkelanjutan [Green Technology Implementation in the Semi-Open Library for Sustainable
Green City];. SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 2, 75-86. Retrieved
Kristanto, L., Tanuwidjaja, G., Antonio, J., Lie, L. M. C., Sebastian, M., & Chany, T. (2018). Elderly
Visual Task Performance by Differences on Reading Media and Lamp Position in a Room.
DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 45(1), 19-24. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G. Wardana, W.P., Widjojo, L.K., Andhika, R.,(2018, February). Apartemen Sederhana
Transisional bagi Profesional untuk Surabaya yang Layak Huni [Low-Cost-Transitional
Apartment for Professionals for Surabaya]. In Prosiding Seminar Kota Layak Huni/Livable
Space. In Prosiding Seminar Kota Layak Huni/Livable Space. 22 Februari 2018, Jurusan
Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G. Sutanto, E., Joseph, G., Jonathan, Oktovianto, E.S.A.(2018, February). Desain Sekolah
Dasar Inklusif bagi Disabilitas Daksa untuk Surabaya yang Layak Huni [The Inclusive Primary
Schools Design for People with Mobility Disabilities for Livable Surabaya City]. In Prosiding
Seminar Kota Layak Huni/Livable Space. 22 Februari 2018, Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik
Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta. Retrieved in:
Wicandra, O. B., Tanuwidjaja, G., Hoesny, M. B., Soetrisno, M., Octavia, L., & Subroto, G. (2018).
Service Learning on Cultural Inclusive Design for Urban Migrants' Villages: Producing
Transportable Toilet. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 59, p. 01023). EDP Sciences. In: 6th
Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., Lisandra, F., Magdalena, A., Negara, J. M., & Hayati, A. (2018). Service Learning on
Inclusive Design: Adaptive Home for Wheelchair-Using Persons with Disabilities. In SHS Web of
Conferences (Vol. 59, p. 01012). EDP Sciences. In: 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on
Service-Learning., Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in: https://www.shs-
Tanuwidjaja, G., Levina, C., Tandiono, C., & Tandiono, C. (2018). Service Learning on Inclusive Design:
Sidewalk Redesign for Siwalankerto, Surabaya, Indonesia. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 59,
p. 01013). EDP Sciences. In: 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning.,
Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in: https://www.shs-

Adiasih, P., and Tanuwidjaja, G., & Wibowo, A. (2018) Documenting Family Businesses Typology in
Traditional Food Sector in Surabaya: Architecture Design and Business Principles. In: 6th Asia-
Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Wulandari, D., Wardhani, D.K., Tanuwidjaja, G., Ariyanto, M.D., Susanto, C., & Sumoprayogo, M.M.,
(2017), Creative Storytelling Disseminating the Ideal City and Healthy, Accessible House, Paper
presented at the The 4th International Conference on Creative Industry: Creative Experience, ,
Surabaya, Indonesia, Retrieved in:, or
Wulandari, D., Tanuwidjaja, G., Kristanto, L., Yessica, Tondayana, A. Y. A., & Hariyono, N. K. (2017),
Creative Accessibility Improvement of All Users in Petra Christian University Library, Paper
presented at the The 4th International Conference on Creative Industry: Creative Experience, ,
Surabaya, Indonesia, Retrieved in:, or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Tanumihardja, I.A.A., Soegijono, F.L., Oktovianto, E.S.A. and Gooeir, M.K. (2016)
Desain Fasade Cerdas untuk Sekolah Dasar di Surabaya Timur [Smart Facade Design for
Elementary Schools in Eastern Surabaya]. In: Seminar on Architecture Research and
Technology, 07 November 2016, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Kristanto, L., Tanuwidjaja, G., Elsiana, F., Wijaya, N.A., & Wahono, A.E. (2016) The Influence of Wall
Color and Lamp Color Temperature to Student’s Concentration and Cognition. DIMENSI –
Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, Vol 43, No 1 (2016). pp. 15-22. ISSN 0126-219X
Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Marchelina, J., Yosephine, V.L., Joyie, & Hayati, A. (2016) The Low Cost Apartment
for Wheelchair User. In: 8th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design,
Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Sutandio, D., Tedjowidjojo, I., & Brahmana, R.K.M.R., (2016) The Creative Hawker
Center for Small – Family – Business in Traditional Food of Surabaya. In: 8th International
Conference on Architecture Research and Design, Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in: or
Widjaya, J.M. & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2016) Sustainable Agro-Industrial Ecology Concept of the Madura
Island. In: CITIES 2016 International Conference, Coastal Planning for Sustainable Marine
Development, Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., Wiyono, A.E., Wibowo, A., Gerry, G., Shinata, L.M. & Wijaya, R.R., (2016)
Redesigning the Traditional Food Kiosk Based on Local Knowledge, Case Study: Siwalankerto
District. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume (14 Jul). Pages 560–567. ISSN 1877-
0488. Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan (2015) Desain Rumah untuk Hidup yang Bermartabat (Living in Dignity: Home
Design). Indie Book Corner, Jl. Wahid Hasyim No. 3 Gorongan, Caturtunggal, Depok. ISBN 978-

Tanuwidjaja, G., Oktovianto, E.S.A., Joyie, Soegijono, F.L. (2015) Desain Taman Kuliner untuk
Pedagang Kaki Lima yang Inovatif di Tepi Sungai, Surabaya [Culinary Park Design for Innovative
Street Vendors on the River Bank, Surabaya]. SHARE: SHaring – Action – REflection, Vol 3, No 1
(2015). pp. 28-34. ISSN 2338-7866. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., Kristanto, L., Elsiana, F., Yusani, J., Haryogo, M.M. & Santoso, S.B., (2015) Hospital’s
Wall Colour Impact on Stroke Patents’ Ward Users in Surabaya.. DIMENSI (Journal of
Architecture and Built Environment), Vol 42 (No 2 (2015). pp. 77-80. ISSN 0126-219x.
Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Arviana, N., Lavenia, Wiarta, S.S. & Sugianto, J.K.. (2015) Elemen Arsitektur, Interior
dan Signage untuk Menemukan Jalan dan Branding Universitas Kristen Petra [Elements of
Architecture, Interior and Signage for Wayfinding and Branding of Petra Christian University].
ATRIUM, Vol 1 (No 1, 2015). 19-28 . ISSN 2442-7756. Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Wonoseputro, C., & Santoso, S.B., (2014) Evaluasi Kualitas Ruang Fasilitas Untuk
Pasien Jantung Berbasis Persepsi Pengguna [Evaluation of Spatial Quality for Heart Treatment
Based on User Perception]. Jurnal RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies), Vol
12, No 2 (2014). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2338-1701. Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Tommy, T., Kusuma, H.A., & Lesmana, M.E., (2015) Green Commercial Design in
Tunjungan Surabaya. In: The 2nd International Conference Planning in the Era of Uncertainty:
Sustainable Development, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Brawijaya University,
Malang – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., & Wirawan, Y.R., (2015) Creative – Sustainable Traditional Market Design in Malang.
In: The 2nd International Conference Planning in the Era of Uncertainty: Sustainable
Development, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Brawijaya University, Malang –
Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., (2014) Culture–Inclusive Toilet Design for YPAB Blind School in Surabaya. DIMENSI
(Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), Vol 41 (No 2 (2014). pp. 59-63. ISSN 0126-
219X (print) / ISSN 2338-7858 (online). Retrieved in: or
Sunjaya, B.M.. Salim, E.S., Wijaya, D., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2014) Desain Dermaga Apung dan
Penangkap Sampah di Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo, Surabaya [Design of Floating
Jetties and Trash Catchers in the Ecotourism Area of Mangrove Wonorejo, Surabaya]. In:
Seminar Nasional Teknologi 2015, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, Malang – Indonesia.
Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., Juanda, N.W.I., Himdojo, S.I., & Salim, E.S., (2014) Pengaruh Warna dalam Desain
Fasilitas Perawatan Gigi Ramah Anak di Amerika [Effects of Color in the Design of Child Friendly
Dental Care Facilities in America]. In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi 2015 Institut Teknologi
Nasional Malang, Malang – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Buana, P.D.T., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2014) Efektivitas Desain Kamar dan Nurse Station pada Paviliun
Penderita Stroke di Rumah Sakit Y di Surabaya [Effectiveness of Room Design and Nurse
Station on the Stroke Patient Pavilion at Y Hospital in Surabaya]. In: Seminar Nasional
Teknologi 2015 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, Malang – Indonesia. Retrieved in:

Tanuwidjaja, G., Putra, C.M., & Subroto, G., (2014) Desain Rumah Usaha dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau
sebagai Konsep Penataan Ruang Eco-City yang Partisipatif: Kasus Bratang Tangkis, Surabaya
[Small-Business House Design and Green Open Space Design as a Participatory and Eco-City
Spatial Planning Concept: The Case of Bratang Tangkis, Surabaya]. In: Seminar Nasional CITIES
2014, Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Mustakim, Tanuwidjaja, G., Lo, L.A.M., Silvanus, D.C., Suwandi, E.A., & Pranoto, M., (2014) Desain
Rumah Nelayan yang Berkelanjutan, menunjang Coastal Eco-city di Pulau Panggang,
Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta [Sustainable Fisherman House Design, supporting the Coastal
Eco-city on Pulau Panggang, Seribu Islands, DKI Jakarta]. In: Seminar Nasional CITIES 2014,
Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Kusuma, H.A., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2014) Desain Rumah Bali Kontemporer yang Berbasis Konsep Tri
Mandala [Contemporary Balinese House Design Based on the Tri Mandala Concept]. In:
Seminar Rumah Tradisional 2014 – Transformasi Nilai-nilai Tradisional dalam Arsitektur Masa
Kini, Denpasar, Bali – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Octavia, L. & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2013) Feng Shui in Modern House Design Searching for The Rationale
and Possible Impacts Assessment. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment),
Vol 41 (No 1 (2013). pp. 43-50. ISSN 2338-7858. Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Harifin, J.F., Wijanto, P.N., Ellena, M., & Rampisela, M,M., (2014) Sosialisasi dan
Desain Partisipatif Fasilitas Mandi Cuci Kakus Sehat dan Fungsional di Surabaya [Socialisation
and Participatory Design of Healthy and Functional Toilet and Washing Facilities in Surabaya].
Jurnal Share SHARE: SHaring – Action – REflection, 2 (No 1 (2014). pp. 23-27. ISSN 2338-7866.
Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., & Widjaya, J.M., (2013) Revitalisasi Kota dan Kabupaten yang Lebih Berkelanjutan:
Kerangka Kerjasama dan Perencanaan Partisipatif di Bangkalan Madura [More-Sustainable
Revitalization of Cities and Districts: Collaboration Framework and Participatory Planning in
Bangkalan Madura]. Jurnal Pembangunan Daerah, Edisi I, Vol. 1, Tahun 2013, 1 (1). pp. 59-76.
ISSN 2337-3318. Retrieved in:
Wicandra, O.B., Srisanto, E., Tanuwidjaja, G., Prasetyadi, B., & Octavia, L., (2013) Pengembangan
Kemampuan Industri Kreatif Video di Kampung Kota [Development of Creative Industry-Video
Capabilities in Kampung Kota]. SHARE: SHaring – Action – REflection, Vol 1 (No 1 (2013). pp.
23-29. ISSN 2338-7866. Retrieved in: pr
Tanuwidjaja, G., (2013) Implementasi Service Learning dalam Desain Inklusi di Sekolah Menengah
Pertama Luar Biasa – A Yayasan Pendidikan Anak-Anak Tuna Netra, (SMPLB-A YPAB), Surabaya
[Implementation of Service Learning of Inclusive Design in Special Junior Schools – Type A
Foundation for Education for Blind Children, (SMPLB-A YPAB), Surabaya]. SHARE: SHaring –
Action – REflection, Vol 1 (No 1 (2013). pp. 14-22. ISSN 2338-7886 Retrieved in: or
Tanuwidjaja, G., Lo, L.A.M., Silvanus, D.C., Widyowijatnoko, A., & Mustakim, (2014) Introduction of
Plastered Bamboo Creative Eco-Design to Support Creative Infrastructure Improvement in
Kediri. In: International Conference on Creative Industry 2013 Empowering Design Quality in
Creative Industry, Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in:

Tanuwidjaja, G., & Laurens, J.M., Loanoto, S.Y., Tandian, S., & Honsujaya, F.A., (2013) Inclusive
Design with Difable in Special School Surabaya. In: International Conference on Creative
Industry 2013 Empowering Design Quality in Creative Industry, Surabaya – Indonesia.
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Azali, K., Budiman, A., Prasetya, B., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2012) Ayorek! Building Urban Knowledge
Dynamics as a Foundation for Creative and Collaborative Participation. In: International
Conference on Creative Industry 2013 Empowering Design Quality in Creative Industry,
Surabaya – Indonesia.
Tanuwidjaja, G., (2013) Laporan Program Service Learning kepada Masyarakat AR633 Desain Inklusi
Redesain Dapur Mandiri untuk Tuna Netra Secara Partisipatif SMPLB-A YPAB, Surabaya. LPPM
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Tanuwidjaja, G., Lo, L.A.M., & Silvanus, D.C., (2013) Desain Rumah Heinz Frick yang Ramah
Lingkungan dan Terjangkau [The Environmental-Friendly and Affordable Heinz Frick House
Design]. Jurnal TESA Arsitektur, 11 (1/2013). Retrieved in:
Lorencia, C., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2012) Desain Museum Ekologi Surabaya untuk Meningkatkan
Kesadaran Lingkungan Warga Surabaya [Design of the Surabaya’s Ecological Museum to
Increase Surabaya's Environmental Awareness]. In: Semesta Arsitektur Nusantara I Ruang
Bersama Nusantara untuk Kehidupan yang Lebih Baik, Malang. Retrieved in:
Lo, L.A.M., Silvanus, D.C., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2012) Sustainable Architectural Design of Heinz Frick
Home: Coping with the Global Challenges in the Asian Cities. In: 2nd International Conference
on Sustainable Technology Development, Udayana University, Bali. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., Widiantono, D.J., Rasyad, R., & Agus S., (2012). Integrated & Smart Design for Urban
Green Spaces, presented in Arte-Polis 4 Intl Conference – Creative Connectivity and the
Making of Place: Living Smart by Design, 5th – 7th July 2012, organised by Architecture
Program, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institute Technology of
Bandung. Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., Dasmanto, H., Kolondam, G.T., & Hadimuljono, Erel, (2012), “Creative and
Participative” Remaking of Place Strategy for Jalan Panggung, Surabaya, presented in Arte-
Polis 4 Intl Conference – Creative Connectivity and the Making of Place: Living Smart by
Design, 5th – 7th July 2012, organised by Architecture Program, School of Architecture,
Planning and Policy Development, Institute Technology of Bandung. Retrieved in:
Hariyanto, A.D., Tanuwidjaja, G., & Basuki, R.M.N., (2012) Kualitas Elemen Arsitektur sebagai
Penunjang Kemudahan Wayfinding dan Orientasi di Gedung Universitas Kristen Petra
[Architectural Element Quality as supporting factor for Wayfinding and Orientation Easiness in
Petra Christian University Building]. In: Seminar Nasional Menuju Arsitektur Berempati,
Surabaya – Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Laurens, J.M., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2012) Melalui Pendekatan Desain Inklusi Menuju Arsitektur yang
Humanis [Through the Inclusive Design Approach to Humanist Architecture]. In: Seminar
Nasional Menuju Arsitektur Yang Berempati, Surabaya, Indonesia. Retrieved in:
Laurens, J.M., & Tanuwidjaja, G., (2011) Laporan Penelitian Aksesibilitas bagi Pengguna Terminal Bis
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Terminal]. LPPM UK Petra Retrieved in:

Tanuwidjaja, G., & Lo, L.A.M., ( 2011), Sustainable Architectural Design in Indonesia : Responding
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Prosiding Seminar Lingkungan Hidup 2011, Tgl. 26 Mei 2011, disusun oleh UK. Petra ISBN :
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Tanuwidjaja, G., (2011), Park Connector Network Planning in Singapore : Integrating the Garden in
the Garden City, presented in The 5th International Conference of the International Forum on
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Singapore, Retrieved in:
Tanuwidjaja, G., Widjaya,J.M., & Tallar,R.Y., (2010) Creative Collaboration in Urban Polder in Jakarta,
in the Framework of Integrated Water Management, presented in International Conference
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Tanuwidjaja, G., Lovdal, T.I., Boopal, A., Goh, K.L.E., Bu, F., Fong, H.K., & Yan, M.L.,
(2010),Integrated Ecological Planning in Singapore : Neotiewpia Eco-Village in Bustling
Metropolitan, published in International Seminar on Tropical Eco-Settlement, 3rd - 5th
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Tanuwidjaja, G., & Widjaya, J.M., (2010), Integrasi Tata Ruang dan Tata Air untuk Mengurangi Banjir
di Surabaya [Integration of Spatial Planning and Water Resource Management for Flood
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Tanuwidjaja, G., Mustakim, Hidayat,M., & Sudarman, A., (2009), Integrasi Kebijakan Perencanaan
dan Desain Rumah Susun yang Berkelanjutan, dalam Konteks Pembangunan Kota yang
Berkelanjutan [Integration of Sustainable Planning Policy and Design of Low-Cost Apartment,
in the Context of Sustainable Urban Development]. in National Seminar of Low-Cost
Apartment, 15th August of 2009, organized by Civil Engineering Department, Maranatha
University, Bandung, Indonesia, 2009. ISBN : 978-979-16346-1-8. Retrieved in:
Mustakim, Tanuwidjaja, G., Widyowijatnoko, A., Faisal,B., (2009), Bambu sebagai Material yang
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Material for Housing], in National Seminar of Low-Cost Apartment, 15th August of 2009,
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Tanuwidjaja, G., & Malone-Lee L.C., (2009), Applying Integrated Ecological and Adaptive Landscape
Evaluation Tool for Developing Countries in the Framework of Sustainable Spatial Planning and
Development, Study Case Bintan Island, Indonesia, presented in An International Conference
on Regional & City Planning PPGC, organized by Institute Technology of Bandung 12nd - 13th
November 2009
Tanuwidjaja, G., & Malone-Lee, L. C. (2010). Developing a Landscape Evaluation Tool in Developing
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Tanuwidjaja, G., (2001), Thesis of Design Studio, Case of Low Economy Flat for Cibangkong Village,
Bandung, Indonesia (Kelurahan Cibangkong), Theme Pattern Language Architecture,
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