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Solutions to the Problems 409

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Figure 7.13: The m-dependence of the magnetic part of the energy density, as-
suming the DOS (7.110). Left: for H = 0, for U = 3, 4.23, 5, and 104/15 (curves
from top down). The first-order transition to saturation magnetization sets in at
U = 4.23. Right: for U = 3.8, in an external field H = 0.15, 0.225, and 0.3 (curves
from top down). A metamagnetic transition occurs at H M 0.225.

left), we find that the absolute minimum belongs to the saturation polarization
m = 112 for U 1 4 . 2 3 .
Finding that the T = 0 paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition is first-
order, is in itself not unphysical at all. However, it does not necessarily follow
that rn should immediately jump to its saturation value 1/2. Our (7.110) was
meant to imitate merely a sharp structure around EF but not the entire band.
Attaching tails to our p ( e ) , we should find an abrupt transition to an m < 1/2
Choosing the marginally subthreshold value U = 3.8, we expect that the
transition to the strongly magnetized case can be induced by a relatively small
external field. Plotting the magnetic part of the energy density as a function
of m for various fields H (Fig. 7.13, right), we see that the absolute minimum
switches from m = 0 to m = 1/2 at H w 0.225. This is another example of
the metamagnetic transition which apparently can have a number of different
physicd mechanisms (see also p. 536 and Sec. 3.8.3). Our calculation may be
regarded as a naive model of the metamagnetic transition seen in the YCoz
system. It has been surmised that for nearly ferromagnetic materials, there is
a close relationship between the existence of a susceptibility maximum and the
possibility of a metamagnetic transition. Our model DOS certainly exemplifies
Problem 7.3 The small parameter in the limit of very weak itinerant fer-
romagnetism is V p ( e ~-) 1 << 1. Since in the temperature range of interest
T << TF,we can use the Sommerfeld expansion. Furthermore, because of
m << 1, pt and p~ deviate very little from EF, so the band can be characterized
by p and its derivatives at CF.

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