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7 Transition Metals and Alloys 405

acteristic of itinerant magnets. In contrast, localized-spin systems tend

to form helicoidal patterns.
The SDW amplitude in Cr is moderately large: 0 . 6 2 , ~ Actually,
it is not really proper to speak about a spin density wave, since ~ 6 0 %
of the magnetization is orbital moment, and only -40% is due to spins.
The experimental observation that the susceptibility shows only a rela-
tively small decrease due to the SDW transition, can also be explained
by arguing that only the spin susceptibility is strongly affected by the
SDW gaps.

5.0 6.0 6.2

Llrctronm p l r atom

Figure 7.11: Left: The electrical resistivity of Cr in a temperature interval including

TN.The ordinate is R ( T) / R ( T= 320K) * 100. One needs a single-domain (field-
cooled) sample to see the marked anisotropy (after 11031). Right: The electronic
specific heat coefficient r as a function of the total 3d-49 band filling, after [103].The
continuous line and the dotted line are drawn through different sets of experimental
points (empty square: Cr,filled circles: CrV, empty circles: CrOs, crosses: CrRe),
but in either case, SDW formation causes a marked dip from the hypothetical non-
magnetic state (dashed line).

The effect of the opening of the SDW gaps is most clearly seen
in the electronic specific heat, and the electrical resistivity. Fig. 7.11
(right) shows the electronic specific heat coefficient r as a function of
the electron concentration. n = 6.0 represents Cr, and the surrounding
range can be realized by alloying Cr with various transition metals. The
r of the hypothetical non-magnetic metal is shown by dashed line (this
line can also be traced experimentally, using data for the isoelectronic
Mo(Nb/Re) and W(Ta/Re) systems which have no SDW). It is clear

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