The Problems: Solutions To

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Solutions to the Problems 413

Replacing the above result in (7.45), we get the following expression for
the ordering (NBel) temperature in the weak coupling limit


For hypercubic lattices in d # 2, p(0) is finite. x(')(Q)can be estimated as in

(7.130), only the factor In ( t / c ) has to be replaced by p(0). The second term
gives the leading contribution


TN(d# 2) N t .exp (7.134)

Naturally, we must not forget that (7.132) and (7.134) are mean field results.
Mean field theory predicts finite TN for any dimension, but we have to remem-
ber that the Mermin-Wagner theorem excludes the breaking of continuous
symmetries at finite T for d = 1 and d = 2 .

Problem 7.6 Using the mean field assumption (nj+)= 1/2 + (-l)jm, ( n j ~=)
1/2 - (-1)jm for j = 1, 2 we are led to the mean field Hamiltonian

xMFA = X+ + XJ + u - 2 ~ 41( -- m2) (7.135)

zg= - t ( c ! , ~ 2 +~ ci,clo) - Umq(u)(Al, - ~ 2 ~ ) . (7.136)
The spectrum is u-independent: both Xt and XJhave the eigenvalues
A* = h / ~ . (7.137)

Proceeding as we did in Sec. 7.6, m can be obtained from minimizing


which yields
if U 5 2t
m= -4 if u 2 2t. (7.139)

The simplicity of the problem makes it easy to follow the alternative route:
writing down the self-consistency equation in the literal sense. In the basis

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