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412 Ch.

7 Itinerant Electron Magnetism

Note that the apparent divergence at q = 0 is cancelled by the expansion of

the In. The only true divergence occurs at q = f2kF, given by In (q f 2kF).
Solving the same problem with the tight binding dispersion ~ ( k=
) -2t cos k,
we are led to

Though the details of the formula differ from those of (7.125), the divergent
behaviour is governed by the same In ( q f 2kF).
Problem 7.5 One cannot use the Sommerfeld expansion because the zeroth-
order contribution would diverge. Since the largest contribution is expected
from a small neighbourhood of the band centre, it is acceptable to approximate
the Fermi distribution by a formula which has the correct value, and first
derivative, at E = 0:

I' if c < -2k~T

f(€) M --- if - 2 k ~ T< E < 2 b T (7.127)
if c < - 2 k ~ T .

Using (4.31), the q = O response is described by (7.46)

thus for small T we find

X(O)(q= 0, T ) N -1t In -t

For q=Q the perfect nesting property (7.49) allows us to rewrite (7.42) as

The largest contribution arises from the neighbourhood of the lower limit of
the second integral


Thus at T -+ 0, the q=O response diverges like lnT, while q=Q response
diverges as ln2 T. The antiferromagnetic instability is stronger.

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