Hubbard: So in The Hope That The

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466 Ch.

8 Ferromagnetism in Hubbard Models

In contrast to the starting (8.36), we now divide the electrons sharply

into two classes: one kind is always localized, and can be treated as
localized spins, and the other kind is itinerant, forming a conduction
Having neglected the degeneracy of the eg orbitals, we actually re-
nounced the possibility of recovering the ferromagnetic kinetic exchange
at exact quarter filling (see Sec. 5.4). We did so in the hope that the
double exchange processes give a stronger (o( t ) effective ferromagnetic
coupling when the conduction electron concentration is 0 < n, < 1.
The simplified Hamilton operator (8.38) is often called the Kondo lat-
tice model with ferromagnetic coupling34.
It is simplest to treat the case when the electrons hop between clas-
sical (S + m) spins because then spin-flip processes cease to operate.
Let us furthermore assume that JH -+ 00 thus the electron spin has to
be strictly aligned with the localized spin at every site. Let us assume
that the spin S is pointing up at site i, while at site j it subtends an
angle 6 with the z-axis, lying in the z-z plane. If an electron jumps
from i to j, it begins with pointing in the z-direction, and ends up with
being rotated to a state with polar angles 19, and p = 0
lj,I9,O) = cos -
I f)j + sin -I92 I J.)j . (8.40)

The amplitude of an i + j hopping event is (omitting the usual negative

ij i = t ~19,01, C cl,uci,uli,0, 0) = t cos (19/2).

The effective hopping amplitude is reduced if the core spins are not
perfectly aligned. This result is sufficient for the discussion of coplanar
structures of large spins.
Generally, the orientation of the localized spin at j is specified by
the polar angles t9j and pj, and the conduction electron state pointing
in the same direction is

34TheKondo lattice with antiferromagnetic coupling will be introduced in Ch. 11.

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