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Solutions to the Problems 485

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Magnetic Field [kOe] Magnetic Field [kOe]

Figure 8.16: Left Field-induced transition from an insulating antiferrornagnet to

a conducting ferromagnet in PrlpSrlpMnOs. Right: Phase diagram for the Wigner
crystal to charge liquid transition in the T - H plane (after 14021).

Solutions to the Problems

Problem 8.1. First, we solve the problem by exact diagonalization. The
relationship t o the Nagaoka theorem will be discussed afterwards.
The Hamiltonian is mirror symmetrical about the axis bisecting the edges
12 and 34, which allows to seek the eigenstates in the even and odd subspaces
separately. The total spin is either S = 3/2 or S = 1/2. In the S" = 3/2
subspace we choose the following basis states

G? t t t
= (1/h)(Ci+C3tC4+ Cz+C3tC4+)lO)
t t

Gf = (1/mC;+C;+C!+ f Cl+cztcs+)lO)
t t t . (8.53)

The eigenvalues are (with the degeneracy given in parentheses)

for t' = t -2t, 0 (2), 2t

for t' = -t - a t (21, h t (2) . (8.54)

Constructing an orthogonal basis of S = 1/2 states would be a cumber-

some process. We rather prefer to work in the somewhat larger s" = 1/2
subspace, and identify the S = 1/2 energy levels by omitting the states which
are degenerate with the previously found S = 3/2 levels. The six even (odd)

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