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Can’t wait for too late:

NDS endorses Inquiry’s call for reform
National Disability Services (NDS) backs a bipartisan Federal Parliamentary inquiry to restructure
the governance of the disability services market – ensuring sustainability of services for
thousands of Australians accessing the NDIS.
The Market Readiness Report from the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS, tabled in
Parliament last night, was highly critical of risks posed to NDIS market sustainability.
It recommends:
• The immediate development of a market stewardship strategy to ensure the delivery of
sustainable services;
• The establishment of a disability sector assistance fund; and
• The transfer of responsibility for NDIS price-setting to an agency that is independent of the
The report backs NDS’s submission that a critical shortage of disability support workers and
inadequate pricing is placing the scheme under stress, with service providers unable to offer
training and professional development to their staff.
The committee also noted that inadequate pricing is impacting on staff supervision and
mentoring, which could compromise the quality of care offered to participants.
The report states, ‘We need clarity about the roles of different government agencies involved in
market stewardship – the role of the National Disability Insurance Agency, the role of the new
quality and safeguards commission, the role of the Department of Social Services, the role of
state governments.’
The committee also said it was troubled to hear of the inability of many service providers to
operate at even modest profit levels and that inadequate pricing was resulting in providers
discontinuing services to some participants.
NDS CEO Chris Tanti said the report recognises many of the concerns providers have been
raising about the sustainability of disability services.
“Waiting until the market fails before taking action is not acceptable. Effective stewardship must
identify emerging risks and intervene early,” Mr Tanti said.
“The report echoes the view of many NDS members, that NDIS pricing should better reflect the
additional operational costs associated with delivering services within the complexities of the
NDIS environment,” Mr Tanti said.
“We urge the Government to implement these bipartisan recommendations as soon as possible
to give certainty to providers and peace of mind to consumers, that they can access quality
services from a disability sector able to provide them.”
Media contact: Kate van der Drift, 0408 175 564

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