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ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, JAN.-2016


Chaitanya Kale
Department of Information Technology, College Of Engineering, Kopargaon, India
Dadasaheb Jadhav
Department of Information Technology, College Of Engineering, Kopargaon, India
Tushar Pawar
Department of Information Technology, College Of Engineering, Kopargaon, India

In recent year, online reviews have become the most important resource of customer
opinion. Existing research has been focused on extraction, classification and summarization
of opinion from reviews in websites, forums and blogs. Nowadays consumer can obtain
information for products and service from online review resources, which can help them
make decision. The social tools provided by the content sharing applications allow online
user to interact, to express their opinions and to read opinions from other users. But the
spammers provide comments which are written intentionally to mislead users by redirecting
them to web sites to increase their rating and to promote products less known on the market.
Reading spam comments is a bad experience and a waste of time for most of the online users
but can also be harming and cause damage to the reader. Several researchers in this field
focused on only spam or non-spam comments. But, our goal is to detect comments which are
likely to represent spam considering some indicators like a discontinuous flow of text,
inadequate and vulgar language or not related to the specific context will helps in giving
correct feedback of various customers reviews about given product. Mainly we have
observed that previous work is focused on extraction, classification and summarization of
opinion and checking of spam and non-spam. But, proposed system aims to find irregular or
discontinuous text flow, vulgar language or not related to specific context and check
similarity between the comments.
Keywords: Spam; Machine learning; Topic extraction; Post-comment similarity; Feature
vector; Opinion sentiment; Review inter-relationship; Group spammers.

The Web is the greatest repository of digital information and communication platform
ever invented. People around the world widely use it to interact with each other as well as to
express opinion and feelings on different issues and topics. With the increasing availability of
online review sites and blogs, customers depend on online review to make their purchase
decision and business to respond promptly to their client‟s expectations. Detecting opinion
spam is a very challenging problem since opinion expressed in the web are typically short
text, written by unknown people using different style and for different task, particularly
because human being are not always able to reliable determine which review are spams.
ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, JAN.-2016

The proposed work presents a method for detecting whether review is spam or non-
spam. These methods essentially rely on duplicate reviews only suited for some special
spamming activities. To capture inter-relationship among reviewers, reviews and stores and
proposed a novel review graph based on spam reviewer detection approach. The main goal is
to detect comments which are likely to represent spam considering some indicators that is a
discontinuous text flow, inadequate and vulgar language or not related to a specific context
by using machine learning approaches.

Siddu P. Algur [2] in this paper, make an attempt to detect review is spam or non-
spam. The trustworthiness of the review is assessed as a spam or non-spam with includes
both duplicate and non-duplicate review. Author proposed novel and effective technique
namely conceptual level similarity measure used for detection of spam review based on the
product features that have been commented in the review. The efficiency of the task of web
base customer review spam detection can be enhanced by identifying and eliminating
duplicate spam reviews, thereby providing summary of trusted review for customer to make
buying decision.
D. Liang, H. Shen. [3] In this paper, author constructed a novel multi-edge graph
model in which each node represents a reviewer and each edge represents an inter-
relationship between reviewers on one special product. Combing with the features based on
reviewers‟ unreliability score, author proposed an unsupervised iterative computation
framework. It is the first algorithm to consider both of the reviewers‟ features and their inter-
relationships, and places emphasis on detecting the spammers who always work together.
Experimental results show that the method is effective in detecting spam reviewers with a
satisfied precision.
A. Gupta, R. Kaushal [4] OSNs (Online Social Network) have become a new medium
for dissemination of information, at the same time; they are also fast becoming a playground
for the spread of misinformation, fake news, rumors, unsolicited messages, etc. Spammers,
out of malicious intent, post either unwanted (or irrelevant) information or spread
misinformation on OSN platforms. As part of work, author proposed mechanisms to detect
such users (Spammers) in Twitter social network (a popular OSN). This work is based on a
number of features at tweet-level and user-level like Followers/Follows, URLs, Spam Words,
Replies and Hash Tags.
H. A. Najada, X Zhu. [5] In this research, author‟s main aim is to distinguish between
spam and non-spam reviews by using supervised classification methods. One of the most
effective ways to distinguish spam and non-spam reviews is by using machine learning
techniques, which has proved its ability in such problems especially when dealing with text
and natural language.
X. Yang. [6] In this paper, author proposed an iterative computation framework to
detect spam reviews based on coherent examination. They first define some reviews' coherent
metrics to analyze review coherence in the granularity of sentence. In this part author have
provided several metrics to measure the coherence of a review based on the flow smoothness
information between sentences: Word Transition Probability – Conditional Probability, Word
Concurrence Probability – Join Probability.
R. Patel, P. Thakkar. [7] This paper focuses on the detection of deceptive opinion

ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, JAN.-2016

spam. A recently proposed opinion spam detection method which is based on n-gram
techniques is extended by means of feature selection and different representation of the
opinions. The problem is modelled as the classification problem and Naïve Bayes (NB)
classifier and Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) are used on three different
representations (Boolean, bag-of-words and term frequency–inverse document frequency
(TF-IDF)) of the opinions.
M. L. Ramprasad, M. G. Amudha. [8]In the existing work related to the you Tube the
user have to search for the videos which takes a long time and irrelevant videos not related to
the user search is displayed. The aim of the proposed work is that, User-generated content
(UGC) video systems by definition heavily depend on the input of their community of users
and their social interactions for video diffusion and opinion sharing. As a UGC system can
achieve a larger audience through improved connectivity, findings motivate to propose a
mean to enhance the users‟ connectivity by taking benefit of friend recommendation and
spammer detection of the online videos.
H. Li, Z. Chen, B. Liu, X. Wei, J. Shao,[9]This paper reports the work on fake review
detection in Chinese with filtered reviews from Dianping‟s fake review detection system.
Dianping‟s algorithm has a very high precision, but the recall is hard to know. This means
that all fake reviews detected by the system are almost certainly fake but the remaining
reviews (unknown set) may not be all genuine. They first proposed a collective classification
algorithm called Multi-typed Heterogeneous Collective Classification (MHCC) and then
extend it to Collective Positive and Unlabeled learning (CPU). Experiments are conducted on
real-life reviews of 500 restaurants in Shanghai, China. Results shows that proposed models
can markedly improve the F1 scores of strong baselines in both PU and non-PU learning
Y. Lin, H. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Wang, A. Zhou. [10]In this paper, authors have explored
the issue on fake review detection in review sequence, which is crucial for implementing
online anti-opinion spam. Authors have analyzed the characteristics of fake reviews firstly.
Based on review contents and reviewer behaviors, six time sensitive features are proposed to
highlight the fake reviews. The experimental result shows that these methods can identify the
fake reviews orderly with high precision and recall.
J. Z. Wang, Z. Yan, L. T. Yang, B. X. Huang,[11] Existing research has been focused
on extraction, classification and summarization of opinions from reviews in news websites,
forums and blogs. Important issue that has not been well studied is the degree of relevance
between a review and its corresponding article. In this paper, author proposed a notion of
„„Review Pertinence” to study the degree of this relevance. Unlike usual methods, they
measure the pertinence of review by considering not only the similarity between a review and
its corresponding article, but also the correlation among reviews

In our research show that it is possible to detect spam comments with the proper
selection of features which capture different characteristics of legitimate comments in order
to differentiate them from spam comments. In our experiment we consider as spam the
following type of documents associated with a review by using some indicators: (i)
incoherent comments with increased number of punctuation marks, new lines, stop words,
non ASCII characters and white spaces, (ii) inadequate comments which contain offensive
words and (iii) coherent comments which do not provide relevant content to a specific topic.
ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, JAN.-2016

Our experiment we makes use of natural language processing techniques in order to identify
the relevant features of spam comments. We propose a supervised learning approach and
experiment different sets of features to correctly classify comments as spam or not.

As shown in Figure 1, spam review detection system using NLP techniques:

Fig.1. Spam Review Detection System

The architecture of proposed system is composed of three main modules:

 Feature extraction module.

 Post-comment similarity module
 Topic extraction module.


In feature extraction module the proposed system eliminate comments which are
discontinuous and contain vulgar expressions. The identification of these types of comments
relies on the identification of countable features: links, white spaces, sentences, punctuation
marks, word duplication, stop words, non ASCII characters, new line, and capital letter.
We are implement feature extraction module based on some characteristics of spam

ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, JAN.-2016

a) Number of links in the given comments.

b) Number of white spaces in the given comments.
c) Number of sentences in the given comment.
d) Number of punctuation marks in the given comment.
e) Comment Word duplication.
f) Comment Stop words ratio.
g) Number of Non ASCII Characters in the given comment.

This module detects whether the comment and post contain similar topic based on the
following similarity metric: the normalized value of the sum of the frequencies of
occurrences of each word and its synonyms from the comments in the post. The post-
comment similarity module which connect to online directory to retrieve all the synonyms for
the word in the comment. After the synonyms retrieval process the post-comment similarity
formula is applied and the post-comment similarity degree is calculated.


The topic extraction module is designed to determine if there are common topic between
a comment and a post and to find out if the contents of the comment are related to the content
of the related post. The proposed system considers two basic types of topics – bigrams and
uni-grams which are extracted using combination of shallow natural language processing
technique. To identify uni-gram topic system extracts a collection of candidate nouns. To
create set of bigrams topic system extract all bigrams from both the comments and the post
which conform to one of two basic part-of-speech co-location patterns.

We present Spam Review Detection System in that we are using Natural Language
Processing Techniques. We can find comment is spam or non-spam by using some indicators
such as: irregular or discontinuous text flow, vulgar language or not related to specific
context and check similarity between the comments. At the end we can able to count total
review spam and non-spam count and we can generate graphical representation.

Thus, we are done the research of existing system we have observed that previous work
is focused on extraction, classification and summarization of opinion and checking of spam
and non-spam. But, proposed system aims to find irregular or discontinuous text flow, vulgar
language or not related to specific context and check similarity between the comments.

[1] C. Radulescu, M. Dinsoreanu, R. Potolea, “Identification of spam comments using
Natural Language Processing Techniques”, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
2014, pp. 29-35.

ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, JAN.-2016

[2] S. P. Algur, A. P. Patil, P. S. Hiremath, S. Shivashankar, “Conceptual level Similarity

Measure based Review Spam Detection”, Dept. of P.G. Studies and Research in Computer
Science, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India, 2010, pp. 416-423.

[3] D. Liang, H. Shen, “Detecting spam review by combing reviewer feature and
relationship”, 2014 International Conference on Informative and Cybernetics for
Computational Social Systems (ICCSS), pp. 102-107.

[4] A. Gupta, R. Kaushal,“Improving Spam Detection in Online Social Networks”,

Department of Information Technology Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women
Kashmere Gate, Delhi, pp. 1-6.

[5] H. A. Najada, X Zhu, “iSRD: Spam Review Detection with Imbalanced Data
Distribution”, Dept. of Computer & Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Florida
Atlantic University Boca Raton 33431 FL, USA, pp. 553-560.

[6] X. Yang, “One Methodology for Spam Review Detection Based on Review Coherence
Metrics”, 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Internet of Things
(IC1T), pp. 99-102.

[7] R. Patel, P. Thakkar, “Opinion Spam Detection Using Feature Selection”, 2014 Sixth
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, pp.

[8] M. L. Ramprasad, M. G. Amudha, “Spammer detection and tagging based user generated
video search system –a Survey”, ICICES2014 - S.A.Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil
Nadu, India, pp. 6-14.

[9] H. Li, Z. Chen, B. Liu, X. Wei, J. Shao, “Spotting Fake Reviews via Collective Positive-
Unlabeled Learning”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 899-904.

[10] Y. Lin, H. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Wang, A. Zhou, “Towards Online Anti-Opinion Spam:
Spotting Fake Reviews from the Review Sequence”, 2014 IEEE/ACM International
Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2014), pp. 261-

[11] J. Z. Wang, Z. Yan, L. T. Yang, B. X. Huang, “An approach to rank reviews by fusing
and mining opinions based on review pertinence”, Non-Traditional Security Center,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Information Fusion 23 (2015), pp.


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