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Rudarsko-geoldko-naftni zbornik VoI. 9 str. 1-9 Zagreb, 1997.

The projecf rMagtnufbm, mnetu~norp&m and mineral de sits of Di-

nuridflu, No 195004, jnamed by Ministry of science und ~/uaologyoJ
the Rep~rhlicof Croatia


Jakob P A M I ~and
' Ivan JURKOVI~'
'~rocrliunAcdcmy c$Scirncrs urld Arts, Ante Kor)r13ic'u5, HR - 1OOOO Zugreb, Cmufiu
Engineering Univ. of Zagreb, Pieroftijevu 6, HR - 1OOOO Zagreb, Crouticc
* ~ a c u loft ~Mining, Geolugy ruld IJetrofe~un

Key-words: Magmatic-metallo cnic formations, Gcology, Pctro- IUjuZne rijeZi: magmatsko-metalogene formacije, geologija, pe-
logy, Carhemistry, ~ c t a l l o g c n ~ , ~ i n a r i d c . s trologqa, geokemija, rudna lezigta, Dinaridf
In the paper are presented basic geological, petrological, geochcmi- U aanku su prikazani osnovni geoloSki, petroldki, geokernijski i
cal and mineral deposit data for five main magmatic-metallogenic rudnoleZiSnipodaci za pet glavnih magmatsko-rnetalogenetskih forma-
formations of thc northwestern and central Dinarides: 1 Thc Pcrmo-
Triassic riffing related andesite-dioritc formations; Juracsic-
Lower Cretaceous accretionary (ophiolitc formations; (3) Thc Uppcr
cija sjcvcrozapadnih i srcdgnjih Dinarida: (1) permo-trijaqke andezit-
sko-dioritskc riftnc formacije; (2) jursko-donjokredne akrecione
(ofiolitske) formacije; (3) gornjokredno-paleogene subdukcijskc
Cretaceous-Paleogenc subduction relat e 2 basalt-rhyolite formabons; bazalt-riolitnc formacije; (4) paleogcne koliz~jskeganitne formacije, i
(4) The Paleogene collisional granite formations, and (5) The Oligo- (5) oligoccnsko-nwgcne posbubdukcijske andczitske formacije.
cene-Neogene postsubduction andesite formations. Svc tc magmahkwrnetalogcne formacije stvarane su u razlititim
All these magmatic-metallogcnic formations originatcd in different gcotektonskirn arnhijcntima za wijernc alpinotipnc evolucije dinarskih
geotectonicsettinp during thc Alpine evolution of the Dinaridicparts dijelova Tctisa i postorogene evolucije Paratetisa, odnosno bazena
of theTethys and thep)storogenicevolution of the Paratcthys and thc Panona.
Pannonian Basin, respectively.

The Dinarides represent a typical orogenic belt lo- The gencration of all these large lithofacies complexes
cated along the northeastern flank of the Adriatic micro- is the result of long-lasting sedimentary evolution of the
plate (Dewey. et al., 1973) or the Apulia (D e r c o u r t Dinaridic parts of the Tethys. It was accompanied by
et al., 1993). In this large area, genetically different magmatic activity which gave rise to the origin of diffe-
formations which originated during the Alpine Wilson rent magmatic formations in which many kinds of nu-
cycle in the Dinaridic parts of the Tethys, and the pre- merous mineral deposits and occurrences are included.
Alpine basement rocks are found. The aim of this paper is to present the Alpine mag-
The Dinarides represent a complex, fold, thrust and matic-metallogenic formations (MMF) of the north-
imbricate belt characterized by a regular pattern in the western and central Dinarides and the South Pannonian
spatial distribution of the characteristic lithologies (fig. Basin and their basic geological, petrological, geochemi-
1).From the southwest to the northeast, the following cal and mineral deposit characteristics.
main lithological units can be distinguished: (I) The
Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform of the Alpine Alpine magmatic-metallogenicformations
passive continental margin (the External Dinarides); (2) In the northwestern and central Dinarides five main
The carbonate-clastic formations of the Alpine passive groups of the Alpine MMFs can be distinguished: (1)
continental margin; (3) The ophiolite formations related The Permo-Triassic riPting related andesite-dioriteforma-
to the open Tethyan area, and (4) The sedimentary tions; (2) The Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous accretionary
magmatic-metamo hic formations of the Alpine active (ophiolite) formations; (3) The Upper Cretaceous-Paleo-
continental margin? am i 6, 1993). The last three units gene subduction related basalt-rhyolite formation; (4)
are included in the Internal Dinarides, i.e. the Supradi- The Paleogene collisional granite formations, and (5)
naricum (H e r a k , 1986). The Oligocene-Neogene postsubduction andesite forma-
These internal units are thrust by the Palaeozoic-Tri- tions.
assic nappe (PamiC & JurkoviC, in press) which
stretches along the central Dinarides with its southwest- 1. Permo-Triassic rifting related andesite-diorite
em frontal parts thrusted over the Adriatic-Dinaridic formations
carbonate platform. The Palaeozoic-Triassic nappe r e p Geology. Magmatic activity was related to rifting pro-
resents, in fact, the southeastern prolongation of the cesses which took place on the Variscan basement of the
Sava nappe (M i o E , 1984) and the Southern Alps, in the Pangea during the period of about 40 Ma. The rifting
northwest whereas it goes on without a break towards magmatism accompanied first stages of the evolution of
the southeast into the Hellenides (the Korab zone in the carbonate platform and preceded the opening of the
West Mazedonia?). Dinaridic part of the Tethys. The MMFs are found in
Late Palaeozoic-Triassicautochtonous (the External Di-
This is improved and cxtcndcd vcrsion o f thc paper prcscntcd on narides) and allochtonous (the Internal Dinarides) me-
the 15th Con vrccq of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association, tasedimentary and sedimentary complexes (Pam i 6 ,
IGCP project ko 356 Meeting, 17-20 Scpt. 1995, Athcns, Grcccc.
Rud.-gcol -naft. zb., Vol. 9, Zagreb, 1997.
I'rrmit, f. & .h~rkovit,I.: Alpine magmatic-metallc>gcnicformations

Fig. 1. Geological map of the northwestern and central Dinarides

showing positions of main Alpine mineral &posits (Pamid & o 50 rwKm
Jurkovic5, in press; Mi* 1984)
Legend: 1 Tertiary and Quaternaly sediments; 2 Tertiary volcanics; 2 Paleogene
metamorphic rocls, 4 Pakogene granitoids, 5 Upper Cretaceous-Pakmgene flysch (active
continental margin); 6 Dinaridic Ophiolitc zone, mostly dlange; 7 Imver to Upper
Cretaoeous sequences unmnfonnably overlying ophiolites; 8 larger ultramafic mass* 9
radiolarites; 10 Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous sequences of the passive continental
margin; 11 Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform; 12 allochthonous Triassic seqllences;
13 larger bodies of Triassic volcanic (a) and plutonic (b) r e , 14 aUochthonous
Palaeozoic sequences; 15 larger bodies of Palaeozoic vokamiq 16 Palaeozoic
metamorphic r& of the -&tern Alps and Tiiia; 17 Palacomic granitoids and
migmatites; 18 normal fault; 197 strike-slip fault; 20 interterrane thnrst; 21 intra-terrane
thrust; klipt or window. Numbers mark mineral deposits described in the paper.
~"d.-pol.-naft.zb., Vol. 9, Zagreb, 1997.
pamid, I. & Jitnkovi6 I.: Alpine magmatic-metallo~enicformations

The magmatism gave intrusive and extrusive rocks. Triassic mineral deposits are included into four main
The intrusive rocks occur in form of small plutons (up to magmatic formations as follows:
50 km2),stocks and veins in Upper Palaeozoic to Anisian 1) The basalt-spilite formation of the central Bosnia
sediments; their K-Ar crystallization ages vary from 262 includes: a) the Cevljanovi~iprimary stratiform manga-
to 216 Ma. More abundant volcanics, commonly accom- nese deposits (marked with symbol 01 on the fig. 1) with
panied with pyroclastic rocks, are interlayered with ma- braunite, c~yptomelane,romanechite, hausmannite and
rine Upper Permian and Scythian mostly clastic man anite as primary ore minerals (VujanoviC,
sediments and Anisian to Norian mostly carbonate sedi- 19687; b) the VareS (02), big submarine stratiform hy-
ments alternating with shales, cherts, npietra verdecc and drothermal siderite (barite-bearing -hematite deposits
subordinate sandstones. Main and the most intense vol- (Smreka, DroSkovac, Brezik, PriiCi underlain by shales
canic activity took place during the Ladinian and it gave enriched in copper, iron, zinc and lead sulphides
large volcanic flows up to 1000 m thick. No traces of (PetkoviC, 1960;BoduliC, 1979);c)theGornjaand
magmatic activity have been observed in the late Upper Donja Borovica, Ru ice, BrestiC, JuraSevac, Rid (03)
Triassic, when long-lived carbonate platform sedimenta- and Srednje ( ~ a i n e(03a) r stratiform or stratabound
tion was initiated over a large area. volcanogenic-sedimentarybarite deposits with different
Petrology-geochemistry. Plutonic rocks are mostly proportions of iron, lead, zinckcopper, antimony, arse-
diorite and albite syenite with subordinate gabbro, albite nic-sulphides. In this group of deposit belong also the
granite and granite-granodiorite, mostly all of them also Veovah and SeliSte (04) intraformational ore breccias
represented by hypabyssal equivalents. Volcanic rocks and conglomerates in adjacent Triassic dolomites (R a -
are andesite, dacite and basalt mostly tranformed into m o v i e et al., 1976) and d) the DraZeviCi (05) stra-
metabasalt, metaandesite and metadacite, all of them tabound disseminated cinnabar deposits (R a m o v i 15 et
amygdaloidal and accompanied by volcanic breccia and al., 1979) (fig. 2).
tuff. The association as a whole is of calc-alkaline to 2a) The andesite-dacite and quartz keratophyre forma-
slightly tholeiitic affinity. tion of Montenegro includes: a) the Suplja Stijena (06)
Four main MMFs can be distinguished: (1)The ba- volcanic-hydrothermal vein and disseminated lead-zinc-
salt-spilite formation of the Mounts Zelengora- iron sulphide deposits ( J a n k o viC, 1953); b) the
Treskavica-Igman-Zvijezda, the area of Hrvatsko Brskovo (07) volcanic volcanogenic-sedimentary hy-
Zagorje and SE Slovenia; (2) The andesite-dacite and drothermal massive zinc-lead-iron sulphide deposit
quartz keratophyre formation of the Sava nappe in (J a n koviC, 1982, 1987); and c) small vein and meta-
Slovenia with granitoids of Mt. Karavanke; here, the somatic barite deposits mercury, antimony and iron
andesite-dacite-quartz keratophyre subprovince of sul hides on Mt. KovaE Mountain (08) (K u 1e n o v i 6 ,
northern Montenegro can be included: (3) The spilite- 19&; ~ u r k o v i k& P a l i n k a S , 1996).
andesite formation of the External Dinarides, Adriatic 2b) The andesite-dacite and quartz keratophyre forma-
islands and Hrvatsko Zagoj e and (4) The basalt-spilite- tion of Slovenia includes: a) two largest AIpine deposits
andesite-quartz keratophyre formation of the Jab- of the Dinarides: a) The Idrija (09) and Podljubelj
lanica-Prozor-Vakuf-KljuE zone in which the largest cinnabar deposits originated from low-temperature,
plutonic bodies are included (Pa m i C , 1984). highly differentiated upper mantle fluids. Sulphide sul-
Predominant andesite and diorite are correlative in phur isotopic composition suggests a heterogeneous ori-
major- and trace-element contents with orogenic high-K gin of sulphur (both magmatic and biogenic) (M 1a k a r
andesite but with distinct differences in barium, stron- & D r o v e n i k , 1971; D r o v e n i k et al., 1989;
tium, and copper. Trace element discrimination dia- S t r u c l , 1984,Drovenik etal.,1990);/3)TheMeiice
grams suggest within-plate origin. lead-zinc deposits (010) which are similar to the
The great variation trend is probably caused b artial Bleiberg and Raibler deposits, with very small propor-
melting of crustal rocks as indicated by high ~ r / X 6 ~ rtions of molybdenum, iron, arsenic and fluorine, which
ratio. Each solidification level had its own features r e might have originated by remobilization of older depos-
flected in some compositional peculiarities. The primary its during Triassic rifting magmatism as indicated by
composition of volcanics was affected by contamination unusually high lead ages. However, sulphide sulphur
and late- and post-magmatic alterations shown in albiti- isotopic composition indicates biogenic influence ( 6 3 4 ~
zation, adularization and zeolitization. = -1.7 to -20.9%0 ( D o 1e n e c et al., 1993a, 1993~).
3) The spilite-andesite formation of the External Di-
Mineral deposits. Economically, the Triassic MMFs narides includes mostly occurrences and small deposits:
include the most important mineral deposits of the Al- a) the marine oolithic iron-deposits at PribudiC (GraCac,
pine Wilson cycle of the Dinarides. The deposits are Lika) and at Padene (Knin, Dalmatia) (011) ( J u r -
located in hypabyssal intrusive and volcanic-sedimentary koviC, 1962; S i n k o v e c , 1975); b) the bentonite de-
formations or in adjacent rocks composed of Upper posits (012) originated by alteration of tuffs which are
Palaeozoic and Scythian and Anisian sediments. It is interlayered in Ladinian sediments (Bra u n, 1991),and
probable that most of theTriassic deposits belongs to the c) the bimineralic pyrite-barite deposits of the Sabkha-
group of aborted rifts. type(013) ( J u r k o v i b , 1962; P a l i n k a S etal., 1993).
Geochemically, in the deposits, iron, manganese, bar- 4) The most differentiated basalt-andesile and spilite-
ium, mercury, lead and zine predominate over quite quarfz-keratophyreformation of the Middle and South-
subordinate copper and fluorine. Most of the metals are eastern Bosnia with the largest plutonic bodies includes
of crustal origin as indicated by lead isotopic composi- hypabyssal magmatic deposits: a) the endometamorphic
tion. Numerous small-sized vein and replacement barite magnetite-hematite skarns (014) of the Mt. Radovan
deposits, located in Lower and Middle Triassic clastic diorite (J u r k o v i 6, 1957; JankoviC & ZariC, 1978;
and carbonate rocks are characterized by average values B o d u l i C , 1979; S a r a c & P a m i C , 1981) and
0.f 6"s = +21-23%0, Th<200 "C, and low salinity Tovarnica (015) exometamorphic magnetite-garnet-
( S i f t a r , 1988, J u r k o v i C & P a l i n k a S , 1994,1996, epidote skarns with subordinate pyrrhotite and pyrite
JurkoviC et al., 1994). and accessory copper, lead, zinc, bismuth and arsenic
Rud.-geol.-naft. zb., Vol. 9, Zagreb, 1997.
4 l'umii, J. & J ~ ~ r k o ~I.:
~ iAlpine
d, magmatic-metallogcnic formations

Triassic ore deposits in the area of central Bosnia,

related to the intracontinental rifting
Fig. 2.

a J
-Middle Jurassic marl, shale, chert, limestone
Middle Triassic wlonioscdimentuy fomation

(tuff, tuffiie. chert, shalk, sandstone, dolomite
md iron-manganese oxydes)
T2 Middle Triassic limestone
T1 M e W i i c submarine t f f u s i i
TI Lrmer Triassic shale, sandstone, limestone
R Uppa P.l.caeoic schist, sadstone
01 primary stratiform mrnlpnac oxide deposits, typc ~ j e n o v i 6
02 subayine stratiform hydrothermal siderit~hcmatitedeposits, typc Vard
03 rtr.tifonn wl~op&scdimcntary barite w i t s with Fe, Zn, Pb,
t QI, As. Sb dphides, type Boravia. Rupia. SIednje
04 intrdormatiaul ore brtccirr in dolomita, type Veovah. Seliite
05 stratabound diiinattd cinnabar dtporits. type Drab46
! ! ? ? ! 1- Geological map by D. V d j k d

minerals(Celebi6, 1967;BoduliC 1979;Sarac & Middle Triassic to Lower Cretaceous limestones. The
P a m iC , 1981); b) the (~odhrusanjdajnite) high tern- melange is of a presumed Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous
perature hydrothermal magnetite and/or hematite or age but its tectonization terminated by Eocene/Oligo-
pyrrhotite deposits which are zonaly arranged around cene main deformational event (Pam i 6, 1982).Sm-Nd
intrusivebodies(O16)(KulenoviC, 1987;JurkoviC isochron age of 136 Ma on lherzolites and K-Ar ages of
& P a l i n k a 3 , 1996), and d) numerous but small strati- 189-160 Ma on amphibolites were obtained (Lug o v i C
form hematite and manganese-oxide deposits (+ et al., 1991; L a n p h e r e et al., 1975; M a j e r , 1975). c)
siderite) located in the Ladinian volcanic-sedimentaty Lower to Upper Cretaceous overstep sequences under-
formation (017) of the Konjic-Proz~r-Bugojno area, lain by the ophiolite mtlange.
Central Bosnia (JurkoviC, 1957; CelebiC, 1967; Larger ultramafic bodies (100-500 km2) represent
BoduliC, 1979). faulted sheets, up to 2000 m thick, which are thrusted
2. Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous accretionary onto the ophiolite mklange, and are conformablyunder-
(ophiolite)fo&m lain by amphibolites, locally associated with eclogites.
Gabbros and massive or sheeted diabases occur as small
Geology. Ophiolites, found in the Dinaride Ophiolite to large (20 km2) masses into the mtlange. Basalts occur
zone, represent fragments of the Tethyan Mesozoic oce- at the top of the preserved ophiolite sequences or inter-
anic crust originated during the period of about 80 Ma. layered with shales and graywackes, and radiolarites or
The ophiolites are associated with: a) Upper Triassic to as fragments in the mklange.
Lower Cretaceous radiolarites interlayered with basalts; Petrology-geochemistry. Four main ophiolitic MMFs
b) Ophiolite melange of olistostrome origin, sub-
sequently tectonized ( D i m i t r i j e v i t & D i m i t r i - can be distingusihed: a) The tectonite peridotite forma-
j ev i 6 , 1973). It consists of shaly-silty matrix in which tion represented by lherzolite and rare harzburgite and
are included fragments, cm-dcm-m-dm-hm-km in size, dunite serpentinized to various degrees; b) The cumu-
of predominant native graywacke+basalt, tuff, diabase, late peridotite-gabbro formation composed of strongly
gabbro, peridotite, shale, radiolarite+exotic blocks of serpentinized peridotite and gabbro varieties, commonly
n a fVol.
~ ~ d . - ~ c ~ l . - zb., t . 9, Zagreb, 197.
p&, J. & J~ukmiC,I.: Alpine magmatic-mctallogcnicformations

with modal and compositional layering; c) The diabase B) Secondary ophwlite related deposits:
formation with subordinate dolerite and ophitic gabbro, a) Nickel-chromium-iron deposits VardiSte (Vi-
partly affected by ocean-floor metamorphism. d) The Segrad) (A9), found at the base of Albian-Cenomanian
basalt formation mostly albitized and zeolitized and overstep sequences underlain by serpentinites, repre-
altered into metabasalts (spilites). These rocks are asso- sent redeposited lateritization products. They are com-
ciated with rare and small masses of M-type granitoids. posed of clastic sediments with oolithic ore zones with
Predominant ultramafic tectonites are mainly fertile 15-30 wt.% Fe enriched in Cr (0.6-1.8 wt.%) and Ni
spinel lherzolites which are correlative in chemical com- (0.6-1.0 wt.%) (D u r i t , 1979.)
position with peridotites of subcontinental and normal b) Chrysotile asbestos deposits occur in fault zones of
oceanic environments and thus are not directly arc-re- serpentinized peridotites in form of simple or complex
lated. They significantly differ from the peridotites of vein systems, networks and veinlets, unevenly distribu-
typical ophiolite complexes as indicated by extremely ted, commonly with contents of asbestos from 0.5-10%.
strong depletion of LREE (LugoviC et al., 1991). Their origin is related to hydrothermal solutions derived
Diabases have high Mg-values (70) and high nickel from M-type granitoids (Va k a n j a c , 1980). The big-
and chromium contents indicating a low degree of dif- gest is the Bosansko Petrovo Selo deposit (A10).
ferentation. Sm-Nd isotopic data suggest their upper c) The Bosansko Petrovo Selo ( A l l ) talc deposits
mantle origin whereas their normalized element concen- impured by breunnerite in form of 1-2 krn long and a few
tration patterns are similar to those of E-type MORBs hundred metres wide zones, are located along contact
or BABTs. between serpentinized lherzolite and small M-type gra-
The fertile character of lherzolites and the chemical nite intrusions which gave hydrothermal solutions for
features of associated mafic rocks suggest origin within the mineralization (S u n a r i 6- P a m iC et al., 1976).
a back-arc spreading centre (Lug ov i C et al., 1991). d) Magnesite deposits occur as singleveins and system
Mineral deposits can be divided into several genetical of veins, lenses, networks, stockworksand irregular bodi-
groups and subgroups: es located along fault zones, some of them a few kilome-
(A)Primary ore deposits.. ter long and a few hundred metres wide in stronlgy
serpentinized lherzolites. Oxygen and carbon isotopic
la) Podiform refractory chromite deposits related to compositions indicate that the magnesite originated
tectonite peridotites are represented by small ore zones either by weathering or from metamorphogenic fluids
(200x20-30 m) averaging 10-15% of low-quality refrac- (IliC & JeliC, 1976;SunariC-PamiC & PamiC,
tory chromite in the DuboStica ( A l ) (VareS area) (Su - 1988). The highest quality deposits are in the areas of
n a r i C - P a m i C & O l u j i C , 1968). High-quality Banja Luka and Kladanj (A12), Bosnia.
small-sized or medium sized chromite deposits related
to the Zlatibor massif (A2) are built up of harzburgite 3. Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene s~ubductwnrelated basalt-
and lherzolite and minor dunite. Bigger chromite depos- rhyoliteformation
its have been exploited in the Dakovica, Orahovac and
Brezovica massifs (A3) built up of harzburgite, minor Geology. In the Prosara-Motajica-Cer-Bukulja zone
dunite f pyroxenite and gabbro in the Kosovo area and of the northenunost Dinarides, remnants of Alpine mag-
NW Mazedonia. Total reserves of chromite ore are matic arc are preserved. They are represented by fossili-
1x106t.( G r a f e n a u e r , 1977., J a n k o v i C , 1990). lb) ferous Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch formation
Other small mineral occurrences (RastiSte, A4) are re- (with blueschist olistolits) in lower parts of which are
presented by titanomagnetite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite interlayered basalt and rhyolite intruded by small granite
segregates and platinum flakes (T e r z i C & Z a r i 6, bodies which might have been generated in adjacent
1970; R a kiC, 1963). for-arc and trench. The axial parts of the flysch forma-
2) Cu-Ni deposits related to the diabase formation: tion probably represent surfacial markers of an ancient
subduction zone along which the Mesozoicoceanic crust
a) ~i~uid-magmatic pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pen- of the Dinaridic Tethys was consumed. The initiation of
tlandite lenses and vein-stockworks with subordinate the subduction is marked by the first Late Jurassic-Early
qubanite, chalcopyrrhotite, bravoite and millerite in Mt. Cretaceous emplacement of ophiolites which unconfor-
Cavka, northern Bosnia (AS), (D u r i C & Ku b a t , mably underlie the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch
1962) b) Hvdrothermal Cu-veins and stockworks com- formation (Pa m i 6 , 1993).
posed of q;artz, chalco yrite, pyrite and arse-nopyrite
(DuriC & K u b a t , 1 62). f Sr-isochron obtained on rhyolites and cogenetic gra-
nites gave an age of 71.5 Ma. K-Ar crystallization ages
3) Garnet and corundum related to amphibolites:
of 75 to 62 Ma on fresh basalts and 66-54 Ma on diabases
a) Garnet occurs unevenly included as a major mine- were obtained.
ral in larger amphibolite zones (10-20x5 km), conform-
ably overlain by larger peridotite bodies; the amhibolite '
Petrology-geochemistry. The bimodal volcanic asso-
containing 10-30% of pyrope-enriched garnet include ciation is represented by amygdaloidal ophitic basalts,
small eclogite bodies. The richest localities are in the mostly albitized and zeolitized, alkali-feldspar rhyolites
with subordinate quartz trachytes and tufs, volcanic
Skatavica (Banja Luka), Borja and ManjaEa Mts., and breccias and agglomerates. The associated intrusive
the southern parts of the Krivaja Konjuh massif (A6) rocks are A-type alkali-feldspar granites (alaskite) with
(Pa m i C, 1976.) b) Corundum occurs at the village rare alkali-feldspar syenite, and diabase (Pa m iC et al.,
Vijaka (VareS) (A7) as a major mineral in esmerald 1990).
green pargasite schists which form zones 300600 m long Basic rocks are tholeiitic high-Ti primitive basalts
and 10-20 m wide; the lilic corundum grains are up to commonly enriched in MgO with comparatively high
2-3 cm in size (Pa m i 6, 1976). K20 content and thus correlative with magmatic arc
4) Marine primary volcanogenic-sedimentary man- basalts. Increased concentrations of compatible trace
ganese-oxide deposits in the Uzlomac-Rudo (Banja elements and low "sr/%r ratio (0.70397-0.70441) indi-
Luka) area (A8) (Mij a t o v i C , 1979). cate their upper mantle origin. Geochemical discrimina-
Rud.-ge01.-naft. zb.,Vol. 9, Zagreb, 1997.
I'umniC, J. & J~trkovif,I.: Alpine magmatic-metallogenic formations

tion diagrams point to ophiolitic island arc tholeiites and of pegmatite and aplite; some of them containt beryl
back-arc basalts (Pa mi C et al., in press). (01);(b) pneumatolytic phase which gave greisen zones
Acidicvolcanicsare low- to high-silica rhyolites chara- with accessory sheelite, molybdenite, orthite, cassiterite,
cterized with major and trace element homogeneity. tourmaline, beryl, and locally chalcopyrite and pyrite
They are enriched in lanthanum, cerium, neodymium, (02) (Jel iC, 1976), both types are located in Mt. Mota-
ytterbium and particularly in zirconium averaging 463 jica.
pp?~.High s 7 ~ r / 8 6ratio
~ r (0.70800-0.71768) indicates 2) Secondary ore occurrences are represented by
thelr cont~nentalcrust origin. Sr and 0 isotopic compo- kaolinite mineral deposits (03) of Mt. Motajica which
sitions and REE patterns of associated A-type granites originated by a combined ascending and descending
indicate that they are cogenetic with alkali-feldspar rhy- kaolinization process (Ram ov i 6, 1976).
Consequently, the basalts and rhyolites with A-type 5. Oligocene-Neogenepostsubduction formations
granites are not cogenetic and they come from two Geology. Uplift of the Dinarides gave rise to the separa-
fundamentally different sources. tion of the Tethys into the Mediterranean and Paratethys.
Mineral deposits. No mineral deposits to date have The Paratethyan evolution started by Oligocene transpres-
been identified in association with the basalt-rhyolite sion (35-20 Ma) characterized by normal faulting, particu-
formation. Preliminary geochemical data indicate that larly along the Periadriatic-Vardar fault system and
alkali-feldsparrhyolites contain increased quantities of andesite volcanism (La u b s c h e r , 1983). In epidermal
gold and silver (P a m i C et al., 1990). parts several generations of transcurrent faults gave rise
to extension and subsidence and the sedimentary pile
4. Pdogene collkwnal granite formation 3000-6000 m thick was accumulated in back-arc envi-
Geology. Deep seated subducted lithospheric blocks ronments (S t e g e n a et al., 1975).
being no longer in dynamic equilibrium with subduction, qfterwards started evolution of the Pannonian Basin
gave rise to its termination. This was followed by colli- brought about by the upper mantle rise and crustal
sion manifested in the Eocene main deformation and attenuation (Royd e n et al., 1983; and others). The
uplift of the Dinarides which, in turn, gave rise to the sedimentation was accompanied by three phases of vol-
beginning of destructionof magrnaticarc. Thesegeodymmic canic activity which took place at 17-16, 15-12 and
changes might have caused the heating and generation of 11.5-9.5 Ma. The volcanism took place under subaqueous
energetic flux for the synkinematic metamorphism. In the conditions as shown by interlayering of volcanic flows,
areas with increased geothermal gradients rocks of the pyroclastic rocks and fossiliferous marine sediments.
Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene formation were metarnor- Thickness of thevolcanic flows varies but some of them are
phosed under very low-, low- and medium- grade condi- 1000 m thick (Pam iC et al., 1995).
tions accompanied by local migmatization and Petrology-geochemistry. Based on reliable geological
synkinematicgranite plutonism which produced small plu- and petrological data obtained in the area of the Sava-
tons (50-60 kin2) found both at the surface and in the Drava interfluve and their correlation with available
subsurface of the Prosara-Motajica-Cer-Bukulja zone data from the southeastern Dinarides, four main Terti-
(Pam i 6 , 1993). ary volcanic formations can be distinguished:
In slates and phyuites of the metamorphic sequence 1) The Egerian-Eggenburgian andesite formation
Late Cretaceous-Paleogene microflora was determined with subordinate dacite and rare rhyodacite; 2) The
(PantiC & J o v a n o v i d , 1970). K-Aragesobtained Karpathian trachyandesite (latite) formation; 3) The
on medium-grade rocks range between 48 and 38 Ma. Badenian basalt-andesite formation with subordinate
Two Sr-isochron ages obtained on granitoids gave 55 and dacite and rare rhyolite; 4) The post-Badenian alkalic
49 Ma (PamiC & L a n p h e r e , 1991). basalt and basalt formation.
Petrology-geochemistry. The progression from un- The volcanic rocks of each age group include lava
metamorphosed Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene sedi- flows as well as pyroclastic rocks.
mentary rocks to very low- and low-grade schists is Although identical in petrography and similar in some
evidenced by textural arguments, mineral zonation, geochemical aspects to subduction related andesite asso-
vitrinite data, changes in the oxygen isotopic composi- ciations, the Tertiary volcanic suites are rather complex in
tion and geobarometric data from white mica b, genesis in 'cated by stable isotope composition. In-
(PamiC et al., 1993). creasedSr'!Sr' (0.70564-0.70743) ratios are indicative
Predominant S-type granitoids are represented for collisional arcs with thick continental crust (>30 km)
mostly by granodiorite and monzogranite, however, in composed of the pre-Mesozoicrocks. The Tertiaryvolcanic
the eastern prolongation of the zone quartz monzonite,
quartz diorite and tonalite are also common, and some associations display some geochemical variations (Pa mi C
of them belong to the I-type family as do )>tonalitesc< et al., 1995). which indjcate different geneses:
from the easternmost Periadriatic Zone. 1) Major- and trace-element variations of Egerian-
S-type granitoids are of crustal origin ( X 7 ~ r P 6=~ r Eggenburgian andesites and dacites show positive corre-
0.70645-0.72024) but some of granitoids from the east- lation with the coeval Mt. Pohorje vtonalitescc which
em prolongation of the zone originated from mixed originated by fractional crystallization of Mg-rich upper
u er mantle and crustal melts ( K a r a m a t a et al., mantle tholeiitic basalt.
.!)l )>Tonalitesafrom Mt. Pohoj e originated by a 2) The Karpathian trachyandesites (latites) are cor-
fractional crystallizationfrom primary upper mantle ba- relative in trace element contents to intraplate alkalic
salt. rocks. High Mg-values and concentrations of nickel and
Mineral deposits, genetically related to granites, can chromium indicate that the trachyandesites are of the
be divided in two groups: upper mantle origin and that they have undergone little
1) Primary ore occurrences originated in (a) pegma- or no fractional crystallization. This also probably holds
tite-aplitic phase which gave veins and irregular bodies for the post-Badenian alkalic basalts and basalts.
zb.,Vd. 9, Zagreb, 1997.
pruni6,J. & JurkoviC, I.: Alpinc magmatic-mctallogenic formations

3) The Badenian volcanics represent the most diffe- sic magmatic and mineralization processes were predis-
rentiated Tertiary association which probably originated posed by partial melting of the lower crust.
by partial melting of different crustal rocks as indicated Opening of the Dinaridic Tethys and the generation
by trace element data and common occurrences of xeno- of the oceanic crust started by the end of the Late
liths of crustal rocks. Badenian volcanics are frequently TriassiJEarly Lias and lasted until the Late Jurassic
affected by hydrothermal metamorphism as shown in Early Cretaceous when the processes of subduction
spilitizati~nof basalts and propylitization of andesites. started. In the generated Mesozoic oceanic crust all
Mineral deposits can be divided in several genetical ophiolitic MMFs, which are of the upper mantle origin,
groups and subgroups: are included.
1) Primary ore deposits: The origin of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene MMF
(a) The Mala Kropa (Al) magnetite skarn deposit in
was related to a presumed magmatic arc and to final
Slovenia is located along contact between Oligocene stages of subduction, i.e. the termination of the Tethyan
&cites and Upper Cretaceous limestones (D r o v e n i k evolution. The magmatism was both of the upper mantle
(basalts) and lower crustal (A-type melts) origin. The
et al., 1980); (b) The Srebrenica (A2) hydrothermal termination of subduction processes was followed by
lead-zincvein deposits are located in Karpathian trachy- collision and the Paleogene MMF was related to the
andesites and in adjacent Upper Palaeozoic metasedi- main Alpine deformation (the Pyrenean phase) which
ments. The veins are up to 2 km long and a few caused uplift of the Dinarides. The synkinematicgranite
centitnetre to a few metre wide, frequently characterized melts and derivative ore fluids are both of the upper
by branching. Average metal contents: Pb=4.5%, mantle (I-type) and crustal (S-type) origin.
Zn=6.5%, Ag=50-800 glt, Cd=100-150 g/t. Central The uplift of the Dinarides gave rise to the separation
parts of same vein systems are enriched in copper, tin,
molybdenum and tungsten minerals and strongly tour- of the Tethys into the Mediterranean and Paratethys in
malinized and silicified (R a m o v i 6, 1963); c) Tuff de- which continued in the Late Oligocene (transpression
posits (A3) are interlayered in Oligocene and Lower phase) the dacite-andesite volcanism of the upper man-
Miocene sediments of the south Pannonian Basin tle origin. It probably represented a prolongation of the
(Slovenia, Hrvatsko Zagoj e , Slavonija) and intramon- collisional magmatic activity under the new geotectonic
tane fresh-water basins in Dalmatia and Bosnia: Plok- regime. Afterwards in the southwestern parts of the
Livno, and PipliCi (Prnjavor) deposits. Paratethys started extensional evolution of the Pan-
nonian Basin brought about by the crustal attenuation
2) Secondary deposits: and the rise of the upper mantle. Initial Early Miocene
a) Bentonite deposits (A4), also interlayered with Oli- stages of the evolution were characterized by synsedi-
gocene and Lower Miocene sedimentary and pyroclastic mentary volcanism which is both of the upper mantle
rocks of the Pannonian Basin and intramontane fresh- (the Karpathian trachyandesites and the post-Badenian
water basins, originated by subaqeous alteration of tuffs alkalic basalts) and crustal (the Badenian basalt-an-
and volcanic glass. The most perspective are: Bednja and desite-dacite-rhyolite formation) origin.
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