Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

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Article 255. Children born after one hundred and eighty days following Art. 166.

166. Legitimacy of a child may be impugned only on the following

the celebration of the marriage, and before three hundred days grounds:
following its dissolution or the separation of the spouses shall be (1) That it was physically impossible for the husband to have sexual
presumed to be legitimate. intercourse with this wife within the first 120 days of the 300 days
which immediately preceded the birth of the child because of:
Against this presumption no evidence shall be admitted other than that (a) the physical incapacity of the husband to have sexual
of the physical impossibility of the husband's having access to his wife intercourse with this wife;
within the first one hundred and twenty days of the three hundred (b) the fact that the husband and wife were living separately in
which preceded the birth of the child. such a way that sexual intercourse was not possible; or
(c) serious illness of the husband, which absolutely prevented
This physical impossibility may be caused: sexual intercourse;

(1) By the impotence of the husband; (2) That it is proved that for biological or other scientific reasons, the
child could not have been that of the husband, except in the instance
(2) By the fact that the husband and wife were living separately, in such provided in the second paragraph of Art. 164; or
a way that access was not possible;
(3) That in case of children conceived through artificial insemination,
(3) By the serious illness of the husband. (108a) that written authorization or ratification of either parent was obtained
through mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence.

FC Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

FAMILY CODE ART refers to treatments and procedures that aim to achieve
Art. 164. Children conceived or born during the marriage of the parents pregnancy.
are legitimate.
Children conceived as a result of artificial insemination of the These complex procedures may be an option for people who have
wife wit the sperm of the husband or that of a donor or both are already gone through various infertility treatment options but who still
likewise legitimate children of the husband and his wife, provided that have not achieved pregnancy. Those interested in ART should discuss
both of them authorized or ratified such insemination in a written the options with their health care provider and may need to consult a
instrument executed and signed by them before the birth of the child. fertility specialis
The instrument shall be recorded in the civil registry together with the
birth certificate of the child.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Art 165. Children conceived and born outside a valid marriage are Intrauterine (pronounced IN-truh-YOO-tuh-rin) insemination
illegitimate, unless otherwise provided in this Code. (pronounced in-sem-uh-NAY-shun) is the placement of a man's sperm
into a woman's uterus using a long, narrow tube similar to a thin
More information on IUI includes the following:1 In this process, also known as ovarian stimulation, ovulation induction,
or stimulation of egg maturation, a woman takes medication to
IUI is most effective for treating infertility in: stimulate the ovaries to make many mature eggs at one time.
Women who have scarring or defects of the cervix
Men who have low sperm counts These medications are given by injection for 8 to 14 days. A health care
Men who have sperm with low mobility provider closely monitors the development of the eggs using
Men who cannot get erections transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests to assess follicle growth and
Men who have retrograde ejaculation, a condition in which sperm are estrogen production by the ovaries. When the eggs are mature—as
ejaculated into the bladder instead of out of the penis determined by the size of the ovarian follicles and the level of
Couples who have difficulty having intercourse estrogen—an injection of the hormone hCG initiates the ovulation
IUI can be used in combination with medications that stimulate process. A health care provider takes out (egg retrieval) the eggs 34 to
ovulation. This combination can increase the chance of pregnancy in 36 hours after the hCG injection.
some cases.
Egg Retrieval
The success of IUI depends on the cause of the couple's infertility. If This is the process used to remove the eggs from the ovaries so they
inseminations are performed monthly with fresh or frozen sperm, can be fertilized. The procedure is performed in a physician's office as
success rates can be as high as 20% per cycle. These outcomes depend an outpatient procedure. A mild sedative and painkiller are often used
on whether fertility medications are used, the age of the female during the procedure, and it normally takes about 30 minutes. The
partner, and the infertility diagnosis, as well as on other factors that steps for egg retrieval are as follows:
could affect the success of the cycle.
An ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina to visualize the ovaries
and the follicles, which contain the eggs.
IVF A needle is inserted through the wall of the vagina to the ovaries.
During IVF, eggs and sperm from the couple are incubated together in Generally, ultrasound is used to guide the placement of the needle.
a laboratory to produce an embryo. A health care provider then places Suction is used to pull the eggs from the ovaries into the needle.
the embryo into the woman's uterus, where it may implant and result
in a successful pregnancy.
The steps of IVF are:2 A man provides a semen sample. If the sperm are healthy, they are
centrifuged to concentrate them and reduce the volume, placed in a
Superovulation dish with the egg, and left overnight in an incubator. Fertilization
Egg Retrieval usually occurs on its own. However, sometimes sperm are not able to
Fertilization fertilize the egg on their own. When this is the case, a single sperm is
Embryo Transfer injected into an egg using a needle. This process is called
intracytoplasmic (pronounced IN-truh-sahy-tuh-PLAZ-mick) sperm
injection (ICSI). About 60% of IVF in the Unites States is performed with Embryo Donation
ICSI.3 The pregnancy rate is about the same for IVF using natural Sperm Donation
fertilization or ICSI. Couples can opt for donated sperm if a man does not produce sperm,
produces very low numbers of sperm, or has a genetic disease.
If sperm cannot fertilize the egg without assistance, couples should Donated sperm can be used with IUI or with IVF.
consider genetic testing. This testing can determine whether the sperm
have chromosome problems that might cause development problems Egg Donation
in the resulting embryos. This process may be an option when a woman does not produce
healthy eggs that can be fertilized. An egg donor undergoes the
Embryos that develop from IVF are placed into the uterus 1 to 6 days superovulation and egg retrieval steps of IVF. The donated egg can
after retrieval. then be fertilized by sperm from the woman's partner. The resulting
embryo is placed into the woman's uterus, which is receptive for
Embryo Transfer implantation because of hormone treatments.
This procedure is performed in a physician's office. The procedure is
normally painless, but some women may experience cramping. Egg donation may be particularly helpful2 for women who:
Have primary ovary insufficiency
Have had chemotherapy or radiation therapy
Have had surgical removal of the ovaries
A health care provider inserts a long, thin tube through the vagina and Were born without ovaries
into the uterus and injects the embryo into the uterus. The embryo Are carriers of known genetic diseases
should implant into the lining of the uterus 6 to 10 days after retrieval. Are infertile because of poor egg quality
Sometimes the embryos are frozen and thawed at a later date for Are menopausal
embryo transfer. This is often done when fresh embryos fail to implant Surrogates and Gestational Carriers
or when a woman wants to preserve her eggs in order to become If a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to term, she and her partner
pregnant years later. Women either time implantation with their may choose a surrogate or gestational carrier.
ovulation cycle or receive estrogen and progesterone medications to
prepare their uterine linings for implantation. A surrogate is a woman inseminated with sperm from the male partner
of the couple. The resulting child will be biologically related to the
SPREM DONATION surrogate and to the male partner. Surrogacy can be used when the
When couples do not achieve pregnancy from infertility treatments or female of the couple does not produce healthy eggs that can be
traditional ART, they may choose to use a third party–assisted ART fertilized.
method to get pregnant.2 Assistance can consist of:
A gestational carrier is implanted with an embryo that is not
Sperm Donation biologically related to her. This alternative can be used when a woman
Egg Donation produces healthy eggs but is unable to carry a pregnancy to term. If
Surrogates and Gestational Carriers needed, egg or sperm donation can also be used in this situation.
years next following the date of the sentence or while she is pregnant,
Embryo Donation nor upon any person over seventy years of age. In this last case, the
Embryo donation, sometimes called embryo adoption, allows the death sentence shall be commuted to the penalty of reclusion
recipient mother to experience pregnancy and give birth to her perpetua with the accessory penalties provided in Article 40.
adopted child. Couples who have undergone IVF and completed their
families sometimes choose to donate their remaining embryos. An RPC Art. 351. Premature marriages. — Any widow who shall marry
embryo donation agency, such as the National Embryo Donation within three hundred and one day from the date of the death of her
CenterExternal Web Site Policy, stores these frozen embryos and husband, or before having delivered if she shall have been pregnant at
mediates adoption with the recipient woman or the time of his death, shall be punished by arresto mayor and a fine not
couple.Communication between the donating and adoptive couple can exceeding 500 pesos.
range from anonymous to a fully open relationship. The same penalties shall be imposed upon any woman whose marriage
shall have been annulled or dissolved, if she shall marry before her
Reasons a woman may choose embryo adoption include: delivery or before the expiration of the period of three hundred and
one day after the legal separation.
She or her partner is infertile and looking for alternatives to other ART.
IVF has repeatedly failed. RPC Art. 256. Intentional abortion. — Any person who shall
She or her partner is concerned about or at high risk for passing on intentionally cause an abortion shall suffer:
genetic disorders. 1. The penalty of reclusion temporal, if he shall use any violence upon
The donated embryo is transferred to the recipient's uterus. According the person of the pregnant woman.
to CDC, 50% of transfers with donated frozen embryos result in 2. The penalty of prision mayor if, without using violence, he shall act
pregnancy, and 40% result in a live birth.4 without the consent of the woman.
3. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum
periods, if the woman shall have consented.
PROVISIONS ON MODULE 6: PREGNANCY AND ABORTION RPC Art. 257. Unintentional abortion. — The penalty of prision
correccional in its minimum and medium period shall be imposed upon
1987 CONSTITUTION any person who shall cause an abortion by violence, but
ARTICLE II. Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life unintentionally.
and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous RPC Art. 258. Abortion practiced by the woman herself of by her
social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the parents. — The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and
life of the unborn from conception. The natural and primary right and maximum periods shall be imposed upon a woman who shall practice
duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the abortion upon herself or shall consent that any other person should do
development of moral character shall receive the support of the so.
Government. Any woman who shall commit this offense to conceal her dishonor,
shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and
RPC Art. 83. Suspension of the execution of the death sentence. — The medium periods.
death sentence shall not be inflicted upon a woman within the three
If this crime be committed by the parents of the pregnant woman or Abortion Procedures During First, Second And Third Trimester
either of them, and they act with the consent of said woman for the The type of abortion procedure used in elective pregnancy termination
purpose of concealing her dishonor, the offenders shall suffer the is primarily determined by how far a woman is into pregnancy. During
penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods. the first trimester, you will usually have the option of having a medical
RPC Art. 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and abortion procedure or a surgical abortion procedure. Before
dispensing of abortives. — The penalties provided in Article 256 shall considering the options, it is recommended that you obtain a
be imposed in its maximum period, respectively, upon any physician or sonogram to determine if the pregnancy is viable (uterine, non-ectopic
midwife who, taking advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill, pregnancy) and for accurate pregnancy dating.
shall cause an abortion or assist in causing the same.
Any pharmacist who, without the proper prescription from a physician, Need to Talk About Your Options?
shall dispense any abortive shall suffer arresto mayor and a fine not
exceeding 1,000 pesos. For information about abortion you may call the APA toll-free helpline
CIVIL CODE: at 1-800-672-2296, or search locally by zip code below.
Article 40. Birth determines personality; but the conceived child shall
be considered born for all purposes that are favorable to it, provided it Find a Abortion Alternative Specialist in your area
be born later with the conditions specified in the following article. (29a)
Article 41. For civil purposes, the foetus is considered born if it is alive Enter zip code
at the time it is completely delivered from the mother's womb. What abortion procedures are used during the first trimester?
However, if the foetus had an intra-uterine life of less than seven In most cases, you will have a choice between medical or surgical
months, it is not deemed born if it dies within twenty-four hours after abortion procedures during the first trimester. Medical abortions are
its complete delivery from the maternal womb. (30a) only available up through nine weeks gestation.
Article 742. Donations made to conceived and unborn children may be
accepted by those persons who would legally represent them if they The types of abortion procedures performed during the first trimester
were already born. (627) are:
Article 1025. In order to be capacitated to inherit, the heir, devisee or
legatee must be living at the moment the succession opens, except in Methotrexate & Misoprostol (MTX): a medical abortion procedure
case of representation, when it is proper. used up to the first seven weeks of pregnancy. This medication
A child already conceived at the time of the death of the decedent is combination is not as commonly used in the U.S. with the availability
capable of succeeding provided it be born later under the conditions of mifepristone, which works more effectively for this use.
prescribed in article 41. (n) Mifepristone and Misoprostol: a medical abortion procedure used up
to the first seven to nine weeks of pregnancy. It can also be referred to
as RU-486, the abortion pill, and mifeprex.
Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA): a procedure used as early as 3 -12
weeks since the last period. Considered less invasive with only a local
anesthesia being used on the cervix.
Aspiration: a surgical abortion procedure used to terminate pregnancy Dilation and Extraction: a surgical abortion procedure used to
up to 16 weeks from the last period. It can also be referred to as suction terminate a pregnancy after 21 weeks of gestation. This procedure is
curettage, dilation and curettage (D & C) or vacuum aspiration. also known as D & X, Intact D & X, Intrauterine Cranial Decompression
What abortion procedures are used during the second trimester? and Partial Birth Abortion.
Medication-based abortion procedures are not an option during the
second trimester.

The types of abortion procedures performed during the second

trimester are:

Dilation & Curettage (D & C): a surgical abortion procedure used to

terminate a pregnancy up to 16 weeks gestation. It is also referred to
as suction curettage or vacuum aspiration.
Dilation & Evacuation (D & E): a surgical abortion procedure used to
terminate a pregnancy after 16 weeks gestation.
Induction Abortion: a rarely performed surgical procedure where salt
water, urea, or potassium chloride is injected into the amniotic sac;
prostaglandins are inserted into the vagina, and pitocin is injected
What abortion procedures are used during the third trimester?
Third trimester or late term abortions are not legal in a number of
states except in certain medical situations. The time frame referred to
as late term is often based on when a baby is considered “viable” (able
to survive outside the womb). However, the point of “viability” is a grey
area in many medical communities. Most medical communities
establish 24 weeks gestation, the later part of the second trimester, as
the earliest time of viability. Therefore, the availability of any
procedure used in the third trimester is based on the laws of that state.

The procedures that can be done in the third trimester include:

Induction Abortion: a rarely done surgical procedure where salt water,

urea, or potassium chloride is injected into the amniotic sac;
prostaglandins are inserted into the vagina and pitocin is injected

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