Planificare Pregatitoare

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Liceul „Constantin Brancoveanu” Horezu


Avizat director:
Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare; Disciplina: Limba engleză

Planificare calendaristică an şcolar 2014/2015

Clasa Pregătitoare (1 oră/săpt)
Semestrul I

Nr. Unităţi de Conţinuturi Competenţe Nr. Săpt Observaţii

crt. învăţare specifice ore .
1. 1.1, 1.2 4 S1
Greetings: good morning, good afternoon, good 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S2
evening, good night S3
Colours: green, white, yellow, green, red
Hello Introducing one's self: My name is, My
favourite colour is

Asking questions: What's your name, How old

are you? What's your favourite colour?

The possessive adjective: my, the personal

pronoun I, the verb to be affirmative form

Numbers 1-5
Obeying and giving commands: stand up, sit
down, turn around, jump, run

2. 1.1,1.2, 1.3 4 S5
Revision: Unit Hello! 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S6
3.1 S9 S7 Happy
Family members: mother, father, sister, brother, 4.1 Halloween!
Family grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, cousin
S8 Vacanţă
Describing the family: This is my family, my
mother's name is, My father's name is, my
brother's name is, my sister name's is
Drawing a picture of one's family and
presenting it

The demonstrative adjective: this

Numbers: 6-10
The conjunction: and
3 1.1,1.2,1.3 5 S10
Revision: Units Hello, Family 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S11
3.1 S12
House and Rooms Types of houses: house, flat 4.1 S13
in a House Rooms in a house: living-room, bedroom, S14 Merry
bathroom, kitchen, attic, cellar Christmas!
Pieces of furniture: bed, lamp, table, chair,

Describing one's house: My house has got three

rooms, describing one's room: In my room there
is a

The verb to have got affirmative form singular

The structure: there is
The indefinite article a, an

4. 1.1, 1.2 4 S15
Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 S16
Rooms in a House 3.1 S17
School School objects: desk, blackboard, whiteboard,
note-book, coursebook, pencil box, school bag,
window, door

Recognizing objectes: On the table there is,

Under the table there is
Prepositions: on, under

Obeying and giving commands: open the door,

close the window, clean the blackboard, close
your book, show your pen
Asking and answering questions: What's this?
It's a pencil

Clasa Pregătitoare (1 oră/săpt)
Semestrul II

5. 1.1, 1.2 4 S19

Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 2.1, 2.2, S20
Rooms in a House, School 2.3 S21
Animals 3.1 S22 Happy Mother's
Types of animls: pets (cat, dog, parrot, rabbit, 4.1 Day!
hamster), animals on a farm (horse, cow, hen,
chicken, sheep), wild animals ( monkey,
crocodile, tiger, lion, hippo)

Asking and answering about one's favourite

animal: What's your favourite animal? My
favourite animal is

Drawing one's favourite animal and presenting


6. 1.1, 1.2 4 S23

Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 2.1, 2.2, S24
Rooms in a House, School, Animals 2.3 S25
Food 3.1 S26 Happy Easter!
Types of food: vegetables, fruit, fast-food, 4.1
drinks, desserts

Meals of the day: breakfast, lunch, 5 o'clock

tea, dinner

Asking and answering: What's your favourite

food? My favourite food is
Drawing and presenting one's favourite food

7. 1.1, 1.2 4 S28
Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 2.1, 2.2, S29 S27 Săptămâna Şcoala
Weather Rooms in a House, School, Animals, Weather 2.3 S30 Altfel: Să ştii mai
3.1 S31 multe, să fii mai bun!
Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter 4.1
Weather forecast: windy, rainy, sunny, cloudy
Temperatures: cold, warm, hot

Describing a season: In winter is cold. Autumn

is windy.

Drawing a weather chart.

8. 1.1, 1.2 4 S32

Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 2.1, 2.2, S33
Clothes Rooms in a House, School, Animals, Weather 2.3 S34
3.1 S35
Types of clothes: boy's clothes: shirt, trousers, 4.1
tie, hat and girl's clothes: skirt, blouse, handbag,

Types of clothes for each season

Drawing and presenting one's favourite clothes

9. Units: Units Hello, Family, House and Rooms 1.1, 1.2 1 S36
Revision in a House, School, Animals, Weather, Clothes 2.1, 2.2,

Competenţe specifice clasa pregătitoare

1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple

1.1. Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate la salut şi la o întrebare/ instrucţiune scurtă şi simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar, care este
însoţită de gesturi de către interlocutor
1.2. Recunoaşterea denumirilor unor obiecte din universul imediat, în mesaje articulate clar şi rar
1.3. Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor cântece pentru copii în limba
modernă respectivă

2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală

2.1. Reproducerea unor informaţii simple/cântece/poezii scurte şi simple cu sprijinul profesorului
2.2. Oferirea unor informaţii elementare, punctuale, despre sine (nume, gen, vârstă), despre universul imediat, cu sprijin din
partea interlocutorului
2.3. Participarea la jocuri de comunicare în care se reproduce sau creează rime/mesaje scurte

3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple

3.1. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din universul imediat

4. Redactarea de mesaje scrise simple în situaţii de comunicare uzuală

4.1. Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei în care se elaborează cu sprijin scurte mesaje scrise

Programa şcolară pentru disciplina COMUNICARE ÎN LIMBA MODERNĂ 1 Clasa pregătitoare, clasa I şi clasa a II-a,
aprobată prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 3418/19.03.2013

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