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uepartment of Electrical Engineering

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Power Electronics(EE31011) Date: 22nd Nov, 2012AN
3rd Year EE Exam Halls: VI & V2 100 students
Time: 3 hours. Autumn End Semester Exam. 2012-2013 Full Marks: 80
Instructions: Attempt any Four questions. Intermediate calculat.ion steps must be shown.

1. (a) In a sine-triangle, 1-phasc PWM inverter, show that the average value of the pole voltage at
any timet is proportional to the instantaneous value of the modulating voltage Vmod(t). Clearly
state the assumption made in the derivation. · !IOJ
(b) Give the switching logics for a sine-triangle, 1-phase PWM inverter for (i) unipolar and (ii)
bipolar output voltages. In respect of current waveforms, which is better- justify. [10]
2. Draw the circuit diagram of a. buck-boost converter a~d explain its operation assuming continuous
operation and all elements to be ideal.

(a) Sketch the voltage across the inductance, diode, switch and the corresponding currents flowing
through them.
(b) Derive expression for the ratio of the output and the input voltage if the duty ratio is J.
(c) Obtain expression for the ripple in inductor current and the output voltage.
(d) Also derive an expression for the critical value of the load resistance above which the conduction
will become discontinuous.
(e) Supp0se the inductor is not ideal and has a resistance r then derive the ratio of the output and
the input voltage. Sketch the output voltage vs input voltage for the ideal and non-ideal case.
3. (a) A single phase bridge inverter is operated in such a way that the output voltage is a single pulse
of duration p in each half cycle with +V and -V respectively where V is the supply voltage.
Pulses are placed centrally between 0 to 1r and 1r to 21r. Derive the harmonics pre.<>ent in the
output voltage and sketch the magnitudes of the fundamental, 3rd harmonic and 5th harmonic
components as a function of pulse width p. [10]
(b) Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of a 180°, 3-ph inverter and number the
switches appropriately. Assume that the supply is a voltage source of value V. Draw the gate
signals, pole voltages, line to line voltages and the phase load voltages and indicate various
voltage levels in terms of V. Load may be assumed to be balanced and star connected. [10]
4. (a) A current source single phase inverter is operating from a current source of ±15 A to feed a
parallel R - C load with R = 15 n and C = 55 ttF. Operating frequency being 550 Hz.
(i) Derive expression for the output voltage V 0 (t) and current through the capacitance ic(t).
(ii) Calculate peak value of the capacitor voltage.
(iii) Sketch the waveforms for V 0 (t) and ic(t). [10}
(b) A DC to DC boost converter has an input voltage of 10 V and the average output voltage of 20
V. The average output current is 0.8 A. If the switching frequency is 30 kHz, L = 200 J.I,H and
C = 250 J..LF, determine (i) the ripple current of the inductor (ii) peak current of the inductor
and the ripple voltage of the capacitor. Derive any formula you use. [10]
5. (a) Draw a fly-back converter and explain its operation a.c;suming all the elements to be ideal. Sketch
the input current, secondary current, voltage across the primary and the secondary windings.
Assume the turns ratio to be ~~. If the duty ratio is 6 and the operation is continuous, derive the
ratio of the output and input voltage. In which way is it different from a buck-boost converter?
[10) Please turn over

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