What Happened: - Kondaur Capital Corporation Informed Us by Letter in Later February 2010

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Statement Claim


What happened: - Kondaur Capital Corporation informed us by letter in later February 2010

That they would be our new mortgage company as of 04/14/10. Knowing that there was

A foreclosure notice we immediately contacted Kondaur explained to them that we were trying

To lower the present rate from 13% to a rate we could manage, the previous company had

Not been very forthcoming, we also told them because the previous company had assured us

They would come to a decision before the foreclosed date we did not seek legal advice because

We could not afford to make some of the back payment and at the same time afford legal fees.

Between 04/17/10 and 04/28/10 there was communication between Kondaur Corporation and


Who did what: - 4/19/10 Kondaur Capital Corporation requested that we allow a Mr. Joe

Hasselt a Bronx Realtor who specializes in managing foreclosed properties to view the house

And take interior pictures this they said was to facilitate considering any remedial loan.

E-mail provided.

Kondaur was called several times to ask why they were not sending a licensed appraiser.

Other person involved:-

04/22/10 Kondaur Capital Corporation replied to say Mr. Hasselt could cover the task

Because he was local and based on professional courtesy this was a part of his services

See e-mail.

Mr. Joe Hasselt inspected the property on the A.M. of 04/28/10. During this inspection it was

Pointed out to Mr. Hasselt that we were awaiting payment from our Insurance Company for

The damages he saw, caused by the spring storm and at the time we were living else-where,
Due, to the extensive water damage. Communication with Kondaur Capital Corporation

Became difficult, following that Inspection.

06/01/10 via telephone Kondaur Corporation informed us they were holding the insurance

Check meant for the house repairs, however because it had the old mortgage companies name

Attached we had to counter sign and return to them, they would then forwarded the check to

Us. 06/02/10 received check, signed check, returned check and that was the last we heard of

The check. The check amount was $6780.81. We have since done all necessary repairs

Ourselves. See copy of claim letter.

On several occasions prior to 06/25/10 Mr. Joe Hasselt communicated via telephone that he

Was now representing Kondaur Capital Corporation and he was authorized to pay as a

Determined some to vacate 417th South 10th Ave. each time we pointed out that we

Had not received communication from Kondaur Capital Corporation with regards to the

Foreclosure or the pending negoation

6/25/10 a notice was posted on our front window and our Doors were locked and the main

Water pipes were ripped out of the basement ceiling. See copy of posted sign. Photo of new


We contacted Mr. Joe Hasselt to complain. During the conversation we were told although

Kondaur Capital Corporation might not be doing things the legal way it would be better for

Us just to take the money and move on, because they could make things very hard for us.

At the beginning of July 2010 Mr. Joe Hasselt again sent the lock smith to lock our doors

And only after speaking to the locksmith did we realize that they were told we did not live
In the house, after varying we did live in the house and it was indeed under repairs they

Refused to lock the doors saying it was indeed illegal to do so without proper documents.

Mr. Joe Hasselt has since refused to answer all telephone communication from us.

08/12/10 we were served an eviction notice. See copies.

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