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Submitted to Fulfill One of Requirement for Reading IV Assignment

By :
Putri Malangsari



First of all, I would like to say a lot of thanks to the Allah SWT, who has
given us healthy until finish a paper under the title “ Procedure Text”. Which in
content has a examples of procedure text and use in written and spoken English.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mrs Ari
Fajria Novari, S.S, MP.d as lecturer.
We can hope this paper have a function for us specially for a reader to add our
I expect tips of reader, that I can perfect this paper. The end word, we pass on
gratitude to all party already get role in this.
Paper collation from start to finish. Hopefully Allah SWT everlastingly meridhai
all our effort. Amin.

Pandeglang, 22nd February 2018


PREFACE ..................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................
1.1 Definition of Procedure Text ................................................................
1.2 Organization (Generic Structure) of Procedure Text ...........................
1.3 Types of Procedure Text .......................................................................
1.4 Language Feature of Procedure text .....................................................
2.1 The Example of Web ............................................................................
2.1.1 Analysis Text of Web.........................................................................
2.2 The Example of Writer .........................................................................
2.2.1 Analysis Text of Writer ......................................................................
3.1 Teaching Suggestions ...........................................................................
3.2 Conclusion ...........................................................................................
1.1 Definition of Procedure Text
a. Procedure text is the set of steps which should be completed in the right
sequence to get the goal.
b. Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing
c. Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is
achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
The social purpose of procedure text is to show how something is done
through sequence of steps which enable the reader to achieve the goal. The
purpose of procedure text is to tell the reader how to do or make something
through a sequence of actions or steps.
1.2 Organization (Generic Structure) of Procedure Text
Organization or generic structure of procedure text consists of 3 parts:
1. Aim/ Goal
In the first part of the generic structure of procedure text contains
information about the purpose of the creation or operator of something.
2. Materials
In the second part, Materials consist of the materials used in making
something. But not all parts of Procedure Text includes materials,
sometimes a procedure text does not have a part materials.
3. Steps
On the steps, contains the steps or sequences that must be done so that the
goals outlined in began Aim / Goal to be achieved. Steps or sequences
must be order from the first to the last.
1.3 Types of Procedure Text
There are three types of procedure text for different purposes :
1. Texts that explain how something works or how to use
instruction/operation manuals, for example : how to use the handphone,
the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax.
2. Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity, for example : recipes,
rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules.
3. Texts that deal with human behaviour, for example : how to live happily,
how to succeed.

1.4 Language Feature of Procedure text

There are several features of the Procedure Text language, such as:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using an imperative form, for examples: prepare mushrooms, add some
sugar, etc.
3. Using mainly of temporal conjunction (connectives) for examples to
indicate sequence especially in spoken text like First or firstly, Second or
secondly, and to indicate sequence in written text such as: then, after that,
4. Using action verb (material process), for examples: take, put, cut, pour,
5. Using adverbials to clarify the time, place, or manner. For examples: wait
for fifteen minutes, mix thoroughly, stirring gently, etc.
The Examples of Procedure Text
2.1 The Example of Web
Goal How to Make Fried Ice Cream

Materials  50 grams of flour

 50 grams of bread flour
 12 sliced bread
 A scoop of vanilla ice cream
 An egg
 Strawberry sauce or chocolate
sauce for the topping
Steps 1. First, take slice of the bread, then
put the ice cream on it. Cover it a
slice of bread again, and then make
it into round shape.
2. Second, dip it on the flour
3. Third, beat the egg, dip the bread
and the ice cream into it.
4. Fourth, dip it again on the flour
5. Fifth, keep it in the freezer and
wait until the ice cream is frozen.
6. Sixth, heat the oil on the pan and
fry the bread with ice cream.
7. Seventh, when it is already fried,
slice the fried ice cream. Add some
strawberry sauce or chocolate
sauce for the topping
8. Finally, the fried ice cream is
ready to serve.

2.1.1 Analysis Text of Web

Analysis of How to Make Fried Ice Cream :
a. Social Function
To explain how to make fried ice cream
b. Generic Structure
1. Goal:
How to make fried ice cream
2. Materials:
50 grams of flour, 50 grams of bread flour, 12 sliced bread, a scoop of
vanilla ice cream, an egg, strawberry sauce or chocolate sauce for the
3. Steps :
1. First, take slice of the bread, then put the ice cream on it. Cover it a
slice of bread again, and then make it into round shape, 2. Second, dip it
on the flour, 3. Third, beat the egg, dip the bread and the ice cream into
it, 4. Fourth, dip it again on the flour, 5. Fifth, keep it in the freezer and
wait until the ice cream is frozen, 6. Sixth, heat the oil on the pan and fry
the bread with ice cream, 7. Seventh, when it is already fried, slice the
fried ice cream. Add some strawberry sauce or chocolate sauce for the
topping, 8. Finally, the fried ice cream is ready to serve.
c. Process Type
1. Action Verb :
Take, put, cover, make, dip, beat, keep, heat, fry, add, slice.
2. Imperative Form :
Put the ice cream, beat the egg, dip the bread, heat the oil, add some
strawberry sauce or chocolate sauce
3. Conjunction :
First, then, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, finally.
4. Adverbials :
Wait until the ice cream is frozen
5. Tenses
Simple Present Tense
2.2 The Example of Writer
Goal How to Make Ice avocado Milo

Materials • 3 avocados
• 100 grams milo
• Sweetened condensed milk to taste
• Vanilla ice cream to taste
 Chocolate bars

Steps 1. First, dredger the avocado and

place it on the bowl
2. Second, add vanilla ice cream on
3. Third, add sweetened condensed
milk gently to your taste
4. Forth, grated chocolate to taste
5. After that, sprinkle slowly the
milo on it
6. Finally, ice avocado milo was
ready to be served

2.2.1 Analysis Text of Writer

Analysis of how to make ice avocado milo :
a. Social Function
To explain how to make ice avocado milo
b. Generic Structure
1. Goal:
How to make ice avocado milo
2. Materials:
3 avocados, 100 grams milo, sweetened condensed milk to taste, vanilla
ice cream to taste, chocolate bars
3. Steps :
1) Dredger the avocado and place it on the bowl
2) Add vanilla ice cream on top
3) Add sweetened condensed milk to your taste
4) Grated chocolate to taste
5) Sprinkle slowly the milo on it
6) Ice avocado milo was ready to be served
c. Process Type

1. Action Verb :
Dredger, place, add, grated, sprinkle
2. Imperative Form :
Add vanilla ice cream, add sweetened condensed milk
3. Conjunction :
First, and, second, third, forth, after that, finally
4. Adverbials :
5. Tenses :
Simple Present Tense
3.1 Teaching Suggestions
So here are some innovative ideas that will help teachers reinvent their
teaching methods and techniques make their classes interesting :
1. Audio and Video
Using audio-visual materials in learning session, supplement textbooks
with filmstrips, movies, short videos, and pictorial material.
2. Role Play
Teaching through role play is a great way to make children step out of
their comfort zone and develop their interpersonal skills.
3. Discussion
In learning process we can use this method, divide the students into a few
groups discussion.
3.2 Conclusion
Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us, that gives instructions
how to make or use something so that way it can be done.
Organization or generic structure of procedure text consists of 3 parts,
there are aim/goal, materials, steps.
Three types of procedure text for different purposes, there are texts that
explain how something works or how to use instruction/operation manuals,
texts that instruct how to do a particular activity, texts that deal with human
Several of language features of the procedure text, there are using
simple present tense, using imperative sentence, using action verb, using
conjunction (connectives), using adverbials
structure-dan-contoh-terlengkap/ (access on 22nd February 2018, 20:15 WIB) (access on
23rd February 2018, 09:30 WIB)
(access on 23rd February 2018, 13:35 WIB)
contoh.html (access on 23rd February 2018, 15:45 WIB)
text.html (access on 23rd February 2018, 16: 15 WIB)

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