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Subjective: Acute pain r/t Short term: At the end ● Monitor and ● Variation of At the end of 3
“Sakit akong dughan myocardial of 3 hours of nursing document appearance minutes, the client:
ma’am, murag ischemia interventions, the characteristic of and behavior
ginakumot akong client will be able to: ● Decreased
pain, noting of patients in
dughan tapos pain scale
mudagan sa li-og, sa ● Decrease pain verbal reports, pain may from 9/10 to
sa panga dayon sa scale from 9/10 nonverbal cues present a 6/10
abaga ma’am” as to 6/10 (moaning, crying, challenge in
verbalized by the grimacing, assessment.
patient Long term: At the end restlessness, Most patients
of 8 hours of nursing diaphoresis, with an acute At the end of 8
Objective: interventions, the hours, the client:
clutching of MI appear ill,
● Pain scale of client will be able to: ● Verbalized
● Verbalize relief chest) and BP or distracted,
9/10 relief or
heart rate and focused
● Facial or control control
of chest changes. on pain.
grimacing of chest
pain within Verbal history
● Restlessnes pain within
s appropriate and deeper
time frame for investigation
time frame
administered ● Obtain full of precipitating
medications. description of pain factors should
from patient be postponed
including location, until pain is
intensity (using relieved.
scale of 0–10), Respirations
duration, may be
characteristics increased as a
(dull, crushing, result of pain
described as “like and
an elephant in my associated an
chest”), and xiety; release
radiation. Assist of stress-
patient to quantify induced
pain by comparing catecholamine
it to other s increases
experiences. heart rate and
● Instruct patient to BP.
report pain ● Pain is a
immediately. subjective
Provide quiet experience
environment, calm and must be
activities, and described by
comfort patient.
measures. Provides
Approach patient baseline for
calmly and comparison to
confidently. aid in
● Administer effectiveness
supplemental of therapy,
oxygen by means resolution and
of nasal cannula progression of
or face mask, as problem.
indicated. ● Decreases
● Administer stimuli, which
medications ( may
analgesics, beta aggravate
blockers and etc.) anxiety and
cardiac strain,
limit coping
abilities and
adjustment to
● To comply

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