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(He estado buscando ideas que se pueden incluir en la prueba dependiendo de

cómo sean los dibujos y cómo se desarrolle la conversación. Después habría
que conectar las que más te gusten para hacer el topic más personal)

- The invention of the telephone, rather tan being a great benefit to society,
is responsible for a breakdown in communication. Because of the
telephone, we have fax machines, the internet, mobile phones and the
death of letter writing – all of the things which have led to the poor
communication which exists between people today.
- I have little doubt that the telephone played a major role in the changes
that took place in the last century. By this I mean that, had it not been for
the telephone, we would never have had other developments, such as
faxes, mobiles or the internet. Furthermore, the telephone is an
invaluable aid for businesses and particularly suitable for keeping in
touch with friends. After all, most people prefer to pick up the phone
rather than write a letter.

- It seems to me that true communication involves the ability to listen as

well as speak. By this I mean that communication is a two-way thing; if
one person simply talks all the time there cannot be any real
communication. The other person must have a chance to respond while
the first person listens, and so on. A further point dealing with
communication is to what extent, do we have a domain for international
communication to make sure that the message has been understood as
intended. We live in a world in which there are no barriers any longer,
businesses have grown out of those barriers and entrepreneurs have to
communicate with customers all over the world. Unfortunately, this is a
difficult issue because the way people communicate in each culture tend
to remain hidden from public view. There are numerous recent examples
of political speeches causing offence and misunderstandings arising in
consecuences. When talking to someone whose culture is very different
to yours you must make sure you have some basic knowledge about the
most neutral way to say things.

- I have little doubt that instead of getting closer, we are moving further
apart. By this I mean that communications do not really help us
understand each other, especially in areas such as politics. Furthermore,
computers are not really suitable for doing one’s work. After all, human
contact is very important too.

- We live in the Information Age and a revolution is taking place in the way
we communicate. Compression of time and space has come about. This
is not science fiction - I can communicate information with the same ease
and speed to someone in Japan as I can to mu own next-door neighbour.
A revolution has taken place and is seems that the idea of the global
village is no longer a utopian idea.
- Smart phones, tablets, mobiles with their own software in have changed
the way we communicate is a way we could hardly had imagined. Time
and space have disappeared and we, no longer, take those aspects into
account but the urgent need to say something. Humans are social
individuals and all this new technology is a different way to keep us
connected inside the global community, the world we live in.


- It’s not particularly easy to meet new people nowadays. I suppose in the
past, when communities were smaller and closer it was simpler. Then
anyone new coming into the community was introduced to everyone else
but now, although we should in theory be able to meet a lot of new
people because we live in huge densely populated cities, people are
either very lonely or stay within a small group of friends and actively
discourage outsiders from joining it.

- When becoming an adult, people tend to become more exclusive. I mean

it seems to be so easy for small children to make new friends in the park.
Teenagers find it more difficult to make new friends because they share
a very strong connection and point of identity with their peers. So, when
moving to a new school or city, they suffer a lot until they make new
friends again and the connection starts all over again.
Adults are different though, and what one has to do is to find groups that
welcome newcomers; join some kind of club or association to do with a
hobby or interest, because then one can meet people in a more neutral
The workplace is where you are most likely to meet people, actually and I
would say that for the majority of people their social life revolves around
their work. Rather as children make friends through school, adults make
friends through work.


- It’s quite significative the fact that today, while human creativity and
technology have blossomed, we have steadily been destroying the
ecology of the planet on which we depend for our survival. Every day the
diversity of life on Earth gets poorer because of our overuse of resources
and our disregard for the riches of nature.
- Ecologically, our natural habitats provide services without which life on
the planet would become impossible. When we tamper with the
environments, it is not just nature which suffers. Our own way of life is
under threat.


Men have burned big quantities of fossil fuels, first coal and then oil, with
the result that the composition of the atmosphere has started to change.
Burning these fuels produces gases such as carbon dioxide, which act in
the atmosphere like glass in a greenhouse and trap the heat of the sun –
this is known as the greenhouse effect. The overall global temperature
has already begun to rise. Global warming is expected to lead to extreme
changes in climate, with more frequent floods, droughts and heat waves.
No person, animal, bug or bird will be unaffected.
- Industrial pollution occurs when poisonous substances are produced
by factories or industrial processes and these substances are released
into the atmosphere or leach into lakes and rivers.
- Genetic engineering is the science of changing the genetic structure of
an animal or plant or human in order to affect the way it develops. (a
gene is a small part of material inside the nucleus of a cell that controls
the development of the qualities that have been passed on the
organism’s parents.)
- Species loss is when species become extinct, often because of the loss
of their habitat through activities like deforestation.

(Seguiré seleccionando más cosas y vamos viendo vale?. He copiado

párrafos o frases hechas ya porque así nos acostumbramos a un
vocabulario más específico que es lo que nos falta del día a día. Creo
que esto nos ayudará )

Besicos guapa.

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