Cases Hearsay Evidence

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PEOPLE OF THE However, if an extrajudicial utterance is offered, not as

PHILIPPINES an assertion to prove the matter asserted but without
G.R. No. 164457, April 11, 2012 reference to the truth of the matter asserted, the
hearsay rule does not apply. For example, in a slander
case, if a prosecution witness testifies that he heard the
FACTS: Petitioner, a sales representative at
accused say that the complainant was a thief, this
Footlocker’s Chain of Stores, was charged with estafa testimony is admissible not to prove that the
for failure to account for the proceeds of the sales and complainant was really a thief, but merely to show that
deliver the collection to the said company. the accused uttered those words. This kind of utterance
is hearsay in character but is not legal hearsay. The
During the trial, prosecution, in order to prove that distinction is, therefore, between (a) the fact that the
collectibles lawfully belonging to the company where statement was made, to which the hearsay rule does
misappropriated by the accused, submitted the not apply, and (b) the truth of the facts asserted in the
following documentary evidence: (a) the receipts statement, to which the hearsay rule applies.
allegedly issued by petitioner to each of her customers
upon their payment, (b) the ledgers listing the accounts Hence, as Guivencan’s testimony intends to prove an
pertaining to each customer with the corresponding asserted fact, i.e., misappropriation on the part of the
notations of the receipt numbers for each of the accused through documentary evidence of which the
payments, and (c) the confirmation sheets witness has no personal knowledge, the same is
accomplished by Guivencan herself. The ledgers and inadmissible for being a hearsay evidence.
receipts were marked and formally offered as Exhibits
B to YY, and their derivatives, inclusive. Prosecution
also presented Guivencan to testify on the entries in
the documentary evidence. Petitioner’s counsel People vs Calinawan
interposed a continuing objection on the ground that
the figures entered in Exhibits B to YY and their Facts: Calinawan was charged with murder for killing
derivatives, inclusive, were hearsay because the Janice Nevado Silan (Janice). Janice's seven (7)-year
persons who had made the entries were not old daughter, saw Calinawan stabbing her mother in
themselves presented in court. their kitchen. Thereafter, Calinawan quickly fled the
scene. Meanwhile, Jonathan
Nevado (Jonathan), Janice's brother and neighbor,
ISSUE: Whether or not testimony of a witness was awakened by shouts coming from his sister's
pertaining to entries in a document made by another house. He rushed to her house and saw her children
person constitutes hearsay and may not be admitted crying. He brought Janice to the hospital but was
as evidence. declared dead after 3 days of medical treatment.
Calinawan denied the allegations and alleged that he
HELD: Section 36 of Rule 130, Rules of Court, a rule was having a drinking session with his older brother. .
that states that a witness can testify only to those facts At the police station, Calinawan was asked if he had
that she knows of her personal knowledge; that is, with him the dress worn by Janice which .was soaked
which are derived from her own perception, except as in blood. He presented the dress to the police but it had
otherwise provided in the Rules of Court. The personal no bloodstain. Thereafter, he was released by the
knowledge of a witness is a substantive prerequisite for police and he went directly to his mother's house.5
accepting testimonial evidence that establishes the
truth of a disputed fact. A witness bereft of personal During trial, the trial court pointed out that the dying
knowledge of the disputed fact cannot be called upon declaration of Janice to Jonathan corroborated
for that purpose because her testimony derives its Marigor's statement that Calinawan killed her mother.
value not from the credit accorded to her as a witness Hence, ruled to convict appellant. Appellant argued the
presently testifying but from the veracity and admissibility of Janice’s dying declaration to her brother
competency of the extrajudicial source of her that it must be considered as hearsay.
Issue: Whether the dying declaration of Janice is
The reason for the exclusion of hearsay evidence is
that the person from whom the witness derived the
information on the facts in dispute is not in court and Held: The courts a quo considered the said statement
under oath to be examined and cross-examined. as an admissible dying declaration.

Moreover, the theory of the hearsay rule is that when a Janice's statement, nevertheless, is admissible as an
human utterance is offered as evidence of the truth of exception to the hearsay rule for being part of res
the fact asserted, the credit of the assert or becomes gestae. In order for a statement to be considered part
the basis of inference, and, therefore, the assertion can of res gestae, the following elements must concur: (a)
be received as evidence only when made on the the principal act, the res gestae, is a startling
witness stand, subject to the test of cross- examination. occurrence; (b) the statement was made before the
declarant had time to contrive or devise; and (c) the HELD:
statement concerns the occurrence in question and its No. A dying declaration, although generally
immediately attending circumstances.13 All the inadmissible as evidence due to its hearsay character,
foregoing elements are present in the case at bench. may nonetheless be admitted when the following
requisites concur, namely: (a) the declaration concerns
First, the stabbing incident constituted the startling the cause and the surrounding circumstances of the
occurrence. Second, Janice never had the opportunity declarant's death; (b) it is made when death appears to
to fabricate a statement implicating Calinawan be imminent and the declarant is under a
because she immediately identified him as her attacker consciousness of impending death; (c) the declarant
when Jonathan saw her shortly after the assault took would have been competent to testify had he or she
place. Lastly, the statement of Janice concerned the survived; and (d) the dying declaration is offered in a
circumstances surrounding her stabbing. case in which the subject of inquiry involves the
declarant's death. In the case at bar, it appears that not
all the requisites of a dying declaration are present.
Thus, Calinawan's denial and alibi have no leg to stand. From the records, no questions relative to the second
They are inherently weak as defenses, especially when requisite was propounded to Januario. It does not
faced with the positive and credible testimony of the appear that the declarant was under the consciousness
prosecution witnesses identifying the accused as the of his impending death when he made the statements.
perpetrator of the crime. The rule is that, in order to make a dying declaration
admissible, a fixed belief in inevitable and imminent
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. SONNY death must be entered by the declarant. It is the belief
GATARIN Y CABALLERO "JAY-R" AND EDUARDO in impending death and not the rapid succession of
QUISAYAS death in point of fact that renders a dying declaration
G.R. NO. 198022; APRIL 7, 2014 admissible. The test is whether the declarant has
abandoned all hopes of survival and looked on death
FACTS: On November 3, 2004, at 8 o’clock in the as certainly impending. Thus, the utterances made by
evening, Umali was riding a bicycle on his way home Januario could not be considered as a dying
when he saw Januario being mauled by two persons declaration. However, even if Januario’s utterances
opposite Dom’s Studio in Poblacion, Mabini, Batangas. could not be appreciated as a dying declaration, his
Upon seeing the incident, he stayed in front of the statements may still be appreciated as part of the res
church until such time that the accused ran away and gestae. Res gestae refers to the circumstances, facts,
were chased by policemen who alighted from the police and declarations that grow out of the main fact and
patrol vehicle. serve to illustrate its character and are so spontaneous
and contemporaneous with the main fact as to exclude
On the same night, SPO3 Mendoza and PO1 Coronel the idea of deliberation and fabrication. The test of
were on board their patrol vehicle performing their admissibility of evidence as a part of the res gestae is,
routine patrol duty when they met two men, later therefore, whether the act, declaration, or exclamation,
identified as the accused, who were running at a fast is so interwoven or connected with the principal fact or
speed. When asked why they were running, the event that it characterizes as to be regarded as a part
accused did not answer prompting the policemen to of the transaction itself, and also whether it clearly
chase them. The policemen, however, were negates any premeditation or purpose to manufacture
unsuccessful in catching them and when it became testimony.
evident that they could no longer find them, they
continued patrolling the area. There they saw Januario People vs Palanas
lying on the street in front of Dom’s studio. As he was
severely injured, the policemen immediately boarded Facts: Accused was charged for the crime of murder
Januario to the patrol vehicle and brought him to the for killing SPO2 Ramon Borre. PO2 Zapanta saw that
Zigzag Hospital. While inside the vehicle, SPO3 2 armed men shot the victim. Thereafter, PO3 Zapanta,
Mendoza asked Januario who hurt him. He answered together with Ramil the stepson of the victim, brought
that it was "Jay-R and his uncle" who stabbed him. The Borre to the Hospital. On the way to the hospital, SPO2
uncle turned out to be the appellant herein, while Jay- Borre told Ramil and PO3 Zapanta that it was “abe”,
R is his co-accused who remains at-large. At the “Aspog,” or “Abe Palanas” who shot him. This
Zigzag Hospital, Januario was attended to by Dr. Rasa statement was repeated to his wife who followed him
who found him in critical condition. Three fatal wounds at the hospital. Borre died due to gunshot wounds.
caused by a bladed weapon were found in Januario’s Palanas denied the allegations. RTC ruled to convict
body which eventually caused his death. CA affirmed Palanas.
RTC decision hence this appeal.
Issue: Whether the dying declaration of Borre is
ISSUE: admissible
Whether Dying Declaration by the victim on this case
is admissible evidence. Held: Yes, the dying declaration of Borre is admissible
and as part of res gestae.
or unable to testify; 2) that it relates to a fact against
SPO2 Borre's statements constitute a dying the interest of the declarant; 3) that at the time he made
declaration, given that they pertained to the cause and said declaration, the declarant was aware that the
circumstances of his death and taking into same was contrary to his aforesaid interest; and 4) the
consideration the number and severity of his wounds, declarant had no motive to falsify and believed such
it may be reasonably presumed that he uttered the declaration to be true.
same under a fixed belief that his own death was
already imminent.29 This declaration is considered Openda Jr., having missing since his abduction, cannot
evidence of the highest order and is entitled to utmost be called upon to testify. His confession to Enriquez,
credence since no person aware of his impending definitely a declaration against his own interest, since
death would make a careless and false accusation.30 his affair with Naty Bernal was a crime, is admissible in
Verily, because the declaration was made in extremity, evidence because no sane person will be presumed to
when the party is at the point of death and when every tell a falsehood to his own detriment.
motive of falsehood is silenced and the mind is induced
by the most powerful considerations to speak the truth, CORAZON DEZOLLER TISON VS COURT OF
the law deems this as a situation so solemn and awful APPEALS
as creating an obligation equal to that which is imposed G.R. NO. 121027 JULY 31, 1997
by an oath administered in court.
FACTS: This is a case of an action for reconveyance
of a parcel of land and an apartment. Teodora Guerrero
People of the Philippines vs Bernal 274 SCRA 197 died and left a parcel of land and an apartment. Her
husband Martin Guerrero adjudicates the said land to
FACTS: Accused – appellant Theodore Bernal him and consequently sold to Teodora Dominga. The
together with two other persons whose identities and nephews and nieces Tison et al seek to inherit by right
whereabouts are still unknown, were charged of the of representation from the property disputed presenting
crime of kidnapping of one Openda Jr. The trial court documentary evidence to prove filial relation. Corazon
convicted accused-appellant Bernal. In convicting the Dezoller Tison was presented as the lone witness, with
accused-appellant, the court considered the testimony the following documentary evidence offered to prove
of Enriquez. He testified that sometime in January 1991 petitioners' filiation to their father and their aunt, to wit:
Openda Jr. confided to him that he and Bernal’s wife a family picture; baptismal certificates of Teodora and
Naty were having an affair. One time, Naty even gave Hermogenes Dezoller; certificates of destroyed
Openda Jr. money which they used to pay for a motel records of birth of Teodora Dezoller and Hermogenes
room. He advised Naty not to do it again because she Dezoller; death certificates of Hermogenes Dezoller
was a married woman. Undoubtedly, his wife’s infidelity and Teodora Dezoller Guerrero; certification of
was ample reason for Bernal to contemplate for destroyed records of live birth of Corazon and Rene
revenge. Dezoller; joint affidavits of Pablo Verzosa and Meliton
Sitjar attesting to the parents, date and place of birth of
ISSUE: Whether or not the testimony of Enriquez id Corazon and Rene Dezoller; joint affidavit of Juliana
admissible evidence Cariaga and Manuela Cariaga attesting to the fact of
marriage between Martin Guerrero and Teodora
HELD: Yes. Openda Jr’s revelation to Enriquez Dezoller; and the marriage certificate of Martin and
regarding his illicit relationship to Bernal’s wife is Teodora Guerrero. Petitioners thereafter rested their
admissible in evidence pursuant to section 38, Rule case and submitted a written offer of these exhibits to
130 of the Revised Rules on Evidence, viz., which a Comment was filed by herein private
Section 38. Declaration against Interest – The respondent. The respondent contended that the
declaration made by a person deceased, or unable to documents/ evidence presented is inadmissible for
testify against the interest of the declarant, if the fact being hearsay since the affiants were never presented
asserted in the declaration was at the time it was made for cross-examination.
so far contrary to declarant’s own interest, that a
reasonable man at his position would not have made ISSUE: Whether or not the evidence presented is
the declaration unless he believed it to be true, maybe hearsay evidence and is inadmissible?
received in evidence against himself or his successors
in interest and against third persons. HELD: The evidence submitted does not conform to
the rules on their admissibility; however the same may
With the deletion of the phrase pecuniary or moral be admitted by reason of private respondent’s failure to
interest from the present provision, it is safe to assume interpose any timely objection thereto at the time they
that the declaration against interest has been were being offered in evidence. It is elementary that an
expanded to include all kinds of interest, that is, objection shall be made at the time when an alleged
pecuniary, proprietary, moral or even penal. inadmissible document is offered in evidence;
otherwise, the objection shall be treated as waived,
A statement may be admissible if it complies with the since the right to object is merely a privilege, which the
following requisites, to wit; 1) that the declarant is dead party may waive.
issue, as MONINA witnessed the authors signing the
The primary proof that was considered in ascertaining documents, nevertheless, under Rule 130, Section 39,
the relationship between the parties concerned is the the contents of these documents may not be admitted,
testimony of Corazon Dezoller Tison to the effect that there being no showing that the declarants-authors
Teodora Guerrero in her lifetime, or sometime in 1946, were dead or unable to testify, neither was the
categorically declared that the former is Teodora’s relationship between the declarants and MONINA
niece. Such a statement is considered a declaration shown by evidence other than the documents in
about pedigree which is admissible, as an exception to question. As to the admissibility of these documents
the hearsay rule, under Section 39, Rule 130 of the under Rule 130, Section 40, however, this requires
Rules of Court, subject to the following conditions: 1. further elaboration.
That the declarant is dead or unable to testify; 2. That
the declarant be related to the person whose pedigree Rule 130, Section 40, provides:
is the subject of inquiry; 3. That such relationship be
shown by evidence other than the declaration; and 4.
That the declaration was made ante litem motam, that Sec. 40. Family reputation or tradition
is, not only before the commencement of the suit regarding pedigree. — The reputation or
involving the subject matter of the declaration, but tradition existing in a family previous to the
before any controversy has risen thereon. controversy, in respect to the pedigree of any
one of its members, may be received in
evidence if the witness testifying thereon be
FRANCISCO L. JISON vs. COURT OF APPEALS also a member of the family, either by
and MONINA JISON consanguinity or affinity. Entries in family
G.R. No. 124853 bibles or other family books or charts,
February 24, 1998 engravings on rings, family portraits and the
like may be received as evidence of pedigree.
MONINA alleged that FRANCISCO had been married
to a certain Lilia Lopez Jison since 1940. At the end of It is evident that this provision may be divided into two
1945 or the start of 1946, however, FRANCISCO (2) parts: the portion containing the first underscored
impregnated Esperanza F. Amolar (who was then clause which pertains to testimonial evidence, under
employed as the nanny of FRANCISCO's daughter, which the documents in question may not be admitted
Lourdes). As a result, MONINA was born and since as the authors thereof did not take the witness stand;
childhood, had enjoyed the continuous, implied and the section containing the second underscored
recognition as an illegitimate child of FRANCISCO by phrase. What must then be ascertained is whether
his acts and that of his family. MONINA further alleged Exhibits S to V, as private documents, fall within the
that FRANCISCO gave her support and spent for her scope of the clause "and the like" as qualified by the
education, such that she obtained a Master's degree, preceding phrase "entries in family bibles or other
became a certified public accountant (CPA) and family books or charts, engravings on rights [and]
eventually, a Central Bank examiner. In view of family portraits,"
FRANCISCO's refusal to expressly recognize her,
MONINA prayed for a judicial declaration of her We hold that the scope of the enumeration contained
illegitimate status and that FRANCISCO support and in the second portion of this provision, in light of the rule
treat her as such. FRANCISCO alleged that he never of ejusdem generis, is limited to objects which are
recognized MONINA, expressly or impliedly, as his commonly known as "family possessions," or those
illegitimate child. One of the pieces of evidence articles which represent, in effect, a family's joint
presented by Monina to support her claim are various statement of its belief as to the pedigree of a person.
notes and letters written by his relatives attesting to These have been described as objects "openly
MONINA's filiation with Francisco. Francisco assails exhibited and well known to the family," or those
the various notes and letters written by his relatives as "which, if preserved in a family, may be regarded as
they were not identified by the authors. giving a family tradition." Other examples of these
objects which are regarded as reflective of a family's
ISSUE: W/N notes and letters written by reputation or tradition regarding pedigree are
FRANCISCO's relatives allegedly attesting to inscriptions on tombstones, monuments or coffin
MONINA's filiation be admissible in evidence plates.

RULING: NO Plainly then, Exhibits S to V, as private documents not

constituting "family possessions" as discussed above,
may not be admitted on the basis of Rule 130, Section
As to the various notes and letters written by 40. Neither may these exhibits be admitted on the basis
FRANCISCO's relatives, namely Mike Alano, Emilio of Rule 130, Section 41 regarding common
Jison, Mariquit Lopez and Fernando Lopez, reputation, it having been observed that: The weight of
respectively, allegedly attesting to MONINA's filiation, authority appears to be in favor of the theory that it is
while their due execution and authenticity are not in
the general repute, the common reputation in the The accused-appellants, on the basis of the evidence,
family, and not the common reputation in community, assailed the findings of the RTC and CA that they were
that is a material element of evidence going to establish sufficiently identified. They argued that the testimonies
pedigree. . . . [Thus] matters of pedigree may be proved of the witnesses were inconsistent.
by reputation in the family, and not by reputation in the Issues: 1. W/N the testimony of the bystanders, as
neighborhood or vicinity, except where the pedigree in relayed by the police officer, may be admitted as
question is marriage which may be proved by common evidence, and 2. if yes, W/N it should be given
reputation in the community. consideration
Held: 1. Yes and 2. No
Nevertheless, not just preponderant but overwhelming I. The testimony could be evidence that
evidence on record to prove that MONINA is the could be given as part of the res gestae.
illegitimate daughter of [FRANCISCO] and that she had As a general rule, "[a] witness can testify only to the
continuously enjoyed such status by direct acts of facts he knows of his personal knowledge; that is,
FRANCISCO and/or his relatives. The testimonial which are derived from his own perception, x x x." All
evidence offered by MONINA, woven by her narration other kinds of testimony are hearsay and are
of circumstances and events that occurred through the inadmissible as evidence. The Rules of Court,
years, concerning her relationship with FRANCISCO, however, provide several exceptions to the general
coupled with the testimonies of her witnesses, rule, and one of which is when the evidence is part of
overwhelmingly established the filiation of Francisco res gestae, thus:
and Monina. Section 42. Part of res gestae. - Statements made by
a person while a starting occurrence is taking place or
immediately prior or subsequent thereto with respect to
the circumstances thereof, may be given in evidence
People vs. Feliciano et al. May 5, 2014 as part of res gestae. So, also, statements
Facts: Feliciano et al. are members of Scintilla Juris accompanying an equivocal act material to the issue,
fraternity who were found guilty by the Quezon City and giving it a legal significance, may be received as
RTC of frustrated murder of several members of Sigma part of the res gestae.
Rho fraternity and murder of Dennis Venturina, also a The test of admissibility of evidence as a part of the res
member of Sigma Rho. The members of SJ, who were gestae is, therefore, whether the act, declaration, or
wearing masks, attacked the members of SR using exclamation is so intimately interwoven or connected
baseball bats and lead pipes while the latter are eating with the principal fact or event that it characterizes as
lunch at Beach House, in UP Diliman. to be regarded as a part of the transaction itself, and
In the decision of the trial court, all of the accused- also whether it clearly negatives any premeditation or
appellants were found guilty of the murder of Dennis purpose to manufacture testimony.
Venturina and the attempted murder of Mervin There is no doubt that a sudden attack on a group
Natalicio, Cesar Mangrobang, Jr. Leandro Lachica, peacefully eating lunch on a school campus is a
Arnel Fortes, and Cristobal Gaston, Jr. (all members of startling occurrence. Considering that the statements
Sigma Rho). The CA, however, modified their liabilities of the bystanders were made immediately after the
and found that the accused-appellants were guilty of startling occurrence, they are, in fact, admissible as
attempted murder only against Natalicio and Fortes, evidence given in res gestae.
and not against Mangrobang, Lachica, and Gaston. II. The statements made by the bystanders, although
It is the appellate court's reasoning that because admissible, have little persuasive value since the
Lachica and Mangrobang "were no longer chased by bystanders could have seen the events transpiring at
the attackers," it concluded that accused-appellants different vantage points and at different points in time.
"voluntary desisted from pursuing them and from Even Frisco Capilo, one of the bystanders at the time
inflicting harm to them, which shows that they did not of the attack, testified that the attackers had their
have the intent to do more than to make them suffer masks on at first, but later on, some remained masked
pain by slightly injuring them." It also pointed out that and some were unmasked.
the wound inflicted on Gaston "was too shallow to have When the bystanders' testimonies are weighed against
been done with an intent to kill.” those of the victims who witnessed the entirety of the
The SC reinstated the decision of the RTC and set incident from beginning to end at close range, the
aside that of the CA because of the presence of former become merely corroborative of the fact that an
conspiracy. Thus, all accused are guilty of frustrated attack occurred. Their account of the incident,
murder and murder. therefore, must be given considerably less weight than
As to the evidence, the prosecution presented that of the victims.
testimonies of the members of SR, who were able to
identify some of their assailants because their masks PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. GILBERTO
fell off. Also presented was the testimony of U.P. Police VILLARICO et al.
Officer Salvador who interviewed the bystanders who G.R. No. 158362, April 04, 2011
all told him that they could not recognize the attackers FACTS: Accused were charged of murder for the death
since they were all masked. of Haide Cagatan. During the trial, prosecution
presented the following witnesses: (1) Remedios,
sister-in-law of the victim, who testified that she saw is admissible in evidence as an exception to the
accused pointing their gun at the victim; (2) Lolita hearsay rule when the following requisites concur: (a)
Cagatan, mother of the victim, who testified that she the principal act, the res gestae, is a startling
was at the sala when she heard gunshots followed by occurrence; (b) the statements were made before the
seeing the victim wounded and asking for help stating declarant had time to contrive or devise; and (c) the
that he was shot by Berting (accused); (3) Francisco, statements must concern the occurrence in question
father of the victim; who testified that he also heard and its immediately attending circumstances.
gunshots and saw accused aiming their guns upward We find that the requisites concurred herein. Firstly, the
and were about to leave. principal act – the shooting of Haide - was a startling
occurrence. Secondly, his statement to his mother
RTC convicted the four accused of homicide about being shot by the group of Berting was made
aggravated by dwelling. The RTC accorded faith to the before Haide had time to contrive or to devise
positive identification of the accused by the considering that it was uttered immediately after the
Prosecution's witnesses. On intermediate review, the shooting. And, thirdly, the statement directly concerned
CA modified the RTC's decision and convicted the the startling occurrence itself and its attending
accused with murder. The accused contend that the circumstance (that is, the identities of the assailants).
Prosecution witnesses did not actually see who had Verily, the statement was reliable as part of the res
shot Haide and that Lolita’s testimony is a hearsay. gestae for being uttered in spontaneity and only in
reaction to the startling occurrence.
ISSUE: Whether or not testimony relating the last
statement of the victim immediately after the shooting PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC., petitioner, vs. JAIME
incident is admissible in evidence. M. RAMOS, NILDA RAMOS, ERLINDA ILANO,
HELD: The answer is in the affirmative. The statement JAVALERA, respondents.
was admissible against the accused as an exception to G.R. No. 92740 March 23, 1992
the hearsay rule under Section 42, Rule 130 of the
Rules of Court, which provides: “Statements made by FACTS: Plaintiffs complained that they were not
a person while a startling occurrence is taking place or allowed to board their PAL (Philippines Air Lines) flight,
immediately prior or subsequent thereto with respect to despite the fact that they went to the check-in counter
the circumstances thereof, may be given in evidence one hour before departure. They alleged that when
as part of the res gestae. So, also, statements they arrived there no one was at the counter. They
accompanying an equivocal act material to the issue, testified that the PAL clerk arrived 30 minutes before
and giving it a legal significance, may be received as departure. PAL however, presented as evidence the
part of the res gestae.” plaintiffs’ tickets with notation “late 4:04” and the
passenger manifest which showed that two other
The term res gestae refers to "those circumstances passengers who arrived earlier than plaintiffs, were not
which are the undersigned incidents of a particular accommodated.
litigated act and which are admissible when illustrative
of such act." In a general way, res gestae includes the ISSUE: Whether the documents presented by PAL
circumstances, facts, and declarations that grow out of admissible? Which should prevail the oral testimony of
the main fact and serve to illustrate its character, and plaintiffs or the documentary evidence presented by
which are so spontaneous and contemporaneous with PAL?
the main fact as to exclude the idea of deliberation and
fabrication. HELD: Yes. The documentary evidence presented by
PAL to corroborate the testimonies of its witnesses are
The rule on res gestae encompasses the exclamations entries made in the regular course of business which
and statements made by either the participants, plaintiffs failed to overcome with substantial and
victims, or spectators to a crime immediately before, convincing evidence other than their testimonies.
during, or immediately after the commission of the Consequently, they carry more weight and credit. A
crime when the circumstances are such that the writing or document made contemporaneously with a
statements were made as a spontaneous reaction or transaction which are evidence of facts pertinent to an
utterance inspired by the excitement of the occasion issue, when admitted as proof of those facts, is
and there was no opportunity for the declarant to ordinarily regarded as more reliable proof and of
deliberate and to fabricate a false statement. greater probative force than the oral testimony of a
The test of admissibility of evidence as a part of the res witness as to such fact based upon memory and
gestae is whether the act, declaration, or exclamation recollection. Spoken words could be notoriously
is so intimately interwoven or connected with the unreliable as against a written document that speaks a
principal fact or event that it characterizes as to be uniform language.
regarded a part of the principal fact or event itself, and
also whether it clearly negatives any premeditation or RUDY LAO vs. STANDARD INSURANCE CO., INC.
purpose to manufacture testimony. A declaration or an G.R. No. 140023, August 14, 2003
utterance is thus deemed as part of the res gestae that
FACTS: Petitioner Lao, owner of a Fuso truck insured to him in comparison to the accident report he made
by respondent Standard Insurance Co., Inc., filed a three (3) days after the accident. No explanation was
claim with the latter. However, the claim was denied by likewise given by the investigating officer for the
the insurance company on the ground that the driver of alleged interchange of names.
the insured truck, Leonardo Anit, as stated in the Police
Blotter, did not possess a proper driver’s license at the MEYNARDO SABILI vs. COMMISSION ON
time of the accident. The restriction in Leonardo Anit’s ELECTIONS and FLORENCIO LIBREA
driver’s license provided that he can only drive four- G.R. No. 193261
wheeled vehicles weighing not more than 4,500 kgs. April 24, 2012
Since the insured truck he was driving weighed more
than 4,500 kgs., he therefore violated the "authorized FACTS: COMELEC denied due course to and
driver" clause of the insurance policy. canceled the Certificate of Candidacy (COC) Sabili for
Thus, petitioner filed an action for breach of contract the position of Mayor of Lipa City for the May 2010
and damages. During trial, Respondent offered as elections for allegedly not complying with the one-year
evidence the police blotter and presented the residency requirement for local elective officials. When
investigating police officer who made the entries on the petitioner filed his COC for mayor of Lipa City for the
said blotter report. On the other hand, petitioner offered 2010 elections, he stated therein that he had been a
in evidence the Motor Vehicle Accident Report stating resident of the city for two (2) years and eight (8)
that the driver at the time of the accident is not Anit but months. One of the pieces of evidence presented by
Giddie Boy. The said report was made three days after the petitioner is the Certification from the Barangay
the accident or on April 27, 1985. Captain of Pinagtong-ulan. The COMELEC did not
RTC dismissed the complaint and this was affirmed by consider in the first instance the Certification issued by
CA on appeal. Petitioner assails the admissibility and Pinagtong-ulan Barangay Captain Dominador Honrade
evidentiary weight given to the police blotter, as a basis that petitioner had been residing in Brgy Pinagtong-
for the factual finding of the RTC and the CA. He ulan since 2007. When this oversight was raised as an
contends that the same entry was belied by the Motor issue in petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration, the
Vehicle Accident Report and testimony of the COMELEC brushed it aside on the ground that the said
investigating policeman himself. Certification was not sworn to before a notary public
and, hence, "cannot be relied on." Subsequently,
ISSUE: Whether admissibility of a police blotter may be petitioner presented another, substantially identical,
assailed on the ground that it contains entries that is Certification from the said Pinagtong-ulan Barangay
contrary to another police report made by the same Captain, save for the fact that it had now been sworn
investigating officer who made the blotter. to before a notary public.
HELD: Entries in police records made by a police
officer in the performance of the duty especially ISSUE: W/N the Certification from the Barangay
enjoined by law are prima facie evidence of the fact Captain shall be admissible in evidence
therein stated, and their probative value may be either
substantiated or nullified by other competent evidence. RULING: YES The SC disagrees with the COMELEC’s
Although police blotters are of little probative value, treatment of the Barangay Captain’s Certification and
they are nevertheless admitted and considered in the find the same tainted with grave abuse of discretion.
absence of competent evidence to refute the facts Even without being sworn to before a notary public,
stated therein. Honrade’s Certification would not only be admissible in
The police blotter was admitted under Rule 130, evidence, but would also be entitled to due
Section 44 of the Rules of Court. Under the said rule, consideration. Rule 130, Section 44 of the Rules of
the following are the requisites for its admissibility: (a) Court provides: SEC. 44. Entries in official records.—
that the entry was made by a public officer, or by Entries in official records made in the performance of
another person, specially enjoined by law to do so; (b) his duty by a public officer of the Philippines, or by a
that it was made by the public officer in the person in the performance of a duty specially enjoined
performance of his duties, or by such other person in by law, are prima facie evidence of the facts therein
the performance of a duty specially enjoined by law; stated.
and (c) that the public officer or other person had
sufficient knowledge of the facts by him stated, which The following three (3) requisites must concur for
must have been acquired by him personally or through entries in official records to be admissible in evidence:
official information. (a) The entry was made by a public officer, or by
In this case the police blotter was identified and another person specially enjoined by law to do so;
formally offered as evidence. The person who made (b) It was made by the public officer in the performance
the entries was likewise presented in court; he of his duties, or by such other person in the
identified and certified as correct the entries he made performance of a duty specially enjoined by law; and
on the blotter. The information was supplied to the (c) The public officer or other person had sufficient
entrant by the investigating officer who did not protest knowledge of the facts stated by him, which facts must
about any inaccuracy when the blotter was presented
have been acquired by him personally or through Meralco team conducted their inspection at petitioner’s
official information. meter and found alleged meter tampering, they
immediately disconnected petitioners' electrical supply.
As to the first requisite, the Barangay Secretary is During the inspection the following persons were
required by the Local Government Code to "keep an present, four (4) MERALCO inspection personnel and
updated record of all inhabitants of the barangay." the secretary of appellees. Plaintiffs-appellees filed a
Regarding the second requisite, we have explicitly that complaint for damages with prayer for the issuance of
"it is the business of a punong barangay to know who a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction. On the other
the residents are in his own barangay." Anent the third hand, MERALCO filed a counterclaim with respect to
requisite, the Barangay Captain’s exercise of powers the unpaid bills of herein plaintiff. During the trial,
and duties concomitant to his position requires him to MERALCO presented as witness its Senior Billing
be privy to these records kept by the Barangay Computer Officer to testify as to the unpaid bills of the
Secretary. Accordingly, there is basis in faulting the plaintiff. The said testimony as corroborated with the
COMELEC for its failure to consider Honrade’s documentary evidence showing unpaid bills as well as
Certification on the sole ground that it was initially not the laboratory test results proving the tampering. Trial
notarized. court ruled that immediate disconnection was illegal
due to lack of due process. On appeal, the CA reversed
the trial court’s decision and dismissed the complaint.
Cercado-Siga v. Cercado, Jr. CA likewise upheld respondent's counterclaim for the
G.R. No. 185375, March 11, 2015 billing differential representing the value of petitioners'
used but unregistered electrical consumption, which of
FACTS: Petitioners, in their complaint against had been established without being controverted.
respondent, alleged that they are the legitimate Petitioner elevated the case before the SC by way of
children of the late Vicente Cercado and Benita petition for review on certiorari. In their memorandum,
Castillo. Petitioners alleged that their parents left them, petitioner assailed ruling upholding the validity of the
through intestate succession, properties located in disconnection and denying their claim for damages.
Rizal. Sometime later, petitioners read from the The petitioner did not question the computation of the
newspaper a notice that the estate of Vicente, and a differential billing both during the trial as well as in their
certain Leonora Ditablan have been extrajudicially memorandum submitted before the SC. The only
settled by their heirs(respondents). Petitioners now defense presented by petitioner is that they cannot be
insist that Vicente and Leonora’s marriage was null and held liable thereof because the bills are already
void by the reason of the subsisting marriage of their outstanding when they transferred to their residence.
parents, Vicente and Benita. To prove the marriage
between Vicente and Benita, petitioners presented ISSUE: Whether or not a party may be held liable for
several documents including the Contrato Matrimonial unpaid bills based on the uncontroverted documentary
or the marriage contract. Respondents on the other and testimonial evidence.
hand, averred that the marriage between Vicente and
Benita was not valid; that the marriage contract was not HELD: Yes. The mere presentation by petitioners of a
a certified true copy. Contract to Sell with Assumption of Mortgage does not
necessarily mean that they are no longer liable for the
ISSUE: WON the Contrato Matrimonial, issued by billing differential. There was no sufficient evidence to
Iglesia Filipina Independiente church, presented by the show that they had not been actually residing in the
petitioners should be given probative value. house before the date of the said document. Lorna
Quisumbing herself admitted that they did not have any
HELD: NO. In the case of U.S. v. Evangelista, it has contract for electrical service in their own name. Hence,
been settled that church registries of births, marriages, petitioners effectively assumed the bills of the former
and deaths, made subsequent to the promulgation of occupants of the premises. The evidence it presented,
General Orders No. 68 and the passage of Act. No. 190 both documentary and testimonial, sufficiently proved
is no longer public writings nor do duly authorized the amount of the differential. Not only did respondent
public officials keep them. They are private writings and show how the meter examination had been conducted
their authenticity must therefore be proved, as all are by its experts, but it also established the amount of
other private writings in accordance with the rules of P193,332.96 that petitioners owed respondent. The
evidence. The marriage contract is a private document procedure through which this amount was arrived at
for it was an unsigned and uncertified document was testified to by Meralco's Senior Billing Computer
purporting to be carbon copy because no public officer Officer. His testimony was corroborated by
acknowledged the accuracy of such copy. documentary evidence showing the account's billing
history and the corresponding computations. Neither
SPOUSES ANTONIO AND LORNA QUISUMBING do we doubt the documents of inspections and
VS. MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY examinations presented by respondent to prove that,
G.R. NO. 142943; APRIL 3, 2002 indeed there had been meter tampering that resulted in
unrecorded and unpaid electrical consumption.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. LANIE ORTIZ- unlawfully and feloniously defraud Highdone Company
MIYAKE G.R. Nos. 115338-39, September 16, 1997 Ltd. Represented by Li Luen Ping, by means of false
FACTS: Accused-appellant Lanie Ortiz-Miyake was manifestations and fraudulent representations which
charged with illegal recruitment in large scale on a they made to said Li Luen Ping to the effect that they
complaint initiated by Elenita Marasigan, Imelda have chattels such as machinery, spare parts,
Generillo and Rosamar del Rosario. In convicting equipment and raw materials installed and fixed in the
appellant of illegal recruitment in large scale, the lower premises of BGB Industrial Textile Mills Factory located
court adopted a previous decision of Branch 78 of the in the Bataan Export Processing Zone (BEPZ) in
Metropolitan Trial Court of Parañaque as a basis for the Mariveles, Bataan, executed a Deed of Mortgage for a
judgment. Said previous decision was a conviction for consideration of the amount of $464,266.90 or its peso
estafa involving the same circumstances in the instant equivalent at P20,892,010.50 more or less in favor of
case, wherein complainants Generillo and Del Rosario ML Resources and Highdone Company Ltd.
charged appellant with two counts of estafa. This Representing that the said deed is a FIRST
decision was not appealed and had become final and MORTGAGE when in truth and in fact the accused well
executory. knew that the same had been previously encumbered,
mortgaged and foreclosed by CHINA BANK
On appeal, the OSG argued that the Makati court could CORPORATION as early as September 1994 thereby
not validly adopt the facts embodied in the decision of causing damage and prejudice to said HIGHDONE
the Parañaque court to show that illegal recruitment COMPANY LTD., in the said amount of $464,266.90 or
was committed against Generillo and Del Rosario as its peso equivalent at P20,892,010.50 more or less.”
well. Illegal recruitment was allegedly proven to have
been committed against only one person, particularly, The prosecution’s complaining witness, Li Luen Ping,
Elenita Marasigan. Appellant, therefore, may only be a frail old businessman from Laos, Cambodia, traveled
held guilty of simple illegal recruitment and not of such from his home country back to the Philippines in order
offense in large scale. to attend the hearing held on September 9, 2004.
ISSUE: Whether or not a trial court may adopt the However, trial dates were subsequently postponed due
findings of fact and decision of another court involving to his unavailability.
the same parties and incidents.

HELD: The answer is in the negative. Trial court’s The private prosecutor filed with the MeTC a Motion to
utilization of and reliance on the previous decision of Take Oral Deposition of Li Luen Ping, alleging that he
the Parañaque court must be rejected. Every was being treated for lung infection at the Cambodia
conviction must be based on the findings of fact made Charity Hospital in Laos, Cambodia and that, upon
by a trial court according to its appreciation of the doctor’s advice, he could not make the long travel to
evidence before it. A conviction may not be based the Philippines by reason of ill health.
merely on the findings of fact of another court,
especially where what is presented is only its decision The MeTC granted the motion after the prosecution
sans the transcript of the testimony of the witnesses complied with the directive to submit a Medical
who testified therein and upon which the decision is Certificate of Li Luen Ping. Petitioners sought its
based. reconsideration which the MeTC denied, prompting
petitioners to file a Petition for Certiorari before the
A previous decision or judgment, while admissible in RTC.
evidence may only prove that an accused was
previously convicted of a crime. 30 It may not be used The RTC granted the petition and declared the MeTC
to prove that the accused is guilty of a crime charged Orders null and void. The RTC held that Section 17,
in a subsequent case, in lieu of the requisite evidence Rule 23 on the taking of depositions of witnesses in civil
proving the commission of the crime, as said previous cases cannot apply suppletorily to the case since there
decision is hearsay. To sanction its being used as a is a specific provision in the Rules of Court with respect
basis for conviction in a subsequent case would to the taking of depositions of prosecution witnesses in
constitute a violation of the right of the accused to criminal cases, which is primarily intended to safeguard
confront the witnesses against him. the constitutional rights of the accused to meet the
witness against him face to face.

Go vs. Philippines G.R. No. 185527. July 18, 2012

The CA promulgated the assailed Decision which held
that no grave abuse of discretion can be imputed upon
FACTS Harry Go, Tonny Ngo, Jerry Ngo and Jane Go the MeTC for allowing the deposition-taking of the
were charged before the MeTC of Manila for Other complaining witness Li Luen Ping because no rule of
Deceits under Article 318 of the RPC. It was alleged procedure expressly disallows the taking of depositions
that sometime in August 1996, in the City of Manila, the in criminal cases and that, in any case, petitioners
said accused, conspiring, confederating together and would still have every opportunity to cross-examine the
helping one another, did then and there willfully, complaining witness and make timely objections during
the taking of the oral deposition either through counsel prosecution witness elsewhere and not before the very
or through the consular officer who would be taking the same court where the case is pending would not only
deposition of the witness. deprive a detained accused of his right to attend the
proceedings but also deprive the trial judge of the
ISSUE Whether the deposition-taking of Li Luen Ping opportunity to observe the prosecution witness’
should be allowed deportment and properly assess his credibility, which is
especially intolerable when the witness’ testimony is
crucial to the prosecution’s case against the accused.
HELD Yes. The examination of witnesses must be
done orally before a judge in open court; It is not
without exceptions, however, as the Rules of Court
recognizes the conditional examination of witnesses PEOPLE V. IBAÑEZ
and the use of their depositions as testimonial evidence
in lieu of direct court testimony.—The examination of FACTS:
witnesses must be done orally before a judge in open Appellants Edwin and Alfredo, with Jesus Monsillo y
court. This is true especially in criminal cases where Taniares (Jesus), were all charged in an Information for
the Constitution secures to the accused his right to a Murder under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code
public trial and to meet the witnesses against him face
to face. The requirement is the “safest and most That on or about the 29th day of August, 2004, in the
satisfactory method of investigating facts” as it enables municipality of Bocaue, province of Bulacan,
the judge to test the witness’ credibility through his Philippines, the above-named accused, armed with a
manner and deportment while testifying. It is not soil digger (bareta) and with intent to kill one Wilfredo
without exceptions, however, as the Rules of Court Atendido y Dohenog, conspiring, confederating and
recognizes the conditional examination of witnesses helping one another did then and there willfully,
and the use of their depositions as testimonial evidence unlawfully and feloniously, with evident premeditation,
in lieu of direct court testimony. abuse of superior strength and treachery, attack,
assault and hit with the said soildigger (bareta) the said
Wilfredo Atendido y Dohenog, hitting the latter on his
For purposes of taking the deposition in criminal cases, head, thereby inflicting upon him serious physical
more particularly of a prosecution witness who would injuries which directly caused his death.
forseeably be unavailable for trial, the testimonial
examination should be made before the court, or at The prosecution’s version was testified to by the
least before the judge, where the case is pending.— victim’s wife and daughter, in succession.
For purposes of taking the deposition in criminal cases,
more particularly of a prosecution witness who would ISSUE:
forseeably be unavailable for trial, the testimonial Whether or not the lower court gravely erred in giving
examination should be made before the court, or at full weight and credence to the testimony of the alleged
least before the judge, where the case is pending as prosecution eyewitness
required by the clear mandate of Section 15, Rule 119
of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. The HELD:
pertinent provision reads thus: SEC. 15. Examination This Court finds the testimony of Rachel clear and
of witness for the prosecution.—When it satisfactorily convincing. The testimony flows from a person who
appears that a witness for the prosecution is too sick or was present in the place where the killing occurred.
infirm to appear at the trial as directed by the court, or They are replete with details sufficient to shift the
has to leave the Philippines with no definite date of burden of evidence to appellants. We have no reason
returning, he may forthwith be conditionally examined to doubt Rachel’s credibility. Her candid account of the
before the court where the case is pending. Such incident, standing alone, clearly established the
examination, in the presence of the accused, or in his components of the crime of murder. Appellants’
absence after reasonable notice to attend the defense of denial, not sufficiently proven, cannot
examination has been served on him shall be overcome the conclusions drawn from said evidence.
conducted in the same manner as an examination at We find no cogent reason to deviate from the findings
the trial. Failure or refusal of the accused to attend the and conclusions of the trial court. Rachel’s testimony
examination after notice shall be considered a waiver. was delivered in a firm, candid, and straightforward
The statement taken may be admitted in behalf of or manner. There is no showing that Rachel wavered from
against the accused. the basic facts of her testimony, even when she was
subjected to a rigorous examination.
To take the deposition of the prosecution witness
elsewhere and not before the very same court where We cannot take Rachel’s testimony lightly simply
the case is pending would not only deprive a detained because she was a mere child when she witnessed the
accused of his right to attend the proceedings but also incident and when she gave her testimony in court.
deprive the trial judge of the opportunity to observe the There is no showing that her mental maturity rendered
prosecution witness’ deportment and properly assess
his credibility.—Certainly, to take the deposition of the
her incapable of testifying and of relating the incident The appellant did not object to Carl’s competency as a
truthfully. witness. He did not attempt to adduce evidence to
challenge such competency by showing that the child
With exceptions provided in the Rules of Court, all was incapable of perceiving events and of
persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make communicating his perceptions, or that he did not
known their perception to others, may be witnesses. possess the basic qualifications of a competent
That is even buttressed by the Rule on Examination of
witness. After the Prosecution terminated its direct
a Child Witness which specifies that every child is
presumed qualified to be a witness. To rebut this examination of Carl, the appellant extensively tested
presumption, the burden of proof lies on the party his direct testimony on cross-examination. All that the
challenging the child's competence. Only when Defense did was to attempt to discredit the testimony
substantial doubt exists regarding the ability of the child of Carl, but not for once did the Defense challenge his
to perceive, remember, communicate, distinguish truth capacity to distinguish right from wrong, or to perceive,
from falsehood, or appreciate the duty to tell the truth
or to communicate his perception to the trial court.
in court will the court, motu proprio or on motion of a
party, conduct a competency examination of a child. Consequently, the trial judge favorably determined the
Thus, petitioners’ flimsy objections on Rachel’s lack of competency of Carl to testify against the appellant.
education and inability to read and tell time carry no
weight and cannot overcome the clear and convincing The appellant points to inconsistencies supposedly
testimony of Rachel as to who killed her father. incurred by Carl. That is apparently not disputed.
However, it seems clear that whatever inconsistencies
People vs Esugon the child incurred in his testimony did not concern the
principal occurrence or the elements of the composite
FACTS: The 5-year old son of the victim, testified that crime charged but related only to minor and peripheral
on the night of the incident, he saw appellant, whom he matters. As such, their effect on his testimony was
calls "Nonoy," enter their house and stab her mother negligible, if not nil, because the inconsistencies did not
with a knife, while he peeped through a chair. After his negate the positive identification of the appellant as the
mother got stabbed, his father chased the appellant. perpetrator. Also, that Carl did not shout to seek help
The child positively identified the appellant, a neighbor upon witnessing how the appellant had stabbed his
who often goes to their house, as the one who stabbed mother to death did not destroy his credibility. For sure,
his mother. On cross-examination, he related that the he could not be expected to act and to react to what
assailant took money from his father’s pocket. After the happened like an adult. Although children have
RTC declared Esugon guilty for the crime, he argued different levels of intelligence and different degrees of
that the RTC erred in finding him guilty beyond perception, the determination of their capacity to
reasonable doubt of the composite crime of robbery perceive and of their ability to communicate their
with homicide based solely on the testimony of Carl, a perception to the courts still pertained to the trial court,
5-year old witness whose recollections could only be because it concerned a factual issue and should not be
the product of his imagination. disturbed on appeal in the absence of a strong showing
of mistake or misappreciation on the part of the trial
ISSUE: W/N the RTC erred in basing its ruling from the court.
testimony of a child.


That the witness is a child cannot be the sole reason

for disqualification. The dismissiveness with which the
testimonies of child witnesses were treated in the past
has long been erased. Under the Rule on Examination
of a Child Witness, every child is now presumed
qualified to be a witness. To rebut this presumption, the
burden of proof lies on the party challenging the child’s
competency. Only when substantial doubt exists
regarding the ability of the child to perceive ,remember,
communicate, distinguish truth from falsehood, or
appreciate the duty to tell the truth in court will the court,
motu proprio or on motion of a party, conduct a
competency examination of a child.

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