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International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 2013, Odessa, Ukraine pp.



V. M. Onufrienko
Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Approach of fields and contours in an inhomogeneous medium is carried out by
means of feeding into in consideration of fractal geometry devices. Fractal allocation
electrical and magnet moments of alpha-poles is spotted on differintegral geometry
devices. The topological model of the fractal device of an inhomogeneous medium
and a physical analogue of charges and currents in such medium is applied 1) to a
substantiation of electrodynamics similitude principle, 2) to build-up of the theory
and examination of requirements of the frequency independence of fractal structured
It is shown instances of fractal antennas theory application to log-periodical small
antennas modelling.

Keywords: fractal electrical moment, fractal magnet moment, alpha-pole,

inhomogeneous medium, electrodynamics similitude principle, cutoff
current, frequency independence, fractal antennas, elemental electrical
and magnetic Hertz alpha-poles, log-periodical small antenna.

The interest to development of theory and designing We found the further viewing on following stand-
of the very wide band and frequency independent an- ings [4]:
tennas is stimulated with attempts to expand a work- - The topology of artificial medium coincides with
ing strip of radio engineering systems and viewed topology is fractal the configured medium,
multifunctionality requirements. Further the geomet- and metric relations can be discovered with the help
rical model of the fractal arrangement of a nonuni- differintegral calculuses;
form medium and a physical analogue of currents in - Singularities of a structural structure of artificial
such medium is applied to a substantiation of a prin- medium are considered by quantity scalling index
ciple of electrodynamic similitude (see, e.g., [1]), which is included into defining formulas for fractal
used for determination of frequency-independent allocations of charges density and currents devices.
properties of the small fractal antennas [2], [3].
Application of a principle of electrodynamic sim- 2.1. EXPOSITION OF THE FRACTAL DIPOLES
ularity (identity of input impedances and directional STRUCTURE
characteristics of two various antennas lost-free on The definition of a compact covering of the heter-
two different frequencies if shapes of these antennas ogeneous set with introduction of dilatations  i (k ) ( k
are similar) for is fractal structured dipoles and anten-
nas needs a substantiation. The frequency independ- - the number of generation of a coat, i - the number
ence it is fractal the structured dipoles and antennas of subsets in the k -th generation having the specified
which are spotted only by angular sizes, it is neces- dilatation) with their diminution in the following gen-
sary to proved. For such constructions the modifica- erations of a coat  i (k  2)   i ( k 1)   i ( k ) , gives a func-
tion of scale distances and an expansion does not lead
tional connection of number (Fig.1)
to a modification geometrical and physical properties
of the antenna (this principle is included at the heart Ni (k 1)i (k )  f (xi(k ) / xi(k 1) ) ; Ni (k 2)i (k 1)  f (xi(k 1) / xi(k 2) ) ,
of definition of self-simularity of fractals). Designing
small fractal antennas is based on an important physi- vertexes polygonal, formed from dilatations  i ( k 1) ,
cal principle of currents cutoff [1] for studying devic-
es with a small geometrical expansion.  i ( k  2) which are in borders of dilatations  i (k ) ,
 i ( k 1) (that is are coated with them) [5] .

978-1-4799-2897-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE


N  i ( k 1) i ( k )  N  i ( k  2) i ( k 1)  N  i ( k  2) i ( k ) ; Density of  -pole moment of all sets in volume
of a cell Vi  with centre in a point ri it is estimat-
xi ( k ) / xi ( k  2) ed under the formula
f (xi ( k ) / xi ( k 1) )  f ( x )  f (xi ( k ) / xi ( k  2) ) .(1)
i ( k ) / xi ( k 1) N
P (ri )   q j d j / Vi . (3)
j 1
The smooth solution of this equation exists and is
Magnetic moment which arises due to a ranked mi-
unique in the power function form:
croscopic circular motion of charges concerning a
f (xi ( k ) / xi ( k 1) )  (xi (k ) / xi (k 1) ) ,      .
blanket axis in a device of volume Vi  , we shall
spot so mc ( ri )   [d j q j v j ] / ,2 where a vector
Nxi ( k 1) xi ( k )  xi ( k 1)  x1i ( 
k 1) xi ( k ) , ri determines coordinates of centre of a volumetric
cell Vi  . The continuous and slowly changeable
The sum
apparent density of magnetic moment M c (r ) , or a
  magnetization (caused by circulation of charges) de-
  i    ( ) xi1(k1) xi(k ) , termined as
i 1 i 1

M c (ri )  mc (ri ) / Vi . (4)

approximates all considered set, and the limiting tran-
sition gives in formulas of fractional differintegrals
These concepts became a bottom for the Biot-
Savart-Laplace law generalisation [7]
d x  ( x  x)1 , (2)
(2 )
H  (r )  1   j  (r ),  r  r   r  r  2 dv,
 

(compare with fractional differentiation formulas (see, 4 V  

e.g., [6])) which allows to apply adequate physical and mathe-

matical models to the magnetic field analysis in medi-
x 1 
d  ( xi  xi )  a D  ( xi  xi )dxi   i dxi  , ums with fractal contours and surfaces.
xi ( 2   ) For an ideal linear current with density
j  (r )   I  (r  r ) on fractal L contour
here ( ) is Euler’s gamma-function and  is 0
the order of the integro-differential operator (scaling , I  const ,  - the tangential vector to contour L in
a point r  ,  (r  r ) - two-dimensional  - charac-
teristic of a Dirac delta function, it is gained a magnet-
ic field component
I A()
H (  )  0 . (5)
2 r 

Proceeding from fractal representations about cur-

rent structure in a conductor and fields in semicon-
ducting medium it is viewed differintegral model of
the electromagnetic dipole, its radiation field is stud-
ied, effects of calculation of the direction characteris-
tic of a fractal hertz doublet in long-range and short-
Fig. 1. Modelling of a fractal radiant circuit. range bands are interpreted.
It is known that for transition from continuous per-
petual radiating structure to structure with terminating
2.2. ELECTRICAL BOTH MAGNETIC ALPHA-POLE sizes product rH which is proportional to a current I ,
MOMENTS AND HERTZIAN ANTENNA should be aimed to null at r   (a current cutoff
principle). From the gained law for a current (5) fol-
lows that these requirements can be attained on small-
The   pole moment of polarized neutral set we
N er sizes of  -poles as r H  0 is more prompt at
determine from the formula p (r )   qi di  Qd  , defined scalling values (Fig. 2).
i 1
where summation realize on all charges in set, and
d i - vectors, which sets draw from centre to charges.

International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 16-20 September, 2013, Odessa, Ukraine 333
The Frequency Independence of Fractal Antennas

y( , x)   m 
E ,1 m ( x ) (7)
m 1 x

of the equation for n 1    n and boundary condi-

Dx m y( , x) x 0  bm , m  1, 2,..., n; E ,  ( z ) - Mit-
tag-Lefler function.
From the gained solutions (7) of the equations
follows that a variation of scalling  it is possible to
change a active region of the fractal antenna, outside
of which currents sharply wane. Properties of
simularity of fractal   poles are thus fulfilled: with
magnification of frequency the active region moves in
such a manner that its relative sizes do not vary.
Fig. 2. Magnetic field component distribution on the Properties of simularity of fractal   poles are
fractal   pole length. thus fulfilled: with magnification of frequency the
active region moves in such a manner that its relative
sizes do not vary.
Further we explore agency of fractal vibrator struc-
ture on quantity of signal attenuation and a cut-off
The geometrical model of the fractal arrangement
of an inhomogeneous medium and physical analogue
3. FRACTAL LOG-PERIODIC ALPHA-POLES of currents in such medium is applied to a substantia-
SYSTEM tion of a principle of electrodynamic similarity, cur-
rent cutoff and reacting region configuration of the
Let’s view embodying of a principle of similarity at
antenna. This principle uses for definition of is fre-
making of frequency independent fractal antennas.
quency-independent properties logo-periodical
Such antennas should be itself the similar to them-
selves on any frequencies.   pole fractal antennas.
In classical viewing for electrodynamics similarity
it is necessary to reach identical sizes L in lengths of REFERENCES
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334 International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 16-20 September, 2013, Odessa, Ukraine

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