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21st Century Perspectives and
New Technologies for Water Resource Recovery Facilities
Andrew Shaw
Global Practice & Technology Leader
Black & Veatch
Fri., Sept. 21st
2:00 PM - Ryon Lab 201

These are exciting times for wastewater treatment. New discoveries and new technologies are emerging to
reshape the way we look at our treatment facilities. New measurement techniques, new technologies and new
paradigms are shifting how we design our treatment plants. In his talk, Dr. Shaw will present case studies from
3 continents that exemplify how our facilities are no longer simply designed to prevent pollution (though not
neglecting this important primary goal), but also to recover water, nutrients and energy.

Andrew Shaw’s engineering career spans more than 25 years of consulting globally in the wastewater business.
He joined Black & Veatch in 2001 and has been successful in a wide range of projects. This includes planning,
design and operations of treatment facilities, advancing the use of process modeling and development of
wastewater technologies. He is also an expert in wastewater plant optimization approaches.

In addition to serving as Global practice & Technology leader with Black & Veatch, he serves as Chair of the
Water Environment Federation’s Municipal Resource Recovery Design Committee (MRRDC), which is
involved in programs and technical information on the advancement of municipal wastewater treatment design
practices. Shaw serves on several International Water Association (IWA) task groups and committees in areas
such as computer modeling and life-cycle assessments (LCA).

Shaw earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering with environmental protection from Loughborough
University in the United Kingdom and a PhD in environmental engineering from the Illinois Institute of

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