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( 1 ) A number X is chosen at random from the numbers -3, -2, -1, 0, 1,
2, 3. What is the probability that |X|<2

o 1) 5/ 7

o 2) 3/ 7

o 3) 3/ 5

o 4) 1/ 3

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Answer : 2) 3/ 7
Solution : X can take 7 values.
nTo get |X|<2 ( i.e., -2<xn=> P(|X|<2)= Favourable Cases/Total Cases
n= 3/7</x


o ( 2 ) One card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards. Find the probability that
it is a black queen or king.

o 1) 1/ 26

o 2) 1/ 27

o 3) 1/ 28

o 4) 1/ 29

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Answer : 1) 1/ 26
Solution : 2/52 = 1/26


o ( 3 ) In a throw of coin what is the probability of getting head.

o 1) 1

o 2) 2

o 3) 1/ 2

o 4) 0

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Answer : 3) 1/ 2
Solution : Total cases = [H,T] - 2
nFavourable cases = [H] -1
nSo probability of getting head = 1/2


o ( 4 ) In a school, 45% of the students play football, 30% play volleyball

and 15% both. If a student is selected at random, then the probability
that he plays football or volleyball is:

o 1) 2/ 7

o 2) 3/ 5

o 3) 1/ 4

o 4) 4/ 5
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Answer : 2) 3/ 5
Solution : Given that, 45% play football; that is, P(F) = 45/100 = 9/20
n30% play volley ball; that is, P(V) = 30/100 = 6/20
nAnd, 15% play both volleyball and football; that is, P(F And V) = 15/100 = 3/20
nNow, we have to find the probability that 1 student plays football or volley ball;
that we have to find, P(F or V)
nWe know that, P(F ∪ V) = P(F) + P(V) - P(F ∩ V)
n= 9/20 + 6/20 - 3/20 = 12/20 = 3/5.
nHence, the required probability 3/5.


o ( 5 ) Two dice are thrown together .What is the probability that the sum
of the number on the two faces is divided by 4 or 6.

o 1) 7/ 18

o 2) 14/ 35

o 3) 8/ 18

o 4) 7/ 35

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Answer : 1) 7/ 18
Solution : Clearly,n(S) = 6 * 6 = 36
nLet E be the event that the sum of the numbers on the two faces is divided by 4
or 6.
nThen,E =
nn(E) = 14.
nHence, p(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 14/36 = 7/18


( 6 ) A bag contains 4 Red balls and 5 Green balls. Two balls are drawn at
random. Find the probability that they are of the same colour ?

o 1) 3/ 15

o 2) 4/ 15

o 3) 2/ 15

o 4) 7/ 15

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Answer : 2) 4/ 15
Solution : Let S be the sample space and E be the event, so
nn(S) = 9C2 = 36
nn(E) = ( Number of ways of drawing 2 balls of Red ) OR ( Number of ways of
drawing 2 balls of Green )
nn(E) = 4C2 + 5C2 = 6 + 10 = 16
nRequired Probability = n(E)/n (S) = 16/60 = 4/15


o ( 7 ) A die is rolled twice. What is the probability of getting a sum equal

to 9?

o 1) 2/ 3

o 2) 2/ 9

o 3) 1/ 3

o 4) 1/ 9
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Answer : 4) 1/ 9
Solution : Total number of outcomes possible when a die is rolled = 6 (∴ any
one face out of the 6 faces)
nHence, total number of outcomes possible when a die is rolled twice, n(S) = 6 *
6 = 36
nE = Getting a sum of 9 when the two dice fall = {(3, 6), {4, 5}, {5, 4}, (6, 3)}
nHence, n(E) = 4
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 4/36 = 1/9


o ( 8 ) A family has two children. find the probability that both the children
are girls given that at leastnnone of them is a girl?

o 1) 1/ 4

o 2) 2/ 3

o 3) 1/ 3

o 4) 1/ 4

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Answer : 3) 1/ 3
Solution : Let b stand for boy and g for girl. The sample space of the
experiment is
nS = {(g, g), (g, b), (b, g), (b, b)}
nLet E and F denote the following events :
nE : 'both the children are girls'
nF : 'at least one of the child is a girl'
nThen E = {(g,g)} and F = {(g,g), (g,b), (b,g)}
nNow E ∩ F = {(g,g)}
nThus P(F) = 3/4
nand P (E ∩ F )= 1/4
nTherefore P(E|F) = P(E ∩ F)/P(F) = (1/4)/(3/4) = 1/3

o ( 9 ) What is the probability of getting at least one six in a single throw of

three unbiased dice?

o 1) 1/ 6

o 2) 125/ 216

o 3) 1/ 36

o 4) 91/ 216

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Answer : 4) 91/ 216

Solution : Find the number of cases in which none of the digits show a '6'.
ni.e. all three dice show a number other than '6', 5 * 5 *5 = 125 cases.
nTotal possible outcomes when three dice are thrown = 216.
nThe number of outcomes in which at least one die shows a '6' = Total possible
outcomes when three dice are thrown - Number of outcomes in which none of
them show '6'.
n= 216 - 125 = 91.
nThe required probability = 91 / 216


o ( 10 ) What is the probability that a two digit number selected at random

will be a multiple of '3' and not a multiple of '5'?

o 1) 2/ 15

o 2) 4/ 15

o 3) 1/ 15

o 4) 4/ 90
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Answer : 2) 4/ 15
Solution : There are a total of 90 two digit numbers. Every third number will be
divisible by '3'. Therefore, there are 30 of those numbers that are divisible by '3'.
nOf these 30 numbers, the numbers that are divisible by '5' are those that are
multiples of '15'. i.e. numbers that are divisible by both '3' and '5'. There are 6
such numbers -- 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90.
nWe need to find out numbers that are divisible by '3' and not by '5', which will
be 30 - 6 = 24.
n24 out of the 90 numbers are divisible by '3' and not by '5'.
nThe required probability is therefore,
n24/90 = 4/15


( 11 ) An urn contains 6red, 5 blue and 2 green marbles. If 2 marbles are
picked at random, what is the probability that both are red?

o 1) 6/ 13

o 2) 5/ 26

o 3) 5/ 13

o 4) 7/ 26

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Answer : 2) 5/ 26
Solution : P(Both are red) = 6C2/13C2 = 5/26

o ( 12 ) One card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards. Each card is equally

likely to be drawn. Find the probability that card drawn is either black or

o 1) 7/ 13

o 2) 6/ 13

o 3) 2/ 13

o 4) 5/ 13

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Answer : 1) 7/ 13
Solution : P(AB) = A ∪ B ∩ AB
n26 + 4 - 2 = 28
nProbability (AB) = 28/52 = 7/13


o ( 13 ) Two unbiased coins are tossed. What is probability of getting at

most one tail ?

o 1) 1/ 2

o 2) 1/ 3

o 3) 3/ 2

o 4) 3/ 4

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Answer : 4) 3/ 4
Solution : Total 4 cases = [HH, TT, TH, HT]
nFavourable cases = [HH, TH, HT]
nPlease note we need atmost one tail, not atleast one tail.
nSo probability = 3/4


o ( 14 ) Two groups, A and B wrote an exam. The probability of A's pass is

2/7 and the probability of B's pass is 2/5. What is the probability that only
one of them is passed out?

o 1) 5/ 6

o 2) 1/ 3

o 3) 12/ 43

o 4) 18/ 35

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Answer : 4) 18/ 35
Solution : Let A be the event of the group A pass
nLet B be the event of the group B pass
nThen, A'= Event of the group A's fail and B'= event of the group B's fail.
nTherefore, p(A) = 2/7 and p(B) = 2/5,
nP(A') = 1 - P(A) = 1- 2/7 = 5/7 and P(B') = 1- P(B) = 1- 1/5 = 4/5
nRequired probability = P[( A And B') Or (B And A')]
n= P[( A And B') Or (B And A')]
n= P[( A And B') + (B And A')]
n= P[( A And B')] + p[(B And A')]
n= p(A) * p(B') + P(A') * P(B)
n= (2/7 * 4/5) + (2/5 * 5/7)
n= (8/35 + 10/35) = 18/35

o ( 15 ) Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of
getting two numbersnwhose product is even?

o 1) 3/ 4

o 2) 3/ 8

o 3) 5/ 16

o 4) 2/ 7

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Answer : 1) 3/ 4
Solution : In a simultaneous throw of two dice, we have n(S) = (6 * 6) = 36.
nThen, E = {(1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 6), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3,
2), (3,4),(3, 6), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6), (5, 2), (5, 4), (5, 6),
(6, 1),6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)}
nn(E) = 27.
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 27/36 = 3/4.


( 16 ) The odds favouring the event of a person hitting a target are 3 to
5. The odds against the event of another person hitting the target are 3 to
2. If each of them fire once at the target, find the probability that both of
them hit the target.

o 1) 4/ 20

o 2) 3/ 20

o 3) 5/ 20

o 4) 6/ 20
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Answer : 2) 3/ 20
Solution : Let A be the event of first person hitting the target,
np(A) = 3/3 + 5 = 3/8(odds in favour)
nLet B be the event of Second person hitting a target.
nP(B)=2/3 + 2 = 2/5(odds agaainst)
nSince both events are independent and both will hit the target so,
nP(A∩B) = P(A)P(B) = 3/8 * 2/5 = 3/20


o ( 17 ) What is the probability of getting a number less than 4 when a die

is rolled?

o 1) 1/ 2

o 2) 1/ 6

o 3) 1/ 3

o 4) 1/ 4

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Answer : 1) 1/ 2
Solution : Total number of outcomes possible when a die is rolled = 6 (∴ any
one face out of the 6 faces)
ni.e., n(S) = 6
nE = Getting a number less than 4 = {1, 2, 3}
nHence, n(E) = 3
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 3/6 = 1/2

o ( 18 ) Ten cards numbered 1 to 10 are placed in a box, mixed up
thoroughly and then one card is drawnnnrandomly. If it is known that the
number on the drawn card is more than 3, what is the probabilitynnthat it
is an even number?

o 1) 2/ 7

o 2) 6/ 7

o 3) 7/ 2

o 4) 4/ 7

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Answer : 4) 4/ 7
Solution : Let A be the event 'the number on the card drawn is even' and B be
the event 'the number on the card drawn is greater than 3'. We have to find
nNow, the sample space of the experiment is S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
nThen A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, B = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
nand A ∩ B = {4, 6, 8, 10}
nAlso P(A) = 5/2, P(B) = 7/10 and P(A ∩ B) = 4/10
nThen P(A|B) = P(A ∩ B)/P(B) = (4/10)/(7/10) = 4/7


o ( 19 ) Two squares are chosen at random on a chessboard. What is the

probability that they have a side in common?

o 1) 1/ 18

o 2) 64/ 4032

o 3) 63/ 64

o 4) 1/ 9

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Answer : 1) 1/ 18
Solution : The number of ways of choosing the first square is 64. The number
of ways of choosing the second square is 63. There are a total of 64 * 63 = 4032
ways of hoosing two squares.
nIf the first square happens to be any of the four corner ones, the second square
can be chosen in 2 ways. If the first square happens to be any of the 24 squares
on the side of the chess board, the second square can be chosen in 3 ways. If
the first square happens to be any of the 36 remaining squares, the second
square can be chosen in 4 ways. Hence the desired number of combinations = (4
* 2) + (24 * 3) + (36 * 4) = 224. Therefore, the required probability =


o ( 20 ) A die is thrown twice and the sum of the numbers appearing is

observed to be 6.nnfind the conditional probability that the number 4 has
appeared at least once? n

o 1) 1/ 5

o 2) 3/ 5

o 3) 2/ 5

o 4) NONE

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Answer : 3) 2/ 5
Solution : Let E be the event that 'number 4 appears at least once' and F be the
event that 'the sum of the numbers appearing is 6'.
nThen, E = {(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (4,5), (4,6), (1,4), (2,4), (3,4),(5,4),
nand F = {(1,5), (2,4), (3,3), (4,2), (5,1)}
nWe have P(E) = 11/36
nand P (F) = 5/36
nAlso E∩F = {(2,4), (4,2)}
nTherefore P(E∩F) = 2/36 nthe required probabilitynP(E|F) = P(E∩F)/P(F) =
(2/36)/(5/36) = 2/5.


( 21 ) Four dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability that all of
them show the same face.

o 1) 1/ 216

o 2) 1/ 36

o 3) 4/ 216

o 4) 3/ 216

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Answer : 1) 1/ 216
Solution : The total number of elementary events associated to the random
experiments of throwing four dice simultaneously is:
n= 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 = 64
nn(S) = 64
nLet X be the event that all dice show the same face.
nX = {(1,1,1,1,),(2,2,2,2),(3,3,3,3),(4,4,4,4),(5,5,5,5),(6,6,6,6)}
nn(X) = 6
nHence required probability = n(X)/n(S) = 6/64 = 1/216


o ( 22 ) What is the probability that a number selected from numbers

1,2,3,...,30, is prime number, when each of the given numbers is equally
likely to be selected?

o 1) 9/ 30

o 2) 8/ 30

o 3) 10/ 30
o 4) 11/ 30

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Answer : 3) 10/ 30
Solution : X = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29}
nn(X)=10,n(S) = 30
nHence required probability = n(X)/n(S)
n= 10/30


o ( 23 ) An unbiased coin is tossed twice. Find the probability of getting

1,2,3 or in the first toss and 4,5 or 6 in second attempt ?

o 1) 1/ 3

o 2) 2/ 3

o 3) 1/ 4

o 4) 1/ 5

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Answer : 1) 1/ 3
Solution : Probability of getting 1,2,3 or 4 in first toss = 4/6 = 2/3
nProbability of getting 4,5 or 6 in second toss = 3/6 = 1/2
nNow both events are independent and we will use multiplication theorem
n1/2 * 2/3 = 1/3

o ( 24 ) Three unbiased coins are tossed, what is the probability of getting
at least 2 tails ?

o 1) 1/ 3

o 2) 1/ 6

o 3) 1/ 2

o 4) 1/ 8

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Answer : 3) 1/ 2
Solution : Total cases are = 2*2*2 = 8, which are as follows
nFavoured cases are = [TTH, THT, HTT, TTT] = 4
nSo required probability = 4/8 = 1/2


o ( 25 ) A boy gets a chance of 55% to win 1st round of a game and a girl
gets a chance of 60% to win 2nd round of the game. In what % of cases
are they likely to contradict each other, narrating the same incident?

o 1) 49%

o 2) 54%

o 3) 71%

o 4) 38%

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Answer : 1) 49%
Solution : Let A be the event that a boy wins 1st round
nLet B be the event that a girl wins 2nd round.
nThen, A' = Event that the boy losses 1st round and B' = event that the girl
losses 2nd round.
nTherefore, P(A) = 55/100 = 11/20, P(B) = 60/100 = 12/20.
nP(A') = 1- (11/20) = 9/20 and P(B') = 1- (12/20) = 8/20
nFirst, we have to find the probability that they contradict each other;
nThat is, P( A And B contradicts each other)
n= P[(boy win in 1st round And girl losses in 2nd round) (Or) (boy losses in 1st
round And girl wins in 2nd round)
n= P[(A And B') Or (A' And B)] = P[(A And B')] + p[(A' And B)]
n= P(A) * P(B') + P(A') * P(B)
n= 11/20 * 8/20 + 9/20 * 12/20
n= 88/400 + 108/400
n= 196/400
nWe have to find the %.
nRequired % = (196/400) * 100 = 49%.

 Last

 ( 26 ) In a lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks. A lottery is drawn at

random. What is the probability of getting a prize?

 1) 2/ 7

 2) 5/ 7

 3) 1/ 5

 4) 1/ 2

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Answer : 1) 2/ 7
Solution : Total number of outcomes possible, n(S) = 10 + 25 = 35
nTotal number of prizes, n(E) = 10
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 10/35 = 2/7n

 ( 27 ) Two dice are tossed. The probability that the total score is a prime
number is:

 1) 5/ 12

 2) 1/ 6

 3) 1/ 2

 4) 7/ 9

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Answer : 1) 5/ 12
Solution : Clearly, n(S) = (6 * 6) = 36.
nLet E = Event that the sum is a prime number.
nThen E= { (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 6), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 2), (3, 4), (4, 1),
(4,3),(5, 2), (5, 6), (6, 1), (6, 5) }
nn(E) = 15.
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 15/36 = 5/12.

 ( 28 ) One card is randomly drawn from a pack of 52 cards. What is the

probability that the card drawn is a face card(Jack, Queen or King)

 1) 1/ 13

 2) 2/ 13

 3) 3/ 13

 4) 4/ 13
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Answer : 3) 3/ 13
Solution : Total number of cards, n(S) = 52
nTotal number of face cards, n(E) = 12
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 12/52 = 3/13

 ( 29 ) John draws a card from a pack of cards. What is the probability

that the card drawn is a card of black suit?

 1) 1/ 2

 2) 1/ 4

 3) 1/ 3

 4) 1/ 13

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Answer : 1) 1/ 2
Solution : Total number of cards, n(S) = 52
nTotal number of black cards, n(E) = 26
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 26/52 = 1/2n

 ( 30 ) Given that E and F are events such that P(E) = 0.16, P(F) = 0.4
and P(E ∩ F) = 0.4, find P (E|F) and P(F|E)

 1) 3/ 4,2
 2) 1/ 4,1

 3) 1,1/ 4

 4) None of these

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Answer : 3) 1,1/ 4
Solution : Here, E and F are events
nP(E|F) = P(EnF)/P(F) = 0.4/0.4 = 1
nP(F|E) = P(EnF)/P(E) = 0.4/0.16 = 1/4.

 First

( 31 ) If P (A) = 0.18, P (B) = 0.5 and P (B|A) = 0.2, find P(A ∩ B)?

o 1) 0.32

o 2) 0.36

o 3) 0.16

o 4) 0.64

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Answer : 2) 0.36
Solution : P(B|A) = P(A ∩ B)/P(A)
nP(A ∩ B) = P(B|A) * P(A)
nP(A ∩ B) = 0.2 * 0.18
nP(A ∩ B) = 0.36

o ( 32 ) When 4 dice are thrown, what is the probability that the same
number appears on each of them?

o 1) 1/ 36

o 2) 1/ 18

o 3) 1/ 216

o 4) 1/ 5

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Answer : 3) 1/ 216
Solution : Sample space (Denominator): When 4 dice are thrown
simultaneously, then the total number of possible outcomes is 64 = 1296
nEvent (Numerator): The chances that all the dice show same number (1,1,1,1),
(2,2,2,2), (3,3,3,3), (4,4,4,4), (5,5,5,5), (6,6,6,6)} is 6.
nProbability = Event/ Sample space = 6/64 = 1/63 = 1/216.


o ( 33 ) A bag contains 21 toys numbered 1 to 21. A toy is drawn and then

another toy is drawn without replacement. Find the probability that both
toys will show even numbers.

o 1) 5/ 21

o 2) 9/ 42

o 3) 11/ 42

o 4) 4/ 21

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Answer : 2) 9/ 42
Solution : The probability that first toy shows the even number = 10/21
nSince, the toy is not replaced there are now 9 even numbered toys and total 20
toys left.
nHence, probability that second toy shows the even number = 9/20
nRequired probability =(10/21) * (9/20)
n= 9/42


o ( 34 ) A five-digit number is formed by using digits 1,2,3,4 and 5 without

repetition. What is the probability that the number is divisible by 4?

o 1) 1/ 5

o 2) 5/ 6

o 3) 4/ 5

o 4) NONE

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Answer : 1) 1/ 5
Solution : A number divisible by 4 formed using the digits 1,2,3,4 and 5 has to
have the last two digits 12 or24 or 32 or 52.
nIn each of these cases, the five digits number can be formed using the
remaining 3 digits in 3! = 6 ways.
nA number divisible by 4 can be formed in 6 * 4 = 24 ways.
nTotal number that can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4 and 5 without
repetitionn= 5! = 120
nRequired probability = 24/120 = 1/5


o ( 35 ) What is the probability of getting a sum 9 from two throws of dice.

o 1) 1/ 3

o 2) 1/ 9
o 3) 1/ 12

o 4) 2/ 9

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Answer : 2) 1/ 9
Solution : Total number of cases = 6*6 = 36
nFavoured cases = [(3,6), (4,5), (6,3), (5,4)] = 4
nSo probability = 4/36 = 1/9


( 36 ) In a box, there are 8 red, 7 blue and 6 green balls. One ball is
picked up randomly. What is the probability that it is neither blue nor

o 1) 2/ 3

o 2) 8/ 21

o 3) 3/ 7

o 4) 9/ 22

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Answer : 2) 8/ 21
Solution : Total number of balls = (8 + 7 + 6) = 21
nLet E = event that the ball drawn is neither blue nor green =e vent that the ball
drawn is red.
nTherefore, n(E) = 8.
nP(E) = 8/21.


o ( 37 ) Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn

at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number
which is a multiple of 3 or 5?

o 1) 1/ 2

o 2) 3/ 5

o 3) 9/ 20

o 4) 8/ 15

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Answer : 3) 9/ 20
Solution : Here, S = {1, 2, 3, 4, ...., 19, 20}.
nLet E = event of getting a multiple of 3 or 5 = {3, 6 , 9, 12, 15, 18, 5, 10, 20}.
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 9/20.


o ( 38 ) In a simultaneous throw of pair of dice. Find the probability of

getting the total more than 7.

o 1) 1/ 2

o 2) 5/ 12

o 3) 7/ 15

o 4) 3/ 12
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Answer : 2) 5/ 12
Solution : Here n(S) = (6 * 6) = 36
nlet E = event of getting a total more than 7
nTherefore,P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 15/36 = 5/12.


o ( 39 ) A letter is randomly taken from English alphabets. What is the

probability that the letter selected is not a vowel?

o 1) 5/ 25

o 2) 2/ 25

o 3) 5/ 26

o 4) 21/ 26

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Answer : 4) 21/ 26
Solution : Total number of alphabets, n(S) = 26
nTotal number of characters which are not vowels, n(E) = 21
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 21/26


o ( 40 ) A letter is chosen at random from the word 'ASSASSINATION'.

What is the probability that it is a vowel?
o 1) 4/ 13

o 2) 8/ 13

o 3) 7/ 13

o 4) 6/ 13

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Answer : 4) 6/ 13
Solution : Total Number of letters in the word ASSASSINATION, n(S) = 13
nTotal number of Vowels in the word ASSASSINATION, n(E) = 6 (∴ 3 'A', 2 'I', 1
nProbability for getting a vowel, P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 6/13


( 41 ) An urn contains 10 black and 5 white balls. Two balls are drawn
from the urn one after the othernn without replacement. What is the
probability that both drawn balls are black?

o 1) 1/ 7

o 2) 2/ 7

o 3) 7/ 3

o 4) 3/ 7

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Answer : 4) 3/ 7
Solution : Let E and F denote respectively the events that first and second ball
drawn are black. We have to find P(E ∩ F) or P (EF).
nNow P(E) = P (black ball in first draw) = 10/15
nAlso given that the first ball drawn is black, i.e., event E has occurred, now
there are 9 black balls and five white balls left in the urn. Therefore, the
probability that the second ball drawn is black, given that the ball in the first
draw is black, is nothing but the conditional probability of F given that E has
nThat is P(F|E) = 9/14
nBy multiplication rule of probability, we have
nP (E ∩ F) = P(E) P(F|E)
n= 10/15 * 9/14 = 3/7


o ( 42 ) An experiment succeeds twice as often as it fails. What is the

probability that in the next 5 trials there will be four successes?

o 1) 0

o 2) (2/ 3)4

o 3) 5*((2/ 3)4)*(1/ 3)

o 4) ((2/ 3)4)*(1/ 3)

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Answer : 3) 5*((2/ 3)4)*(1/ 3)

Solution : An experiment succeeds twice as often as it fails.
ni.e. the probability of its success is 2/3 and the probability of its failure is 1/3.
nIn the next 5 trials the experiment needs to succeed in 4 out of the 5 trials.
n4 out of the 5 trials in which it succeeds could be selected in 5C4 ways = 5 ways.
nAnd as 4 of them are successes, they have a probability of 2/3 and the one that
is a failure will have a probability of 1/3.
nHence, the required probability = 5*((2/3)4)*(1/3)

o ( 43 ) In a charity show tickets numbered consecutively from 101 through
350 are placed in a box. What is the probability that a ticket selected at
random (blindly) will have a number with a hundredth digit of 2?

o 1) 0.285

o 2) 0.4

o 3) 100/ 249

o 4) 99/ 250

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Answer : 2) 0.4
Solution : 250 numbers between 101 and 350 i.e. n(S) = 250
nn(E) = 100th digits of 2 = 299 - 199 = 100
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 100/250
n= 0.40


o ( 44 ) There are four hotels in a town. If 3 men check into the hotels in a
day then what is the probability that each checks into a different hotel?

o 1) 6/ 7

o 2) 1/ 8

o 3) 3/ 8

o 4) 5/ 9

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Answer : 3) 3/ 8
Solution : Total cases of checking in the hotels = 43 ways.
nCases when 3 men are checking in different hotels = 4 * 3 * 2 = 24 ways.
nRequired probability:
n= 24/43
n = 3/8


o ( 45 ) P and Q sit in a ring arrangement with 10 persons. What is the

probability that P and Q will sit together?

o 1) 2/ 11

o 2) 3/ 11

o 3) 2/ 9

o 4) 4/ 9

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Answer : 1) 2/ 11
Solution : n(S)= number of ways of sitting 12 persons at round table: = (12 -
1)! = 11!
nSince two persons will be always together, then number of persons: = 10 + 1 =
nSo, 11 persons will be seated in (11 - 1)! = 10! ways at round table and 2
particular persons will be seated in 2! ways.
nn(A)= The number of ways in which two persons always sit together =10! * 2
nP(A) = n(A)/n(S)
n=10! * 2!/11!
n = 2/11

( 46 ) A card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards. The probability of getting
a queen of club or a king of heart is

o 1) 1/ 13

o 2) 2/ 13

o 3) 1/ 26

o 4) 1/ 52

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Answer : 3) 1/ 26
Solution : Total number of cases = 52
nFavourable cases = 2
nProbability = 2/56 = 1/26


o ( 47 ) Bag contain 10 back and 20 white balls, One ball is drawn at

random. What is the probability that ball is white

o 1) 1

o 2) 2/ 3

o 3) 1/ 3

o 4) 4/ 3

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Answer : 2) 2/ 3
Solution : Total cases = 10 + 20 = 30
nFavourable cases = 20
nSo probability = 20/30 = 2/3

o ( 48 ) If two letters are taken at random from the word HOME, what is
the probability that none of the letters would be vowels

o 1) 1/ 6

o 2) 1/ 2

o 3) 1/ 3

o 4) 1/ 4

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Answer : 1) 1/ 6
Solution : P(first letter is not vowel) = 2/4
nP(second letter is not vowel) = 1/3
nSo,probability that none of letters would be vowels is = (2/4) * (1/3) = 1/6


o ( 49 ) An unbiased cubic die is thrown.What is the probabiltiy of getting a

multiple of 3 or 4?

o 1) 1/ 12

o 2) 1/ 9

o 3) 3/ 4

o 4) 1/ 2

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Answer : 4) 1/ 2
Solution : Total numbers in a die = 6
nP(mutliple of 3) = 2/6 = 1/3
nP(multiple of 4) = 1/6
nP(multiple of 3 or 4) = 1/3 + 1/6 = 1/2


o ( 50 ) One ball is picked up randomly from a bag containing 8 yellow, 7

blue and 6 black balls. What is the probability that it is neither yellow nor

o 1) 1/ 3

o 2) 1/ 4

o 3) 1/ 2

o 4) 3/ 4

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Answer : 1) 1/ 3
Solution : Total number of balls, n(S) = 8 + 7 + 6 = 21
nn(E) = Number of ways in which a ball can be selected which is neither yellow
nor black
n= 7 (∴ there are only 7 balls which are neither yellow nor black)
nP(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 7/21 = 1/3

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