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Sanford-Brown Institute Library

Policies and Procedures

Purpose of policies and procedures

The purpose of the Sanford-Brown Institute Library Policies and Procedures is to provide guidelines for
day-to-day functions and services provided by the Library in accordance with the Library’s mission.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Sanford Brown Institute Library is to support the curricular and professional needs of
the students, faculty, and administration of Sanford-Brown Institute by continuously developing,
acquiring and maintaining information resources and services.

Library Objectives

 Support the curriculum of SBI by selecting, acquiring, and removing materials based on
relevance to the school’s educational programs.
 Evaluate the collection against known or recognized standards and recommendations.
 Continuously maintain and grow ongoing relationships with faculty to build and enhance the
Library collection, and integrate Library usage into the learning experience.
 Provide on-site or remote access to all resources necessary to support the mission and
objectives of the SBI library.
 Develop instructional resources and services for all users so they may utilize the objectives of
the SBI library.
 Increase utilization of technological resources to improve communication between Libraries,
and provide enhanced services to the students, faculty and staff on SBI.
 Create a comfortable environment that supports and encourages learning.

Community Profile

The Sanford-Brown Institute Library provides library services to the students, faculty, and administration
of SBI. The curriculum of the college is made up of several highly focused, short-term degree and non-
degree Allied Health career oriented programs. The programs of study include Medical Assisting,
Medical Billing and Coding, Pharmacy Technician, Nursing, Surgical Technology, Diagnostic Medical
Sonography and Cardiovascular Technology.

Description of the collection

The SBI Library collection consists of:

 Over 1500 catalogued books, videos, DVDs and CD ROMS

 Subscriptions to 15 periodicals
 Multiple online resources made available through three providers (CECybrary , EBSCO and LIRN).

The focus areas for the collection are:

 Nursing
 Allied Health
 General Education
 Medical Reference

Library staff is committed to the continued development of a timely and excellent reference collections,
general collections, periodical collections, video collections, and electronic resources in the above-
mentioned disciplines.

Overview of Library Access Services

The Sanford-Brown Institute Library is dedicated to providing access to resources whether they are
owned by SBI or another institution. The Library provides access to information resources through
several services. The library provides access to materials internally and college-wide through the online

The Library also provides access to electronic information resources via Internet access, subscription
services, and CD ROM products.

The SBI library subscribes to several electronic fee based resources to provide users with direct access to
periodical and journal literature. Many of the databases provide full-text access to articles, however, if
the full-text is not available, users are offered the option to order reprints via one of our consortium

It is the intention of the Library staff to continue to provide the most outstanding access to information
available. We will accomplish this by continuing to offer and improve existing services. We will also do
this by continuing to place emphasis on building excellent reference and professional development
collections, which support the mission of the SBI Library.


Access to the collection

The general collection is easily accessible on open shelves for all users. Reference materials are shelved
in specific areas or locking cabinets. If no Library staff is on duty to unlock the cabinets, Faculty may
request materials via the Library World Catalog, or the hold request list on the locked cabinet.


The Library follows the SBI business hours and is open for student use during school hours Monday-

Circulation Policy


Books may be checked out anytime from the general collection for two weeks. Providing there is not a
request on the material that has been checked out, students may request to renew the item for an
additional 2 weeks.
If items are not returned by the due date specified, patrons will be issued an overdue notice. The patron
will receive a total of three notices. If library materials are not returned, the cost of the materials may be
added to the student’s account, plus an additional $25.00 fine for each item that has not been returned.
In addition, a transcript hold will be in place until all fines are paid.


Students may not check out videos. Videos may be checked out by faculty for two-week periods, and
may be renewed for up to two months.


Software housed in the Library may not circulate. In addition, any software programs purchased through
the Library budget are the property of the Library and will be treated as such. In addition, software
programs not purchased by the Library will be installed or used in the campus Library at the discretion of
the Librarian.


Periodicals are non-circulating and may not be checked out by students, unless approved by the
Librarian. Faculty and staff may check these items out at the discretion of the Librarian.

Reference Materials

Reference materials are non-circulating, and may only be used in the Library by students. Faculty and
staff may check these items out at the discretion of the Librarian.

Electronic Resources

SBI provides open access to Internet, electronic fee-based information resources, and computer access
for other applications. The policies for usage of these resources are as follows:

Electronic resources are not to be used for commercial purposes or non-College related activities.
Library staff reserves the right to monitor and record the usage of all information technology usage in
the Library. Library staff also reserves the right to extend, limit, restrict or deny computing privileges and
access to its information resources.

All users of Library computing equipment and information resources must respect the rights of the other
users, respect the integrity of equipment and resources, and comply with all pertinent licenses and
contractual agreements.

Sanford-Brown College Materials Selection Policy

Selection Goals

The goal of the SBI Materials Selection Policy is to support the mission of the SBI Library by selecting and
acquiring materials and resources that support the educational goals and objectives of the college.

Selection Responsibility
Resource and materials selection is based on faculty input in conjunction with input from the Librarian
and Library Advisory Committee, which consists of the Program Directors and Chairs from all SBI

Purchasing Materials

Materials will be purchased on a quarterly basis based on Library budget allocations coupled with faculty
requests and Library staff suggestions.

Definition of Library Resources and Materials

Library resources and materials are defined as instructional materials including books, periodicals,
manuscripts, newspapers, CD ROMS, and fee-based electronic resources, and Internet Access.

Collection Priorities

 Timely reference works reflecting all programs in the SBI curriculum

 Timely and comprehensive works for the general collection that reflects the curricular offerings
of SBI
 Appropriate electronic and multimedia resources that support the educational and professional
objectives of the college
 Strong professional development collection including directory resources for job searching;
resume writing tools; salary surveys; and access to employment information.

Selection Tools and Selection Criteria

Materials and resources will be added to the collection based on their relevance to the mission of the
SBI Library. Library staff will rely on multiple resources and processes to make acquisitions decisions.
Acquisitions will be based on the following tools and processes:

 Formal faculty suggestions through the Curriculum Action Group, the Library Steering/Advisory
Committee, Faculty Course Feedback forms, and Library Materials Request forms, as well as
informal faculty suggestions.
 Individual subject expertise from faculty and staff members
 Reviews from professional journals, for example, Choice or Booklist.
 Standard Bibliographies
 Each Campus Librarian will be responsible for providing a current list of subject bibliographies,
checklists, and any other collection evaluation tools currently being used.
 The Librarian will identify additional industry resources where appropriate.
 The Librarians will identify and familiarize themselves with appropriate professional associations
that would provide additional collection evaluation tools.

Using the selection tools mentioned above, professional staff evaluates each title according to the
following criteria.

 Relevance to the mission of the SBI Library.

 Authorship
 Comprehensiveness
 Appropriateness to interests and skills of intended audience
 Originality of thought
 Permanent significance
 Accessibility through independent bibliographic indexes

Gift Policy

Gifts to the Library will be accepted; however, they will only be added to the collection based on the
same selection criteria used for purchase of materials. Inappropriate materials may be discarded at the
discretion of the Librarian.


On an ongoing basis faculty and library staff will review the collection. Any outdated materials; any
materials superseded by later editions; and any materials worn out or mutilated; or any materials no
longer of interest to SBI Library patrons may be considered for withdrawal. Nursing and Information
Technology Titles will be evaluated biannually.

Periodical Retention

All refereed, academic, and professional journals will be kept as space allows. All non-academic, non-
refereed, and non-professional journals will be kept a maximum of 12 months depending upon usage
and online availability. Cancellation of subscriptions will be based on an annual review of subscriptions
will be based on an annual review of subscriptions by faculty. The Librarian will be responsible for
distributing a list of all SBI periodical subscriptions to faculty for review. Any title cancellations or
additions should be noted at that time.


Usage statistics will be kept for the SBI Library.

They will measure the following areas:

 Circulation of materials
 Foot traffic
 Electronic resource usage

Effective January 2009 these statistics will be kept and updated on a quarterly basis.

Process for Ordering, Receiving and Processing Materials

Orders are primarily placed through Baker & Taylor or other appropriate vendor. Librarians are
responsible for placing these orders through B & T’s online service or to request a purchase order for
products unavailable through B & T. The librarian then monitors the issuance of a purchase order for
order placement. In addition, supporting documentation should be placed in an order binder to reflect
the origin and/or evaluation of the order ( i.e. reviews, Facutly Materials Request Forms, and Faculty
Feedback Forms.)

Once the materials are begin arriving they should be entered into the Athena online catalog. In addition,
any paperwork accompanying the materials order ( packing slips, invoices, etc.) should also be placed in
the binder.

Campus library staff are responsible for ensuring that all materials are accounted for.
In order that all campuses have access to new materials, the union catalog will be updated bi-annually.
Sanford-Brown Institute Jacksonville



NAME OF REQUESTER: (please print) ____________________________________________

TODAY’S DATE:_____________________________________



___ Book ___ Periodical ___ Video ___CD_ROM ___ Other

Author:_______________________________ Subject: _______________________________

Title: _________________________________________________________________________

Other Descriptive Information_____________________________________________________

Why acquire this? ______________________________________________________________

Signature______________________________________ Date: __________________________

For LRC Use Only

___ Materials Ordered Date: __________________ Initials: __________

___ Materials Received Date: __________________ Initials: __________

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