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Article 67 of the Ecuadorian Constitution adopted in 2008 limits

marriage to the union of a man and a woman.[4][5] However, article

68 provides that same-sex couples in stable and monogamous
unions shall enjoy the same rights and obligations as married
couples, except for adoption.

In 2013, gay activist Pamela Troya filed a lawsuit to strike down

Ecuador's same-sex marriage ban and legalise same-sex
marriage in the country. The lawsuit currently remains pending
with the Supreme Court.
In August 2014, President Rafael Correa signed a resolution to
allow same-sex couples to register their unions. It also allows
domestic partnerships to be registered as a complementary data
to marital status and created a special registry for these
unions.[8] The order took effect on September 15.[9]
In April 2015, the National Assembly approved an amendment to
the Civil Code that codified civil unions into statutory law and
deleted the requirement of evidence of cohabitation for at least
two years.[10]
The many advantages associated with the pursuit and
achievement of marriage equaility.
1. Promotes Equality and Non-Discrimination in Society

This promotion of equality and non-discrimination plays an extremely

important role in reducing homophobia and in affirming a minority group in
society which has for so long endured significant discrimination and
stigmatization. Legalizing same-sex marriage communicates to millions of
people across the country that gay relationships are of equal value to
straight relationships, thereby helping to reduce intergroup prejudice and
supporting cultural diversity.

2. Fosters Psychological, Physical, and Social Wellbeing Amongst

LGBT People

The act of discrimination is an essentially destructive societal behavior

which, ultimately, brings negative consequences both to the oppressors
and the oppressed. Ending discrimination in marriage laws goes some way
to correcting this.

3. Promotes Family Stability and Validates LGBT Family Units

Marriage, as an institution, helps to foster the wellbeing of children by

providing married couples with various rights, benefits and protections
which can strengthen relationship bonds and family units.

4. Provides Economic and Business Opportunities

The legalization of same-sex marriage has consistently been shown to

provide an economic boost to those states and countries that have
embraced marriage equality. The marriage and wedding industry is a
significant one.

Nearly $260 million was injected into the New York City economy in the
year following the legalization of same-sex marriage. Gay marriage tourism
benefits those regions which permit same-sex marriage by attracting gay
couples from other states and countries where it is not legal.

5. Fosters True Freedom of Religion

Freedom of religion allows a person or group to pursue the practice of their

religion without governmental interference. It also protects those who do
not follow a religion by shielding them from being forced to live in
accordance with religious beliefs and values they do not agree with.

6. Assists With the De-politicization of LGBT Rights

The politicization of LGBT rights as a left vs right issue has been one of the
many “culture wars” that has plagued American society in recent decades.
The battle between pro-equality “liberals” and anti-equality “conservatives”
continues to characterize the state by state legalization of same-sex

7. Strengthens National Identity and International Reputation

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